,c.try ,report ,= ,canada ^7,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl^' ^7,mid-,t]m ,executive ,meet+^' ^7,dubl91 ,april #bjah^' ,an ,update ,f ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada ,s9ce ! #fth ,g5]al ,assembly 9 #bjaf ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada "<;,,blc"> has imple;t$ ! foll[+3 _4 ,a ,,ueb li/s]v ": subscrib]s c po/ "qs relat$ to ! code4 ,phyllis ,l&on has agre$ to 2 \r subject matt] exp]t4 _4 ,a bi-mon?ly ;e-newslr 3ta9+ >ticles on brl-relat$ topics4 _4 ,bi-mon?ly teleconf];es on topics s* z refre%able brl te*nology & ,,ueb te*nical mat]ial "<: 0 facilitat$ by ,lorra9e ,banks">4 _4 ,onl9e surveys to get m 9put f memb]s & non-memb]s4 ,late 9 #bjaf we f9aliz$ ! ,fr5* transla;n ( ! ,,ueb rule book4 ,un=tunately1 ! organiza;n t _h 9itially (f]$ to cr1te ! brf files is n #a curr5tly 9 a posi;n to d s4 ,t por;n ( ! project is on hold = n[4 ,! f$]al gov]n;t has be5 "w+ to develop na;nal 4abil;y "rs legisla;n1 & 9 #bjag ;,,blc held a 3sulta;n & prep>$ a submis.n t emphasiz$ ! import.e ( brl & ! "rs ( brl us]s4 ,we >e 3t9u+ to run ! ,brlr ,b\nce ,9itiative1 : we f/ laun*$ 9 #bjae4 ,9 ? program we take unus$ or unwant$ ,p]k9s brlrs1 refurbi% !m & make !m available to 9dividuals :o ne$ !m4 ,we h provid$ brlrs to p ( all ages acr ,canada1 f 2g9n+ brl r1d]s to lifel;g us]s4 ;,,blc rec5tly revitaliz$ \r ,t1*+ & ,le>n+ ,committee4 ,9 ! pa/ ? committee "<*air$ by ,dr4 ,cay ,holbrook"> 3duct$ num]\s rese>* projects relat$ to brl 9/ruc;n1 s* z ! ,,abc ,brl ,/udy4 ,n[ "u ! l1d]%ip ( ,natalie ,m>t9iello1 ! committee is look+ at possible rese>* projects1 "s ( : >e relat$ to ,,ueb te*nical mat]ial4 ,ano!r ongo+ 9itiative 9 : ;,,blc is 9volv$ is a "w+ gr\p ) organiza;ns acr ,canada to 9ve/igate a na;nal /&>d or c]tifica;n ( brl pr(ici5cy ge>$ #b specifically to t1*]s4 ,we >e al "picipat+ 9 ma9/r1m lit]acy ev5ts :5"e possible1 to 9cr1se aw>e;s ( ! value ( brl4 ,"o s* ev5t is ,^w ,vanc\v]1 : is held ea* ye> 9 ,septemb]4 ,at ? "t we >e 9 ! process ( revamp+ \r web site4 ,"! h be5 "s glit*es al;g ! way1 b we >e hop+ to laun* ! new site 2f \r ,annual ,g5]al ,met+ "<,,agm">1 : w take place 9 ,ottawa on ,may #bfth4 ,at ! ,,agm we w 2 ho/+ a "w%op on pair+ brl 4plays ) i,,os devices4 ,we >e al plann+ a "w%op on ,brl,bla/]1 ! free transcrip;n s(tw>e develop$ by ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl4 ,o!r items ( ,note _4 ,,cnib celebrates xs #ajjth anniv]s>y ? ye>4 ,a numb] ( ev5ts & activities >e tak+ place acr ! c.try4 _4 ,on ,janu>y #bd1 #bjah1 ,d>le5 ,bog>t 0 made an ,(fic] ( ! ,ord] ( ,canada = h] 9valuable 3tribu;n to brl4 _4 ,e two ye>s ! ,canadian ,vi.n ,t1*]s ho/ a na;nal 3f];e = $ucators ( ! bl & visually impair$4 ,? 3f];e1 call$ ,see+ ,2y ! ,horizon1 takes place #c ? spr+ 9 ,$monton1 ,alb]ta4 _4 ,! ,c5tre = ,equitable ,libr>y ,a3ess "<,,cela">1 =m]ly ! ,,cnib libr>y1 w 2 laun*+ a program call$ ,brl ,on ,dem&4 ,future titles produc$ z brf files w only 2 emboss$ :5 reque/$4 ,patrons d n h to return ^! h>d copies to ! libr>y4 _4 ,! ,na;nal ,net"w ( ,equitable ,libr>y ,s]vice "<,,nnels"> is a repository ( 3t5t [n$ & su/a9$ by ,canadian public libr>ies t provides books 9 a3essible =mats4 ,!y >e 9ve/igat+ ways to make m titles available 9 brl4 ,i wd l to close ? report by not+ t ,i am f9i%+ my la/ t]m z presid5t ( ;,,blc4 ,at \r upcom+ ,,agm we w elect my su3essor4 ,x has be5 an hon\r to s]ve ;,,blc 9 ? capac;y4 ,respect;lly submitt$1 ,j5 ,g\ld51 ,presid5t ( ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada ,ottawa1 ,ont>io ,m>* #a1 #bjah #d