#a ,,uib ,- ,iri% ,brl 9 ,progress ,ilka ,/^3agl91 ,pat ,f>rell ,na;nal ,brl ,produc;n1 ,*ild,vi.n ,,9baf1 ,irel& ^1,hi/orical ^1,backgr.d ,gaelic1 or ! ,iri% ,language1 is a m9or;y t;gue al? 3/itu;nally x is ! f/ language ( ! ,republic ( ,irel& & a recognis$ m9or;y language 9 ,nor!rn ,irel&1 ,5gl& & ! ,europ1n ,union4 ,x has ! olde/ v]nacul> lit]ature 9 ,we/]n ,europe4 ,! e>lie/ exi/+ examples ( ! writt5 ,iri% language >e ,o!r ?an ! #hth c5tury4 ,two "ws writt5 by ,sa9t ,patrick29#b1 8 .1,3fessio & .1,lr .1to .1_1,coroticus29#c 7 writt5 9 ,lat9 "s "t 9 ! #eth c5tury1 & pres]v$ 9 ! ,book ( ,>ma<4;9#d #b ,decl9e 9 ! use ( ,gaelic 2gan 9 ! ,elizabe?an ,]a & 3t9u$ "? to ! ,grt ,fam9e ( ! mid #aith c5tury : alm halv$ ! popula;n ( ! isl& ( ,irel&4 ,revival 2gan 9 ! latt] ye>s ( ! #aith c5tury 9 $ucat$1 na;nali/ circles b un=tunately ? br"\ ab ! politicisa;n ( ! language : fur!r abett$ xs decl9e4;9#e ,prior to & ) 9dep5d;e 9 #aibb1 came compulsory classes 9 ! language at bo? ,prim>y & ,second>y level $uca;n & 9clu.n z a ,matricula;n subject at univ]s;y level4 ,h["e1 ! su3ess ( ^! ef=ts 0 fru/rat$ by ! t1*+ me?ods z1 9 mo/ 9/.es1 explana;ns & transla;ns 7 giv5 9 ! same t;gue & ! subject 0 n tr1t$ z a sep>ate 8new0 language = /ud5ts1 ) ! result t = at l1/ #c g5]a;ns1 s*ool l1v]s n"e ag spoke ,iri% save = a few /ock phrases1 "s be/ left unutt]$1 & a rudi;t>y k 0 5 to ga9 a3ess to ,/ate employ;t4 #c ,if ! writt5 ,iri% language 0 9 s* a /ate1 !n :at *.e _h ! ,brl v].n8 ,! ,5gli% ,brl ,codes _h be5 us$ f ! #ahfjs onw>ds b 9 ! e>ly #aicjs ! ,iri% ,associa;n = ! ,bl e/abli%$ ! ,gaelic ,brl ,type commis.n to sy/ematise ,gaelic ,brl signs4 ,! memb]s ( ! commis.n 7 ,j4,p4 ,ne>y1 ,hel5 ,mc,cauley & ,pr(essor ,c>l ,gilb]t ,h>debeck4 ,j4,p4 ,ne>y 0 9volv$ 9 project+ ,gaelic ,brl & 0 al r1d+ ,fr5* ,brl4 ,hel5 ,mc,cauley 0 ! ,na;nal ,c\ncil = ! ,bl ( ,irel&'s f/ bl home t1*]4 ,c4,g4 ,h>debeck1 ,london born ( ,g]man-,wel% p>5ts1 _h an avid 9t]e/ 9 ,iri% music1 melodies & poetry & amass$ an 9valuable collec;n ( s* mat]ials f native musicians1 bo? si.d ! c.try & especially al;g ! we/]n s1bo>d ": ! ,gaelic language surviv$4 ,bl hmf1 he record$ 8 /ore ( mat]ial 9 ,brl on a /ylus z he li/5$ to ! musicians & b>ds ov] l;g p]iods4;9#f #d ,! ,iri% language at t "t & until ! second half ( ! #bjth c5tury1 3si/$ ( an alphabet ( #ah lrs ,,,a ;b ;c ;d ;e ;f ;g ;h i ;l ;m ;n o ;p ;r ;s ;t ;u1,' ! omis.ns 2+ ;,,,j ;k ;q ;v ;w ;x ;y ;z4,' ,! five v[els 7 al /ress$ ) an acute a35t sign ,,,^/a ^/e ^/i ^/o ^/u,' & #i ( ! 3sonants ;,,,b ;c ;d ;f ;g ;m ;p ;s ;t,' " cd al 2 aspirat$ ) a l5i;n " abv ac to case & decl5.n4 ,x 0 9itially propos$ to use ! f/ #aj signs ( ! ,fr5* ,brl alphabet = ! f/ #aj lrs ( ! ,iri% alphabet1 m1n+ t ! ;,j symbol wd repres5t ;,l1 & ! f/ #h signs ( ! second l9e = ! rema9+ #h lrs ( ! ,iri% alphabet1 ?us1 ;,k = ;,m1 ;,l = ;,n 444 & s on b ?ank;lly ? sy/em 0 reject$ z x 0 "rly po9t$ \ t ,gaelic ,brl r1d]s wd 2 cut (f f ,brl lit]ature 9 o!r languages4 ,! lrs 7 repres5t$ by ! ,5gli% ,brl alphabet ) ! extra 3sonants omitt$4 #e ,! ,fr5* 9flu;e h["e 3t9u$ 9 ! *oice = ! #e a35t$ v[els & ! la/ #e a35t signs ( ! ?ird l9e 7 us$ "<^! ( c\rse >e ! same z ! ,5gli% ,,,& = ( ! ),' gr\p+s">4 ,simil>ly1 ) ! aspirat$ 3sonants1 dot #f 0 add$ to ! #i lrs ;,b-;,j4 ,z 3trac;ns 7 n us$ 9 ! ,gaelic ,brl "! 0 no problem & ;,j-dot #f =m$ a ;,w : 0 n a lr ( ! ,iri% alphabet4 ,f9ally1 ! ,fr5* "q m>k 0 ! only di6];e f ! ,5gli% #e punctua;n4;9#g ,z an aside1 ! #aicg ,brl v].n ( 8,simple ,lessons 9 ,iri% ,brl^0;9#h 9v5ts ,brl sign comb9a;ns to describe pronuncia;n "picul>ities "4 ,?1 9cid5tally1 is n unlike ! ,,ueb a35t signs to d5ote l5g? & pronuncia;n ( "picul> lrs4 ,x is al notable h[ relatively qkly ! !n newly 9troduc$ ,iri% ,brl code f #aice 0 appli$ to ! ,brl transcrip;n ( 8,simple ,lessons 9 ,iri% ,brl0 9 #aicg4 #f ,ag1 n 4simil> to ! imple;ta;n ( ,,ueb1 ! organisa;n driv+ ! *ange 9 code 0 ! same : provid$ ! ,iri% ,brl transcrip;ns4 ,e>ly ,iri% $uca;nal mat]ial f ! mid-#aicjs us$ ! #ad symbols q su3ess;lly 9 ! ,grade ,"o ,iri% ,brl ( ! "d4 ,? sy/em _h a %ort 5 life h["e1 z ! p[]s t 2 9 ! sice 5 too4 ,?us1 a g5]a;n ( s*ool*n :o _h le>n$ to write 9 bo? ,5gli% & ,gaelic fonts sudd5ly f.d !mvs re-le>n+ ! ,iri% language 9 bo? font & spell+4 ,9 ,brl1 ! symbols = ! aspirat$ 3sonant 7 4c>d$ & ! lr ;,h symbol 0 simply add$ to ! desir$ 3sonant2 e6ectively ,grade ,"o ,brl ) ! excep;n ( ! #e a35t$ v[els4 #g ,! two ,s*ools = ! ,bl & ,brl ag5cies came tgr 9 ! latt] half ( ! #bjth c5tury to 4cuss improve;ts to ! ,iri% ,code & ev5tually adopt$ #i upp] 3trac;ns f ! ,5gli% ,brl ,code ,,,* < % ? $ ] / + >,' "<"s ( : _h be5 us$ = ! aspirat$ 3sonants"> & #f l[] 3trac;ns ,,,ea 1 con 3 dis 4 com - en 5 in 9,',4 ,only ,,> 0 to 2 us$ z a ^wsign & only 9 ,prose z ! poetry l9e sign exclud$ xs use 9 ,v]se4 ,j "o s+le lr ^wsign 0 adopt$3 ;,s = ! ^w .1agus "<8&0">4 ,! l[] 3trac;ns 7 us$ ac to ,5gli% ,brl usage rules4;9#i ,! new code _h a tr\bl$ upbr++1 ) "s s*ools & t1*]s pref]r+ ,grade ,"o1 o!rs us+ dot #d = ! a35t$ v[els1 :ile o!rs / _h no problem us+ fur!r ,5gli% 3trac;ns z !y o3urr$4 ,! ,brl ,unit ( ! ,ju/ice ,de"p;t 0 probably ! only ag5cy to fully embrace ! guidel9es & 9de$1 ) ! 9troduc;n ( comput]s & transla;n packages /1l?ily adopt$ ,,9 z a ^wsign 9 xs [n "r z x 0 too problematic to ,se>* & ,replace same ) uncontract$ ,brl6;9#aj #h ^7,*all5ges 9 cr1t+ ,,uib^' ,z ! #bast c5tury drew ne>1 ! ,iri% alphabet _h exp&$ to 9clude ! #f rema9+ lrs2 mix$ usage & new ^ws 7 9troduc$1 "at=1 qu9(n1 v!ta1 z) ,- .7job1 k>ate1 qu99e1 vote1 zoo.'"> & ! lrs j seem$ to drift 9 al? v few ^ws ev5 9 mod]n ,iri% 2g9 ) ^? same lrs4 ,& s x rema9$ until ,,ueb 0 "uway4 ,) ! e/abli%;t ( ,irel&'s f/ [n ,brl ,au?or;y1 ,,9baf " a ,draft ,pap] propos$ to rese>* ! f1sibil;y ( 9troduc+ bo? ^wsigns & fur!r 3trac;ns 9 ! ,iri% ,brl code & a /e]+ gr\p 0 =m$4 ,! ,iri% ,brl ,"w+ ,gr\p 3si/$ ( memb]s ^: exp]tise1 tak5 tgr1 aim$ at repres5t+ $uca;n 9 ,iri% ,brl1 usage & produc;n ( same z compreh5sively z possible4 ,) up to f\r ,iri% ,brl r1d]s1 a t1*] ( ,iri% ,brl1 an exp]i;ed ,iri% ,brl transcrib] z well z two ,brl produc;n speciali/s1 di6]5t 9t]e/s 9 & #i viewpo9ts on ! $uca;n process 7 well repres5t$4 ,! emphasis = ! gr\p 0 on 2+ guid$ by ! ,iri% ,brl r1d]s & to try & elicit fe$back on ! proposals f \tside ! gr\p4 ,h;e ! f/ draft ( a new ,iri% ,brl code1 devis$ by ,pat ,f>rell1 0 circulat$1 tgr ) r1d+ mat]ial 9 ! new code1 to adult ,brl r1d]s1 ,brl r1d]s att5d+ second>y s*ool & prim>y_/second>y s*ool ,brl t1*]s & all ! visit+ t1*]s support+ /ud5ts ) visual impair;t 9 ma9/r1m $uca;n 9 ,irel&4 ,x 0 al important to ! gr\p to n only focus on ! le>n+ & $uca;nal aspect1 b to 9volve any"o :o wd ne$ to r1d or 5joy r1d+ ,iri% "? ,brl = pr(es.nal or leisure purposes1 z ! aim$-= po9t ( ! $uca;n process4 ,! f/ proposal 0 t any revis$ ,iri% ,brl ,code wd adopt ! new signs1 punctua;n etc ( ,,ueb z ,iri% ,brl r1d]s 7 g5]ally bi-l+ual4 ,?us1 x wd 2 5sur$ t s*ool *n wd 9 future only 5c.t] "o set ( punctua;n signs acr ,iri% & ,5gli%4 #aj ,fur!r to ! proposal = ^wsigns1 a quantitative /udy ( o3urr;es 9 ,iri% texts id5tifi$ #ag ^ws 9 common usage suitable = 9clu.n z s+le lr ^wsigns4 ,9 addi;n1 ! propos$ ^wsigns 7 n only assign$ dep5d+ on _! frequ5cy ( o3urr;e 9 texts1 b due 3sid]a;n 0 giv5 to any *anges 9 spell+ due to grammatical rules i4e4 decl9a;ns1 prefixes1 aspira;ns etc4 common 9 ! ,iri% language4 ,! ^wsign ;,s = .1agus 0 reta9$4 ,! a35t$ v[el symbols 7 al reta9$ z x 0 felt t ^! "*s1 : _h surviv$ previ\s *ange1 gave bo? ! old & new codes t unique 8,iri%;s04 ,proposals to sub/itute ^! signs ) dot #d "6 v[el 7 hotly debat$ b z ,,ueb 0 alr committ$ to #aj m adv.ed a35t signs1 ! /atus quo prevail$4 ,! dot #d symbol 0 h["e reta9$ to 4t+ui% 8simple0 =eign language ^ws 9 ,iri% text1 b 9 te*nical & language publica;ns ! full ,,ueb a35t signs 7 adopt$4 ,! orig9al #i aspirat$ 3sonants : _h be5 dropp$ 9 ! #aiejs 7 reviv$ z ^wsigns simply by add+ ! lr ;,h & 9 #d #aa cases us+ ! relevant 3trac;n4 ,! 3trac;ns ,,: ,,\ & ,,[ 7 add$ to ! upp] 3trac;ns1 :ile ,,com & ,,ble 7 delet$ 9 l9e ) ,,ueb4 ,! ^wsigns ,,> & ,,9 7 reta9$ & ! %ort=m ;,,brl 0 add$ z ! ^w is exactly ! same 9 bo? ,iri% & ,5gli%4 ,af m* 3sid]a;n ^! proposals 7 adopt$4 ,9itial te/s 9volv$ 3v]t+ a numb] ( %ort /ories available 9 ,iri% ,brl to ,,uib & triall+ ! result ) ,iri% ,brl r1d]s4 ,! results 7 positive & well rcvd & all su7es;ns reg>d+ /r1ml9+ & fur!r develop;t 7 tak5 on bo>d4 ,! *anges 7 9troduc$ to /ud5ts at prim>y level 9 s*ools & ag no major ob/acles 7 5c.t]$4 ,! use ( ,,uib & ,,ueb side by side 9 bi-l+ual texts foll[+ suitable 9dicators has be5 v su3ess;l4 ,! develop;t ( ,,uib 3t9ues & %ort=ms >e n[ 2+ id5tifi$ : w 2 recomm5d$ = 9clu.n :5 ! sy/em is review$ 9 future ye>s4 ,af ! "w+ gr\p 0 e/abli%$ 9 ,may #bjab1 ! new ,brl code1 ,,uib ,- ,updat$ #ab ,iri% ,brl ,- 0 adopt$ on #crd ,m>* #bjad4 ,once ! new code _h be5 adopt$ by ,,9baf1 ! ,iri% ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n 0 (ficially 9=m$ & 9 turn fully 5dors$ ,,uib4 ,x took ano!r ye> ?\< until tra9+ 9 ,,uib 0 made available to all visit+ t1*]s & ,iri% ,brl t1*]s 9 s*ools & ? tra9+ 0 !n provid$ by memb]s ( ! ,iri% ,brl ,"w+ ,gr\p4 ,,9baf publi%$ ! new ,iri% ,brl prim];9#aa1 : is available "? ,na;nal ,brl ,produc;n at ,*ild,vi.n4 ^7,mak+ ,,uib electronically available^' ,:il/ ! develop;t ( ! code 0 progress+1 gr\p memb]s made 3tact ) ,assi/ive ,te*nology provid]s to 5sure t ,,uib wd 2 available on electronic brl 9put & \tput devices4 ,? m1nt look+ at transla;n tables & te/+ by bo? memb]s ( ! ,iri% ,brl ,"w+ gr\p & us]s ( ! code on devices4 ,mak+ ,,uib electronically available 0 a prior;y = ! gr\p & we 7 #ac lucky 5 to h two gr\p memb]s ) excell5t te*nology skills : 7 appli$ to ! cause4 ^1,libl\is ,! "w ( ,ronan ,mc,guirk & fe$back f us]s1 am;g/ !m ,,vics1 ! ,visually ,impair$ ,comput] ,us]s ,society1 result$ 9 ! rel1se ( ,,uib 9 ,libl\is v].n #b4f4a 9 ,decemb] #bjad4 ,libl\is is an op5 s\rce brl translator : al "ws well ) ! op5 s\rce scre5r1d] ,,nvda4 ,libl\is 0 "!=e ! f/ /ep = ! gr\p to make ,,uib widely available4 ,ronan ,mc,guirk is closely a6iliat$ ) ! ,abair project 9 ,tr9;y ,college1 ,dubl9;9#ab & report$ to ! gr\p on 5c.t]+ simil> problems 9 produc+ ele;ts ( ! ,iri% spee* syn!siz] & brl transla;n tables4 ,! ,iri% ,brl ,"w+ gr\p ?us pr(it$ f 2+ l9k$ 9 to o!r develop;ts 9 mak+ ! ,iri% language m a3essible to all4 #ad ^1,duxbury ,= ,na;nal ,brl ,produc;n "<,,nbp">1 z ! only na;nal brl transcrib] = s*ool textbooks1 x 0 a prior;y to h ,,uib 9clud$ z a new template 9 ! ,duxbury ,brl ,translator4 ,! co-op]a;n ) ,duxbury _h "w$ v well :5 small *anges to ,iri% 7 made 9 ! e>ly #bjjjs & ! same appli$ 9 #bjae4 ,we =w>d$ \r transla;n tables & excep;ns to ,joe ,sullivan 9 ,janu>y #bjae & co-op]at$ ) ,duxbury on f9e-tun+ ! template until x 0 rel1s$ ) ! ,duxbury #aa4c1 ,june rel1se #bjae4 ,we h s9ce su3ess;lly "w$ ) ! template 9 ! "ey"d transcrip;n "w4 ,z ,duxbury is al us$ = ! transcrip;n ( ! ,/ate ,exam pap]s1 "! is n[ 3si/5cy 9 ! ,iri% mat]ials provid$ = bo? /udy & exam purposes4 ^1,,nvda ,bas$ on ! "w d"o = ! ,libl\is imple;ta;n1 gr\p memb]s ,ronan ,mc,guirk & ,mi*ael ,lav9 3t9u$ to "w on ! #ae imple;ta;n ( ,,uib 9to ,,nvda4 ,? made ,,uib available on a ,brl ,lite & a ,pac ,mate brl 4play4 ,,nvda rel1se #bjae4c 9 ,augu/ #bjae saw ! full rel1se ( ,,uib4 ,! code is call$ ,iri% ,grade #a & ,iri% ,grade #b 9 ! ,5gli% language dialogue & ,brl ,gaela* gan ,ly #bjae4 ,af see+ a demon/ra;n ( ! ,canute brl 4play prototype 9 ,janu>y #bjae1 a fur!r te/ v].n 0 made available to ,,9baf 9 ! summ] ( #bjae4 ,at t /age1 #af ! ,canute op]at$ by load+ prep>$ files & correctly 4play$ ,,uib docu;ts4 ,bo? brl libr>ies 9 ,irel&1 ,*ild,vi.n's ,*ns' & ,rese>* ,libr>y & ! ,na;nal ,c\ncil = ! ,bl's libr>y wd 2 id1l loca;ns = fur!r te/+ ! ,canute's pot5tial & especially s ) ,iri% texts1 z "! is curr5tly a lack ( up-to-date ,iri% fic;ns books : cd 2 easily made available via ! ,canute4 ^7,"picipa;n 9 ,iri% "? ,brl^' ,z \tl9$ abv1 only a small m9or;y ( ,iri% pupils wd 2 native ,iri% sp1k]s4 ,h["e1 ,iri% is a compulsory subject 9 all s*ools "?\t all class levels1 i4e4 f />t+ s*ool at ,junior ,9fant ,level "s ( age"> to f9i%+ s*ool #ac or #ad ye>s lat] at ,l1v+ ,c]tificate ,level "<#ag-#ai ye>s ( age">4 ,prov5 k ( ,iri% is al a pre-requisite = a v>iety ( c>e]s 9 ! ,iri% civil s]vice1 t1*+ & _m academic posi;ns z well z a use;l skill = full "picipa;n 9 ,iri% public life4 #ag ,9 ,5gli%-sp1k+ s*ools1 i4e4 ! major;y ( s*ools 9 : ,5gli% is ! ma9 language ( 9/ruc;n1 only spok5 ,iri% is tau ( prim>y s*ool">4 ,!n1 writt5 ,iri% is 9troduc$4 ,= *n le>n+ brl 9 ^? s*ools ? m1ns t ! updat$ ,iri% code n[ fits s1m.sly onto ! acquir$ ,,ueb template4 ,punctua;n signs1 ma?s symbols etc4 /ay ! same1 ! ma9 le>n+ is "!=e ab ! ,iri% language acquisi;n & ! ,iri% 3trac;ns & ^w signs 9 ,,uib 9 an alr famili> frame"w4 ,h["e1 9 ,iri%-sp1k+ s*ools1 ! ,gaelscoileanna1 bo? spok5 & writt5 ,iri% >e tauds & mo/ lit]acy & num]acy skills >e acquir$ 9 ,iri% z f/ language4 ,s = ! brl r1d]s 9 ,gaelscoileanna1 ! describ$ process is l>gely rev]s$3 ,f/ language lit]acy skills >e acquir$ 9 ,iri% "? ,,uib ) k ab ,,ueb punctua;n etc4 9 place :5 writt5 ,5gli% is 9troduc$4 ,"! >e di6];es 9 ! level ( total imm].n 9 ,iri% 2t di6]5t ,iri% s*ools1 b 9 g5]al #ah ,,uib %d facilitate ! easi] swit*+ 2t ,5gli% & ,iri% ,brl codes4 ,9 !ory1 full "picipa;n ( all brl-r1d+ /ud5ts 9 ! acquisi;n ( ,iri% via ,,uib %d "!=e 2 possible4 ,:5 /udy+ ! figures ?\<1 4crepancies 2come app>5t;9#ac4 ,( ! curr5t #dg brl-r1d+ /ud5ts regi/]$ ) ,na;nal ,brl ,produc;n1 only #be h reque/$ ,iri% ,brl books4 ,\ ( ! #bb /ud5ts :o h n1 #i h n yet r1*$ ! s*ool level ": full ,iri% books >e requir$4 ,! rema9+ #ac >e exempt f ,iri%4 ^7,exemp;ns f ,iri%^' ,/ud5ts c 2 (ficially exempt f ! =mal /udy ( ,iri% = ! foll[+ r1sons;9#ad3 _4 ,pupil's prim>y $uca;n up to #aa ye>s ( age 0 rcvd 9 ,nor!rn ,irel& or \tside ,irel&4 _4 ,?ree ye>s h elaps$ s9ce ! previ\s s*ool 5rol;t 9 ! ,/ate & ! pupil is at l1/ #aa ye>s ( age on re-5rol;t4 #ai _4 ,pupil has "o ( ?ree le>n+ 4abilities3 " ,specific ,le>n+ ,4abil;y :ile func;n+ 9tellectually at av]age or abv av]age " ,g5]al ,le>n+ ,4abil;y due to s]i\s 9tellectual impair;t & " ,g5]al ,le>n+ ,4abil;y due to s]i\s s5sory impair;t ,- all l1d+ to /ud5t fail+ to atta9 adequate levels 9 basic language skills 9 ! "m t;gue _4 ,pupil is f abroad1 has nei ,5gli% nor ,iri%1 is requir$ to /udy "o language only & /udies ,5gli% _4 ,pupil's p>5ts >e =eign]s :o >e diplomatic or 3sul> repres5tatives 9 ,irel& _4 ,pupil is resid5t z political refugee4 ,x is )\t "q t ! practice ( exemp;ns makes s5se 9 a lot ( cases1 9 "picul> s :5 "! >e problems ) acquir+ ,5gli% z a "m t;gue = :at"e r1son or 9 ! case ( ,5gli% z a =eign language4 #bj ,= ! curr5t cli5ts ( ,,nbp ) exemp;ns f ,iri%1 any ( ! abv cases mi automatic exemp;ns f ,iri% bas$ on an attitude ( n want+ to ov]load 8! poor bl *n^04 ,remnants ( t attitude 7 / 9 place :5 ,,nbp />t$ xs "w 9 #bjjj1 b ov] ! la/ t5 ye>s attitudes h *ang$4 ,? is "ply due to ! impact ( new 4abil;y legisla;n 9 ,irel&;9#ae & ! l;g-ov]due 5d1v\r = equal;y1 "ply al to ! mat]ials n[ 2+ available 9 ,iri% ,brl via ,,nbp4 ,prior to ! e/abli%;t ( ,,nbp1 brl transcrip;ns 9 ,iri% 7 provid$ by ! ,brl ,unit ( ,>b\r ,hill ,prison1 : advis$ ! ,,nbp on same dur+ xs set-up phase4 ,s9ce !n a correla;n 2t ! reliable brl provi.n & a propor;nate 9cr1se 9 brl r1d]s cd 2 obs]v$ 9 ! ord] & cli5t numb] develop;t ( ,,nbp;9#af4 ,x is fur!r expect$ t ! reliable provi.n ( ,,uib transcrip;ns w 5c\rage #ba p>5ts & $ucators to all[ bl *n to fully "picipate 9 /udy+ ,iri% 9 ! classroom4 ,f/ 9dicators = t develop;t >e ! 9cr1se 9 brl r1d]s att5d+ ,iri%-sp1k+ s*ools & ! total 9cr1se 9 brl r1d]s ord]+ ,iri% books4 ,! latt] exce$s ! ov]all 9cr1se 9 new brl regi/ra;ns1 s t ev5 propor;nally m ,iri% ,brl books h be5 ord]$ 2t #bjac-#bjae ?an 9 ! previ\s #c-ye> p]iod "<#bjaj-#bjab">49#ag ,z 9dicat$ abv1 ! /atus ( ,iri% z a subject 9 s*ools 0 r negative due to1 am;g/ o!r factors1 unimag9ative t1*+ me?ods = a compulsory subject4 ,? is *ang+1 bo? = siy ,3clu.ns 9 bo? ,iri% & ,9t]na;nal ,3text^' ,x is fair to say t )\t ,,ueb 8kick-/>t+0 ! process1 ,,uib wd n h progress$ s qkly4 ,! ne$ & 9t5;n to mod]nise ! !n ,iri% ,brl code 0 recognis$ well 2f #bjab1 b ,,ueb provid$ ! opportun;y to move t process =w>d4 ,"?\t1 ! imple;ta;n s*$ule = ,,ueb 9 ,irel& 0 ! same z = ,,uib4 ,? made s5se1 2c ! same pr9ciples 9 cr1t+ ,,uib 7 appli$ t1 = 9/.e1 ,s\? ,africa appli$ to _! native languages4 ,! ,,ueb punctua;n1 ma!matics symbols etc4 7 ma9ta9$ acr ! codes1 ":as language specific 3trac;ns_/ ^w signs designate ! native language code4 ,x 0 5c\rag+ = ! ,iri% ,brl "w+ gr\p to see t _! "w correspond$ ) simil> processes 9t]na;nally & c al 2 se5 z fur!r pro( t ,,ueb "ws ) native languages o!r ?an ,5gli% ,- s :y %dn't x "w 9 o!r c.tries 9 ! future8 #bc ,"p ( ! 4sem9a;n & 9=ma;n process ab ,,ueb & ,,uib 0 a s]ies ( r 9=mal 9=ma;n ses.ns held >.d ! c.try 9 #bjad_/#ae3 9 ,cork1 ,dubl91 ,galway & ,lrk5ny4 ,brl r1d]s & $ucators 7 9vit$ & _h an opportun;y to r1d samples1 talk ab *anges ) exp]i;ed brl produc]s & collect mat]ial on bo? new codes4 ,? approa* seem$ to h "w$ well 9 ac"kl$g+ worries ab *ange & 9 expla9+ ! id1s 2h ,,ueb & ,,uib4 ,! ,lrk5ny ses.n 9 ,donegal 0 al att5d$ by coll1gues f ,nor!rn ,irel&1 : />t$ a small piece ( ,nor?-,s\? collabora;n ) ,,9baf subsequ5tly hold+ a ,,ueb 9=ma;n ses.n 9 ,belfa/ = t1*]s ( /ud5ts ) visual impair;t4 ,9 ,nor!rn ,irel&1 ,iri% is tauy s*ools only4 ,! uptake appe>s to 2 fairly l[1 b1 ag1 has gr[? pot5tial4 ,"? ? collabora;n1 fur!r l9ks h be5 made ) ! ,,rnib ,belfa/ & ,,hm ,prison ,ma.d ! same table ) relatively ll r$ tape4 ,! major;y ( ! ,iri% "w+ gr\p memb]s gave _! [n "t & "w$ volunt>ily \tside _! ma9 o3upa;ns & "w+ "ts4 ,? hi< level ( gdwill 0 9/ru;tal 9 mov+ ! project al;g4 ,! approa* tak51 to 4cuss & develop an 9itial proposal ) a small] "w+ gr\p1 ! major;y ( : 7 flu5t ,iri% ,brl r1d]s1 & !n to elicit & "w ) ! fe$back f a wid] ,iri% ,brl r1d+ audi;e1 0 su3ess;l = ,,9baf4 ,9 t]ms ( ! fe$back rcvd at di6]5t /ages ( ! design process z \tl9$ abv1 ! "t lags 2t s5d+ \ text samples & rcvg ! fe$back 7 q significant4 ,? miy "* ( ! "utak+ = "s1 "t 3/ra9ts on 2half ( ! t1*]s 9volv$ & p]cvd lack ( prior;y4 ,! ov]all progress 0 n h9d]$ ?\< & ! "pies 9volv$ w 2 #be available = m fe$back :5 ! curr5t code w 2 review$ at agre$ 9t]vals4 ,v b5eficial )9 ! develop;t ( ,,uib 0 ! /r;g te*nological k )9 ! gr\p4 ,! electronic availabil;y ( ,,uib 0 "o ( ! corn]/"os ( ! gr\p's "w & x is due to ^? gr\p memb]s t ,,uib cd 2 imple;t$ ) a v>iety ( support$ devices & transla;n programs4 ,s 8,iri% ,brl 9 ,progress0 c 2 appli$ at di6]5t levels3 ,! ambi;n ( cr1t+ ,,uib has be5 fulfill$ 9 mod]nis+ ,iri% ,brl 9 l9e ) bo? xs hi/orical h]itage & ,,ueb z well z 9 keep+ xs sy/em flexible = fur!r *anges & improve;ts4 ,review 9t]vals h be5 agre$ & ! pr9ciple ( 2+ fe$back-l$ w al apply 9 ! future4 ,! 9troduc;n ( bo? ,,ueb & ,,uib at prim>y s*ool level 9 ,irel& has l$ to a r5ew$ 9t]e/ 9 brl by $ucators4 ,na;nal ,brl ,produc;n1 tgr ) ,,9baf1 h us$ t mo;tum to 9=m & promote ,,ueb_/,,uib ) result+ improv$ brl ord]s & an #bf ov]-propor;nate 9cr1se 9 ,iri% ,brl ord]s4 ,x is hop$ t ? reflects m "picipa;n ( brl r1d]s 9 ,iri% 9 s*ools1 l1d+ to wid] "picipa;n at a lat] /age 9 life = ^? /ud5ts4 ,r1*+ acr ! bord] to ,nor!rn ,irel& ) ,,uib is an important /ep to n only update ! ,iri% code 9 bo? c.tries1 b to move t[>ds ,,uib def9$ z ,unifi$ ,iri% ,brl4 ,unbe"kn/ to ! gr\p at ! 2g9n+ ( _! "w1 ! process ( updat+ ,iri% ,brl 0 v m* 9 l9e ) "w d"o 9 o!r ,5gli%- & o!r language sp1k+ c.tries1 ?us prov+ t ,,ueb is a v solid base = s* develop;ts4 333333333333 #bg ^1,footnotes_/,ref];es #a see https3_/_/en4wikipedia4org_/" wiki_/,ogham _1_'= f/ 9=ma;n1 ref];es = fur!r r1d+ on page4 #b https3_/_/en4wikipedia4org_/wiki_/" ,saint.-,patrick #c https3_/_/en4wikipedia4org_/wiki_/1 ,ceretic.-,guletic #d ,book ( ,>ma< ,- manuscript held 9 ,libr>y ( ,tr9;y ,college1 ,dubl9 "<,,ms #eb">1 see al https3_/_/en4" wikipedia4org_/wiki_/,book-of-,armagh #e ,s\rce3 ,g>v91 ,tom3 ,na;nali/ ,revolu;n>ies 9 ,irel& #aheh-#aibh1 ,cl>5don ,press1 ,ox=d #aihg #f http3_/_/www4hisooryireland4com_/" #ahth-#aith-c5tury-hi/ory_/!-bl-b>d-" (-belfa/-c>l-gilb]t-h>debeck-#ahfi-" #aide_/ #h ,s\rce3 ,o',gr[ney1 ,rev4 ,eug5e1 ,,mria3 ,simple ,lessons 9 ,iri%1 ,gaelic ,l1gue ,"ps ,,iv & ;,v1 ,dubl9 #aibb & ,brl $i;n ( "p #a #bh " ,iri% ,associa;n = ! ,bl1 #aicg & #aich4 #i ,at ! same "t1 #aihj1 a local ,dubl9 man :o 0 los+ 8 si to />t devis+ a fully 3tract$ ,iri% ,brl code4 ,^/o',ma?^/una p]cvd ,iri% lack+ a 3tract$ brl code z a huge loss4 ,8 >gu;t 0 ma9ly economic3 ,3tract$ brl takes up less space ?an uncontract$1 ?us n hav+ a 3tract$ ,iri% ,brl code wd 4c\rage ! produc;n ( ,iri% ,brl books4 ,8 9itial & ext5sive rese>* 0 bas$ on ! frequ5cy ( o3urr;es ( ^ws_/ "ps ( ^ws 9 s"eal ,europ1n language textbooks " & ! associat$ 3trac;ns 9 brl4 ,he !n aim$ to apply simil> pr9ciples to ,iri%4 ,ac to 8 writ+s he _h e/abli%$ "s l9ks ) ! !n ,iri% ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n1 writ+ 9 a lr dat$ #bi #bc#jh#ha 8,if ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n don't a3ept ! %ort=ms ! game w 2 up = ! ,bl^04 ,h["e1 8 "w 0 n publi%$ or br"\ =w>d 9 s* a way t x wd h _h any 9flu;e on ! develop;t ( ,iri% ,brl4 ,s\rce3 ,^/o ,ma?^/una1 ,se^/an ,a43 ,typ$ & h&writt5 notes relat+ to ,brl & ! ,iri% language ) a3ompany+ lrs1 manuscript held 9 ! ,na;nal ,libr>y ( ,irel&1 ,de"p;t ( ,manuscripts4 #aj ,>b\r ,hill ,prison records1 ,brl ,unit1 ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice1 ,irel& #aa ,,9baf #bjad3 ,,uib "<,updat$ ,iri% ,brl"> ,- ,ov]view & ,rules #ab dhttp3_/_/www4abair4tcd4ie_/8" lang"75g #ac ,/ati/ics = ,na;nal ,brl ,produc;n cli5ts & all associat$ ord]s = active cli5ts >e held 9 ! ,,nbp produc;n database4 #ad ,iri% ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n & ,skills ,circul> #ah_/#gi & revi.ns ( same4 #cj #ae ,! ,$uca;n = ,p]sons ) ,special ,$uca;nal ,ne$s "<,,eps5"> ,act #bjjd1 ,! ,4abil;y ,act #bjje1 ,citiz5s ,9=ma;n ,act #bjjg @& ,! ,p]sonal ,advocacy ,s]vice #af ,brl cli5t numb]s ( ,,nbp rose f #aj ,brl r1d]s 9 #bjjb_/#c to #dg 9 #bjae_/#af4 #ag ,ord]s = textbook transcrip;ns ( ,iri% books 9 ,iri% ,brl_/,,uib rose by #bg.01 ord]s = textbook transcrip;ns ( o!r subject books 9to ,iri% ,brl_/,,uib rose by #dj.04 333333333333