,tr1sur]'s ,report ^7,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl^' ^7,mid-,t]m ,executive ,meet+^' ^7,dubl91 ,april #bjah^' ,? report provides a summ>y ( \r f9.es f ! #fth ,g5]al ,assembly 9 #bjaf to ,febru>y #bh1 #bjah4 ^7,previ\s ,ye>-,5d ,bal.es^' ,ye>3 #bjaf ,,usd3 @s#f1gig4jh ,canadian3 @s#j4jj ,,gic3 @s#aj1jjj4jj ,ye>3 #bjag ,,usd3 @s#aj1age4cf ,canadian3 @s#j4jj ,,gic3 @s#aj1jie4jj ,bal.es z ( ,febru>y #bh1 #bjah ,op]a;ns ,a3.t3 @s#i1cdi4bd ,,usd ,,gic3 @s#aj1aaf4ig ,,usd ,exp5ses to date ? ye> "<,presid5t's ,travel">3 @s#hbf4ab ,,usd #a ,notes #a4 ,i w 2 provid+ an alt]nate /ate;t = #bjaf 2c ! orig9al spr1d%eet 0 n cle>4 ,! doll> am.ts >e misl1d+ due to ! swit* f ,au/ralian to ,,us curr5cy 9 ,octob]4 ,fur!rmore1 transf]s 2t ,,iceb a3.ts & to ! new a3.t 9 ,canada 7 not$ z 9come & exp5ditures4 #b4 ,! alt]nate /ate;t w %[ ,janu>y-,octob] & ,novemb]-,decemb] #bjaf = ! purpose ( cl>;y4 #c4 ,i may h an a3.tant 9 ,ottawa :o w review \r /ate;ts = a r$uc$ fee4 ,i h "kn hm = _m ye>s & w provide 8 9=ma;n once he 3firms4 #d4 ,approximately @s#bc1cjj4jj ,,aud 0 transf]r$ to ,canada 9 ,octob] ( #bjaf4 #e4 ,9itially we _h to h a ,canadian a3.t to set up onl9e bank+1 b t is no l;g] ! case4 ,! a3.t w 2 clos$ z ( ! 2g9n+ ( ,m>*4 ,x 0 only us$ once1 s t ,i cd reimburse myf = ,*ri/o's fli is @s#ij4de4 #i4 ,canada & ! ,,us w s5d *eques f n[ on to r$uce ! co/ ( wire transf]s = all 3c]n$4 #aj4 ,"s c.tries did n factor 9 ! fee = a wire transf] b x is n wor? ! co/ ( collect+ ! di6];e4 ,i h cl>ifi$ ? issue on ! 9voices = #bjah4 ,"o c.try pd @s#be ,,usd abv ! requir$ am.t4 #aa4 ,9 ,dubl9 ,i w provide curr5t a3.t bal.es & any o!r relevant updates z ( ,april #bjah4 ,respect;lly submitt$1 ,j5 ,g\ld51 ,tr1sur] ,ottawa1 ,ont>io ,febru>y #bh1 #bjah #c