,,,! s\? african brl au?or;y " ,,,report to ! ei #bf-#bi ,,may #bjbd ,,9troduc;n ,? ,report is a ,c.try ,report ( ,s\? ,africa to ! ,ei to date4 ,! 3t5t ( ! ,report is l>gely drawn f activities ( v>i\s ,organisa;ns t a6iliate to ,,saba & ,committees t 7 e/abli%$ by ,,saba to d specific "w4 ,,,composi;n ( saba,' ,! ,,saba memb]%ip is bas$ on 9dividuals ) relevant exp]tise & 9t]e/ 9 brl2 brl produc]s2 9/itu;ns ) 4abil;y units :o produce mat]ial 9 brl2 etc4 ,x is ? gr\p ( div]g5t 9t]e/1 backgr.d & exp]tise t =m "p ( ,,saba4 ,,,composi;n ( ! executive committee,' ,9 #bjba1 ,,saba virtually held xs ,g5]al ,assembly4 ,? 0 ! f/ "t ! ,g5]al ,assembly 0 held virtually1 & x pos$ s"eal *all5ges z reg>ds 3nectiv;y & UNreliable & 9CONSI/5T att5d.e ( memb]s4 ,! ?ree "ds h giv5 a di6]5t numb] ( att5d.e & numb]s dur+ ! ses.ns kept on fluctuat+4 ,f ? meet+1 ! foll[+ 9dividuals 7 elect$ to l1d ! ,au?or;y3 ,presid5t - ,mr4 ,lewis ,nzim&e2 ,deputy ,presid5t - ,mrs ,%ani ,ll2 ,tr1sur] - ,mr4 ,neels ,mat?ys]2 ,addi;nal memb] - ,mr4 ,nt%avh5i ,net%ituni2 ,addi;nal memb] - ,mr4 ,hanif ,krug]2 ,addi;nal memb] - ,mrs ,pa%a ,ald52 & ,addi;nal memb] - ,mr4 ,g]h>dt ,]asmus4 ,? is ! t1m ( p t l$ ! ,au?or;y f #bjba to #bjbd1 :5 ano!r r.d ( elec;ns 0 d"o 9 ,m>*4 ,! foll[+ 9dividuals 7 elect$ to ! ,executive ,committee 9 ,m>* #bjbd3 ,presid5t - ,mr4 ,nt%avh5i ,net%ituni2 ,deputy ,presid5t - ,pr( ,ob]t ,maguvhe2 ,tr1sur] - ,mr4 ,de5a ,moodley2 ,addi;nal memb] - ,ms4 ,nomsa ,mukwevho2 ,addi;nal memb] - ,mr4 ,hanif ,krug]2 ,addi;nal memb] - mr4 ,*ri/o de ,kl]k2 & ,addi;nal memb] - ,mr4 ,]ic ,gama4 ,,,activities dur+ ! t]m,' ,,,support to memb]s,' ,! ,exco provid$1 z p] ! 3/itu;n ( ,,saba1 support to ,memb] ,organiSa;ns ( ,,saba1 : 9cludes am;g/ o!rs1 ! issu+ ( c]tificates ( 9dorse;t ( brl produc;n h\ses1 = ! gu>antee on /&>ds & qual;y assur.e 9 compli.e ) ,,ubc4 ,,,projects & activities,' ,,saba 3t9u$ to "pn] ) ,memb] ,organisa;ns 9 v>i\s projects t >e promot+ brl use1 t is1 writ+ & r1d+ by bl p1 especially *n & y\?4 ,^! ,organisa;ns 9clude ,bl ,,sa on ! ,r1d ,al\d ,"d ,project : has gr[n f a "o-"d ev5t to a full week ev5t held t[>ds ! 5d ( ,febru>y4 ,a numb] ( special s*ools 7 visit$ dur+ ea* ye> ( ! imple;ta;n ( ! ,_w ,r1d ,al\d ,"d activities : 7 ma9ly l$ by ,bl ,,sa4 ,! ,s\? ,african ,na;nal ,c\ncil = ! ,bl "<,,sancb"> ,brl ,cup ,competi;n1 : has al gr[n f a "o-"d ev5t to two "ds : is held dur+ ,septemb] or ,octob]4 ,ov] #gj.0 ( special s*ools "picipat$ 9 ! ,brl ,cup ,project 9 ! promo;n ( brl use "? writ+ & r1d+ am;g/ le>n]s to date4 ,9 #bjba af ! ,g5]al ,assembly1 ! new ,exco rcvd on ! h&ov] f _! pr$ecessor1 ! matt] ( ! e/abli%;t ( ! ,brl ,museum 9 ,s\? ,africa1 : 0 assign$ to ,bl ,,sa & ,,sancb1 & 0 "utak5 immly4 ,! ,exco 5gag$ all "pies t 7 assign$ to "utake ! ,brl ,museum ,project = ! pursu.e ( ! e/abli%;t ( ! ,brl ,museum 9 ,s\? ,africa4 ,af all negotia;ns & 5gage;ts 7 d"o1 x 0 agre$ t ! orig9al "n ( ! ,project1 : 0 to 2 ,josie ,wood 9itially1 _h to 2 *ang$ & a new "n to 2 solicit$1 t w 2fit ! /atus & /ature ( ! ,brl ,museum ,project4 ,x 0 fur!r agre$ t a sole ho/ 2 ,bl ,,sa & ! ,museum 0 laun*$ 9 ,novemb] #bjbb1 ! 3s5sus "n is ,antonette ,bo?a ,brl ,museum "<,,a2m">1 z we "k x td4 ,a bo>d 0 e/abli%$ ) repres5tatives f ,,saba ,exco & ,bl ,,sa4 ,bl ,,sa 3tributes a sum ( m"oy to keep ! ,museum afloat4 ,we value ? ,project = ! ri* h]itage on brl mat]ial1 equip;t & items t h come to 2come a life hi/ory ( bl & "pially sis4 ,,organisa;n_/,,committee ,,"w ,,bl ,,sa ,bl ,,sa prides xf = produc+ brl "y1 te*nical & tactile graphics">1 l>ge pr9t & audio "<,daisy & ,,mp#c">1 = cli5ts & s*ools1 z well z ,epub books = ! ,bl ,,sa ,book%>e onl9e ,libr>y4 ,? 9t]v5;n is key 9 5sur+ t _m visually impair$ p :o love r1d+ d get a3ess to r1d+ mat]ial 9 _! 9dividualLY pref]r$ =mats4 ,bl ,,sa makes e ef=t to provide qual;y brl1 z we r1lise t qual;y brl is non-negotiable1 especially 9 ! case ( mat]ial provid$ to le>n]s AT s*oolS & /ud5ts at univ]sities4 ,bl ,,sa1 tgr ) ,sec;n#bg1 manag$ to advocate & take gov]n;t to ,c\rt ov] ! uncon/itu;nal;y ( ! ,copy"r ,act ( #aigh1 9 #bjba at ! ,hi< ,c\rt 9 ,pretoria & 9 #bjbb "<= ! 3firma;n ( ! uncon/itu;nal;y ( ! ,ACT">1 at ! ,3/itu;nal ,c\rt1 ! hid.s ( ! alm non-exi/5t ( ,,saba dur+ ! pa/ ye>s1 ? ,committee rema9$ focus$ & made notable 9-roads on ,afrikaans brl4 ,a significant "p ( ! "w ( ! ,committee s9ce ! la/ ,g5]al ,assembly 0 l>gely on $it+ ! manual1 8,v]e5v\digde re?ls vir ,afrikaanse brl04 ,z a result ( o!r matt]s hav+ to take prec$;e1 $it+ ( ! manual cd n comm;e until ! second t]m ( #bjbc4 ,n"e!.s1 ! $it+ 0 d"o qkly & e6ici5tly 9 ab two "w+ "ds4 ,? 9 turn l$ to ! revisit+ ( c]ta9 subjects & ! 4cov]y ( new issues t we 9itially _hn't 3sid]$4 ,! ,committee al d1lt ) a2revia;ns & acronyms & bridg+4 ,! ,committee al look$ at ! use ( ! 3trac;ns = be1 ge & te :5 !y >e foll[$ by a modifi$ lr2 use ( l[] 3trac;ns 9 3junc;n ) ! =w>d sla%2 use ( ! 3trac;ns = be1 ge & te :5 !y bridge a root ^w & a su6ix2 use ( ! 3trac;ns = die1 ;ei1 ie1 oe & ui :5 n pron\nc$ z 9 /&>d ,afrikaans "4 ,,music ,,committee ,! ,music ,committee 0 al relatively active4 ,mo/ ( ! 4cus.ns l$ by ! ,*air ( ,,iceb ,music ,committee 7 respond$ to by ! ,music ,committee repres5tative f ,s\? ,africa4 ,,3clu.n ,z a newly elect$ ,committee = ! ,au?or;y1 we tru/ t we w 2 able to correct all t w5t wr;g dur+ ! pa/ t]m1 & to once ag br+ ,s\? ,africa to xs "r;l place at ,,iceb4 ,3front$ by multiple languages requir+ significant b tailor$ att5;n1 we w give su6ici5t focus to ea* "o ( !m1 by 9troduc+ new p to l1d ! di6]5t ,committees4 ,? 9t]v5;n goes deep 9to ! que/ = ! ,au?or;y to develop brl = all languages 9 ,s\? ,africa4 ,i wi% ! #hth ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly a res.d+ su3ess "u ! curr5t presid5t1 ,dr ,judy ,dixon & ! :ole ( ! ,ex,co4