,,iceb ,newslr #a ,issue #d1 ,sept #bjai @. ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl ,welcome ,9 ? issue1 we >e pl1s$ to pres5t a special focus on brl 9 museums & gall]ies4 ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,updates f ! ,,ueb ,code ,ma9t5.e ,committee ,! ,,ueb ,code ,ma9t5.e ,committee "<,,cmc"> is responsible = cl>ify+ & review+ ,,ueb symbols & rules1 z well z produc+ updates to ! ^7,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl^' & ! ^7,guidel9es = ,te*nical ,mat]ials4^' ,af ext5sive debate & 3sid]a;n on ! repres5ta;n ( apo/rophes & quota;n m>ks 9 brl1 ! ,,cmc is n[ vot+ on ? complex issue4 ,we hope to 2 able to make an ann\nce;t v soon via ! ,,iceb website1 social m$ia & ann\nce li/1 z giv5 at ! 5d ( ? newslr4 ,! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl " ,! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl " is ! prim>y & au?oritative book detail+ ! ,,ueb code & xs rules = use4 ,note t ! ,rulebook is a te*nical ref];e book2 x is n 9t5d$ z a t1*+ res\rce4 ,! ,rulebook is available = free d[nload 9 pr9t or brl f ,,iceb's website at iceb4org_/ueb4html4 ,updates & m9or correc;ns made s9ce ! #bjac $i;n ( ! ,rulebook h be5 publi%$ #c on ! ,,iceb website at iceb4org_/ueb4html4 ,9 response to yr reque/s1 ! updates >e n[ al available = d[nload z a s+le docu;t 9 pr9t or brl =mat4 ,did y "k t ! ,,ueb ,rulebook is al available 9 ,fr5*8 ,x 0 translat$ ) assi/.e f ! ,gov]n;t ( ,canada & c al 2 d[nload$ f iceb4org_/ueb4html4 ,transla;n ( ! ,,ueb ,rulebook 9to ,japanese is n[ "uway4 ,pl1se 3tact ,,iceb if y wd l to seek p]mis.n to translate ! ,,ueb ,rulebook 9to ano!r language4 ,actual ,tactuals ,y may h alr he>d ab ! new book 5titl$ 8,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl "<,,ueb"> ,practice ,s5t;es40 ,? is a book design$ to t1* brl 3trac;ns to any"o "<* or adult"> :o is le>n+ to r1d or write brl1 once !y "k ! brl alphabet4 ,! pre-cursor ( ? book "<9 ,,ebae"> 0 writt5 by ,phil ,mangold & myf 9 ! e>ly #aiij's & 0 us$ until ,,ueb 0 adopt$4 ,s9ce ! ,,ebae book 2came obsolete due to ! adop;n ( ,,ueb1 x 0 nec to write ? new1 up-to-date book to help 9cr1se brl lit]acy4 ,? new book helps t1* all ( ! ,,ueb 3trac;ns 9 a sy/ematic way t is easy = ! t1*] to use & easy = ! /ud5ts to le>n4 ,x 0 al nec to 9troduce "s ( ! m commonly us$ new symbols & ,,ueb me?ods ( writ+ 9t]net addresses4 ,add+ simulat$ brl to ? book helps t1*]s & transcrib]s1 & al all[s any"o :o is unfamili> ) brl to "w ) /ud5ts4 ,s n[1 n only t1*]s1 b $uca;nal assi/ants & p>5ts c r1d_/write ) ! /ud5ts & help to *eck #e _! "w4 ,addi;nally1 ! h>d-copy brl /ud5t's companion book 0 nec s t /ud5ts cd ga9 practice r1d+1 h a gd model ( :at ! brl %d look l1 & h a way to self-*eck _! "w4 @.<,image3 ,op5 page ( ,actual ,tactuals ) ex]cises 9 pr9t & brl4@.> ,9t]e/+ly 5\<1 ,i 0 v lucky to make 3tact ) ,*ri/o de ,kl]k1 ,presid5t ( ,,iceb1 "? ! 9t]net6 ,af giv+ me p]mis.n to quote ,,iceb rules 9 my book1 he 2came a wond];l tutor = me1 help+ me to bett] "u/& _m ( ! rules4 ,i wd email hm a lot ( "qs & he wd pa9stak+ly respond to cl>ify ?+s = me s t ,i cd expla9 !m 9 ? book4 ,aside f brl1 we ev5 got to %>e a few cook+ id1s6 ,if y wd l fur!r 9=ma;n ab ? book & h[ to pur*ase x1 pl1se visit my website at www4,actual,tactuals4com4 ,- ,rob]ta ,beck]1 au?or ( ,actual ,tactuals ,brl ,puzzle ,- ,^w ,se>* ,z specifi$ 9 ! ,rules = ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl sec;n #e1 grade #a passage 9dicators c 2 us$ to set grade #a mode :5 ! grade #a m1n+ ( a symbol cd 2 misr1d z a 3trac;n m1n+ or a num]ic m1n+4 ,"o s* example is 9 a ^w se>* puzzle1 :5 9dividual lrs d n repres5t ^wsigns4 ,c y f9d ! foll[+ ^ws 9 ! ^w se>* on ! next page8 book braille code contraction dots english event ,,iceb literacy music reading research rule sharing success tactile technology unified 222 #g m p y e l i t c a t q i d u h c b o o k g t c o r e s e a r c h l e o m s d i i v r q m b c z t s o l o c e e r t h u t e c g b z m n t m n g i c o n t r a c t i o n o c f e m s a t f n l i c u q s h a r i n g o d d s t o d u e g l j g a j l k k l d i p y l y e u g v e s i g n a g e r m 2' ,,ueb ,q@&,a ,problem ^ws ,- ! ,,"o 3trac;n ,9 issue #c ( ? newslr1 we report$ t "w is 2+ d"o to 3firm ! correct ,,ueb 3trac;n ( "s tricky ^ws4 ,mo/ ( ^! >e uncommon1 sci5tific ^ws4 ,? issue1 we look :e!r ! ,,"o 3trac;n 2 us$ 9 ! foll[+ ^ws3 222comedones1 daimones1 dapsone1 desamenthasone1 dexamethasone1 ecdysone1 glutathione1 menadione1 mucrones1 methasone1 pantalone1 sone1 telamones2' ,ac to ! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl #aj4g4f1 ! 9itial-lr 3trac;n = ,,"o c 2 us$ :5 ! lrs x repres5ts >e pron\nc$ z "o syllable1 or >e 9 a ^w 5d+ ) ! lrs 8"oy01 or >e 9 ! ^ws 8h"o/0 or 8m"ot>y0 & _! d]ivatives4 ,h["e1 ! 3trac;n %d n 2 us$ :5 #i prec$$ by ! lr 8o04 ,"!=e ! ,,"o 3trac;n c 2 us$ 9 ! ^ws3 daps"o1 dexame?as"o1 ecdys"o1 gluta?i"o1 m5adi"o1 me?as"o1 s"o4 ,h["e1 x _c 2 us$ 9 ! foll[+ ^ws1 9 : ! lrs one >e pron\nc$ ) two syllables z 8o-nay03 com$ones1 diamones1 mucrones1 pantalone1 telamones4 ,te/ yr ,,ueb k6 ,"q3 ,h[ d y transcribe a bidirec;nal v]tical >r[8 ,example3 ,v]tical >r[ ) h1ds po9t+ up & d[n4 ,*eck ne> ! 5d ( ! newslr = ! answ]4 ,special ,f1ture3 ,brl 9 ,museums & ,gall]ies ,brl 9 ,canadian ,museums ,e>li] ? ye>1 my p>5ts & two ( my nieces came = a visit4 ,we took ! girls to ! ,canadian ,museum ( ,sci;e & ,te*nology1 : is fun & 9=mative = p ( any age4 ,al? ,i 5joy museums ,i h (t5 f.d !m v fru/rat+ z a brl r1d]4 ,i appreciate my sis1 b ( c\rse x is n ! same z 2+ able to r1d ! 9=ma;n myf4 ,s m* 3t5t1 s ll a3ess6 ,?ank;lly1 ? is />t+ to *ange4 ,s"eal museums "h 9 ,ottawa & acr ! c.try >e mak+ a 3c]t$ ef=t to 9clude brl z "p ( _! plans = mak+ _! exhibits m a3essible4 ,kim ,kilpatrick1 :o repres5ts ! ,canadian ,c\ncil = ! ,bl on ! ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada bo>d ( #aa directors1 has "w$ ext5sively ) museums 9 ! ,na;nal ,capital ,region to improve a3essibil;y = bl & "pially-siea ": ! exhibit is h\s$4 ,bo? ! ,canadian ,museum ( ,sci;e & ,te*nology & ! ,canadian ,museum ( ,hi/ory h set up 4plays t %[case ! brl code & brl writ+ devices4 ,"o ( my p]sonal fav\rites is an exhibit at ! ,sci;e & ,te* museum ": y c t\* a #c,d-pr9t$ model ( an 9t]nal organ1 try to guess :at x is & !n r1d ! brl label 2s x4 @.<,pr9t & brl 9=ma;n bo>d4@.> ^c ,image c\rtesy ( ,$mund ,li ,,rgd1 ,rei*"6,pet* ,ov] ! la/ s"eal mon?s ! ,royal ,,bc "<,briti% ,columbia"> ,museum has be5 "w+ on an 9itiative to mod]nise bo? xs facilities & xs exhibits4 ,x held onl9e & 9-p]son 3sulta;ns "?\t ! prov9ce1 & ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada "picipat$ by provid+ fe$back f \r memb]s on ways to improve a3essibil;y "<) a focus on brl">4 ,^! >e j "s examples ( ef=ts made to improve brl a3ess 9 ,canadian museums4 ,z ,i walk$ "? ! ,sci;e & ,te* museum ) my nieces !y excit$ly po9t$ \ ea* 9/.e ( brl t !y saw4 ,n only d ^! brl labels & panels make ! 3t5t m a3essible1 b !y al demon/rate t brl is lit]acy & t x #ac is a normal & nec "p ( "ey"d life4 ,- ,j5 ,g\ld51 ,pa/ ,presid5t ( ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada ,museum ( ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl ,f.d$ 9 #aiid1 ! ,museum ( ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl 9 ,l\isville1 ,k5tucky celebrates ov] #bbe ye>s ( ! hi/ory ( lit]acy1 le>n+1 & rehabilita;n = p :o >e bl4 ,r>e copies ( ! f/ books 9 rais$ lrs & brl re/ ne> classic pr9t+ equip;t1 classroom aids1 & mod]n scann]s1 magnifi]s1 refre%able brl 4plays1 & syn!tic spee* devices4 ,! orig9s ( ,ori5ta;n & ,mobil;y >e docu;t$ "? doz5s ( l;g canes1 electronic travel aids1 & ! f/ dog guide h>;s worn by ,morris ,frank's dog ,buddy4 ,! ,museum is a3essible1 ) labels 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 & audio1 & _m orig9al items & reproduc;ns >e available = t\*+4 ,:ile visit+ ! museum1 y c t\r ! produc;n floor at ! ,pr9t+ ,h\se1 ! l>ge/ company ( xs type 9 ! _w4 @.<,*n t\*+ a giant tactile globe4@.> ^c ,image c\rtesy ( ,,aph ,onl9e1 ! ,,aph ,museum (f]s exhibits1 l9ks to ?\s&s ( scann$ docu;ts1 & a se>*able database ( xs collec;n1 9clud+ xs 9comp>able collec;n ( brl writ]s4 ,,aph al (f]s f\r travell+ exhibi;ns & s"eal loan kits1 available = 4play 9 museums1 libr>ies1 & s*ools4 ,to s*$ule a t\r or le>n m1 visit sites4aph4org_/museum_/4 ,- ,mi*ael ,hudson1 ,museum ,director1 ,am]ican #ae ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl ,brl ,museum ,plann$ = ,s\? ,africa ,! ,josey ,wood ,brl ,museum w 2 a mile/"o : ,s\? ,africa's brl us]s & ^? 9t]e/$ 9 brl w f9d joy 9 visit+ at ! ,s\? ,african ,na;nal ,c\ncil = ! ,bl4 ,a ,task t1m compris+ ,*ri/o de ,kl]k1 ,allan ,small1 ,manny ,moodley & ,nt%ahv5i ,net%ituni is "w+ on a ,memor&um ( ,"u/&+ : w 2 submitt$ to ! ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y & ! ,,sa ,c\ncil = ! ,bl e>ly 9 ,octob] #bjai = adop;n4 ,! ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y calls on 9dividuals1 organisa;ns or 9/itu;ns :o / keep brl >tefacts1 & :o wd want to donate1 to k9dly 3tact ,mr4 ,de5a"dalan ,moodley at moodld@aunisa4ac4za or de5a"dalan4moodley@agmail4com1 or ,nt%avh5i ,net%ituni at net%ns@agmail4com1 presid5t@asabraill1u?or;y4" org4za or net%ns@aunisa4ac4za4 ,- ,nt%avh5i ,net%ituni1 ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y ,presid5t ,rese>*3 ,value-,s5sitive ,a3essibil;y 9 an ,>t ,gall]y ,9 ,au/ralia1 rese>*]s f ,mona% ,univ]s;y h be5 "w+ ) ,b5digo ,>t ,gall]y to explore ! pot5tial role ( em]g+ te*nologies to %>e gall]y 3t5t ) a wid] audi;e1 "picul>ly ^? :o >e bl or h l[ vi.n4 ,a range ( mat]ials 7 produc$ & %>$ ) t\* r1d]s1 p ) l[ vi.n1 gall]y /aff1 >ti/s & local resid5ts4 #c,d pr9t+ 0 f.d to 2 an e6ective m$ium = sculptures too l>ge or #ag delicate to t\*1 :ile las] pr9t+1 props & s.dscapes >e 5gag+ ways ( explor+ pa9t+s4 ,provi.n ( mat]ials is recomm5d$ 9 a wide v>iety ( =mats1 9clud+ brl & onl9e text t c 2 a3ess$ ) l>ge font1 a scre5 r1d] or refre%able brl 4play4 @.<,tactile graphic & las] cut acrylic 9t]preta;ns ( a pa9t+4@.> ,m 9=ma;n is giv5 9 ! pap] ,mak+ ,s5se ( ,>t3 ,a3ess = ,gall]y ,visitors ) ,vi.n ,impair;ts & \r website at a3essiblegraphics4org4 ,- ,leona ,holl[ay1 ,9clusive ,te*nologies1 ,mona% ,univ]s;y ,brl te*nology ,,nls ,brl e,r1d]s ,! ,na;nal ,libr>y ,s]vice "<,,nls"> w laun* a pilot ( brl e,r1d]s 9 ! summ] ( #bjbj4 ,! pilot w 9volve two devices3 ,"o manufactur$ by ,humanw>e & "o manufactur$ by ,zoomax4 ,! purpose ( ! pilot is to te/ ! func;nal;y ( bo? e,r1d] devices1 collect fe$back f pilot patrons1 & validate 4tribu;n processes at select$ net"w libr>ies4 ,dur+ fall #bjai1 ,,nls w 3duct a design review ( ! propos$ h>dw>e & s(tw>e = ! units 9 prep>a;n = 4tribu;n4 ,! select$ e,r1d] w 2 design$ = 4tribu;n to ?\s&s ( ,,nls patrons :o w 2 able to r1d libr>y books on a refre%able brl 4play r ?an rely+ on h>d copy brl4 ,,nls w provide p]iodic /atus updates #ai "?\t ! plann+ & imple;ta;n phases ( ! pilot project4 ,p ,we >e sad to report on ! rec5t pass+ ( two ,s\? ,africans :o made a la/+ 3tribu;n to brl on an 9t]na;nal level4 ,tribute to ,antonnette ,bo?a @.<,photograph ( ,antonnette ,bo?a4@.> ,af complet+ h] /udies 9 music at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,/ell5bos*1 ,antonnette ,bo?a jo9$ ! /aff ( ! ,s*ool = ! ,bl " 9 ,worce/] z a music t1*]4 ,%e tauy at ! s*ool4 ,2ss "k+ music brl 9 dep?1 o!r brl codes 7 al h] pas.n4 ,%e taus %e s]v$ on ! s*ool's committee ( brl exp]ts4 ,antonnette 2came a memb] ( ,brl ,,sa1 ,s\? ,africa's f/ brl au?or;y ( : %e 2came ! *airp]son until #bjjg4 ,%e al 2came an active delegate 9 ! new brl au?or;y1 ! ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y "<,,saba">4 ,%e s]v$ z a memb] ( ! ,brl ,committee ( ,bl ,,sa = _m ye>s4 ,antonnette 0 ! f/ ,*air ( ! ,rules ,committee "<,committee ,,vi ( ! ,,ueb ,project ( ,,iceb">1 : 0 e/abli%$ 9 #aiic4 ,%e 0 a /r;g advocate = brl & = ! adop;n ( ! ,,ueb 9 "picul> & %e play$ a #ba l1d+ role 9 t process4 ,h] ?"\;l ^w+ & examples >e / evid5t "?\t ! ,,ueb ,rulebook4 ,9 recogni;n ( h] \t/&+ "w1 ,antonnette rcvd a ,fell[%ip ( ! ,9t]na;nal ,brl ,rese>* ,c5t] 9 #aiii4 ,%e w 2 de>ly miss$ = h] frly1 alw humble p]sonal;y z well z = h] unp>allel$ k ( all brl codes us$ 9 ,s\? ,africa4 ,h] tragic & un"tly pass+ on #bd ,augu/ is a deva/at+ loss = ! brl commun;y 9t]na;nally4 ,- ,*ri/o de ,kl]k1 ,,iceb ,presid5t ,tribute to ,re9ette ,popple/"o ,sadly1 ,re9ette ,popple/"o pass$ away on #be ,july af a l;g ill;s4 @.<,photograph ( ,re9ette ,popple/"o4@.> ,re9ette ,popple/"o1 born du ,p.sis1 0 $ucat$ at ! ,pione] ,s*ool1 ,worce/]1 af : %e /udi$ physio!rapy 9 ,london1 ,5gl& at ! ,royal ,na;nal ,9/itute = ! ,bl ,s*ool ( ,physio!rapy4 ,on return+ home af ! c\rse1 %e settl$ 9 ,cape ,t[n ": %e practis$ physio!rapy 9 "o ( ! l>g] /ate hospitals & al met & m>ri$ ,tony4 ,!y _h two *n1 a daus ago %e & ,tony took a sev]ely 4abl$ baby boy 9to fo/] c>e & rais$ hm z _! [n4 ,%e 0 ! f/ ,s\? ,african ,brl ,3sultant1 5gag$ by ! "pn]%ip ( ! ,,sancb1 ! ,,salb1 ! ,,sabwo & ! ,9/itute = ! ,bl1 ,worce/]4 ,? 0 ! =e-runn] ( ,,saba1 ! ,,sa ,brl ,au?or;y4 ,subsequ5tly %e jo9$ ! #bc ,univ]s;y ( ,cape ,t[n1 ": %e h1d$ ! ,4abil;y ,unit & retir$ f "! a ye> or two ago4 ,z a volunte]1 ,re9ette pro( r1d brl = ! ,,sa ,libr>y = ! ,bl = _m ye>s4 ,%e 0 9t]e/$ 9 "ey?+ relat$ to brl & al s]v$ " z ! ,deputy ,*airp]son ( ,,saba & a v "kl$g1ble vocal & active memb] ( s"eal ( xs committees4 ,9t]na;nally1 %e "picipat$ 9 ! activities ( ! ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl4 ,re9ette 0 ! au?or ( 8,h&s ,on01 ! only brl t1*+ manual = any ( \r #aa (ficial languages 9 ,s\? ,africa4 ,%e 0 a h>d-"w+1 gift$ p]son :o _h flair & a deep love ( s]v+ o!rs4 ,%e w 2 sorely miss$ by lit]ally ?\s&s1 n only = :at %e did1 b = :o %e was4 ,- ,*ri/o de ,kl]k1 ,,iceb ,presid5t ,rec5t ev5ts ,na;nal ,brl ,music ,camp1 ,au/ralia ,9 mid-w9t]1 ! s\!rn hi.d #cj brl r1d+ /ud5ts f >.d ,au/ralia f ages #i to #ah come tgr to 5joy six "ds ( s++1 play+ & le>n+ brl music4 ,? is a unique opportun;y = bl *n1 n only 2c x is ! l>ge/ ga!r+ ( brl music us]s 9 ! c.try1 b 2c !y >e all 9 9tegrat$ s*ool sett+s dur+ ! ye> & c jo9 ) frs :o >e bl = "o week ( ! ye> & 9 a place ": brl is ! norm & bl is ! major;y4 ,we h al ho/$ /ud5ts f ,new ,z1l&1 ,fiji1 ,malaysia1 & ? ye> "o #be boy f ,?ail& att5d$4 ,at music camp1 bo? bl & siiety ( music programs1 h["e ! camp is run by ! bl & = ! bl4 ,af br1kfa/1 ea* "d 2g9s ) a *oir rehe>sal4 ,/ud5ts >e taun brl music 9 9dividually tailor$ music classes1 =m 5sembles s* z a jazz b&1 junior & s5ior *oir or or*e/ra1 & 9 ! ev5+s we >e tr1t$ to a 3c]t ": /ud5ts c p]=m :at !y h le>nt dur+ ! ye> or on camp4 ,! f9al nids all week4 ,! camp *oir p]=ms z well z all ! 5sembles1 & solo & small gr\p items4 @.<,cap;n@.> ,image ( ,fr5%am ,girls' ,s*ool ) rope guides = camp]s4 ,2c ( ? unique camp1 lifel;g fr%ips =m acr ! c.try4 ,9 ! pa/1 brl lrs & tapes travell$ ,au/ralia's po/al sy/em1 h["e n[ ,facebook & ,:ats,app provide r1l-"t communica;n *annels4 ,/ud5ts :o live 9 remote >1s >e able to le>n f t1*]s via ,face"t dur+ ! ye> if "! is no brl music speciali/ 9 _! >ea4 ,at ! age ( #ab1 ,i att5d$ my f/ brl music camp4 ,al? ,i lov$ music & ?"\ ,i'd probably 5d up "w+ 9 ! field1 x 0 he>+ :at o!r old] bl music /ud5ts 7 do+ ) _! music at univ]s;y & 2y t ce;t$ my resolve to s+ pr(es.nally4 ,!y us$ _! brl music to s+ 9 *oirs1 le>n or*e/ral "ps or ev5 3duct _! [n 5sembles1 & x 0 t s5se ( collabora;n ) si1 ! #cdth #bg ,na;nal ,brl ,music ,camp 0 held4 ,x 0 my f/ abs;e s9ce my f/ camp1 a v /range feel+4 ,x 0 excit+ ?\< to see ! next g5]a;n ( bl t1*]s /epp+ up to direct ! *oirs & 5sembles1 organise 3c]ts & m5tor ! "y] camp]s :o exp]i;ed ! magic ( music camp = ! f/ "t4 ,- ,jordie ,h[ell1 ,,iceb ,brl ,music ,committee ,*air ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y activities ,! ,s\? ,african ,na;nal ,c\ncil = ! ,bl "<,,sancb">1 tgr ) ! ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y "<,,saba"> w 2 ho/+ ! ,brl ,cup ,competi;n on #g ,septemb] #bjai4 ,! ev5t w take place at ! ,,sancb premises1 foll[$ by a gala d9n] ": c]tificates & prizes = ! w9n]s w 2 h&$ ov]4 ,?irty-n9e le>n]s f n9e s*ools >e expect$ to "picipate 9 a pack$ programme ) five categories & ?ree divi.ns4 ,due to ! loss ( ! ,deputy ,presid5t ( ,,saba1 ,mrs ,re9ette ,popple/"o1 ! ,executive ( ,,saba met on #bg ,augu/ & elect$ ,mr4 ,*ri/o de ,kl]k to ! posi;n ( ,deputy ,presid5t4 ,! committee !n co-opt$ ,ms ,%ani ,ll to ! posi;n ( addi;nal memb] ( ! ,executive committee4 ,%ani w 2 responsible = ! public;y ( ! ,au?or;y z well4 ,on 2half ( ! ,au?or;y1 ,i welcome ,*ri/o z deputy presid5t & a special welcome to ,%ani ,ll to ! role %e w take up z a new kid on ! block4 .2,- ,nt%avh5i ,net%ituni1 ,s\? ,african ,brl ,au?or;y ,presid5t ,cal5d> ( ,upcom+ #bi ,ev5ts ,3nect+ ! ,dots ,- ,canada1 ,octob] #bjai @.<,logo@.> ,,cnib ,3nect+ ! ,dots4 ,brl1 ,te*nology @& ,employ;t ,3f];e4 ,= ov] #dj ye>s1 ! ,,cnib ,f.da;n has ho/$ a v>iety ( su3ess;l te*nology trade %[s1 3f];es & sem9>s acr ! c.try = p :o >e bl or "pially sige/ trade %[ 9 ! c.try d$icat$ to adapt$ te*nology & s]vices = p liv+ ) sie pr(es.nals1 te*nology v5dors1 & commun;y organiza;ns4 ,? ye>1 ^! regional ev5ts h be5 comb9$ to cr1te a bi7]1 bett]1 & m 9clusive 3f];e t comb9es 9itiatives f \r /rategic plan to boo/ "picipa;n 9 ! _w ( "w1 unl1% ! p[] ( te*nology & drive a*ieve;t & equal;y4 ,,cnib's new na;nwide 3f];e1 ^7,3nect+ ! ,dots1^' is ,canada's l>ge/ $uca;nal & pr(es.nal develop;t exp]i;e focus$ on te*nology1 employ;t & lit]acy = p ) sin m ab curr5t tr5ds & 9nova;ns 9 ! sie] adv.e;t4 ,! #bjai ,3f];e w take place on ,octob] #bi & #cj 9 ,toronto4 ,fur!r dates = ,vanc\v] & ,montr1l >e yet to 2 ann\nc$4 ,see cnib4ca_/connect+!dots = fur!r details4 ,africa ,=um ,- ,addis ,ababa1 ,e?iopia1 ,octob] #bjai ,africa ,=um is ,africa's premi]e 3f];e = bl;s activi/s1 l1d]s & commun;y4 ,! 3f];e is op5 to any 9dividual or organisa;n ) an 9t]e/ 9 bl;s 9 ,africa4 ,x (f]s opportunities to le>n1 net"w & 3tribute to ! future ( 4abil;y advocacy 9 ,africa4 ,! #gth ,africa ,=um w focus on a*iev+ equal;y 9 $uca;n "? 9nova;n1 a3ess & lifel;g le>n+4 ,x is s*$ul$ = #g-#aa ,octob] #bjai 9 ,addis ,ababa1 ,e?iopia4 ,"! has alr be5 s* a hi< numb] ( regi/ra;ns t a l>g] new v5ue has be5 book$4 ,9=ma;n & a l9k to regi/ra;n >e available at www4p]k9s4org_/get-9volv$_/" ev5ts_/africa-=um4 ,,nba ,pr(es.nal ,develop;t ,3f];e ,- ,,usa1 ,octob] #bjai ,! ,na;nal ,brl ,associa;n holds an annual ,pr(es.nal ,develop;t ,3f];e ) "w%ops to le>n m ab brl code revi.ns1 new te*niques1 s(tw>e1 h>dw>e & produc;n equip;t4 ,! next ,3f];e w 2 held 9 #cc ,pho5ix1 ,>izona f ,octob] #cj to ,novemb] #a4 ,regi/ra;n is n[ op5 at www4na;nalbraille4org_/" pr(es.nal-develop;t-3f];e_/4 ,gett+ 9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy ,- ,,usa1 ,novemb] #bjai ,gett+ 9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy is a na;nal 3f];e on all =ms ( lit]acy1 9clud+ pr9t1 brl1 auditory1 tactile graphics compreh5.n & ! use ( assi/ive te*nology4 ,! proce$+s 9clude pres5ta;ns1 "w%ops & po/] ses.ns4 ,! #bjai ,3f];e w 2 held f #ac-#ag ,novemb] 9 ,s1ttle1 ,wa%+ton4 ,regi/ra;n is n[ op5 at gett+9t\*)lit]acy4org_/4 @.<,logo@.> ,gett+ ,9 ,t\* ,) ,lit]acy #bjai ,,spevi ,3f];e ,- ,adelaide1 ,au/ralia1 ,janu>y #bjbj ,! ,s\? ,pacific ,$ucators 9 ,vi.n ,impair;t "<,,spevi"> hold a ,bi5nial ,3f];e (f]+ ,au/ralian1 ,new ,z1l&1 ,pacific ,isl& & 9t]na;nal l1d]s1 pr(es.nals & p>5ts_/c>]s ! opportun;y to %>e 9=ma;n & id1s ab curr5t & em]g+ s]vices1 programs1 te*nologies & res\rces = *n & adults :o >e bl1 h l[ vi.n1 d1f-bl;s1 or addi;nal 4abilities4 ,! next ,,spevi ,3f];e w 2 held 9 ,adelaide1 ,s\? ,au/ralia1 f #ab-#ae ,janu>y #bjbj4 ,regi/ra;ns >e n[ op5 at syn]gyev5ts4ev5tsair4" com_/spevi-#bjbj_/4 ,,at,'i,a #bjai ,- #ce ,orl&o1 ,florida ,,usa1 ,janu>y-,febru>y #bjbj ,! ,assi/ive ,te*nology ,9du/ry ,associa;n holds an annual 3f];e at ! ,c>ibe ,royale ,hotel & ,3v5;n ,c5t] 9 ,orl&o1 ,florida4 ,! #bjbj ,3f];e w 2g9 ) pre-3f];e sem9>s f #bh-#bi ,janu>y1 to 2 foll[$ by ! ,3f];e xf f #bi ,janu>y to #a ,febru>y4 ,onl9e regi/ra;ns >e n[ op51 ) e>lybird rates available until #bi ,septemb]4 ,m 9=ma;n is available f www4atia4org_/4 ,we/ ,asia ,3f];e on ,visual ,impair;t & ,d1fbl;s ,- ,lalitpur1 ,nepal1 ,febru>y #bjbj ,jo9tly organis$ by ,,icevi ,we/ ,asia & ,s5se ,9t]na;nal ,9dia1 ! ,we/ ,asia ,3f];e on ,visual ,impair;t & ,d1fbl;s has ! !me 8,9clusive ,$uca;n3 ,l1v+ ,no ,"o ,2h04 ,! 3f];e w 2 held at ! ,nepal ,adm9i/rative ,/aff ,college1 ,lalitpur f #af to #ah ,febru>y #bjbj4 ,pl1se note t only #cjj regi/ra;n places >e available4 ,m 9=ma;n is available at iceviwe/asia49_/icevi-s5se-" 9dia-na;nal-3f];e_/4 ,,csun ,assi/ive ,te*nology ,3f];e ,- ,anaheim1 ,,usa1 ,m>* #bjbj ,,csun is ! l>ge/ 3f];e ( xs k9d1 attract+ m ?an #e1jjj visitors annually4 ,x provides an 9clusive sett+ = rese>*]s1 practi;n]s1 exhibitors & 5d us]s to s>e k & be/ practice 9 ! field ( assi/ive te*nology4 ,! #ceth ,3f];e w 2 held 9 ,anaheim f #i-#ac ,m>* #bjbj4 ,! ,g5]al ,call = #cg ,pres5a;ns & ! ,call = ,pre-,3f];e ,"w%ops >e op5 until ,tues"d #a ,octob]4 ,see csun4$u_/cod_/conf];e_/" ses.ns_/ = m 9=ma;n4 ,r.d ,table ,3f];e ,- ,melb\rne1 ,may #bjbj ,! ,r.d ,table on ,9=ma;n ,a3ess = ,p ) ,pr9t ,4abilities is an umbrella organisa;n = memb]s f ! pr9t 4abil;y sector 9 ,au/ralia & ,new ,z1l& 9clud+ bl;s s]vice provid]s1 equip;t suppli]s1 $ucators1 libr>ies & public 9/itu;ns4 ,_! next annual 3f];e w 2 held at ,bayview ,$5 ,melb\rne f ,satur"d #b ,may to ,tues"d #e ,may4 ,proce$+s w 9clude ! annual meet+ ( ! ,au/ralian ,brl ,au?or;y1 "w%ops & pres5ta;ns4 ,! call = ab/racts is n[ op52 clos+ ,fri"d #bi ,novemb] #bjai4 ,m 9=ma;n is available at pr9tdisabil;y4org_/conf];e_/4 ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly ,- ,london1 ,5gl&1 ,may #bjbj ,,iceb holds a ,g5]al ,assembly once e f\r ye>s4 ,! next ,g5]al ,assembly w 2 held 9 ,london f #aa to #ae ,may #bjbj4 ,ea* memb] c.try ( ,,iceb w 2 repres5t$ by up to f\r delegates1 ( :om at l1/ #ej.0 m/ 2 t\* r1d]s4 ,obs]v]s >e al welcome4 ,m details on ! ,g5]al ,assembly1 al;g ) a call = pap]s1 w 2 made available 9 ! f/ week ( ,octob]4 ,pl1se *eck ! ,,iceb website1 social m$ia or ann\nce li/1 z giv5 at ! 5d ( ? newslr4 ,,wbu-,,icevi ,jo9t #ci ,assembly ,- ,madrid1 ,spa91 ,june #bjbj ,! ,_w ,bl ,union "<,,wbu"> & ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil = ,$uca;n ( ,p ) ,vi.n ,impair;t "<,,icevi"> w hold _! ?ird jo9t ,g5]al ,assembly at ! ,hotel ,m>riott 9 ,madrid1 ,spa91 f #ai to #bd ,june #bjbj4 ,! proce$+s w 9clude two "ds ( pap] pres5ta;ns f #bc to #bd ,june1 ) ab/ract submis.ns due by #cj ,septemb] #bjai4 ,= m 9=ma;n & regi/ra;n1 see icevi4org_/wbu-icevi-g5]al-" assemblies-#bjbj_/4 ,,ueb ,q@&,a ,9 answ] to \r e>li] "q1 ! v]tical bidirec;nal >r[ is brld z3 ;\wr+ ,explana;n3 .=\ is ! >r[ 9dicator "<: m/ 2 9 grade #a mode1 #ac4a">4 ,to decide : >r[ t]m9ator to use1 we det]m9e t ! h1d ( ! >r[ is deem$ to 2 at ! top = a /rictly v]tical >r[ "<#ac4c1 po9t #c at ! bottom ( page #fb">4 .=+ is ! clos+ 9dicator = an up po9t+ >r[4 ,? deci.n al tells u : ord] to use = ! two tips "4 .=w & .=r %[ t "! >e two tips1 ! second " 9 ! l9e ( direc;n " & ! f/ " c.t] to ! l9e ( direc;n "<#ac4c">4 ,cita;ns >e f ^7,guidel9es = ,te*nical ,mat]ial1^' available = free d[nload f iceb4org_/ueb4html4 ,,iceb ,3tact #da ,details ,website3 www4iceb4org ,email3 9fo@aiceb4org ,twitt]3 @a,,iceb,'braille ,facebook3 www4facebook4" com_/,,iceb,'braille_/ ,,iceb-ann\nce li/3 ,s5d an email to iceb-ann\nce"6" subscribe@agr\ps4io to rcv ann\nce;ts f ,,iceb1 9clud+ ? newslr & notifica;ns reg>d+ updates to ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl4 "33333333333 5d ( issue #d