,,iceb ,newslr ,issue #a1 #bjah ,welcome f ! ,,iceb ,presid5t ,x gives me grt pl1sure to ext5d a he>ty ^w ( welcome to \r new newslr $it$ by ,leona ,holl[ay f ,au/ralia :o is \r ,public ,rela;ns ,(fic]4 ,%e w 2 provid+ a lot ( v 9t]e/+1 9=mative & important 9=ma;n ab a range ( matt]s relat$ to brl4 ,we tru/ t "? ? newslr y w al 2come 9=m$ ab ! "w ( ,,iceb4 ,! ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl "<,,iceb"> 0 e/abli%$ 9 #aiia4 ,xs ma9 purpose at ! "t 0 to rese>* ! possibil;y ( cr1t+ a unifi$ brl code1 a code : unifi$ ! di6]5t codes us$ 9 ,5gli% sp1k+ c.tries 9clud+ div]se codes us$ = lit]>y1 ma!matical & comput] texts2 a code t wd 2 #b unambigu\s & t wd h ! l1/ possible impact on lit]>y brl 9 use at ! "t4 ,s* a code1 n[ "kn z ,,ueb "<,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl">1 0 c>e;lly develop$ ov] ! ye>s & adopt$ z a /&>d 9 #bjjd4 ,x has s9ce be5 imple;t$ 9 all ,,iceb memb] c.tries & "s o!r c.tries ": "! is sub/antial use ( ,5gli% brl4 ,,iceb 3si/s ( #h memb] c.tries3 ! ,,u1 ,canada1 ,irel&1 ! ,,uk1 ,s\? ,africa1 ,nig]ia1 ,au/ralia & ,new ,z1l&4 ,c.tries c 2come memb]s "? _! brl au?orities & ea* memb] c.try has a repres5tative s]v+ 9 ! ,,iceb ,executive ,committee4 ,9 addi;n to ! c.try repres5tatives1 "! >e al ! foll[+ posi;ns on ! ,executive ,committee3 ,! ,presid5t1 ! ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t "<:5 "! is #c "o">1 ,vice-,presid5t1 ,secret>y1 ,tr1sur]1 ,public ,rela;ns ,(fic] & ! ,*air ( ! ,code ,ma9t5.e ,committee4 ,al? ! ,,ueb rema9s ! ma9 focus ( ,,iceb1 we al reg>d z important matt]s s* z ! promo;n ( ! use ( brl1 brl te*nology1 brl music & brl signage & we h committees & p]sons d1l+ ) ^! aspects4 ,y c f9d m* m 9=ma;n ab u on \r website at www4iceb4org4 ,i tru/ t y w 5joy \r newslr & f9d x 9=mative4 ,we 9vite y to 9t]act ) u4 ,yr fe$back w 2 valu$4 ,-,*ri/o de ,kl]k1 ,,iceb ,presid5t @.<,image3 ,*ri/o de ,kl]k1 sp1k+ at a =mal ev5t4@.> ,welcome f ! $itor ,welcome to ! f/ issue ( ,,iceb's newslr1 %>+ news & #d /ories ( ,,iceb activities & brl usage "?\t ! ,5gli%-sp1k+ _w4 ,! newslr w 2 issu$ qu>t]ly 9 ,m>*1 ,june1 ,septemb] & ,decemb]4 ,we hope t x w provide a space 9 : to %>e \r pas.n = brl lit]acy1 celebrate a*ieve;ts made possible "? brl1 & 3nect ! brl dots >.d ! ,5gli%-sp1k+ _w4 ,pl1se don't hesitate to 3tact u ) yr /ories1 yr "qs1 & news ( brl- relat$ ev5ts4 ,-,leona ,holl[ay1 ,,iceb ,public ,rela;ns ,(fic] @.<,image3 ,leona ,holl[ay@.> ,,iceb memb]%ip ,full ,memb]%ip 9 ,,iceb is op5 to all na;ns 9 : ,5gli% is a major language &_/or 9 : "! is a sub/antial use ( ,5gli%- language brl1 & : h a na;nal #e /&>d-sett+ body = brl4 ,full memb]s h ! "r to s5d a delega;n to ! ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly1 : takes place e f\r ye>s4 ,!y >e al 5titl$ to repres5ta;n on ! ,executive ,committee & c appo9t a vot+ memb] to ea* ( ! ,,iceb "w+ committees4 ,associate ,memb]%ip is op5 to all na;ns : d n meet ! crit]ia = ,full ,memb]%ip1 z well z to organiza;ns & 9dividuals4 ,associate ,memb]s d n h vot+ "rs 9 ,,iceb b >e welcome to "picipate 9 4cus.ns4 ,m 9=ma;n ab ,,iceb memb]%ip1 9clud+ h[ to apply1 is available on ! ,,iceb website at http3_/_/iceb4org_/,,pr4html4 #f ,sett+ up a brl au?or;y ,hav+ a brl au?or;y is a nec require;t = c.tries wi%+ to 2come ,full ,memb]s ( ,,iceb4 ,a brl au?or;y acts z a na;nal focus = brl1 br++ tgr t\* r1d]s1 brl t1*]s & brl produc]s ) ! common goal ( promot+ lit]acy "? brl = all bl p4 _7,sett+ up a brl au?or;y_' is a docu;t produc$ by ,,iceb to assi/ c.tries to e/abli% _! [n brl au?orities4 ,x provides "s "qs to 3sid] & "s brl au?or;y /ructures to review4 ,! docu;t is available = d[nload 9 ,^w =mat f http3_/_/iceb4org_/,,pr4html4 ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl adop;n ,af m ?an a decade ( develop;t by ,,iceb memb]s ) brl code exp]tise z brl us]s1 #g t1*]s & produc]s1 ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl "<,,ueb"> 0 dcld su6ici5tly complete = adop;n 9 #bjjd4 ,,ueb usage survey ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl is n[ su3ess;lly us$ 9 all memb] c.tries ( ,,iceb3 ,au/ralia1 ,canada1 ,irel&1 ,new ,z1l&1 ,nig]ia1 ,s\? ,africa1 ! ,unit$ ,k+dom & ! ,,usa4 ,neme? brl al 3t9ues to 2 us$ 9 "s /ates ( ! ,,usa = ma!matical mat]ials al;gside ,,ueb = lit]>y mat]ials4 ,,ueb is al us$ 9 _m o!r c.tries us+ ,5gli% brl1 9clud+ ,botswana1 ,e eag] to "k m ab ! use ( ,,ueb 9 non-memb] c.tries4 ,if y c provide 9=ma;n1 pl1se complete \r #h survey at www4surveymonkey4" com_/r_/,,vkpxr#g,h or 3tact u at 9fo@aiceb4org4 ,,ueb 9 ,nepal ,nepal held na;nal two-"d sem9>s on ,,ueb 9 #aa-#ab ,decemb] #bjaf & #ab-#ac 9 ,decemb] #bjag1 ": #ge res\rce t1*]s1 transcrib]s1 brl produc]s & bl t1*]s took "p4 @.<,image3 ,"picipants at ! #bjag ,na;nal ,sem9> on ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl4@.> ,a ,,ueb ,h&book 0 produc$1 ) #hj pages expla9+ ! develop;t ( ! brl code1 facilities = ! p :o >e bl or visually impair$1 ,,ueb *anges1 examples ( text writt5 9 ,,ueb1 ,,ueb 9dicators1 ,,ueb punctua;n1 & ,,ueb %ape 9dicators4 #a1jjj copies ( ! ,,ueb ,h&book 7 pr9t$ & provid$ to ! sem9> "picipants #i = 4tribu;n & use4 ,! ,,ueb ,h&book writt5 by ,hom ,na? ,>yal 0 jo9tly rel1s$ by ,mr ,kri%na ,prasad ,kapre1 ,director ( ,curriculum ,develop;t ,c5tre1 ,m9i/ry ( ,$uca;n & ,mr ,gane% ,p\del1 ,*ief ( ,9clusive ,$uca;n ,de"p;t ( ,gov]n;t ( ,nepal4 ,a fur!r #ejj copies ( ! brl v].n ( ,,ueb ,h&book 7 prep>$ by ! ,nepal ,associa;n = ! ,welf>e ( ! ,bl "<,,nawb"> & 4tribut$ to bl t1*]s all ov] ,nepal4 @.<,image3 ,front cov] ( ! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,,ueb ,h&book by ,hom ,na? ,>yal4@.> ,! sem9> "picipants ( #bjaf ,decemb] & #bjag ,decemb] express$ solid>;y to imple;t ,,ueb "?\t ,nepal f #bjah ,janu>y4 ,! ,brl ,pr9t+ ,organiza;ns h alr />t$ us+ ,,ueb4 ,! ,neme? code w 3t9ue #aj to 2 us$ = ma!matics = a few ye>s4 ,9 reg>ds to =m+ a ,brl au?or;y ( ,nepal1 a 3/itu;n draft committee has be5 =m$ ) ! 3v5or%ip ( ! "usign$4 ,)9 two mon?s ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nepal w 2 regi/]$ ) ! ,gov]n;t ,ag5cy z an ,,ngo = ! develop;t ( ! ,brl4 ,-,hom ,na? ,>yal1 ,em]itus ,na;nal ,coord9ator ,,cbr ,na;nal ,net"w ,nepal @& ,=m] ,s5ior ,program ,(fice1 ,nepal ,associa;n = ! ,welf>e ( ! ,bl ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl code develop;ts ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,ma? ,tutorial onl9e ,"o ( ! c5tral pr9ciples "uly+ ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl is ! use ( a s+le code acr lit]>y & #aa te*nical 3texts4 ,! ,,ueb ,ma? ,tutorial is a new onl9e res\rce = le>n+ ab ! use ( ,,ueb = te*nical mat]ials1 ) a focus on ma!matics4 ,! 3t5t is organis$ 9to *apt]s ( 9cr1s+ complex;y4 ,lessons >e a3ompani$ by practical ex]cises to provide practice & fe$back 9 writ+1 r1d+ & pro(r1d+ ,,ueb ma?4 ,! tutorial is free & self-pac$ & c 2 a3ess$ at https3_/_/uebma?4aphte*4org_/4 ,3gratula;ns >e ext5d$ to ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! cr1;n ( ? valuable res\rce1 ) support f a grant f ! ,william ;,m4 ,wood ,f.da;n1 ,bank ( ,am]ica1 ,n4,a41 ,tru/ee4 ,fur!r free res\rces = le>n+ ,,ueb >e li/$ on ! ,,iceb website at http3_/_/iceb4org" _/ueb-tra9+4html4 #ab ,apo/rophes & quota;n m>ks ,z apo/rophes & s+le quota;n m>ks look ! same 9 pr9t1 %d !y al look ! same 9 brl8 ,d quota;n m>ks ne$ to 2 direc;nal 9 brl8 ,c brl transla;n 2 totally automat$ :5 ! wr;g symbols >e (t5 us$ = quota;n m>ks 9 pr9t8 ,^! >e "s ( ! "qs 2+ 3sid]$ by ! ,,ueb ,code ,ma9t5.e ,committee1 responsible = ! ma9t5.e1 improve;t & docu;ta;n ( ! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl code4 ,y may rememb] t an 9t]na;nal survey on ! repres5ta;n ( apo/rophes & quota;n m>ks 0 3duct$ la/ ye>4 ,we rcvd #faf responses f #ad di6]5t c.tries & c.t.s well- 3sid]$ com;ts4 ,equal support 0 %[n = two ( ! f\r op;ns3 us+ a dot #c .=' = all apo/rophes & s+le quotes2 & no *ange to ! #ac curr5t sy/em4 ,h["e1 _m ( ! votes = no *ange 7 2c n"o ( ! op;ns 7 felt to 2 id1l4 ,! issue 3t9ues to 2 debat$ & explor$4 ,wat* ? space = updates4 ,,ueb ,q@&,a ,h>ry ,pott] & ,,ueb ,:at does ,h>ry ,pott] h to d ) ,,ueb1 y ask 444 well1 aside f ! obvi\s answ] t brl makes x possible = bl p ( all ages to r1d ^! fabul\s books8 ,x's probably m precise to ask :at ,,ueb has to d ) ,pr(essor ,dumbledore4 @.<,image3 ,lego figur9e ( ,albus ,dumbledore f ! ,h>ry ,pott] /ories4@.> ,\r ,,ueb li/ rec5tly rcvd a "q reg>d+ ! use ( ! 8$0 3trac;n 9 ! ^w ,dumbledore4 ,,ueb all[s = 3trac;n use t wd n h be5 p]mitt$ 2f1 b #ad ,duxbury,-: is q reliable ab ^! ?+s,-does n 3tract ,dumbledore4 ,s1 does ! fam\s fic;nal pr(essor h a 3trac;n 9 8 la/ "n8 ,:y or :y n8 ,no4 ,ac to ,! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl1 gr\psigns s* z 8$01 8st0 & 8wh0 %d n 2 us$ :5 ! 3trac;n wd bridge two ^ws 9 a non-hyph5at$ comp.d4 ,z a result1 ! ^w 8bor$om0 c 2 3tract$ b 8kettledrum0 _c4 ,if y're l me & ?"\ t ,dumbledore is j a "n t ,j4,k4 ,r[l+ made up y min t x c al ref] to an 9sect1 "s sort ( dung beetle4 ,x al happ5s to 2 3sid]$ a comp.d ^w1 s ! 8$0 3trac;n _c 2 us$4 ,-,j5 ,g\ld51 ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada ,te/ yr ,,ueb k6 ,"q3 ,c ! l[] ^wsign = 8in0 2 us$ 9 ! foll[+ example8 #ae ,he told me to come in1 out of the cold4 ": 8,he told me to come in10 is 9 italics4 ,*eck ne> ! 5d ( ! newslr = ! answ]4 ,_w ,r1d ,al\d ,"d celebra;ns 9 ,s\? ,africa ,nal'ibali " is a na;nal r1d+-=-5joy;t campaign to sp>k *n's pot5tial "? /orytell+ & r1d+4 ,x /rives to promote a culture ( r1d+4 ,!y h ag writt5 a %ort /ory 9 all #aa ,s\? ,african (ficial languages to 2 r1d al\d on ,_w ,r1d ,al\d "d on #a ,febru>y4 @.<,image3 ,/ud5ts "picipat+ 9 ,_w ,r1d ,al\d ,"d 9 #bjah@.> ,bl ,,sa1 a prom95t 3sum] organisa;n ( ,bl p]sons1 & ! #af ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y "<,,saba"> h jo9$ ,nal'ibali ag to celebrate ,_w ,r1d ,al\d "d1 b 2c #a ,febru>y is a ll 9conv5i5tly e>ly 9 ! ye> = s*ools1 x w all happ5 on #ba ,febru>y :5 at l1/ #aj s*ools = ! bl w "picipate4 ,! /ory w 2 provid$ 9 grade #a brl & l>ge pr9t to all "picipat+ s*ools 9 any ( ! #aa languages !y require4 ,bl ,,sa & ,,saba w s5d repres5tatives to "picipat+ s*ools to assi/ ) ! ev5t4 ,an 9t]e/+ fun "d is anticipat$4 ,le>n]s 9 grades #d to #g w "picipate4 ,f/1 le>n]s w r1d ! /ory 9 turn4 ,!n "! w 2 a quiz bas$ on ! /ory3 #ae "qs to te/ compreh5.n & #ae ^ws to spell & "! w 2 prizes = ! w9n] 9 ea* grade4 ,? w 2 foll[$ by a tr1sure hunt 9 : le>n]s h to #ag se>* hidd5 c>ds ) 9/ruc;ns 9 brl & l>ge pr9t on !m4 ,:o"e f9ds a c>d1 has to p]=m ! 9/ruc;n on x & w e>n a prize4 ,"! w 2 "o lucky w9n] ( a big prize4 ,! s*ool ) ! hi t we w h ? ev5t ) s*ools & all s*ools t "picipat$ la/ ye>1 5joy$ x & >e ke5 to "picipate ag4 ,we >e look+ =w>d to ? fun "d :ile we >e al aw>e ( ! import.e ( cr1t+ a culture ( r1d+ & ( promot+ ! use ( brl4 ,-,*ri/o de ,kl]k ,brl te*nology ,orbit ,r1d] #bj roll\t 9 ! ,unit$ ,k+dom ,! ,orbit ,r1d] #bj brl 4play,-a device t aims to br+ refre%able brl te*nology 9to ! #ah h&s ( m p,-laun*$ 9 ! ,,uk on #h ,octob]4 ,,uk 4tributors ,,rnib 9clude a ,qk ,/>t ,guide "<9 3tract$ brl & pr9t"> & an ;,,sd c>d 3ta9+ ! full 9/ruc;n manual ) ea* ,orbit ,r1d] #bj4 ,! ;,,sd c>d al 3ta9s a v>iety ( books1 "s brl music & ! ,ox=d ,5gli% ,dic;n>y4 ,cu/om]s c al d[nload ! ,qk ,/>t ,guide or ! full 9/ruc;n manual,-9 l>ge pr9t1 3tract$ or uncontract$ brl1 or audio,- f ,,rnib's onl9e %op4 ,!y c al ord] any ( ^! items 9 a h>d copy =mat1 at no *>ge1 f ,,rnib's ,helpl9e or ! onl9e %op4 @.<,image3 ,! ,orbit ,r1d] #bj1 ) #bj cells ( refre%able brl1 r\t] keys1 brl 9put keys & m5u keys4@.> ,9 ! f/ two mon?s ( sales1 ,,rnib has sold #agj units4 #ai ,ac to ,claire ,maxwell1 ,s5ior ,product ,develop],- ,brl1 mo/ p >e pur*as+ ! ,orbit ,r1d] #bj to a3ess 3t5t on o!r devices4 ,%e sd1 8,? is due 9 ! ma9 to ! limit$ numb] ( digital brl books available4 ,,rnib has provid$ details ( free & pd-= transla;n packages to 5able cu/om]s to cr1te _! [n electronic brl files1 b _m cu/om]s / pref] to a3ess books 9 ma9/r1m apps1 & r1d !m 9 brl on ! ,orbit ,r1d] #bj40 ,%e add$1 8,at pres5t ,,rnib >e "w+ on a project to (f] \r curr5t libr>y books z d[nloads4 ,? w happ5 9 #bjai40 ,fe$back f cu/om]s has be5 ov]:elm+ly positive4 ,"o cu/om] sd3 8,i j want$ to tell y h[ m* ! ,orbit ,r1d] #bj has *ang$ my life4 ,x is ! s+le be/ ?+ ,i've "e b"\ myf4 ,i h n"e sp5t m* m"oy on myf & ,i c #bj h"o/ly say ,i am s1 s happy ) x 444 ,i _c express 9 ^ws h[ x has *ang$ my life1 x has made r1d+ any book s m* m a3essible to me40 ,! ,orbit ,r1d] #bj is available f ,,rnib1 co/+ @l#ddi ex ,,vat4 ,,rnib ,3nect memb]s c buy ! ,orbit ,r1d] #bj at ! 4c.t$ price ( @l#cii ex ,,vat4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call ,,rnib on #jcjc"abc"iiii1 or visit ! website3 rnib4org4uk_/orbit-" r1d]-#bj ,-,joanna ,franks1 ,,rnib ,3gratula;ns ,*ri/9e ,simpson 0 $itor ( ! f/ $i;n ( ! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl4 ,? 0 a huge task1 requir+ exp]tise 9 brl & a3essible =mat produc;n1 an exact+ eye = detail1 & 5dur.e = ! l5g?y task4 ,*ri/9e s]v$ z #ba a memb] ( ! ,au/ralian ,brl ,au?or;y executive = #af ye>s1 9clud+ #f ye>s z xs ,*air4 ,*ri/9e 0 hon\r$ = h] "w by ! ,r.d ,table on ,9=ma;n ,a3ess = ,p ) ,pr9t ,4abilities ,9c41 :o aw>d$ h] ) ! #bjah ,tammy ,axels5 ,life"t ,a*ieve;t ,aw>d4 @.<,image3 ,,ueb ,rulebook $itor ,*ri/9e ,simpson ) ,r.d ,table ,presid5t ,neil ,j>vis@.> ,cal5d> ( ,upcom+ ,ev5ts ,brl ,lit]acy ,mon? ,janu>y is ,brl ,lit]acy ,mon?4 ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada w 2 ho/+ a special teleconf];e on brl >.d ! _w 9 ,janu>y 9 hon\r ( ,brl ,lit]acy ,mon?4 #bb ,_w ,brl ,"d,-,janu>y ,_w ,brl ,"d is celebrat$ on #d ,janu>y ea* ye>1 9 commemora;n ( ! bir? ( ,l\is ,brl 9 #ahji4 ,,iceb 5c\rages 9dividuals & organisa;ns to celebrate ,_w ,brl ,"d ) brl- relat$ activities & spr1d ! ^w ab ! 3t9u$ import.e ( brl = lit]acy & equ;y4 #bjai is ! f/ ye> 9 : ,_w ,brl ,"d w 2 recognis$ by ! ,unit$ ,na;ns3 ,all ,memb] ,/ates1 ,unit$ ,na;ns 5tities & o!rs >e 9vit$ to obs]ve ! 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