,,iceb ,newslr ,issue #c1 ,june #bjai @.<,logo@.> ,,iceb ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl & ,ma? ,signs ( ,op]a;n & ,comp>ison ,a subgr\p ( ! ,,ueb ,code ,ma9t5.e ,committee has be5 "w+ h>d on updat+ ,,iceb's ,guidel9es = ,te*nical ,mat]ial "<#bjad">4 ,? docu;t 0 f/ produc$ 9 ,octob] #bjjh by ! ,ma?s ,focus ,gr\p1 a subgr\p ( ! =m] ,,ueb ,rules ,committee dur+ ! ,,ueb develop;t phase4 ,:ile x has s]v$ z a valuable docu;t dur+ imple;ta;n ( ,,ueb1 "! has be5 a call = _m m examples & cle>] rules cov]+ all levels ( ma!matics4 @.<,ma!matical symbols@.> ,we >e pl1s$ to ann\nce t ! f/ sec;n ( ! updat$ ,guidel9es = ,te*nical ,mat]ial is n[ complete & available = use 9 pr9t & brl4 ,sec;n #c3 ,signs ( ,op]a;n & ,comp>ison gives a li/ ( signs al;g ) cle> rules = _! use & _m m examples ?an ! previ\s $i;n4 ,! docu;t is available f ! ,,iceb website at http3_/_/iceb4org_/ueb4" html_?,,gtm 9 pr9t & brl =mats4 ,we 5c\rage y to d[nload1 r1d & />t us+ ^! guidel9es4 ,le>n+ ,,ueb ma!matics onl9e ,9 issue #b ( ! ,,iceb ,newslr1 ,fr.es ,g5tle wrote ab ! cr1;n ( ,,ueb ,ma? ,onl9e = free onl9e le>n+ ( ,,ueb ma?4 ,we >e pl1s$ to report ! program is n[ live & available = use at https3_/_/uebonl9e4org4 #c ,& don't =get1 ,,aph al (f] an onl9e ,,ueb ma? tutorial at https3_/_/uebma?4aphte*4org_/4 ,,ueb ,q@&,a ,to 8be0 or n to 8be08 @.<,william ,%akespe>e@.> ,"w is "uway to exam9e h[ ! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl %d 2 appli$ to unusual ^ws1 sci5tific t]ms & ^ws t >e pron\nc$ di6]5tly ac to region4 ,! f/ gr\p ( ^ws all 2g9 ) ! lrs 8be03 _4 ;begum _4 ;benefic _4 ;,beowulf _4 ;besom _4 ;betel _4 ;,bethesda ,%d ! 8be0 3trac;n 2 us$8 ,ac to ! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl #aj4f4a1 use ! l[] gr\psign = 8be0 :5 ! lrs x repres5ts =m ! f/ syllable ( a ^w4 ,x has be5 agre$ t all ( ! ^ws 9 "q d 9 fact f1ture 8be0 z a syllable1 s ! 3trac;n c 2 us$3 _4 2gum _4 2nefic _4 2[ulf _4 2som _4 2tel _4 2!sda ,te/ yr ,,ueb k6 ,"q3 ,:at is ! be/ posi;n = ! grade #a t]m9ator 9 ! foll[+ example8 ""=;;; t-t-t-t-t-t-tonight ""=;' ,*eck ne> ! 5d ( ! newslr = ! answ]4 #e ,,lego ,brl ,,rnib "pn]%ip ) ! ,,lego ,f.da;n ,,rnib is delid #d"8#b ,,lego brick4 ,! top "p ( ! brick has up to #f /uds1 "s ( : >e remov$1 =m+ brl lrs4 ,! lr is al pr9t$ at ! bottom ( ! brick s sie fun to play & helps *n to use _! tactile s5se to id5tify & di6]5tiate comb9a;ns ( dots4 ,we al cr1t$ games = old] *n :o >e le>n+ brl4 ,,rnib te/$ ! bricks 9 two s*ools & all ! *n 9volv$ r1lly 5joy$ play+ ) ! bricks4 ,"s old] *n wrote messages to ea* o!r & to ! t1*]s & o!rs tri$ writ+ _! "n or f9d+ pairs ( bricks4 ,! key take-away f \r te/+ 0 h[ m* fun ! *n _h play+ ) ! bricks & al _! apprecia;n t brl 0 a funda;tal "p ( ! product4 ,!y talk$ ab writ+ messages to si5ts or "y] sibl+s le>n brl & h[ pl1s$ !y 7 to h "s?+ made = !m t !y cd use to t1* o!r p4 ,we're />t+ "w n[ ) ,! ,,lego ,f.da;n & "pn]s 9 #g ! ,,uk1 ,fr.e1 ,g]_m1 ! ,,us & ,mexico to produce t1*+ mat]ial t w a3ompany ! bricks :5 !y >e produc$4 ,we look =w>d to ! bricks 2+ available = use 9 $uca;n to comple;t exi/+ t1*+ me?ods4 ,- ,ca?y ,rundle1 ,s5ior ,a3essibil;y ,speciali/1 ,,rnib ,a3ess to brl on ,,lego bricks ,! ,,lego ,f.da;n plan to provide _! brl bricks directly to major bl;s organisa;ns "?\t ! _w1 h["e !y w n 2 available comm]cially4 ,m1n:ile1 o!r op;ns >e al available4 ,brick-a-,brl @."@.< b5$ettelli4com_/braille_/@.> is an 9dep5d5tly develop$ t1*+ sy/em us+ /&>d ,,lego bricks4 ,! n-=-pr(it project (f]s a me?od = t1*+ bl & vi.n impair$ *n spatial;y1 lat]al;y & ! brl alphabet4 ,a ,,pdf 9/ruc;n manual is available by reque/4 ,z an alt]native to ,,lego1 ,tack-,tiles ,brl ,sy/ems @. >e a t1*+ tool = all ages ) ,,lego-/yle 9t]lock+ bricks4 ,! dots on ! bricks >e dom$ = smoo!r r1d+ m simil> to t ( /&>d brl1 & ! slates " >e specially design$ = correct spac+ 2t lrs & l9es4 ,3trac;ns & o!r symbols >e available1 z is a brl music set4 ,& f9ally1 ! #c,d pr9t+ commun;y has design$ models = ,,lego-compatible brl bricks t c 2 d[nload$ = free & #c,d pr9t$4 ,= example1 see ! designs = brl ,duplo & brl bricks on ,?+iv]se @. ,brl te*nology ,- ,! ,canute #cfj ,ov] ! pa/ eis1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology has be5 develop+ ! ,canute #cfj f \r small "w%op 9 ,b$m9/]1 ,bri/ol4 ,we >e truly pr\d ( h[ f> we've come3 ,we h produc$ ! _w's f/ multi-l9e electronic ,brl ;e-r1d] "<,canute #cfj f1tures a n9e l9e1 #cfj cell 4play">1 we 7 hon\r$ to 2 aw>d$ ! ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,t\* ( ,g5ius ,aw>d at ,,csun #bjai back 9 ,m>*1 & w 2 sell+ ! f/ units to cu/om]s lat] ? ye>4 @.<,! ,canute multi-l9e refre%able brl 4play4@.> ,z a n = pr(it company1 we h be5 sure to 9volve ! wid] commun;y 9 \r develop;t process f ! />t4 ,x wd h be5 impossible to get to ? /age )\t ! active 9volve;t & assi/.e ( ov] #ejj ,brailli/s4 ,\r philosophy has alw be5 to %>e \r progress "<& \r miss-/eps"> ) ! commun;y1 & to date1 hundr$s " ( p h got _! h&s on \r prototypes at %[s & ev5ts4 ,we f/ 9troduc$ a v e>ly ,canute prototype to ,,iceb at ! #bjaf ,g5]al ,assembly 9 ,baltimore1 2f %[+ (f a m adv.ed pre-produc;n prototype at ! #bjah mid-t]m 9 ,dubl94 ,s9ce ,dubl91 we h be5 focuss+ on f9e-tun+ \r te*nology & prep>+ = mass produc;n4 ,:ile x's be5 sl[ go+ at "ts1 & _m ( ! *anges we h made appe> un9t]e/+ "<= example *ang+ ! manufactur+ te*niques employ$ = small 9t]nal compon5ts">1 ! cumulative e6ect ( \r t9k]+ has be5 t we >e prep>+ #aa to s5d \r f/ produc;n units \ to 4tributors "<9clud+ ,,aph & ! ,,cnib"> = pre-sale te/+ 9 e>ly ,june4 ,a "picul> s\rce ( pride = ! t1m came 9 ,m>* #bjai1 :5 we 7 aw>d$ ! ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,l\is ,brl ,t\* ( ,g5ius ,aw>d "<8an annual aw>d = ! project or projects t %[ ! mo/ 9novative idea 9 ! fields ( ,brl & tactile lit]acy0"> jo9tly ) ,braille,%eets f ,objective ,$uca;n = \r "w on ,canute #cfj4 ,brian ,mac ,donald1 presid5t ( ! ,na;nal ,brl ,press1 sd3 8,? new brl 4play is l a ,k9dle = ! bl & is und\bt$ly an 9novative game-*ang] & w only pu% =w>d brl lit]acy40 @.<,cap;n@.> ,brian ,mac ,donald & ,$ ,rog]s ) ! ,l\is ,brl ,t\* ( ,g5ius ,aw>d4 ,z we move =w>d 9to full produc;n "1 we're excit$ to 3t9ue to %>e \r progress ) ! commun;y4 ,lat] ? ye> we'll 2 at ! ,,nfb 3v5;n 9 ,las ,vegas1 z well z ! ,si.d ! ,,uk4 ,( c\rse1 we "picul>ly look =w>d to cat*+ up ) \r frs 9 ,,iceb at ! ,london ,g5]al ,assembly next ye>4 ,,aph w al 2 %[+ (f ,canute #cfj >.d ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,if y see u at a %[1 come & say hello1 & h a feel ( ,canute #cfj = yrf6 ,- ,liam ,smy?1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nology ,rec5t ev5ts ,au/ralian ,brl ,au?or;y ,annual ,meet+ & "w%op ,! ,au/ralian ,brl ,au?or;y "<,,aba"> is a #ac subcommittee ( ! ,r.d ,table on ,9=ma;n ,a3ess = ,p ) ,pr9t ,4abilities1 an umbrella organisa;n = a3essible =mat us]s1 produc]s1 suppli]s1 t1*]s1 te*nology suppli]s1 univ]sities & public 9/itu;ns "?\t ,au/ralia & ,new ,z1l&4 ,ea* ye>1 ,,aba holds xs ,annual ,meet+ on ! f/ "d ( ! ,3f];e & ho/s a "w%op4 ,? ye>1 ! meet+ 0 held at hi/oric ,brl ,h\se 9 ,brisbane1 ": we 7 tr1t$ to a t\r ( _! facilities 9clud+ ,au/ralia's only collec;n ( books 9 ,moon type4 @.<,cap;n@.>s ,tactile model ( ,brl ,h\se made by ;,r4 ;,f4 ,tunley4 ,japanese brl *>t4 ,at ! meet+ & "w%op we 7 pl1s$ to laun* ! ,,aba ,guidel9es = ,=eign ,language ,mat]ials1 expla9+ h[ to apply ! ,,ueb rules = tr1t;t ( =eign language text ac to ! type ( text & 9t5d$ audi;e4 ,an app5dix gives 9=ma;n on h[ ! ,duxbury ,brl ,translator may 2 us$ to imple;t ea* approa*4 ,a s]ies ( addi;nal docu;ts 7 al laun*$ ) advice on ! tr1t;t ( specific languages 9 a ,,ueb 3text3 ,fr5*1 ,italian1 ,g]man1 ,spani%1 ,japanese & ,lat94 ,! docu;ts c 2 d[nload$ 9 pr9t or brl f ! ,,aba website at http3_/_/brailleau/ralia4org_/ "unifi$-5gli%-braille_/" languages_/4 ,\r ?anks >e ext5d$ to ! _m brl transcrib]s1 pro(r1d]s1 t1*]s & r1d]s :o 3tribut$ to ! guidel9es1 & 9 "picul> ,ka?y ,riess5 = l1d+ ! "w4 ,- ,leona ,holl[ay1 ,au/ralian ,brl ,au?or;y ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada ,annual ,g5]al #ae ,meet+ ,! #bjai ,,agm ( ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada "<;,,blc"> 0 held at ! ,novotel ,nor? ,york ,hotel 9 ,toronto on ! afn ( ,may #dth4 ,uniquely ? ye>1 ! ,,agm took place 9 3junc;n ) ! semi-annual meet+ ( ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica "<,,bana">4 ,"! 0 lots ( brl 5?usiasm 9 t build+1 & s"eal ;,,blc memb]s 5joy$ sitt+ 9 z obs]v]s4 ,:at an excell5t rem9d] t all >.d u >e p :o >e equally pas.nate & "w+ h>d on issues ( import.e to ! "e-vibrant brl r1d+ commun;y6 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ;,,blc pl1se visit www4braillelit]acy" canada4ca or email u at 9fo@ablc-lbc4ca4 ,- ,j5 ,g\ld51 ,presid5t1 ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y meet+ ,! ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y "<,,saba"> held xs elev5? ,g5]al ,assembly on #af & #ag ,may4 ,deviat+ f ! ?ree previ\s ,assemblies ": we _h br1kaway gr\ps 4cuss+ v>i\s subjects1 #bjai saw an all-5gag+ pl5>y programme = ! dura;n ( ! ,assembly4 ,? 0 aim$ at holi/ically 4cuss+ matt]s 9 ! pres;e ( "eybody s t su6ici5t 9puts c 2 solicit$ f "ey"o4 ,am;g o!r matt]s1 ! programme 5tail$3 ,4cus.ns on ! propos$ am5d;ts ( ! 3/itu;n2 report on ! #bjbj ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly2 brl music2 matt]s 9 rela;n to ! public rela;ns ( ,,iceb2 "pn]%ip tra9+ report2 & ,_w ,r1d ,al\d ,"d & ! ,brl ,cup ,competi;ns4 ,z expect$1 resolu;ns 7 tak5 & ^? t ne$ ! att5;n ( ,,iceb % 2 #ag =w>d$ = 3sid]a;n to ! relevant /ructures4 ,! ,assembly al took note ( ! #bjai ,g5]al elec;ns1 : saw ! 9troduc;n ( a l;g] ,univ]sal ,ballot ,template "<,,ubt"> .<#dh "pies.> "picipat+ on na;nal elec;ns4 ,dep5d+ on ! prov9ce1 2t #ba & #cf "pies "picipat$4 ,= ! f/ "t1 ! ,9dep5d5t ,electoral ,commis.n "<,,iec"> 3tract$ "o ( ,,saba's memb]s1 ,bl ,,sa1 to produce "py li/s 9 brl :1 id1lly1 %d h be5 made available 9 all vot+ 4tricts4 ,x 0 un=tunate t _m ( ^! li/s cd n make x to ! /a;ns1 ?us play+ ag/ ! vot]s :o want$ to use ! template &1 3sequ5tly1 9fr++ on ! "r ( privacy & 9dep5d;e ( ^? vot]s4 ,we m/ al regi/] grt /rides 9 />t+ ! process ( sett+ up a brl museum1 : w 2 h\s$ at ! ,s\? ,african ,c\ncil = ! ,bl "<,,sanbc"> 9 ,brooklyn1 "u ! title ( "o ( ,s\? ,africa's /alw>ts1 ,josie ,woods4 ,? w 2 a grt /ep l1d+ up to ! r1lisa;n ( pres]v+ brl & xs attributes4 ,we m/ ?ank ,,sancb = af=d+ u an opportun;y to "w tgr & to utilise ! res\rces4 ,f9ally1 ,,saba ext5ds xs gratitude to ,pione] ,pr9t]s = ho/+ ! #bjai ,g5]al ,assembly4 ,- ,nt%avh5i ,net%ituni1 ,presid5t1 ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y ,p ,? issue1 we pay tribute to a qu>tet ( e/eem$ 3tributors to brl & ,,iceb :o >e retir+4 ,all h play$ 9/ru;tal 9 ! develop;t ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl &_/or xs imple;ta;n4 @.<,cap;ns@.> ,d>le5 #ai ,bog>t1 ,josie ,h[se1 ,/eph5 ,phipp51 ,pat ,f>rell4 ,d>le5 ,bog>t ,d>le5 ,bog>t 0 ,*air ( ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica 9 #aiia :5 a lr 0 br"\ to ! bo>d f ,drs ,tim ,cranm] & ,abraham ,neme? expla9+ ! problem ( multiple brl codes acr lit]>y & te*nical mat]ial4 ,! ,,bana bo>d propos$ t ! newly =m$ ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl take ov] ! project to fur!r unify ! brl code acr c.tries z well z 3t5t4 ,d>le5 0 appo9t$ z ,*air ( ! ,,ueb ,project4 8,i ?"\ x wd take five ye>s10 sd ,d>le51 b ! complexities 9volv$ m1nt t ,,ueb's develop;t 9 fact took m ?an t5 ye>s1 ) ,d>le5 z a key driv] ( progress "?\t t "t4 ,d>le5 0 f/ 8bitt5 by ! brl bug0 9 #aifa :5 %e volunte]$ = ,,cnib1 ": %e 2gan z a brl transcrib] !n w5t on to coord9ate _! _m volunte] brl transcrib]s4 ,d>le5 tau at ! ,,cnib = sin to transcribe brl4 ,? ,may m>k$ ,d>le5's la/ ,,bana meet+ z ,,cnib's repres5tative4 ,h] commit;t 0 "rly ac"kl$g$ ) a pres5ta;n ( te/imonials f ! _m p %e has t\*$ on h] brl j\rney4 ,josie ,h[se ,josie ,h[se has ann\nc$ h] retire;t z ,manag] ( ,/ate ,brl & ,l>ge ,pr9t ,s]vices 9 ,new ,s\? ,wales1 ,au/ralia1 af #dj ye>s ! field ( $uca;n = *n ) vi.n impair;t4 ,josie has s]v$ on ! executive ( ! ,au/ralian #ba ,brl ,au?or;y s9ce #aihf1 9clud+ two sep>ate t]ms z ,*air4 ,%e 0 ! $itor ( ! ,brl ,prim]3 ,au/ralian ,$i;n1 go+ "? s"eal $i;ns to ! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl3 ,au/ralian ,tra9+ ,manual "<#bjaf">4 @." @." @." @. ,^! docu;ts h l;g s]v$ z ! prim>y tool = sin brl 9 ,au/ralia4 ,m rec5tly1 ,josie has be5 9/ru;tal 9 ! cr1;n ( ! free ,,ueb ,onl9e tra9+ program us$ _wwide & ! new ,,ueb ,ma? ,onl9e4 @. ,josie has be5 an ,au/ralian delegate to all six ,g5]al ,assemblies4 ,%e 0 on ! /e]+ committee = ! f/ $i;n ( ! ,rules ( ,,ueb & a memb] ( ! "w+ "py : draft$ & publi%$ ! f/ $i;n ( ! ,guidel9es = ,te*nical ,mat]ial 9 #bjjh4 ,qualifi$ ) a ,ma/]s 9 ,special ,$uca;n1 ,josie's focus has alw be5 on qual;y brl $uca;n4 ,%e has 3duct$ c.t.s "w%op to improve ! brl skills ( vi.n speciali/ t1*]s "?\t ,au/ralia4 ,= decades1 %e has sp5t h] ev5+s & week5ds m>k+ brl correspond;e c\rse mat]ials4 ,%e has *air$ ! ,,aba ,exam9a;ns bo>d = ! annual brl pr(ici5cy c]tificate4 ,& "?\t ! develop;t & imple;ta;n ( ,,ueb %e has f"\ = a code t is easy to r1d & le>n = "y t\* r1d]s ( all abilities to 5sure xs 3t9u$ use 9 an 9tegrat$ $uca;n sett+4 ,we ?ank ,josie = h] #bc l1d]%ip1 pas.n & d$ica;n4 ,- ,leona ,holl[ay1 ,au/ralian ,brl ,au?or;y ,/eph5 ,phipp5 ,/eph5 ,phipp5 retir$ at ! 2g9n+ ( ,june4 ,we wd l to express \r s9c]e ?anks to hm = a life"t ( devo;n to ! dots4 ,/eph5 />t$ 8 c>e] at ,,rnib back 9 #aiha & has se5 _m *anges 9 bo? ! na;nal & 9t]na;nal brl sc5e ov] ! la/ #ch ye>s4 ,he 0 "o ( ! orig9al tru/ees ( ,,bauk " :5 x 0 f.d$ 9 #aiij & subsequ5tly 2came xs secret>y4 ,^u ! =ma;n ( ,,iceb 9 #aiia1 ,/eph5 0 appo9t$ z ,*air to two committees3 ,ma!matics ,brl & ,pr9t ,symbols4 ,he !n 2came ! ,,uk's repres5tative to ,,iceb's ,unifi$ ,brl ,code ,committee1 : 0 responsible = 3/ruct+ ! symbols ( ,,ueb & ! rules = _! use4 ,9 #bjji ,,bauk m]g$ ) two o!r organisa;ns to =m a cross =mat /&>ds organisa;n " "kn z ,,ukaaf "<,,uk ,associa;n = ,a3essible ,=mats">4 ,/eph5 has be5 an active memb] ( ! brl cod+ gr\p s9ce !n & 8 k 0 key 9 produc+ a numb] ( advisory docu;ts af ! imple;ta;n ( ,,ueb 9 ! ,,uk1 "picul>ly ! =eign language1 ma?s & ,wel% guidel9es4 ,we w miss 8 ext5sive k1 exp]i;e & 9tellig5t obs]va;ns on all \r brl relat$ 4cus.ns & we wi% hm well = a l;g & happy retire;t4 ,- ,m&y ,:ite1 ,,uk ,associa;n = ,a3essible ,=mats ,pat ,f>rell ,af hav+ d$icat$ #db #be ye>s ( 8 "w+ life to hi< qual;y brl transcrip;n 9 ,irel&1 ,pat ,f>rell is retir+ 9 ,june #bjai4 ,pat 2came 9t]e/$ 9 brl :5 "w+ z a prison (fic] 9 ,dubl9's ,>b\r ,hill prison 9 ! #aigjs & 0 lat] manag] ( xs brl unit until #bjje1 provid+ $uca;nal & comm]cial transcrip;ns4 ,he !n jo9$ ! ,na;nal ,brl ,produc;n ,c5tre at ,st4 ,joseph's ,c5tre = ! ,visually ,impair$ " & transcrib$ hundr$s ( textbooks = *n 9 ma9/r1m & special $uca;n 9 ,irel&4 ,8 brl exp]tise & trem5d\s transcrip;n spe$ l$ ,pat to 2come "o ( only two transcrib]s to "w = ! ,iri% ,/ate ,exam9a;ns ,commis.n = s"eal weeks ea* ye>1 transcrib+ all /ate exam9a;n pap]s 9to brl = ! la/ #ba ye>s4 ,to all[ equal a3ess to & /r5g!n ! use ( ,iri% brl1 ,pat rese>*$ ! hi/orical codes = ,iri% & devis$ ! curr5t ,updat$ ,iri% ,brl code "<,,uib">4 ,? "w 0 support$ by ! ,iri% ,brl ,au?or;y "<,,9baf"> "? xs ,iri% ,brl "w+ gr\p4 ,,uib 0 adopt$ 9 #bjac4 ,? code "ws h& & h& ) ,,ueb1 %>+ punctua;n & special signs1 :ile1 = ! f/ "t (f]+ ,iri% ^w signs t us]s h describ$ z 89tuitive04 ,pat repres5t$ ,irel& at ,,iceb's #bjaf ,,ga & 0 "o ( ! organis]s ( ! #bjah ,mid-t]m meet+ 9 ,dubl94 ,we wi% hm a l;g & happy retire;t & hope t ,,9baf & ,,iceb w 3t9ue to pr(it f 8 pas.n = brl4 ,- ,iri% ,na;nal ,brl & ,alt]native ,=mats #bg ,associa;n "<,,9baf"> ,cal5d> ( ,upcom+ ,ev5ts ,africa ,=um ,- ,addis ,ababa1 ,e?iopia1 ,octob] #bjai ,africa ,=um is ,africa's premi]e 3f];e = bl;s activi/s1 l1d]s & commun;y4 ,! #e-"d program is op5 to any 9dividual or organisa;n ) an 9t]e/ 9 bl;s 9 ,africa4 ,x (f]s opportunities to le>n1 net"w & 3tribute to ! future ( 4abil;y advocacy 9 ,africa4 ,! #gth ,africa ,=um w focus on a*iev+ equal;y 9 $uca;n "? 9nova;n1 a3ess & lifel;g le>n+4 ,x is s*$ul$ = #g-#aa ,octob] #bjai 9 ,addis ,ababa1 ,e?iopia4 ,9=ma;n & a l9k to regi/ra;n >e available at www4p]k9s4org_/get-9volv$_/" ev5ts_/africa-=um4 @.<,bann]@.> ,! #gth ,africa ,=um on ,visual ,impair;t #bjai ,,nba ,pr(es.nal ,develop;t ,3f];e ,- ,,usa1 ,octob] #bjai ,! ,na;nal ,brl ,associa;n holds an annual ,pr(es.nal ,develop;t ,3f];e ) "w%ops to le>n m ab brl code revi.ns1 new te*niques1 s(tw>e1 h>dw>e & produc;n equip;t4 ,! next ,3f];e w 2 held 9 ,pho5ix1 ,>izona f ,octob] #cj to ,novemb] #a4 ,regi/ra;n is n[ op5 at www4na;nalbraille4org_/" pr(es.nal-develop;t-3f];e_/ @.<,bann]@.> ,! #gth ,africa ,=um on ,visual ,impair;t #bjai ,gett+ 9 ,t\* ) #bi ,lit]acy ,- ,,usa1 ,novemb] #bjai ,gett+ 9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy is a na;nal 3f];e on all =ms ( lit]acy1 9clud+ pr9t1 brl1 auditory1 tactile graphics compreh5.n & ! use ( assi/ive te*nology4 ,! proce$+s 9clude pres5ta;ns1 "w%ops & po/] ses.ns4 @.<,logo@.> ,gett+ 9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy #bjai ,! #bjai ,3f];e w 2 held f #ac-#ag ,novemb] 9 ,s1ttle1 ,wa%+ton4 ,regi/ra;n is n[ op5 at http3_/_/gett+9t\*)" lit]acy4org_/4 ,,spevi ,3f];e ,- ,adelaide1 ,au/ralia1 ,janu>y #bjbj ,! ,s\? ,pacific ,$ucators 9 ,vi.n ,impair;t "<,,spevi"> hold a ,bi5nial ,3f];e (f]+ ,au/ralian1 ,new ,z1l&1 ,pacific ,isl& & 9t]na;nal l1d]s1 pr(es.nals & p>5ts_/c>]s ! opportun;y to %>e 9=ma;n & id1s ab curr5t & em]g+ s]vices1 programs1 te*nologies & res\rces = *n & adults :o >e bl1 h l[ vi.n1 d1f-bl;s1 or addi;nal 4abilities4 ,! next ,,spevi ,3f];e w 2 held 9 ,adelaide1 ,s\? ,au/ralia1 f #ab-#ae ,janu>y #bjbj4 ,! call = ab/racts has be5 ext5d$ until #cj ,june & regi/ra;ns >e n[ op5 at https3_/_/syn]gyev5ts4ev5ts" air4com_/spevi-#bjbj_/4 ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly ,- ,london1 ,5gl&1 ,may #bjbj ,,iceb holds a ,g5]al ,assembly once e f\r ye>s4 ,! next ,g5]al ,assembly w 2 held 9 ,london f #aa to #ae ,may #bjbj4 #ca ,m details on ! ,g5]al ,assembly1 al;g ) a call = pap]s1 w 2 4tribut$ via ! ,,iceb communica;n *annels li/$ at ! 5d ( ? newslr4 ,,wbu-,,icevi ,jo9t ,assembly ,- ,madrid1 ,spa91 ,june #bjbj ,! ,_w ,bl ,union "<,,wbu"> & ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil = ,$uca;n ( ,p ) ,vi.n ,impair;t "<,,icevi"> w hold _! ?ird jo9t ,g5]al ,assembly at ! ,hotel ,m>riott 9 ,madrid1 ,spa91 f #ai to #bd ,june #bjbj4 ,! proce$+s w 9clude two "ds ( pap] pres5ta;ns f #bc to #bd ,june1 ) ab/ract submis.ns due by #cj ,septemb]4 ,= m 9=ma;n & regi/ra;n1 see http3_/_/icevi4org_/" conf];es_/4 ,,ueb ,q@&,a ,9 answ] to \r e>li] "q1 ! grade #a t]m9ator %d 2 plac$ ^12f ! f9al hyph54 ,brl3 ;;t-t-t-t-t-t;'-tn ,explana;n3 ,! grade #a t]m9ator is 9s]t$ 9 ord] to use ! %ort=m = 8tn04 ,if ! t]m9ator foll[s ! f9al hyph51 ! %ort=m w n 2 /&+ al"o "<#b4f4b"> & _c 2 us$4 ,see al ! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl #e4e4a & #aj4i4a4 ,,iceb ,3tact ,details ,website3 www4iceb4org ,email3 9fo@aiceb4org ,twitt]3 @a,,iceb,'braille ,facebook3 www4facebook4com_/" ,,iceb,'braille_/ ,,iceb-ann\nce li/3 ,s5d an email to #cc iceb-ann\nce"6subscribe" @agr\ps4ioto rcv ann\nce;ts f ,,iceb1 9clud+ ? newslr & notifica;ns reg>d+ updates to ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl4 "33333333333 5d ( issue #c