,design+ ! ,canute )! bl commun;y ,date3 #g? ( ,m>*1 #bjaf ,au?or3 ,$ ,rog]s1 ,director ( ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology ,,cic ,3tact3 ,address3 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology ,,cic1 ,bri/ol ,hackspace _/ ;,g#ad1 ,,bv ,/udios1 #cg ,philip ,/reet1 ,bri/ol1 ,,bs#c #d;,,ea1 ,unit$ ,k+dom ,tel3 "6#ddgijhefibad ,email3 ed.rogers(at)bristolbraille.co.uk ,ab/ract ,too (t5 bl us]s f9d !mvs z passive recipi5ts ( assi/ive te*nology : !y get ll *oice ov]2 ei 2c x is s exp5sive t x is only available by a prescriptive h&-\ s*eme1 or 2c ! device 0 design$ ) m9imal 9put f ! wid] bl commun;y4 ,? pap] w expla9 h[ ! ,brailli/s,0 model up-5ds ? 5titl$ p[].s;s by 5t]+ 9to a "pn]%ip ) te*nology companies f ! e>ly /ages4 ,x w describe h[ ! ,canute #a "- a radically af=dable1 multi-l9e ,brl ;e-read] "- 0 co-develop$ by a bl commun;y gr\p call$ ! ,brailli/s &a company ( sigue ! case = grt] use ( ? ^8no?+ ab u )\t u^0 model 9 ! assi/ive te*nology 9du/ry to r$uce ! p]cvd 4t.e 2t ^? :o us$ ,brl & ^? :o develop$ ! te*nology >.d x4 ---------------------------------------- ,backgr.d ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology#a _h be5 develop+ refre%able ,brl 3cepts s9ce xs 9corpora;n z n-=-pr(it social 5t]prise 9 #bjaa1 alw )! aim ( help+ to r"ese ! decl9e 9 ,brl lit]acy#b 4 ,late 9 #bjab we 2gan "w on \r f/ multi-l9e 3cept2 ,canute1 : w co/ less ?an a ,p]k9s ,brlr or an i,pad4 ,canute demon/rates ! co/ ( electronic ,brl c 2 r$uc$ to approximately @s#a p] cell1 ) up to #af l9es ( ,brl4 ,? is 9t5d$ to put digital ,brl )9 ! budgets ( bl p all >.d ! _w1 />t+ )! #he.0 ( bl p 9 ,brita9 :o >e unable to af=d exi/+ ,brl 4plays#4c #b ,by e>ly #bjad ! core ,canute te*nology _h be5 develop$ to ! /age ": x 0 cle> t ! idea _h promise4 ,9 #bjad ! company 3si/$ ( half a doz5 si$ commun;y "w%op call$ ! ,bri/ol ,hackspace & _h1 at ! "t1 no m ?an @l#aj1#jjj 9 back+4 ,! team "!=e recognis$ t ! sev]e limita;ns ( m"oy1 "t &a lack ( direct p]sonal exp]i;e ) bl;s made !m 9capable ( prop]ly exploit+ ? excit+ new me*anism4 ,z a result a meet+ 2t a doz5 ,brl 5?usia/s f ! local >ea &! company 0 >rang$#4d ,at ! f/ meet+ ! company expla9$ xs aim ( help+ to r"ese ! decl9e 9 ,brl lit]acy & ask$ ^? assembl$ _! view on ,brl z a m$ium4 ,a common refra9 0 a p]cvd 4t.e 2t ^? :o us$ ,brl & ^? :o develop$ ! te*nology >.d x2 a s5se t !y 7 2+ ,8gift$,0 solu;ns r ?an 2+ 3sult$ or pres5t$ ) g5u9e op;ns4 ,! meet+ _h be5 3v5$ )! fairly simple goal "<=! company"> ( f9d+ ,brl us]s will+ to volunte] _! "t to te/ & #c fe$back on ! ,canute4 ,h["e x qkly 2came cle> t "! 0 an opportun;y = "s?+ f> m significant2 a g5u9e "pn]%ip 2t 5g9e]s & ,brl us]s4 ,! =m] _h ! b>e m9imum res\rces nec to develop prototypes1 b n"o (! exp]i;e or m>ket rese>* ---------------------------------------- requir$ to turn ? 9to a viable product4 ,! latt] possess$ a weal? ( p]sonal & pr(es.nal exp]i;e ) bl;s & ,brl1 ( xs /r5g?s relative to o!r m$iums1 (! uses to : x cd 2 put t 7 2+ *ronically "u-explor$ ) curr5t te*nology1 b felt 4emp[]$ & unable to %ape ,brl te*nology4 ,ov] ! next c\ple ( meet+s ? gr\p ( ,brl us]s decid$ to ann\nce !mvs z a sep>ate & 9dep5d5t commun;y advocacy gr\p call$ ! ,bri/ol ,brailli/s1#e ) an aim t cd 2 express$ )! say+1 ^8,no?+ ab u )\t u^0#4f ,af ,sit ( #bjaf ! ,brailli/s /&s at ov] two hundr$1 is pois$ to op5 new gr\ps >.d ! ,,uk 9 ,%effield1 ,london1 ,birm+ham & ,worce/] & is 9 ! process ( regi/]+ z a *>;y#4i ,? gr[? has be5 fuell$ by bo? ! promise ( play+ an active role 9 promot+ ! m$ium1 ! *.e to %ape ! te*nologies t relate to x & by an ass];n ( equal;y 9 ^! develop;t "pn]%ips ) companies l ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology4 ,^! "pn]%ips >e only "o aspect ( h[ ! ,brailli/s aim to promote ! m$ium1 b x is ! ma9 aspect t ? pap] w focus on4 ,mean:ile develop;t (! ,canute _h 5t]$ a f> m rapid phase#4aj ,! commit;t to regul> design & te/+ meet+s )! ,brailli/s1 : kept ! team focus$ & held x to acc.t )! p :o wd 2 us+ ! te*nology1 gave ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology ! impetus & drive x ne$$4 ,? comb9$ ) grt] fund9g#aa " propell$ ! ,canute f a two cell prototype e>ly 9 #bjad to a #e #aab cell prototype by mid-#bjae4ab ,! next design is due 9 ,april #bjaf & w h ei #bef or #eab cells1 comply+ 5tirely )! late/ plans set )& by ! ,brailli/s4 ---------------------------------------- ,h[ x "ws 9 practice #a">,! core te*nology = 4play+ digital ,brl is develop$ by ! 5g9e]+ team :o h be5 brief$ on ! us]'s ne$s by "o or a numb] (! ,brailli/s4 ,^! brief+s c 2 9=mal "- s* z by att5d+ ,brailli/s meet+s "- or =mal "- s* z bl aw>e;s ses.ns giv5 by pr(es.nal accessibil;y advis]s f )9 ! ,brailli/s4 ,^! brief+s w !n help %ape ! te*nological specifica;n4 ,= example3 ,few 9 ! ,canute team 7 aw>e (! range ( =ms bl;s takes &! range ( exp]i;e ) ,brl us]s w h4 ,"o 3sequ;e ( ? is t :ile ! v exp]i;ed ,brl us] may pref] s(t] dots "1 ^! c 2 tr\ble"s = le>n]s1 ^? :o g bl lat] 9 life or us]s ) diabetes4 ,? k l$ to ! team focus+ on h>d dots "<: _c 2 depress$ at all & >e (t5 comp>$ to signage ,brl">4 #f #b">,! core te*nology is pres5t$ to ! ,brailli/s 9 a ,8nak$,0 =m2 i4;e4 )\t ]gonomic or us] 9t]face features4 ,? is to *eck t ! ,brl xf is ( suffici5t qual;y4 ,a debate !n 5sures ab ! be/ use ! te*nology cd 2 put to1 giv5 ! commonly "u/ood aim ( help+ to r"ese ! decl9e 9 ,brl lit]acy4 ,9 ? debate ! 5g9e]s w frankly describe ! limita;ns (! te*nology ) reg>ds to ea* propos$ use-case "<;e4;g4 ebook read] = 9dividuals1 multi-us] textbook read] = s*ools1 @&;c">4 ,= example3 ,e>ly ,canute prototypes " _h ! dots tempor>ily raise alm a c5timetre abv ! surface :ile ! 5tire page refre%$ "4 ,? 0 a result (a nec simplifica;n (! me*anics1 )\t : x wd h be5 impossible to complete ! e>ly prototypes4 ,advice rcvd previ\sly _h 9si/$ t ? wd 2 unacceptable to a us] = read+ m ?an a few l9es4 ,h["e once expla9$ to ! ,brailli/s !y n>r[$ d[n ! uses : cd / 2 mean+;lly te/$ 9 ! #g field "ily ebook read] = us]s try+ to improve _! ,brl skills"> & design$ a te/ programme : accommodat$ ?4 ,! late/ ,canute ---------------------------------------- " no l;g] has ? limita;n1 b ? compromise at ! "t 0 important = all[+ progress to 3t9ue4 #c">,! previ\s two /eps may h to 2 repeat$ a numb] ( "ts 2f a 3s5sus is rea*$ "4 ,b once x is ! team w 3t9ue to return to ! ,brailli/s z !y develop ! ma*9e1 ?us *eck+ xs progress t[>ds ! agre$ specifica;n4 ,= example3 ,! ,canute ,mk#e "<#ab cells by #d l9es ( ,brl"> 0 a significant improve;t 9 ! ov]all reliabil;y (! ,brl patt]ns r5d]$1 b 9 do+ s _h unwitt+ly compromis$ ! qual;y (! dots1 : _h 2come irregul> 9 _! pr(ile4 ,meet+ ! ,brailli/s =a bi-mon?ly cat*-up flagg$ ? issue1 result+ 9 a delay 9 mov+ on to ! next prototype 9 fav\r ( an revis$ #h ,mk#e4 #d">,once ! ma*9e has be5 demon/rat$ to meet ? basic specifica;n ! ,brailli/s w run a te/+ programme am;g/ xs memb]s1 :5 prototype units >e loan$ to bl p = use 9 _! [n homes1 or assi/ ! runn+ (a te/+ programme ) xs 3tacts else": 9 ! bl commun;y4 ,dur+ ? programme ! ,brailli/s directly 9volv$ 9 te/+ w meet regul>ly to fe$back to bo? ! re/ (! memb]s &! 5g9e]+ team4 ,? fe$back =ms ! basis =a revis$ & improv$ ma*9e4 ,? 3t9ues until ! ma*9e is deem$ ready = m>ket#4ac ,= example3 ,dur+ ! c\rse (! ,mk#f te/+ programme ! us] 9t]face " 0 compreh5sively r$esign$ by ! ,brailli/s4 ,! revis$ lay\t 0 pres5t$ to ! 5g9e]+ team at ! 5d (! programme1 :o h s9ce imple;t$ x fully 9 bo? h>dw>e & s(tw>e4 ,by ^! means a small n-=-pr(it company1 asset-lock$ to ! bl commun;y1#ad prim>ily /aff$ by ! si.d ! _w4 #i ,& ^? ,brl us]s c h a ma*9e : 0 design$ )& by !m ---------------------------------------- r ?an = !m4 ,"! >e a numb] ( reasons :y ? "picul> model has "w$ s well = bo? "pies ov] ! pa/ few ye>s4 ,^! reasons al expla9 :y ! model des]ves to 2 m widely 3sid]$ )9 ! assi/ive te*nology 9du/ry4 ,2+ l$ by #c1#jjj ye>s ( exp]i;e ,"! is curr5tly a prolif]a;n ( 5trepr5eurial te*nology />t-ups1 9cubators & accel]ator programmes#4ae ,^! pres5t opportunities = bl accessible te*nology z !y >e 3/antly se>*+ "s?+ to ^8solve^0 & new m>kets to 4rupt4 ,! bl commun;y wd d well to 2 ru?.s 9 corn]+ xs %>e ( ? gr[? 9 9nova;n2 n j by 5gag+ & 5c\rag+ bl 5trepr5eurs1 b al by exploit+ ! l>g] pool ( si,sidly ! fault ( 9dividuals 9volv$2 x is a natural result ( \r society's curr5t 5?usiasm = /ories ( miracul\s ov]-nit-ups#4ag #b">,"! is a dang] ( ? "pn]%ip appe>+ unequal1 especially if "o "py is "u ! impres.n t x is do+ *>itable "w =! o!r "py1 : is !n expect$ to %[ gratitude =! results4 ,? c (t5 2 p]cvd to 2 ! case = assi/ive te*nology = bl p & has ! pot5tial to lead ll fur!r ?an mutual res5t;t4 ,by approa*+ ? 5trepr5eurial space z a collective l ! ,brailli/s1 : has e/abli%$ 9 adv.e bo? xs aims & xs means1#ah ^? problems c 2 avoid$2 ---------------------------------------- ,address+ #a">,r ?an lead+ ! solu;n1 ! 5trepr5eur may 2 m use;lly 5gag$ l5d+ _! tal5ts & 5]gies to a solu;n "w$ \ al;gside ^? :o h liv$ 9 t _w#4ai #bj ,9de$1 :ile ! 5trepr5eur may well h s"eal ye>s or decades ( exp]i;e #aa produc+ v>i\s assi/ive te*nology products ! ,brailli/s h1 z an example1 >.d #c1#jjj ye>s ( collective exp]i;e ) ,brl#4ba ,b ? c only 2 realis$ if ! bl us]s >e pro-active ) _! assi/.e1 ?us reassur+ ! 5trepr5eur t _! "pn]s realise ! risks 2+ tak5 by ! company 9 develop+ a new product4 ,address+ #b">,to avoid a b5efactor_/cli5t rela;n%ip ! ,brailli/s e/abli%$ a modus op]&i to =malise ^! rela;n%ips4 ,x =m$ ov] ! c\rse ( two ye>s ( debate & practice1 revolv+ especially >.d ! ,canute project4 ,to dcl 9dep5d;e f ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology1 "!=e to dcl t xf m ?an a focus gr\p1 0 only ! />t4 ,! mo/ important aspect has be5 ! e/abli%;t (! pr9ciple ( 3/ructive 5gage;t2 9 o!r ^ws1 ! assump;n ( 9flu;e & responsibil;y r ?an ! assump;n ( 4emp[];t & 5title;t4 ,"!=e :5 ! ,brailli/s seek \ new "pn]%ips ) 5trepr5eurs !y 9si/ f ! />t ^! "pn]%ips >e symbiotic r ?an *>itable#4bb ,my [n exp]i;e is illu/rative4 ,= #ab _m ye>s "- 9de$ s9ce #bjjh1 2f />t+ ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology 9 #bjaa "- ,i 0 a si4 ,progress 0 pa9;lly sl[ until we f.d$ ! ,brailli/s#4bc ,i h no d\bt x wd h rema9$ sl[1 b ev5 _h x n1 x wd 2 hiy motivator =! team :5 2g9n+ "w on ! hily ,brailli/s4 ,! rela;n%ip is n simply a matt] ( humil;y on ! "p (! 5trepr5eur &! assump;n ( responsibil;y on ! "p (! ,brailli/s2 x is a weie be/ suit$ to1 boo/$ by a %>$ 5?usiasm4 ,! ,9t]na;nal ,mak] ,move;t #ac ,? meld+ ( small companies &! commun;y is especially important = assi/ive te*nology = bl p 2c (! 4p>ate & relatively ni*e nature (! m>ket1 n to m5;n ! uniquely *all5g+ 5g9e]+ 3sid]a;ns 9nate to ,brl & o!r tactile m$iums#4bd ,":as ,8ma9/ream,0 te*nological adv.es c 2 f9.ed on ! hope ( hundr$s ( ?\s&s ( sales1 ? is n alw possible 9 ! assi/ive te*nology m>ket4 ,ev5 :5 hundr$s ( ?\s&s ( sales >e feasible1 !y >e likely to require f> m 9t5sive "<& "!=e exp5sive"> ef=ts on ! "p (! 4tributors to secure4 ,? is 9evitable giv5 t bl p >e n only 9 a m9or;y1 b divid$ by ! degrees & "picul>ities ( _! visual impair;ts4 ,9 ! case ( ,brl only a small m9or;y (a small m9or;y c b5efit f x z a prim>y m$ium1 & !y >e (t5 socially isolat$1 "!=e ev5 m difficult to rea*#4be #bf ,at ! same "t ! 5g9e]+ *all5ge 2h _m aspects ( bl accessible te*nology1 mo/ "picul>ly ,brl1 requires wd-be 9novators to take grt] risks ) :at (t5 turn \ to 2 te*nological dead-5ds#4bg ,! #ad ,canute is ! f\r? 3cept ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology has s]i\sly pursu$ & x has _h to g "? at lea/ ?ree major r$esigns1 completely replac+ ! c5tral me*anisms4 ,ma9/ream electro-me*anical develop;t has g"o 9 l>gely non-tactile direc;ns ov] ! pa/ decades1 lead+ to ! situa;n refre%able ,brl n[ f9ds xf in2 rely+ on #dj ye> old piezo-electrical te*nology to drive a s+le ,brl l9e matrix ( p9s#4bh ,s ! pot5tial f9ancial rew>ds may 2 significantly l[] :5 develop+ bl accessible te*nology1 :ile ! risks c 2 grtly hi<]4 ,! 9du/ry cd 3t9ue to wait = ma9/ream te*nological develop;t to solve xs problems "g] m>ket">4 ,or x cd p]h advocate = philan?ropi/s to take t l[-rew>d hi<-risk bet on xs 2half#4bi ,! ,brailli/s rela;n%ip ) ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology demon/rates a ?ird op;n : is especially well suit$ to ! develop;t ( bl accessible te*nology & cd 2 m #ae widely appli$ ?an x curr5tly is4 ,x c 2 se5 z an ext5.n (! 9t]na;nal ^8mak] move;t^01#cj be/ express$ by ^8hackspaces^01#ca ^8hack] spaces^0#cb 1 ^8fab-labs^0 & ^8mak] spaces^04 ,9 ^! commun;y "w%ops memb]s pay small mon?ly fees to h full access to ! k9d ( tools1 ma*9es & compon5t /ocks : wd only normally 2 available to l>ge e/abli%$ rese>* & develop;t companies#4cc ,? pool+ ( res\rces requires a c]ta9 mutual respect =& tru/ 9 fell[ memb]s1 ! results ( : c 2 a f> m effici5t use ( ma*9es & space &a f> m rapid it]a;n ( 3cepts & designs1 produc$ by p f all mann] ( backgr.ds & means#4cd ,x foll[s t ! co-op]a;n 9h]5t to ! ,brailli/s model1 z x applies to ! ,canute project1 pools ! tal5ts1 res\rces & exp]i;es ( hundr$s ( bl ,brl us]s ) n only ! 5g9e]+ team1 b )! comb9$ res\rces (! ,bri/ol ,hackspace1 : xf has ov] a hundr$ memb]s4 ,9de$ "! >e memb]s (! ,brailli/s >e ke5 to g fur!r & 9ve/igate "pn]+ ) bl-accessible #af mak] spaces1#ce ,no s+le "py 9 ? >range;t wd 2 capable ( mak+ mean+;l *ange 9 ! ,brl m>ket on xs [n4 ,collectively !y c make dramatic *anges4 ,tak+ ? approa* ! risks >e f> l[]2 a company c 2 flexible 9 xs processes z ! facilities & res\rces provid$ by ! communal "w%op &! ,brailli/s meet+ gr\ps exempts x f _m exp5sive 9itial commit;ts1 s* z tool+1 ext5sive m>ket rese>* & v>i\s adm9i/rative ov]heads4 ,= m* ! same reasons ! l[] pot5tial rew>d is less significant2 n only does x n h hi< rese>* & develop;t co/s to (fset1 x al has a ready-made e>ly adopt] net"w on : x c rely4 ---------------------------------------- ,3nect+ )! wid] commun;y ,9 ord] to kick />t ? new ,brailli/s organisa;n1 : x 0 hop$ wd repres5t ,brl us]s,0 9t]e/s by pro-active 5gage;t1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology _h to put xf 9 an app>5tly vuln]able posi;n4 #a">,x committ$ to recruit+ #ag 9dividuals to ! ,brailli/s mail+ li/s r ?an xs [n1#cf ev5 :5 an 9dividual's 3fess$ 9t]e/ 0 5tirely 9 ! ,canute4 ,alm all ^! p *ose to jo9 & 5gage )! ,brailli/s z a result4 ,9 o!r ^ws ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology 3c5trat$ on build+ up an 9dep5d5t commun;y )a broad] range ( 3c]ns ?an xs [n product1 n on accumulat+ a cu/om] base4 ,9 do+ s x 0 bank+ on ! 3t9u$ frli;s ( ? commun;y t[>ds ! ,canute project4 #b">,x 0 completely c&id ) att5dees ( meet+s ab ! te*nology 2h ! ,canute1 ev5 ?\< ^! att5dees 7 n vett$4 ,9/ead x 0 expla9$ at ! 2g9n+ ( ea* meet+ t ! proce$+s may 9clude "s 3fid5tial 9=ma;n n to 2 %>$1 t ! "s prototypes may well 2 unf9i%$ or brok51 t ! m>ket /rategy may / h flaws1 b t ? level ( c&id;s 0 nec = mean+;l co-develop;t4 #c">,x has 3t9u$ to sponsor ! ,brailli/s = two ye>s by cov]+ lab\r1 travel & meet+ co/s1 despite v 9secure ,canute project f9.es4 ,? vuln]abil;y has translat$ 9to a #ah /r5g?"- ev5 2f ! ,canute has g"o to m>ket ! divid5ds ( ? approa* h be5 grt4 ,! ,brailli/s memb]s 3tra/$ x )! excessive secrecy & clos$ (f nature ( _m o!r projects : h1 ov] ! ye>s1 attempt$ & fail$ to r$uce ! price ( digital ,brl1 leav+ ll explana;n & _m da%$ expecta;ns#4cg #ch ,z a 3sequ;e !y h be5 will+ to reciprocate by putt+ f> m tru/ 9 ,canute & go+ to grt l5g?s to 9troduce ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology 9to relat$ net"ws ( us]s & pr(es.nals#4ci ---------------------------------------- ,by ^! means ! ,canute project has f.d frs 9 ! ,na;nal ,c\ncil (! ,bl ( ,irel&1 ,*ild,vi.n1 ,new ,college ,worce/] & else":#4dj ,:ile x wd no d\bt h be5 possible to h made ^! 3nexions )\t ! ,brailli/s1 x wd h be5 f> m difficult &! rela;n%ips wd h be5 less accommodat+ & less op54 ,by plac+ xs tru/ 9 ! ,brailli/s ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology ga9s m 9timate access to ! wid] bl commun;y ?an x cd h by o!r means4 ,? widespread pro-active back+ eases ! r\te to #ai m>ket =1 s l;g z ! ,brailli/s 3t9ues to exp&1 ! numb] ( ,brl us]s ) "s sort ( /ake 9 ,canute's success 3t9ues to 9crease4 ,at ! same "t ! expan.n (! ,brailli/s br+s grt] 3tact ) organisa;ns :o >e ke5 to field te/ units 9 3trollable 5viron;ts4 ,x is h>d =a small1 \tsid] company to make in-roads 9to :at (t5 appe>s to 2 a clos$ m>ket1 or ev5 to "k ": to look = ^? in-roads4 ,b by ally+ xf closely )! ,brailli/s or a simil> commun;y gr\p1 by focus+ xs public;y ef=ts on promot+ ? gr\p 9/ead ( xs [n n>r[ 9t]e/s1 x c ga9 access to self-3ta9$ m>kets on : x c build e>ly m>ket p5etra;n4 ,cl>;y & focus ,"o 3sequ;e (! ,brailli/s lead+ role 9 def9+ ! ,canute's design & e>ly /age m>ket posi;n+ has be5 ! cl>;y ( xs focus on $uca;n & lit]>y 3sump;n4 ,2f "pn]+ )! ,brailli/s ! ,canute team _h tak5 ! 3v5;nal approa* ( seek+ \ ! advice ( exp]ts 9 ! field & /udy+ m>ket rese>* d"o by organisa;ns s* z ! #bj ,royal ,na;nal ,9/itute ( ,bl ,p#4da ,b 2c ? rese>* & ^! 9t]ac;ns took ! =m ( ^8,canute is a promis+ te*nology2 :at %d we d ) x8^0 ! answ]s t5d$ to 2 al>m+ly unreali/ic 9 _! expecta;ns & scope4 ,! refre% spe$ %d 2 no m ?an ;,x1 x w ne$ to rea* ;,y _m p 9 ! f/ ?ree ye>s to make a diff];e1 "ey"o expects x to "w ) ;,z1 &( c\rse x w ---------------------------------------- h to mat* or surpass ! feature-set ( "ey?+ f ,a to ;,w4 ,! palette ( op;ns ! ,canute cd *oose to adopt 0 too broad &! design suff]$ z a result4 ,b by h&+ ov] "pial [n]%ip ov] ! project to ! ,brailli/s _! memb]s felt compell$ to seek ! mo/ viable compromise r ?an make dem&s4 ,"o ( _! e>lie/ recomm5da;ns 0 to avoid ! t]m ^8refre%able ,brl 4play^0 9 fav\r ( ^8,brl ;e-read]^0 & to pit* ,canute 9itially at s*ools &! p>5ts ( bl *n4 ,"! w]e1 !y posit$1 s"eal compell+ $uca;nal use cases : maximis$ ! advantages ( af=dable1 multi-l9e digital ,brl4 ,^! 9clud$2 #ba ,re9=c+ =matt+ skills by 4play+ brl page lay\t ) p>agraphs1 bullet$ li/s1 head+s & page numb]s4 ,9t]pret+ tabulat$ data s* z tables1 cal5d>s & spread%eets4 ,develop+ ma?s skills by %[+ >i?metic "w+1 "ts tables1 simultane\s equa;ns & matrices4 ,read+ musical >range;ts 3ta9+ multiple voices#4db ,? meant s"eal *anges 9 practice2 #a">,:ile ! ,canute _h alw be5 9t5d$ to 2 us$ 9 s*ools1 ! exact way t ? wd 2 5sur$ _h n"e be5 broa*$4 ,! ,brailli/s memb]%ip _h ext5sive exp]i;e ( $uca;n 9 bo? special & ma9/ream s*ools2 z pupils !mvs1 z ,qualifi$ ,tea*]s (! ,visually ,impair$ "1 z s*ool te*nicians1 z libr>ians & z p>5ts "#4dc ,!y 7 able to walk ! ,canute team "? ! process ( us+ ,brl 9 ! classroom1 co-design+ ! us] 9t]face 9 ! process4 #b">,all plans = s(tw>e develop;t (! ,canute's 9t]op]abil;y ) scre5 #bb read]s & mobile ph"os 7 put on hold4 ,9/ead ef=ts 7 3c5trat$ 9to mak+ a simple1 ,op5 ,s\rc$ us] 9t]face = read+ books1 writt5 9 ,py?on4 ,? cd !n 2 ---------------------------------------- modifi$ ) ease by ! ,canute team1 /aff 9 s*ools "<^? )a backgr.d 9 basic programm+"> or any (! _m bl & sieas t >e 3ducive to ! specific circum/.es ! ,canute 0 9itially aim$ at4 ,? organic process removes m* (! /ra9 f ! 5g9e]s & 5sures t ! f9al product is n j made )! ,brailli/s,0 advice 9 m9d1 b actively creat$ by !m 9 situ4 #c"> ,! company c rely on ! ,brailli/s to support !m 9 runn+ te/ programmes ) bl *n2 bo? ) _! 3tacts &) p]sonal ef=ts4 ,9de$ ! programme to 2 run ) ,new ,college ,worce/] 9 ,april came ab z a direct result (! ,brailli/s ?r[+ xs weiket )\t go+ head-to-head ) e/abli%$ play]s4 ,b f> m importantly x plac$ ! v limit$ res\rces ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology 0 able to br+ to be> 9 precisely ! mo/ effective >ea = 9creas+ access to ,brl1#de 9 a mann] : ! ,brailli/s 7 able to pro-actively support4 ,? posi;n+ cd n h be5 made s cle>ly by ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology al"o4 ,l _m o!r companies ) 5g9e]+ tal5t & 9v5tive ideas1 x 0 too small to d ?or\< m>ket rese>*4 ,9de$ xs /rategy "- : reli$ on mov+ fa/ & fluidly "? it]a;ns ( prototypes1 runn+ on fumes z fund+ = ,brl projects is p]petually h>d to f9d#df "- made x impossible to wait = ext5sive rese>* ev5 if x 7 af=dable4 ,! ,brailli/s "pn]%ip (f]s a r\< & ready alt]native to ! tradi;nal model ( #bd develop;t2 to place product develop;t 9 ! h&s ( well-9=m$ memb]s (! commun;y1 ) :om y >e able to 2 completely c&id 9 3fid;e1 & to tru/ 9 _! judge;t 9 ! k t !y too w 2 held acc.table =! f9al /ate (! product4 ,? c 2 3sid]$ ^8frugal 5g9e]+^01 a t]m : 2gan z a ---------------------------------------- /udy ( ,9dian 5g9e]+ practices 9 ord] to apply !m to >eas ( ,we/]n 9du/ry#4dg ,x is an example ( h[ a small company1 l>gely sie prof.d4 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology does n simply 3sult ! ,brailli/s :5 x is 3v5i5t to d s2 x submits xs plans & aims to ! ,brailli/s = criticism & approval4 ,moreov] x =mulates ^? plans "- :e!r !y >e designs =a us] 9t]face or ! 9t5d$ r\te to m>ket "- 9 op5 3sulta;n )! ,brailli/s4 ,9 return ! ,brailli/s take jo9t responsibil;y =! product 2+ develop$4 ,! f9al result is a product (! meet+ ( two diff]5t communities1 ! ^8mak] move;t^0 &! bl commun;y1 :o may o!rwise 2 unaw>e ( ea* o!rs require;ts1 3v5;ns & limita;ns1 ev5 z ! "o /rives to develop te*nology =! o!r4 ,? model1 : builds on _wwide tr5ds #bf l ! mak] move;t1 made x possible = ---------------------------------------- ord9>y memb]s (! bl commun;y to team up )a few 5g9e]s atta*$ to a local commun;y "w%op 9 ord] to effect radical *ange4 ,prior to ! =ma;n (! ,brailli/s _m ( xs memb]s reg>d$ !mvs z unable to ass]t 3trol ov] ! ,brl te*nology on : !y ei reli$ or 7 unable to af=d4 ,prior to xs "pn]%ip )! newly =m$ ,brailli/s ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology _h _h no hope ( meet+ ! aim x _h set xf 9 #bjaa1 t ( help+ to r"ese ! decl9e 9 ,brl lit]acy4 ,:ile ! ,canute has yet to g to m>ket &! ,brailli/s is / a "y organisa;n x has alr 2come app>5t to all 9volv$ ) ,canute t ? model ( co-develop;t )! bl commun;y is hugely effective4 ,x is to 2 recomm5d$ to any organisa;n or commun;y look+ make a radical *ange4 #bg ,,footnotes #a ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology website1 access$ #d? ( ,m>* #bjaf1 http://bristolbraille.co.uk #b ^8,f/ ,g5]al ,meet+ ( ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology "- ,m9utes^01 #aa? ( ,janu>y #bjaa1 ,bri/ol brl ,te*nology http://discuss.bristolbraille.co.uk/n- ews/news_archive#anchor-news-11-01-20- 11-minutes #c ^8,brl ,profil+ ,report^01 ,amy ,phillips & ,lucy ,beesley1 ,royal ,na;nal ,9/itute ( ,bl ,p1 report1 #bjaa #d ^8,april #bjad ,update^01 #bi? ( ,april #bjad1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology1 http://discuss.bristolbraille.co.uk/n- ews/april-2014-update #e ,brailli/s website1 access$ #d? ( ,m>* #bjaf1 http://braillists.org #f ^8,no?+ ab u )\t u^01 ,decemb] #bjjd1 ,,un ,*ronicle ,vol#4da ,no#4d #g ,radio 9t]view ) ,$ ,rog]s 9 ,si* #bjaf1 http://braillists.org #aj ^8,demo ( #d l9e ,canute prototype well rcvd by ,brailli/s^01 #crd ( ,octob] #bjad1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology1 http://bristolbraille.co.uk/articles/- canute_public_media_release.pdf #aa ,z ( ,febru>y #bjaf ! ,canute project has be5 fund$ by i,net ,microelectronics1 ! ,s*ool = ,social ,5trepr5eurs1 ! ,product ,develop;t ,c5tre1 ! ,5g9e]+ ,9nova;n ,net"w1 ,blat*+ton ,c\rt ,tru/1 ! ,manufactur+ ,advisory ,s]vice1 ,! ,wor%ip;l ,company ( ,9=ma;n ,te*nologi/s1 ,9nova;n #d ,gr[?1 ! ,nom9et ,tru/1 ! ,company ( ,m]*ant ,v5tur]s &! #bi ,paul ,hamlyn ,f.da;n #ab ^8,f/ look at ! ,canute ,mk#f 9 ,/a;n]s,0 ,hall^01 #ai? ( ,may #bjae1 ,&re ,l\i1 ,p]iscope #ac ^8,canute ,mk#f releas$ = te/+^01 #bg? ( ,may #bjae1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology1 http://discuss.bristolbraille.co.uk/n- ews/canute-mk6-released-for-testing #ad ^8,commun;y ,9t]e/ ,companies3 ,*apt] #f3 ! asset lock^01 ,octob] #bjad1 ,de"p;t = ,busi;s ,9nova;n @& ,skills1 ,,h'm ,govt4 #ae ^8,9sid]s look at ! />t-up _w^01 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 ,/>tupl&1 http://mystartupland.com/ #af ,,nv ,access website1 access$ #d? ( ,m>* #bjaf1 http://www.nvaccess.org/ "- is an >ea : ! ,brailli/s >e 9t]e/$ 9 gett+ 9volv$ 9 ! future4 ,h["e "h we w 4cuss only ! obvi\s problems t pres5t !mvs :5 attempt+ ! latt]2 #ag ^8,h]o my?s &! exp5dable 5trepr5eur^01 #cj? ( ,novemb] #bjae1 ,vikram ,babu1 #cj https://medium.com/message/hero-myths- -and-the-expendable-entrepreneur-89b2- 532e82e7 #ah ^8,brailli/s ,mis.n ,/ate;t^01 #be? ( ,febru>y #bjaf1 ,$ ,rog]s & o!rs1 ,brailli/s #ai ^8,lead+ 9 ,social ,5t]prise^01 ,may #bjad1 ,&reas ,he9ecke1 ,magdal5a ,kloibh(] & ,anna ,krzem9ska1 ,_w ,economic ,=um #bj ^8,idea to laun*^01 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 ,&rew ,gre5blatt1 ,social ,gd ,guides #ba ^8,takl+ ,h]opr5eur%ip^01 #bcrd ( ,febru>y #bjaf1 ,daniela ,papi-,?ornton1 ,/an=d ,social ,9nova;n ,review1 http://ssir.org/articles/entry/tackli- ng_heropreneurship #bb ,brailli/s com;t bo>ds1 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!for- um/braillists #bc ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology "- news >*ive1 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 #ca http://discuss.bristolbraille.co.uk/n- ews/news_archive #bd ^8,refre%able ,brl n[ & 9 ! ye>s ahead^01 ,dean ,blazie1 ,na;nal ,f$]a;n =! ,bl #be ^8,future ,si* #aiib1 ,daniel ,h9ton1 ,*>les ,3nolly1 ,sci;e ,applica;ns ,9t]na;nal ,corpora;n #bh ^8,democratiz+ ,brl3 ,a _w view^01 ,novemb] #bjab1 ,kev9 ,c>ey1 ,brl ,monitor #bi ^8,! ,future ( ,brl^01 #bf? ( ,janu>y #bjab1 ;,n ,kri%naswamy1 ,vidya ,vrik%ah #cb #cj ^8,hackspaces get clos] to home^01 #aj? ( ,augu/ #bjaj1 ,jamillah ,"kles1 ,,bbc ,news1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-- 10993421 #ca ,li/ ( ,,uk hackspaces1 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 ,,uk ,hackspace ,f.da;n1 http://www.hackspace.org.uk/wiki/main- _page #cb ,li/ ( hack] spaces _wwide1 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 ,hack] spaces1 https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/,list_o- f_,hackerspaces #cc ^8,hackspace pr9ciples^01 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 ,bri/ol ,hackspace1 http://bristol.hackspace.org.uk/wiki/- doku.php?id=new_people_read_this #cd ^8,:at is a ,hack]8^01 #ai? ( ,july #bjae1 ,]ic ,raymond1 http://catb.org/^esr/faqs/hacker-howt- o.html#what_is #ce ^8,replicat+ l[ co/ bl-accessible mak] space^01 #bnd ( ,july #bjad1 ,abh9av ,dey & ,t$ ,moallem1 http://fab10.s3.amazonaws.com/d- #cc ocuments/91%20-%20replicable%20low%20- cost%20blind%20accessible%20makerspac- e.pdf fur!r deep5+ ! idea (! ,brailli/s z an ext5.n (! mak] move;t4 #cf ,brailli/s newslr sign-up1 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 ,brailli/s1 http://braillists.org/newsletter/sign- up #cg ^8,brl ;e-books3 ,:y c't y buy a budget ;e-read]8^01 #i? ( ,may #bjad1 ,johny ,cassidy1 ,,bbc ,news1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-- 27243376 #ch ,9 ,t\*1 #ba/ ( ,octob] #bjad1 ,dave ,williams1 ,,bbc ,radio #d #ci ^8,siah ,home1 ,royal ,na;nal ,9/itute ( ,bl ,p #db ^8,h[ to make a ,brl ;e-read]^01 due = publica;n at ,,csun on ! #bcrd ( ,m>* #bjaf1 ,dave ,williams & ,$ ,rog]s1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology1 http://www.csun.edu/cod/conference/20- 16/sessions/index.php/public/presenta- tions/view/90 #dc ^8,support = ,,qtvi,'s & rehab (fic]s^01 ?read op5$ #d? ( ,decemb] #bjae1 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 ?read />t$ by ,paul ,sullivan1 ,brailli/s1 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!top- ic/braillists/je663pzptro #dd ,canute ,mk#h repository = us] 9t]face1 emulator & ,,api1 access$ #a/ ( ,m>* #bjaf1 ,matt ,v5n1 ,kasp> ,bumke & o!rs1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology1 http://github.com/bristol-braille/can- ute-ui #de ^8,h[ _m *n 9 ,am]ica >e n #ce tau* #bjaf1 ,na;nal ,f$]a;n =! ,bl1 https://nfb.org/braille-initiative #df ^8,a ye> 9 ,brl^01 #ca/ ( ,decemb] #bjad1 ,$ ,rog]s1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology1 http://discuss.bristolbraille.co.uk/n- ews/a-year-in-braille #dg ^8,jugaad ,9nova;n^01 #bjab1 ,navi ,radj\1 ,jaideep ,prabhu1 & ,sim"o ,ahuja1 ,jossey-,bass1 http://jugaadinnovation.com/ #cf