,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil #a on ,5gli% ,brl ,report f ! ,public ,rela;ns ,committee #bjbd ,! ,public ,rela;ns ,committee 0 e/abli%$ foll[+ ! #bjaf ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly4 ,x is responsible = tell+ ! _w ab ! policies1 deci.ns & activities ( ,,iceb4 ,foll[+ an am5d;t to ! ,,iceb ,3/itu;n 9 #bjbj1 ! committee is n[ a ,p]man5t ,committee : reflects ! important & ongo+ nature ( xs "w4 #a public rela;ns a#a ,! ,public ,rela;ns ,committee #bjbd ,j5 ,g\ld5 "<,canada"> ,natalie ,m>t9iello "<,canada"> ,/ew>t ,lawl] "<,irel&"> ,re9ette ,popple/"o "<,s\? ,africa"> sadly pass$ away 9 #bjai ,sue ,reilly "<,unit$ ,/ates"> ,mike ,t[ns5d "<,5gl&"> sadly pass$ away 9 ,novemb] #bjbc & 8 memorial s]vice 0 9 ,janu>y #bjbd ,leona ,holl[ay "<,au/ralia"> ,m>y ,s*nack5b]g "<,new ,z1l&"> ,m>ia ,/ev5s ,*air "<,new ,z1l&"> #b public rela;ns b#a ,,iceb ,"w+ ,committees >e3 _4 ,code ,ma9t5.e _4 ,,ueb ,te*nical ,committee _4 ,brl ,te*nology _4 ,3/itu;n & ,bylaws _4 ,f9.e _4 ,music _4 ,public ,rela;ns _4 ,rese>* ,obs]v]s >e alw welcome to jo9 any ( ^! "w+ gr\ps4 ----------------------------#b ,,iceb e/abli%$ a ,facebook page 9 ,febru>y #bjag4 ,! ,,iceb ,facebook page is locat$ at https3_/_/www4" facebook4com_/" ,,iceb,'braille_/4 ,at la/ c.t "! 7 #gbg ,facebook foll[]s4 ,i wi% to ?ank ,natalie ,m>t9iello = ! support %e #c public rela;ns a#b has s g5]\sly provid$ to 5able ,facebook to 3t9ue to gr[ & %>e >ticles >.d ,brl4 ,! ,,iceb ,twitt] a3.t @a,,iceb,'braille " 0 e/abli%$ 9 ,may #bjaf at ! comm;e;t ( ! ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly4 ,at la/ c.t ,,iceb ,twitt] _h #dcg foll[]s4 ,i wi% to ac"kl$ge ,j5 ,g\ld5 = ! tweets %e has %>$ >.d ! import.e ( ,brl td & 9to ! future4 ,j5 is al v5tur+ 9to ! _w ( ,ma/odon " ano!r plat=m to %>e news ab ! "w t ,,iceb 3t9ues to d >.d ,brl 9 \r *ang+ _w ( a3essibil;y to ! writt5 ^w 9 ,brl4 ,,iceb-ann\nce is a "o-way li/s]v on gr\ps4io res]v$ #d public rela;ns b#b = important ann\nce;ts ab ,,iceb activities s* z updates to ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl & upcom+ ,,iceb meet+s4 ,x is al us$ = 4tribu;n ( ! ,,iceb newslr4 ,to le>n m ab ! iceb-ann\nce@agr\ps4io gr\p1 pl1se visit https3_/_/" gr\ps4io_/" g_/iceb-ann\nce ,to />t s5d+ messages to memb]s ( ? gr\p1 simply s5d email to iceb-ann\nce@agr\ps4io4 ,! f/ ,,iceb newslr 0 produc$ 9 ,decemb] #bjah4 ,s9ce !n1 x has be5 produc$ & 4tribut$ qu>t]ly 9 ,m>*1 ,june1 ,septemb] & ,decemb]4 ,! newslr is /or$ on ! ,,iceb website4 ,ea* $i;n 9cludes a mix ( ,,iceb news1 ,,ueb ,,faq & te/-yr-k1 news f ! #e public rela;ns c#b broad] ,brl commun;y1 & upcom+ ev5ts4 ,we ?ank all \r 3tributors & "ey"o :o helps ) id1s1 pro(r1d+ & produc;n4 ,m>y ,s*nack5b]g 3t9ues to 5sure t ! 3t5t & ! newslrs >e s5t \ complete ) 9t]e/+ & ?"\- provok+ >ticles & ,i truly appreciate all ! "w %e does = ,,iceb4 ,if y hav5't rcvd a newslr f ! li/1 pl1se subscribe by s5d+ an email to iceb-ann\nce"6" subscribe@agr\ps4io4 ,! ,,iceb website at https3_/_/iceb4org s]ves z a public door to ! "w d"o by ,,iceb & z a repository = 9=ma;n & mat]ials4 ,we w>mly ?ank ,judy ,dixon = tak+ c>e ( ! website updates4 ,m* "w rema9s to 2 d"o1 "picul>ly 9 t]ms ( \tr1* to non-memb] c.tries & #f public rela;ns d#b collabora;n ) o!r organisa;ns4 ----------------------------#c ,we look =w>d to he>+ news f ! ,_w ,bl ,union ab ! ,_w ,brl ,c\ncil4 ,m 9=ma;n ab ! "w ( ! ,public ,rela;ns ,committee1 9clud+ pa/ issues ( ! ,,iceb newslr1 c 2 f.d on \r ,brl ,promo;n page1 https3_/_/" iceb4org_/,,pr4html4 ,:ile ! major;y ( ,,iceb subscrib]s & foll[]s acr \r v>i\s social m$ia plat=ms >e f ,,iceb memb] c.tries1 "! is al mode/ \tr1* to o!r c.tries 9clud+ ,botswana1 ,brazil1 ,9dia1 ,f9l&1 ,fr.e1 ,japan1 ! ,ne!rl&s1 ,russia1 ,v5ezuela & ,zimbabwe4 ,,iceb is pl1s$ to ann\nce t ,nepal has rec5tly jo9$ ! ,,iceb family & _! repres5tative att5d$ ! #g public rela;ns a#c ,,iceb ,executive ,april #bjbd meet+4 ,! "w ( ,,iceb is ( import.e to all c.tries us+ or t1*+ ,5gli% ,brl4 ,! ,public ,rela;ns ,committee has be5 pl1s$ to significantly exp& ! m$ia "? : we c %>e ? "w ov] ! la/ f\r ye>s4 ,9 "picul>1 ! 9cr1s$ use ( social m$ia *annels1 ! iceb-ann\nce li/s]v & ! qu>t]ly ,,iceb newslr repres5t major a*ieve;ts4 ,we hope t ^! \tlets w 3t9ue to 2 us$ 9 ! future & t \r memb]s & foll[]s w help to %>e ,,iceb's rules1 guidel9es & res\rces = ,brl )9 _! local ,brl communities4 ,3clu.n ,z we celebrate #bjj ,ye>s ( ,brl & ! way x has evolv$ f ! slate & /ylus "? to files #h public rela;ns b#c 2+ emboss$ f comput]s & files 2+ r1d on refre%able ,brl devices1 pl1se take a mo;t to rememb] ,l\is ,brl & ! gift he has giv5 to s _m ,brl r1d]s _wwide to 5able ea* ( u to live \r lives ! way we wi%4 ,m>ia ,/ev5s ,public ,rela;ns ,(fic] ,may #bjbd ,,! ,,5d #i