,"s?+ to ,hold ,on ,to3 ,tactile ,a3ess to ,graphics 9 ,hi<] ,$uca;n ,leona ,holl[ay1 ,dr ,mat!w ,butl] @& ,pr( ,kim ,m>riott ,- ,mona% ,univ]s;y ,ab/ract ,tactile graphics h l;g be5 recognis$ z an important compon5t ( le>n+ mat]ials = bl & vi.n impair$ /ud5ts 9 prim>y & second>y s*ool4 ,h["e1 at ! hi<] $uca;n level 9 ,au/ralia "! is an assump;n t mo/ graphics >e n ess5tial & /ud5ts w self-advocate = a3ess to any graphics !y ne$4 ,d vi.n impair$ univ]s;y /ud5ts get adequate a3ess to graphics8 ,:at >e ! specific problems t limit ! use ( tactile graphics & #c-dim5.nal models 9 hi<] $uca;n8 ,& :at c 2 d"o to address ^! issues8 ,9 ? ,au/ralian /udy1 we 3duct$ an onl9e survey ( vi.n impair$ univ]s;y /ud5ts & semi-/ructur$ 9t]views ) key /akehold]s3 /ud5ts1 academics1 4abil;y tactile graphics 9 ,,he #b s]vices /aff & a3essible graphics provid]s4 ,"h1 we extract & exam9e \r f9d+s relat+ to ! use ( tactile graphics & #c-dim5.nal models by /ud5ts ) a sev]e vi.n impair;t4 ,9=ma;n & /rategies tailor$ to ! hi<] $uca;n 3text >e ne$$ to 5sure t vi.n impair$ /ud5ts >e able to a3ess 9=ma;n graphics 9 a cle> & m1n+;l way4 ,we develop$ a draft model = improv$ a3ess to graphics & triall$ ! propos$ /rategies 9 a pilot /udy4 ,we pres5t ! results ( \r attempts to improve & exp& ! provi.n ( tactile & haptic solu;ns = a3ess to graphics4 ,9troduc;n ,graphics >e 9cr1s+ly 2+ us$ z a core compon5t ( le>n+ mat]ials4 ,9 ,au/ralia1 ! import.e ( ^! graphics to vi.n impair$ s*ool /ud5ts is well-recognis$ & tactile graphics >e usually provid$ = t\* r1d]s1 reg>d.s ( ! hi< co/ & l5g?y processes 9volv$4 ,! provi.n ( a3essible graphics tactile graphics 9 ,,he #c = ,au/ralia's #d1cje vi.n impair$ t]ti>y /ud5ts "<,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n & ,tra9+1 #bjae">1 h["e1 is n well docu;t$4 ,tactile /rategies rema9 important = ! repres5ta;n ( spatial 3cepts 9 hi<] $uca;n & >e crucial to _m ,,/em fields4 ,x is well e/abli%$ t visual-spatial repres5ta;ns promote ma!matical problem solv+ "<,heg>ty @& ,kozhevnikov1 #aiii2 ,kaufmann1 #aiij2 ,smi?1 #aifd">1 ) simil> f9d+s em]g+ = o!r ,,/em fields s* z physics & *emi/ry "<,h9ojosa1 #bjae2 ,lopez @& ,ham$1 #bjjd2 ,/eiff1 #bjjg">4 ,>e vi.n impair$ /ud5ts 9 hi<] $uca;n able to a3ess graphics &1 9 "picul>1 ! spatial 3cepts & rela;n%ips : lie at ! he>t ( "s diagrams8 ,au/ralian legisla;n aims to elim9ate1 z f> z possible1 4crim9a;n on ! gr.ds ( 4abil;y 9 $uca;n & o!r r1lms ( life "<,! ,4abil;y ,4crim9a;n ,act1 #aiib"> & cl>ify ! "rs ( /ud5ts & expecta;ns ( $uca;n provid]s to a*ieve ? "<,! ,4abil;y ,/&>ds = ,$uca;n1 #bjje">4 ,"u tactile graphics 9 ,,he #d ! ,4abil;y ,support ,program1 approximately @s#g million p] annum is allocat$ by ! ,au/ralian gov]n;t to support ! co/ ( 9cr1s+ 4abl$ /ud5ts' a3ess to hi<] $uca;n4 ,to rcv "p ( ? fund+1 hi<] $uca;n provid]s m/ submit detail$ claims = co/s relat+ to support ( regi/]$ /ud5ts ) a 4abil;y4 ,9 any giv5 ye>1 univ]sities rcv reimburse;t = #ej-#fj.0 ( _! claim$ co/s1 dep5d+ on ! total claims made by all provid]s "<,,kpmg1 #bjae">4 ,univ]sities >e requir$ to cov] ! rema9d] ( ! co/s = local /ud5ts & all co/s = 9t]na;nal /ud5ts4 ,! major;y ( ,au/ralian univ]sities foll[ a simil> process ":by vi.n impair$ /ud5ts regi/] ) a 4abil;y s]vices unit & meet ) an advisor to 4cuss _! ne$s4 ,x is expect$ t a /ud5t w come to ! univ]s;y ) ! a3essibil;y skills !y ne$4 ,! 4abil;y advisor & /ud5t liaise ) academics to obta9 le>n+ mat]ials1 :ile 4abil;y s]vices >range any nec tactile graphics 9 ,,he #e a3ommoda;ns = "picipa;n & assess;t4 ,! ,au/ralian ,vice ,*.ellor's ,committee "<,,avcc"> rel1s$ guidel9es on h[ to be/ a3ommodate /ud5ts ) 4abilities 9 univ]sities "<,,avcc1 #bjjf"> al;g ) specific guidel9es = /ud5ts ) a pr9t 4abil;y "<,,avcc1 #bjjd">4 ,h["e1 ! guidel9es d n 9clude decisive b5*m>ks & adh];e to ! guidel9es is n regulat$4 ,z a result1 univ]sities div]ge 3sid]ably 9 ! mann] 9 : ne$s >e 9t]pret$ & a3ommoda;ns >e deliv]$4 ,"s univ]sities h e/abli%$ units = a3essible mat]ials produc;n1 "s hire untra9$ 9dep5d5t transcrib]s1 "s s5d mat]ials (f%ore " or to ,au/ralian bl;s ag5cies ) exp]t produc;n units1 :ile ! major;y use a comb9a;n ( ^! approa*es4 ,! ov]all level & qual;y ( support = vi.n impair$ univ]s;y /ud5ts' a3ess to mat]ials 9 ,au/ralia is poorly "u/ood4 8,improv+ vi.n impair$ /ud5ts' a3ess to graphics 9 hi<] $uca;n0 is a two-ye> tactile graphics 9 ,,he #f project aim+ to quantify vi.n impair$ univ]s;y /ud5ts' a3ess to graphics 9 ,au/ralia1 exam9e ! r1sons = ? level & propose a model = be/ practice4 ,\r t1m f ,mona% & ,d1k9 ,univ]sities1 ) support f ! ,(fice = ,le>n+ & ,t1*+1 3duct$ a survey ( vi.n impair$ univ]s;y /ud5ts 9 ,au/ralia & semi-/ructur$ 9t]views ) /akehold]s 9volv$ 9 a3essible mat]ials provi.n f a range ( univ]sities4 ,bas$ on ! f9d+s f ^! exploratory /udies1 we !n 3duct$ a pilot /udy ) a small numb] ( /ud5ts to imple;t & evaluate pot5tial /rategies = improv$ a3ess to graphics4 ,"h1 we focus on tactile /rategies = a3ess to graphics & re/rict data analysis to ^? /ud5ts :o d n rely solely ^u pr9t to a3ess _! /udy mat]ials4 ,tactile graphics >e ( "picul> 9t]e/ due to _! facil;y to 3vey spatial rela;n%ips4 ,we hope to elucidate ! "uly+ processes1 attitudes1 b>ri]s & 5abl]s = a3ess to graphics & su7e/ "s /rategies = improv$ provi.n 2y ! tactile graphics 9 ,,he #g tradi;nal produc;n models4 ,me?odology ,na;nal onl9e survey ( /ud5ts ,an a3essible onl9e survey 0 cr1t$ ) #cb "qs1 ma9ly multiple *oice4 ,"qs focus$ on demographics1 a3essibil;y ne$s & graphics 5c.t]$ at univ]s;y4 ,an 9vita;n to complete ! survey 0 circulat$ by univ]s;y 4abil;y s]vice provid]s to _! regi/]$ /ud5ts4 ,! 9vita;n 0 al promot$ "? ,au/ralian li/s]vs & social m$ia gr\ps relat+ to bl;s & a3essibil;y4 ,a total ( #ce responses 7 rcvd f /ud5ts :o >e n able to rely solely on 5l>g$ pr9t to a3ess _! /udy mat]ials4 ,all "picipants 7 curr5tly "utak+ /udies 9 hi<] $uca;n or _h d"o s 9 ! la/ five ye>s4 ,ages rang$ f #ah to #fi1 ) #fi.0 ( respond5ts ov] ! age ( #be4 #dj.0 ( respond5ts 7 bl1 ) ! rema9d] hav+ l[ vi.n "<#ed.0"> or a pr9t 4abil;y "<#f.0">4 ,/ud5ts 7 f #ba di6]5t tactile graphics 9 ,,he #h univ]sities 9 ,victoria "<;n "7 #af">1 ,que5sl& "<;n "7 #g">1 ,,nsw "<;n "7 #f">1 ,s\? ,au/ralia "<;n "7 #c"> & ,we/]n ,au/ralia "<;n "7 #c">4 ,"! 7 no m ?an #e /ud5ts f ! same univ]s;y4 ,! major;y "<#ff.0"> 7 "ugraduate /ud5ts b po/graduate /ud5ts by c\rse"w "<#bj.0"> & rese>* "<#aa.0"> 7 al repres5t$4 ,! major;y "<#fi.0"> ( /ud5ts /udi$ on campus1 ) ! rema9d] /udy+ onl9e4 ,semi-/ructur$ 9t]views ,a total ( #da semi-/ructur$ 9t]views ( up to "o h\r 9 l5g? 7 3duct$ 9 p]son or by ph"o ) key /akehold]s 9 ! provi.n or use ( a3essible mat]ials 9 ,au/ralian univ]sities4 ,up to #bi "qs 7 ask$ relat+ to ! "picipant's backgr.d1 univ]s;y mat]ials1 a3essibil;y ( mat]ials & evalua;n ( ! curr5t sy/em4 ,t5 vi.n impair$ /ud5ts rely+ on brl &_/or audio to a3ess mat]ials 7 recruit$ "? 4abil;y s]vices at ,mona% ,univ]s;y "<;n "7 #e">1 ,d1k9 ,univ]s;y "<;n "7 tactile graphics 9 ,,he #i #c">1 ,la ,trobe ,univ]s;y "<;n "7 #a"> & ! ,univ]s;y ( ,adelaide "<;n "7 #a">4 ,twelve 4abil;y s]vices /aff 7 recruit$ "? ! au/$-li/ adm9i/]$ by ! ,au/ralian ,t]ti>y ,$uca;n ,net"w on ,4abil;y "<,,at5d">4 ,!y repres5t$ n9e di6]5t univ]sities & _h an av]age ( #h ye>s ( exp]i;e 9 _! roles z 4abil;y advisor1 a3essible =mats produc] or assi/ive te*nology (fic]4 ,t5 univ]s;y academics ) exp]i;e t1*+ a vi.n impair$ /ud5t 7 recruit$ "? _! associa;n ) vi.n impair$ /ud5t 9t]viewees4 ,! lectur]s "<;n "7 #h"> & tutors "<;n "7 #b"> 7 all f ,mona% ,univ]s;y & tau1s ( 9=ma;n te*nology1 ma!matics & $uca;n4 ,a fur!r n9e /aff 9volv$ 9 ! produc;n ( a3essible =mats 7 recruit$ f ,vi.n ,au/ralia1 a l1d+ provid] ( s]vices = p :o >e bl or h l[ vi.n 9 ,au/ralia4 ,^! /aff _h an av]age ( #ah ye>s ( exp]i;e 9 a3essible =mats provi.n4 ,two ( ! 4abil;y s]vices /aff & ?ree ( tactile graphics 9 ,,he #aj ! a3essible =mats produc]s 7 bl4 ,9 addi;n to talk+ ab _! curr5t roles1 !y al gave 9si1s1 #hh.0 ( survey$ /ud5ts 9dicat$ t *>ts & tables 7 9clud$ 9 _! pr9t /udy mat]ials4 ,cle> evid;e 0 f.d t vi.n impair$ /ud5ts' a3ess to graphics is 9adequate 9 hi<] $uca;n1 ) ! va/ major;y ( survey$ /ud5ts report+ t !y skipp$ ov] 9a3essible graphics & pot5tially miss$ \ on important 9=ma;n ei "s"ts "<#di.0"> or (t5 "<#dc.0">4 ,alm all "<#ig.0"> ( survey$ /ud5ts 9dicat$ t !y cd b5efit f improv$ a3ess to graphics4 ,z se5 9 ,table #a1 ! survey$ /ud5ts' use ( tactile graphics 0 l[ comp>$ ) ! m common me?ods ( 5l>ge;t & descrip;n4 ,? is 9 spite ( ! fact t alm half ( ! /ud5ts _h us$ a few "<#cd.0"> or _m "<#i.0"> tactile graphics \tside ( tactile graphics 9 ,,he #ab univ]s;y4 ,x is notable t :ile only #ag.0 ( survey$ /ud5ts 7 provid$ ) tactile graphics1 a fur!r #bc.0 ?"\ !y wd h be5 help;l4 ,table #a4 ,p]c5tage ( survey$ /ud5ts :o rcvd or want$ a3ess to graphics us+ v>i\s me?ods @.<,table pres5t$ 9 li/ =mat ) ellipsis dots to sep>ate columns4@.> "333333333333333333333333333333333333334 me?od ( a3ess to graphics 444 me?od us$ 444 me?od n us$ b want$ "333333333333333333333333333333333333333 v]bal descrip;n provid$ by a univ]s;y /aff memb] 444 #di.0 444 #bi.0 image = 5l>ge;t 444 #di.0 444 #c.0 writt5 descrip;n " 444 #dc.0 444 #bc.0 v]bal descrip;n provid$ by a fell[ /ud5t1 fr or family 444 #dj.0 444 #c.0 #c-dim5.nal model 444 #bj.0 444 #ag.0 tactile graphic 444 #ag.0 444 #bc.0 graphics a3essibil;y s(tw>e1 = example tactile graphics 9 ,,he #ac sonifica;n 444 #ad.0 444 #bj.0 "33333333333333333333333333333333333333j ,simil>ly1 9t]viewees spoke ( tactile graphics z an uncommon approa*1 us$ ma9ly = ess5tial diagrams = bl /ud5ts /udy+ ma?s or sci;e4 ,only "o ( ! 9t]view or pilot /ud5ts report$ t !y _h be5 provid$ ) a map ( ! univ]s;y campus1 an item 3sid]$ ess5tial = all siri]s to use ( tactile graphics & models ,! semi-/ructur$ 9t]views & pilot /udy rev1l$ a numb] ( b>ri]s "uly+ ! limit$ provi.n ( tactile graphics 9 ,au/ralian univ]sities4 tactile graphics 9 ,,he #ad ,tactual lit]acy ,/ud5ts & 4abil;y advisors 9 ! 9t]views & pilot /udies express$ 3c]ns reg>d+ tactual lit]acy4 ,x is "u/ood t /ud5ts require 3sid]able exp]i;e & skill to 2 able to make m1n+;l use ( a tactile graphic4 ,fur!r1 x is ?"\ t univ]s;y /ud5ts >e n able to le>n ! requir$ tactual skills & x is n 3sid]$ to 2 ! role ( ! univ]s;y to provide tactile graphics = ! sake ( build+ or ma9ta9+ tactual lit]acy4 ,"! 7 s"eal a3.ts ( /ud5ts 2+ provid$ ) tactile graphics = _! 5d-(-unit exam9a;n mat]ials )\t any prior exposure dur+ seme/]4 ,"! 7 _m m a3.ts ( /ud5ts 2+ giv5 limit$ or no tactile graphics due to 3c]ns t !y wd n 2 able to "u/& !m4 ,"tli;s ,"tli;s pres5ts a major ob/acle to ! provi.n ( a3essible =mats to /ud5ts 9 hi<] $uca;n1 ": x is n unusual = lecture tactile graphics 9 ,,he #ae mat]ials to 2 revis$ up until ! "d ( _! use4 ,( ! #ce survey$ /ud5ts1 ! major;y 9dicat$ t !y did n rcv a3essible =mats on "t ei "s"ts "<#ea.0"> or (t5 "<#ad.0">4 ,? issue is likely to 2 mo/ sali5t = ! "t-3sum+ produc;n ( tactile graphics1 "picul>ly at ^? univ]sities ": produc;n is complet$ (f-site4 ,exp5se ,:ile 4abil;y advisors 7 adamant t exp5se is n a b>ri] to ! provi.n ( a3essible mat]ials1 !y 7 c]ta9ly aw>e ( ! hi< co/ ( tactile graphics4 ,! relative co/ ( tactile graphics produc;n comp>$ ) o!r me?ods ( 3vey+ visual 9=ma;n does 9=m _! deci.ns1 ) tactile graphics (t5 only cr1t$ 9 ! abs;e ( o!r op;ns1 & only = a selec;n ( ^? 3sid]$ mo/ important4 ,speciali/ k & exp]tise ,= an e6ective transmis.n ( 9=ma;n1 pr9t diagrams (t5 ne$ to 2 9t]pret$ or tactile graphics 9 ,,he #af simplifi$4 ,! di6iculty 9 simplify+ graphics & mak+ !m tactually 4t9ct 0 m5;n$ 9 9t]views ) /ud5ts1 4abil;y advisors & a3essible =mats produc]s alike4 ,h["e1 ! requisite k & skills 9 bo? a3essible =mats & ! diagram subject matt] is r>ely held by a s+le p]son 9 ! univ]s;y sy/em4 ,) univ]s;y 4abil;y fund+ aw>d$ on ! basis ( mat]ials provi.n1 9t]nal produc;n /aff >e employ$ on a casual basis4 ,9t]viewees rev1l$ t casual /aff tra9+1 develop;t & rese>* >e sorely ne$$ b n cov]$ 9 budgets = "s univ]s;y-bas$ a3essible produc;n units4 ,! advantage ( 9-h\se produc;n1 h["e1 is t ! /aff c 2 recruit$ = _! subject matt] exp]tise4 ,by 3tra/1 ext]nal produc]s h m* m exp]tise 9 a3essibil;y =mats b f> "u/&+ ( ! 3t5t ( ! speciali/ univ]s;y mat]ials !y >e transcrib+4 tactile graphics 9 ,,he #ag ,di6iculty 9 select+ graphics ,_m graphics 9 univ]s;y /udy mat]ials >e decorative or >e n spatial 9 nature & c 2 adequately 3vey$ "? descrip;n1 : is relatively fa/1 easy & co/-e6ective4 ,x is "!=e unsurpris+ t mo/ univ]sities aim to produce only a small subset ( diagrams z tactile graphics = ^? /ud5ts :o require !m4 ,h["e1 ! selec;n ( diagrams = 3v].n to tactile =mat pres5ts a di6iculty 9 xf4 ,/ud5t & 4abil;y /aff 9t]viewees report$ t graphics cd 2 3v]t$ to a3essible =mat if reque/$ by ! /ud5t1 b bo? gr\ps ac"kl$g$ ! 9h]5t di6iculties ( ? model = a /ud5t :o is unable to see ! orig9al pr9t4 ,z "o /ud5t /at$1 8,i c't "k : diagrams >e ess5tial until ,i h se5 !m04 ,:5 univ]s;y /aff >e ask$ to id5tify ! mo/ important diagrams = 3v].n !y (t5 /ru7le 2c 4abil;y /aff >e n famili> ) ! require;ts ( ! unit & t1*+ /aff d n "u/& :at vi.n impair$ /ud5ts >e able to a3ess4 tactile graphics 9 ,,he #ah ,9tegra;n ) ! text ,f9ally1 a numb] ( 9t]view$ /ud5ts & 4abil;y advisors object$ to ! use ( tactile graphics on ! basis ( di6iculties "w+ ) multiple =mats4 ,= "o /ud5t1 ! solu;n 0 to reque/ all text 9 h>d copy brl :5 us+ tactile graphics4 ,o!rs cit$ ! logi/ical di6iculties ( d1l+ ) bulky h>d copy or us+ multiple =mats z 8! decid+ factor0 = =ego+ tactile graphics alt4 ,/rategies = 5h.ed a3ess ,! pilot /udy s]v$ z an opportun;y to imple;t & evaluate pot5tial /rategies to ov]come "s ( ! b>ri]s to univ]s;y /ud5ts' a3ess to tactile graphics4 ,"s ( ^! /rategies >e alr practic$ 9 a subset ( univ]sities1 :ile o!rs >e new4 ,fe$back 0 s"\ f /akehold]s reg>d+ ! practical;y & su3ess ( ! propos$ approa*es4 tactile graphics 9 ,,he #ai ,ad-hoc tactile diagrams ,cr1;n ( ad-hoc tactile graphics 9 ! classroom is r>ely practic$ 9 ,au/ralian univ]sities & 0 n report$ 9 any ( ! semi-/ructur$ 9t]views4 ,fe$back f 9t]view & pilot "picipants su7e/$ attitud9al & exp]tise causes4 ,univ]s;y /aff _h ll exposure to h&made tactile diagrams & 2liev$ t !y 7 only use;l = "y *n4 ,/aff did n h ! nec 9=ma;n or exp]i;e to imple;t ! /rategy )\t prompt+4 ,z "p ( ! pilot /udy1 a bl /ud5t's tutor 0 recruit$ to provide a3essibil;y support1 9clud+ ! cr1;n ( h&made tactile graphics4 ,less ?an #cj m9utes ( tra9+ 0 provid$1 al;g ) two %ort fact %eets & "s basic tools4 ,>.d #aj tactile diagrams 7 produc$ = two units ov] a seme/]1 ^! 2+ id5tifi$ z ! mo/ critical & reliant on spatial 3cepts4 ,! /ud5t & tutor report$ a hi< level ( communica;n & ! tutor al made direct 3tact ) o!r faculty /aff to tactile graphics 9 ,,he #bj 9=m deci.ns ab ! transcrip;n2 a hie produc$ (f-site1 z report$ 9 ! semi-/ructur$ 9t]views4 ,! pilot /udy "picipants ass]t$ t ! diagrams wd n h be5 provid$ 9 tactile =mat )\t ! 9volve;t ( ! tutor 2c ( "tframe limita;ns 9 ! produc;n & id5tifica;n ( ! pr9t mat]ials4 ,writt5 descrip;ns to supple;t tactile graphics ,univ]s;y /ud5ts >e expect$ to "w m* m 9dep5d5tly ?an s*ool /ud5ts1 ) 3tact h\rs =m+ only a por;n ( _! expect$ /udy "t4 ,!y require a3essible graphics solu;ns : >e m self-3ta9$1 z ! fall-back op;n to 8ask yr t1*] = advice0 is impractical :5 classes ( #cjj /ud5ts >e common4 ,s"eal /ud5ts 9 ! pilot /udy 7 provid$ ) writt5 descrip;ns to supple;t tactile graphics4 ,!y report$ t ! descrip;ns 7 help;l 9 provid+ a qk ov]view & ori5ta;n tactile graphics 9 ,,he #ba to navigate ! tactile diagram m e6ectively4 ,= example1 a hi =mat ) spatial lay\t4 #c,d pr9t+ #c,d pr9t+ provides a pot5tial new solu;n = ! provi.n ( #c-dim5.nal models = use by p ) a vi.n impair;t4 ,x is recomm5d$ = any?+ t is too l>ge1 too small1 too valuable_/r>e1 or too dang]\s to t\*4 ,x is al suitable = ! repres5ta;n ( ab/ract 3cepts4 ,at ! hi<] $uca;n level1 #c,d pr9t+ holds "picul> tactile graphics 9 ,,he #bb promise = /udy >1s s* anatomy1 geography1 natural hi/ory1 >*aeology & ma!matics4 ,": #c,d pr9t]s >e available1 co/ & deliv]y "t may 2 r$uc$ 3sid]ably comp>$ ) acquisi;n ( r1dy-made models4 ,= example1 models ( common #c-dim5.nal graphs >e freely available "? onl9e repositories & c 2 pr9t$ ) mat]ials co/+ only a c\ple ( doll>s4 #c,d-pr9t$ models c 2 us$ by /ud5ts ) a less adv.e tactual lit]acy4 ,/ud5ts 9 ! pilot /udy1 9clud+ ^? :o did n normally use tactile graphics1 respond$ positively to a #c-dim5.nal campus map ) audio labels1 /at+ t !y cd "u/& x m easily ?an a tactile graphic4 ,! /ud5ts 7 r1dily able to id5tify ! build+s !y alr knew & make 4cov]ies ab "ps ( ! campus !y _h n be5 ori5t$ to4 ,haptic electronic diagrams ,! ,gra,,vvitas sy/em = cr1t+ & r1d+ audio haptic graphics on ! i,pad "<,goncu1 ,m>9ai @& ,m>riott1 #bjad"> tactile graphics 9 ,,he #bc provides a pot5tial me?od to 3vey spatial 9=ma;n tactually ) r$uc$ "tframes1 co/ & reli.e on exp]tise4 ,) a simple onl9e 9t]face = diagram produc;n;9#a1 x is design$ to provide a qk] & easi] me?od = support "w]s to produce a3essible graphics )\t ! ne$ = exp]tise 9 a3essibil;y4 ,%apes >e drawn ) ! facil;y to trace ! orig9al diagram z a guide4 ,ea* %ape c 2 associat$ ) a label & an ov]view descrip;n is al recomm5d$4 ,:5 ! f9i%$ diagram is a3ess$ on an ipad1 t\*+ ea* %ape activates xs spok5 label & an audio t"o4 ,an op;nal haptic r+ buzzes at di6]5t frequ5cies = ea* %ape4 ,gra,,vvitas diagrams produc$ = ! pilot /udy 7 cr1t$ m qkly ?an tactile graphics & )\t ! ne$ = speciali/ equip;t4 ,pilot "picipants report$ t ! resultant diagrams 7 n z qk to use z tactile graphics1 b 7 su3ess;l 9 3vey+ relative spatial 9=ma;n & advantage\s = l5g?y labels4 ,! /ud5ts 7 al 5?usia/ic tactile graphics 9 ,,he #bd ab ! abil;y to a3ess a l>ge numb] ( diagrams on an ipad1 : is m* m portable ?an bulky tactile graphics4 ,fur!r "w is requir$ to e/abli% tra9+ require;ts = a3essibil;y novices & to explore te*nical op;ns = improv$ id5tifica;n ( $ges4 ,4cus.n ,\r 9ve/iga;ns rev1l$ a l[ level ( provi.n ( tactile =mats = vi.n impair$ /ud5ts 9 hi<] $uca;n4 ,once /ud5ts 5t] univ]s;y1 tactile graphics >e r>ely 3sid]$ a necess;y & important 9=ma;n is pot5tially miss$4 ,/rategies = improv$ a3ess to graphics = vi.n impair$ /ud5ts 9 hi<] $uca;n m/ a3.t = ! unique b>ri]s at ? level ( $uca;n1 9clud+ a 4p]sal ( exp]tise & emphasis on /ud5t 9dep5d;e4 ,"s /rategies explor$ 9 ! pilot provide hope4 ,recruit;t ( class tutors to cr1te ad-hoc tactile diagrams improves communica;n & %>$ "u/&+1 & tactile graphics 9 ,,he #be all[s mat]ials to 2 cr1t$ at m* %ort] notice4 ,provi.n ( a writt5 descrip;n al;gside tactile diagrams supports grt] 9dep5d;e & helps /ud5ts less 3fid5t ) ! tactile m$ium to a3ess spatial 9=ma;n4 #c,d objects >e simil>ly advantage\s = /ud5ts ) a l[] level ( tactual lit]acy & c 2 m r1dily obta9$ ) ! adv5t ( #c,d pr9t+4 ,haptic electronic diagrams (f] an easi] way = class tutors to qkly cr1te a3essible diagrams1 3vey+ simple spatial rela;n%ips ) pot5tially l5g?y audio labels4 ,j z new te*nologies (f] opportunities = ! usage ( brl 9 ! #bast c5tury1 s too c tactile graphics 2 mod]nis$ = easi] & wid] use4 ,a f9al pilot w 2 3duct$ 9 seme/] #a1 #bjaf ) new /ud5ts & at di6]5t univ]sities4 ,": appropriate1 we w apply ^! same /rategies to 3firm _! wor? acr a wid] 3text4 ,9 addi;n1 we w explore /rategies = improv+ communica;n 2t a3essible =mats produc]s1 /ud5ts & academics to address 9dividual gaps 9 k tactile graphics 9 ,,he #bf & /r5g!n ! qual;y ( \tcomes4 ,ac"kl$ge;ts ,support = ? project has be5 provid$ by ! ,au/ralian ,gov]n;t ,(fice = ,le>n+ & ,t1*+4 ,! views 9 ? project d n necess>ily reflect ! views ( ! ,au/ralian ,gov]n;t ,(fice = ,le>n+ & ,t1*+4 ,\r ?anks >e ext5d$ to all "picipants 9 ! /udy4 tactile graphics 9 ,,he #bg ,ref];es ,au/ralian ,vice-,*.ellors' ,committee "<,,avcc"> "<#bjjd">4 .7,guidel9es relat+ to /ud5ts ) a 4abil;y.'1 ,au/ralia3 ,,avcc4 ,au/ralian ,vice-,*.ellors' ,committee "<,,avcc"> "<#bjjf">4 .7,guidel9es on ,9=ma;n ,a3ess = ,/ud5ts ) ,pr9t ,4abilities.'1 ,au/ralia3 ,,avcc4 ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n @& ,tra9+ "<#bjae">4 .7,hi<] ,$uca;n ,/ati/ics4.' ,goncu1 ;,c41 ,m>9ai1 ;,s4 @& ,m>riott1 ;,k4 "<#bjad">4 ,g5]a;n ( ,a3essible ,graphics4 .7#bbnd ,m$it]ran1n ,3f];e on ,3trol & ,automa;n.'1 ,june #bjad1 #afi-#agd4 ,heg>ty1 ;,m41 @& ,kozhevnikov1 ;,m4 "<#aiii">4 ,types ( ,visual-,spatial ,repres5ta;ns & ,ma!matical ,problem ,solv+4 .7,j\rnal ( ,$uca;nal ,psy*ology1 #ia.'"<#d">1 #fhd-#fhi4 ,h9ojosa1 ,a4 ;,j4 "<#bjae">4 .7,9ve/iga;ns on ! impact ( spatial tactile graphics 9 ,,he #bh abil;y & sci5tific r1son+ ( /ud5t compreh5.n 9 physics1 /ate assess;t te/s1 & ,,/em c\rses4.' ,! ,univ]s;y ( ,texas at ,>l+ton3 ,pro,que/ ,4s]ta;ns ,publi%+4 ,kaufmann1 ;,g4 "<#aiij">4 ,imag]y e6ects on problem solv+4 ,9 ;,p4 ;,j4 ,hampson1 ;,d4 ;,e4 ,m>ks1 @& ;,j4 ;,t4 ;,e4 ,ri*>dson "<,$s4">1 .7,imag]y3 ,curr5t develop;ts.'1 #afi- #aig4 ,new ,york3 ,r\tl$ge4 ,,kpmg "<#bjae">4 .7,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n & ,tra9+ ,evalua;n ( ,4abil;y ,support ,program4 ,f9al ,report4.' ,lopez1 ;,r4 ;,e41 @& ,ham$1 ;,k4 "<#bjjd">4 ,/ud5t ,9t]preta;ns ( #b- ;,d & #c-;,d ,r5d]+s ( ! ,sub/orm ,curr5t ,w$ge4 .7,j\rnal ( ,atmosph]ic & ,sol>-,t]re/rial ,physics1 #ff.'1 #aeji4 ,smi?1 ;,m4 "<#aifd">4 .7,spatial abil;y3 ,xs $uca;nal & social signific.e4.' ,london3 ,univ]s;y ( ,london ,press4 tactile graphics 9 ,,he #bi ,/eiff1 ;,m4 "<#bjjg">4 ,m5tal rota;n & diagrammatic r1son+ 9 sci;e4 .7,le>n+ & ,9/ruc;n1 #ag.'1 #bi-#bcd4 ,5dnotes #a4 http3_/_/www4rais$pixels4com_/au?or" _/_?