,,iceb ,newslr ,issue #e1 ,decemb] #bjai @.<,logo@.> ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl ,welcome ,9 ? issue1 we >e pl1s$ to pres5t a special focus on brl rese>*4 ,,iceb @.<,5tr.e to ,google ,academy1 ,london3 ,,iceb #gth ,g5]al ,assembly #bjbj@.> ,! ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl "<,,iceb"> w hold \r #gth ,g5]al ,assembly f ,mon"d #aa ,may to ,fri"d #ae ,may #bjbj at ! ,google ,academy 9 c5tral #a ,london4 ,! focus = ! week w 2 on brl z an excit+ & relevant code = ! future1 "picul>ly digital brl4 ,! call = pap]s has n[ clos$4 ,pres5ta;ns & po/] pres5ta;ns w 2 circulat$ prior to ! ,g5]al ,assembly & !n publi%$ on ! ,,iceb website4 ,summ>ies w 2 pres5t$ at ! ,assembly & "! w 2 a po/]_/demo ses.n 9 an exhibi;n >ea z "p ( ! ,g5]al ,assembly proce$+s4 ,ea* memb] c.try ( ,,iceb is 9vit$ to nom9ate f\r delegates to ! ,assembly4 ,obs]v]s >e al w>mly welcom$4 ,! recomm5d$ hotel = a3ommoda;n is ! ,premi] ,9n 9 ,london ,victoria4 ,book+s to 2 made directly ) ! hotel4 ,! full program w 2 rel1s$ at ! 5d ( ,janu>y1 at : "t regi/ra;ns w op5 via #b www4ukaaf4org4 ,fur!r details w 2 po/$ to http3_/_/iceb4org z !y 2come available4 ,we hope t y c jo9 u4 ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,revis$ rules = quota;n m>ks & ! apo/rophe ,,iceb is pl1s$ to ann\nce ! rel1se ( revis$ rules = ! use ( quota;n m>ks & ! apo/rophe1 replac+ sec;n #g4f ( ! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl4 ,we h simplifi$ old ! rule1 remov+ ! 3cepts ( 8nonspecific0 & 8pr$om9ant0 quotes4 ,9/1d1 d\ble quota;n m>ks >e repres5t$ by l[] ;h .=8 & l[] ;j .=01 :ile s+le quota;n m>ks >e repres5t$ by dot #f1 l[] ;h .=,8 & dot #f1 l[] ;j .=,04 ,we h emphasiz$ ! import.e ( ! apo/rophe 9 brl4 ,"! is an exp&$ sec;n on #c avoid+ ambigu;y & a sec;n has be5 add$ to give guid.e = s(tw>e develop]s4 ,"! >e al s"eal new examples4 ,! revis$ rule is ! result ( ov] five ye>s ( bra9/orm+1 3sulta;n & c>e;l analysis by ! ,,ueb ,code ,ma9t5.e ,committee4 ,! orig9al problem >ose f a desire to 4t+ui% prop]ly 2t ! clos+ s+le quote & ! apo/rophe4 ,pr9t (t5 does n make a 4t9c;n & pr9t r1d]s h no problem 9t]pret+ ! m1n+ f 3text4 ,h["e1 use ( ! wr;g symbol c 2 q 4ruptive = brl r1d]s1 :o (t5 see a two-cell clos+ s+le quote :5 a dot #c = ! apo/rophe %d 2 us$4 ,transcrib]s 7 al fru/rat$ ) hav+ to sp5d s m* "t $it+ mat]ial 9 ord] to 5sure apo/rophes appe> 9 _! prop] place4 ,:ile we 7 unable to #d f9d a p]fect solu;n t wd meet ! ne$s ( all /akehold]s1 we 2lieve t ! revis$ rule is ! be/ possible solu;n & w s]ve u well 9to ! future4 ,! revis$ rule c 2 d[nload$ 9 pr9t & brl f ! ,,iceb website at http3_/_/iceb4org4 ,x took e6ect on #h ,octob] #bjai = imm use4 - ,phyllis ,l&on1 ,*air ( ! ,,ueb ,code ,ma9t5.e ,committee ,quotes & apo/rophes 9 ,,dbt ,- ,a transcrib]'s p]spective on imple;ta;n ( ! revis$ rule #g4f ,! ,duxbury ,brl ,translator "<,,dbt"> is commonly us$ = pr(es.nal brl transcrip;n4 ,9 a3ord.e ) new rule #g4f4ad1 ,,dbt alr has an ext5sive dic;n>y all[+ automatic recogni;n ( ! #e apo/rophe at ! 2g9n+ or 5d ( a2reviat$ ^ws s* z 'tis & no?9'4 ,,dbt al uses algori?ms to det]m9e ! di6];e 2t s+le quota;n m>ks & apo/rophes z p] #g4f4ae4 ,x %d 2 not$1 h["e1 t transla;n ( quota;n m>ks & apo/rophes is mo/ su3ess;l 9 ,,dbt if text 9put has be5 p]=m$ us+ ,^w ) ,sm>t ,quotes4 ,? is 2c ,,dbt w alw translate ! /rai z ! dot #c apo/rophe or non-direc;nal s+le quote4 ,9 ! r>e 9/.es :5 ! non-direc;nal d\ble quote1 "<,unicode #jjbb or ,,ascii #cd"> is requir$ to 2 %[n 9 brl z p] #g4f4e1 ! code . is ne$$ 2f xs use4 ,by default1 ,,dbt translates ! f/ quote #f 5c.t]$ z a s+le-cell d\ble quote1 reg>d.s ( :e!r x is a d\ble or s+le quote4 ,! opposite =m w !n 2 translat$ z a two-cell s+le quote4 ,if ! f/ quote 5c.t]$ is s+le1 & y don't want ,,dbt to *ange ! assign;t ( s+le & d\ble quotes z p] #g4f4d1 9s]t ! . code at ! 2g9n+ ( yr docu;t4 ,we await news f ,duxbury ,sy/ems reg>d+ updates to ,,dbt to fur!r support ! revis$ rules4 - ,) ?anks to ,ka?y ,riess51 ,coord9ator ,a3essible ,=mat ,produc;n1 ,s\? ,au/ralian ,s*ool = ,vi.n ,impair$ "<,,sasvi">4 ,%e is happy to 2 3tact$ at ,ka?le54,riess5@as*ools4" sa4au if any"o wi%es = m detail$ 9/ruc;ns4 #g ,libl\is imple;ta;n ( ! revis$ rule #g4f ,lib,l\is is ,op5 ,s\rce brl transla;n s(tw>e t is us$ )9 _m o!r te*nologies s* z ,brl ,bla/]1 ,,jaws1 ,,nvda & refre%able brl 4plays4 ,! basic symbols = quota;n m>ks & ! apo/rophe >e alr set correctly 9 ,lib,l\is1 h["e ? relies on ! correct ,unicode symbols 2+ 5t]$ 9 pr9t4 ,"! is curr5tly no op;n to swit* ! symbols = ! d\ble quote & s+le quote1 z all[$ 9 revis$ rule #g4f4d4 ,fur!rmore1 ! symbols = angle quota;n m>ks >e n yet available 9 ,lib,l\is4 ,a dic;n>y ) addi;nal rules w 2 requir$ to improve recogni;n ( ! apo/rophe4 ,,iceb is "w+ to assi/ 9 imple;t+ ! requir$ *anges to ,lib,l\is4 ,3sid]+ ! "t #h lag 2t ,lib,l\is v].n updates & imple;ta;n 9 scre5 r1d]s1 x is hop$ t ! revis$ ,,ueb rules & improv$ transla;n w 2 available = use by mid-#bjbj4 - ,james ,b[d51 ,*air ( ,,iceb ,brl ,te*nology ,committee ,onl9e ,,ueb ,/udy ,gr\p = ,9t]na;nal ,brl ,transcrib+ ,/ud5ts ,) ! adop;n ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl1 /ud5ts le>n+ brl transcrip;n _wwide c /udy tgr4 ,! 8,lit]>y ,brl ,transcrib+ ,/udy ,gr\p0 /udy gr\p on ,facebook is a commun;y ( /ud5ts "w+ on 2com+ c]tifi$ brl transcrib]s4 ,? /udy gr\p (f]s ^7free1 9/antly d[nloadable ,,ueb /udy mat]ial^' 9 a ,google ,drive3 #i - ,fla%c>ds1 quizzes & ref];e %eets - ,/ud5t us]'s guide = ,p]ky ,duck s(tw>e - ,li/ ( free onl9e ,,ueb c\rses ,^! /udy mat]ials 7 cr1t$ by /ud5ts & pr(es.nals :o >e pas.nate ab brl4 ,?ank y v m* to "ey"o :o has %>$ files ) ? gr\p6 ,& if y h any docu;ts to 3tribute1 pl1se upload !m to ! 8,submis.ns ,fold]0 9 ! ,google ,drive4 ,we're "picul>ly look+ = "w%eets t cov] ! v>i\s ^wsigns & gr\psigns4 ,/ud5ts _wwide w ?ank y6 ,af y've d[nload$ "s free ,,ueb /udy mat]ial1 pl1se say hello 9 ! 8,lit]>y ,brl ,transcrib+ ,/udy ,gr\p0 on ,facebook4 ,curr5tly ! major;y ( ! gr\p is made up ( #aj /ud5ts go+ "? ! ,am]ican ,,ueb c]tifica;n c\rse1 b we >e all ab help+ ea* o!r le>n ! rules ( ,,ueb1 reg>d.s ( ": y live4 ,! philosophy ( ? /udy gr\p is t "!'s no s* ?+ z a /upid "q4 ,"ey"o is welcome1 :e!r y >e on lesson "o or "w+ on yr f9al project4 ,9 ? v active /udy gr\p y'll f9d /ud5ts ask+ "qs & 5c\rag+ ea* o!r to keep /udy+4 ,"! >e al dynamic 4cus.ns ab pro(r1d+ advice1 te*nical support "1 z well z ann\nce;ts = upcom+ brl transcrib] 3f];es & applicable s*ol>%ips4 ,! 8,lit]>y ,brl ,transcrib+ ,/udy ,gr\p0 is /udi\s1 b we al l to h fun6 ,pl1se jo9 u = ! ^7,janu>y ,brl ,r1d+ ,*all5ge1^' : is ": y r1d a fun book 9 brl = #aj m9utes a "d1 #e "ds a #aa week4 ,! idea is t ! m flu5tly y r1d brl1 ! easi] x w 2 to focus on le>n+ h[ to transcribe4 ,9 ! spr+ we're hav+ a ,facebook ,live ^7,brl ,trivia ,nid to e>n ! title ( c]tifi$ brl transcrib]4 ,if y c1 try to f9i% yr ,,ueb c]tifica;n 2f ,septemb] #ae #bjbj s t y c 2 9 ! graduate slide%[ & get yr "n on ! cake6 ,"! w 2 games & prizes6 ,pl1se tell yr frs ab ! 8,lit]>y ,brl ,transcrib+ ,/udy ,gr\p0 on ,facebook " & ! ,google ,drive a3.t t's full ( free /udy mat]ial4 @.<,see ,^w v].n = ! l9k@.> ,& if y h any files t y'd l to 3tribute1 pl1se upload !m to ! ,google ,drive a3.t4 ,?ank y 9 adv.e6 ,let ! 9t]na;nal /udy "py 2g96 - ,elizabe? ,sym+ton1 cr1tor @& adm9 ( ! ,lit]>y ,brl ,transcrib+ ,/udy ,gr\p ,,ueb ,ma? ,onl9e ,,ueb ,onl9e is a free onl9e tra9+ c\rse = pr9t & t\* r1d]s to le>n ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl4 ,we >e pl1s$ to report t t5 new lessons h be5 rel1s$ ? mon? cov]+ ,adv.ed ,ma!matics1 ! symbols & expres.ns 5c.t]$ dur+ ! junior ye>s ( second>y s*ool+4 ,? module is an #ac ext5.n ( ,9troductory ,ma!matics1 : m/ 2 complet$ f/4 ,ext5.n ,ma!matics lessons cov]+ ma!matical symbols & expres.ns us$ 9 ! s5ior ye>s ( second>y s*ool+ >e 9 develop;t1 ) an expect$ rel1se date 9 ! f/ half ( #bjbj4 ,?anks >e ext5d$ to ! ,royal ,9/itute = ,d1f & ,bl ,/ud5ts1 ,,ridbc ,r5wick ,c5tre & ,macqu>ie ,univ]s;y = _! support 9 produc+ & adm9i/]+ ? c\rse = brl le>n]s _wwide4 ,,ueb ,q@&,a ,problem ^ws ,- l;g prefixes bridg+ ,,( ,3t9u+ ,,iceb's "w on det]m9+ ! correct use ( 3trac;ns 9 unusual or sci5tific ^ws1 ? issue we look at use ( ! ,,( 3trac;n 9 #ad ^ws ) l;g prefixes3 griseo;lv9 ,,ful 3trac;n i*?yofauna no ,,( ,islamofasci/ no ,,( mycroflora no ,,( myelofibrosis no ,,( neurofibril no ,,( neurofibroma no ,,( neurofibromatosis no ,,( nitrofuran no ,,( pr(lu5t ,,( is us$ syn*rofla% no ,,( turbofan no ,,( ,te/ yr ,,ueb k6 ,h[ wd y brl ! foll[+ example8 ,9 "picul>1 %d ! second num]ic 9dicator 2 plac$ 2f or af ! num]ic space8 _1#ab"cde .<,twelve ?\s& ?ree hundr$ & =ty five ) "ul9e = ! #ab & a space 2f ! #c4.> ,*eck ne> ! 5d ( ! #ae newslr = ! answ]4 ,brl rese>* ,,iceb's newe/ committee is d$icat$ to monitor+ & %>+ brl rese>*4 ,! ,,iceb ,brl ,rese>* ,committee w pres5t a summ>y ( rec5t rese>* at ! ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly 9 ,london #bjbj4 ,"h1 we >e pl1s$ to %>e a glimpse at "s ( ! "w curr5tly "uway _wwide4 ,brl r1d+ h& move;ts ,rese>*]s h /udi$ ! specific ways ! eyes move :5 r1d+ = m ?an #dj ye>s4 ,^! /udies h provid$ 9=ma;n on specific eye move;t "*i/ics & ! di6];es 2t hily1 ! way tactile r1d]s move _! h&s has be5 3sid]$ important to r1d+ brl4 #af ,al? f> less rese>* has be5 3duct$ on ! topic ( h& move;ts relat$ to r1d+ brl1 ! limit$ & "s"ts 3tradictory rese>* po9ts to a correla;n 2t h& move;ts & r1d+ spe$4 ,unlike eye move;ts 9 pr9t r1d+1 brl r1d]s c 2 tau*]s1 ,tessa ,mc,c>?y f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,pittsbur< & ,rob]t ,wall ,em]son1 f ,we/]n ,mi*igan ,univ]s;y1 >e curr5tly 3duct+ a /udy 9 an attempt to le>n m ab ! h& move;ts ( adults :o r1d brl us+ bo? visual analysis & an ,optotrak4 ,! data f ? analysis has all[$ u to collect dynamic data on ! ;x1 ;y1 & ;z coord9ates ( ea* f+] dur+ brl r1d+ at a rate ( #bj frames p] second4 ,? #ag hi?y at tessam@apitt4$u4 - ,tessa ,mc,c>?y1 ,univ]s;y ( ,pittsbur< ,brl r1d+ rates ( *n 9 ,au/ralia & ,new ,z1l& ,rese>* 0 c>ri$ \ >.d ,au/ralia & ,new ,z1l& address+ ! oral r1d+ flu5cy rates ( ,brl & dual m$ia s*ool ag$ /ud5ts4 ,sev5ty ?ree /ud5ts 7 assess$ & results 7 comp>$ to si ,f9d+s 7 3si/5t ) o!r #ah /udies c>ri$ \ 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica4 ,except = "o /ud5t1 all ,brl & ,dual ,m$ia /ud5ts assess$ 7 2h _! si4 ,z a result ( ? rese>*1 res\rce develop;t is 2+ c>ri$ \ to develop brl k = p>5ts ( "y bl /ud5ts s !y c r1d & "u/& ! ,,ueb code :ile _! * is v "y4 ,fur!r 9=ma;n & free res\rces c 2 f.d at https3_/" _/dapdots4ridbc4org4au_/4 - ,tricia d',apice1 ,royal ,9/itute = ,d1f & ,bl ,*n1 ,au/ralia ,brl,blocks3 ,sm>t ,toys = ,collaborative ,brl ,$uca;n ,rese>*]s 9 ! ,sup]human ,comput+ ,lab at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,colorado1 ,b\ld] >e #ai cr1t+ sm>t toys to help bl or visually impair$ *n le>n ,brl bo? 9dep5d5tly & collaboratively4 ,brl,blocks1 ! mo/ rec5t develop;t 9 ? project1 is a sy/em = visually impair$ *n & si5ts to practice brl "? blocks & a web applica;n ) associat$ le>n+ games4 ,ea* block repres5ts a s+le brl cell & *n c place pegs 9 ! holes to cr1te brl lrs & place blocks tgr to cr1te ^ws4 ,! web applica;n 9cludes games s* z ,hangman1 ,^w ,scramble1 & an animal s.d-bas$ game4 ,! $uca;nal games 5c\rage *n to "w on spell+1 recognize lrs "? t\*1 & build vocabul>y4 ,! sy/em uses an ov]h1d webcam to track ! blocks4 ,! *'s answ]s >e 4play$ on ! 9t]face = p>5ts to track le>n+4 ,we 3duct$ usabil;y #bj /udies ) si5ts & visually impair$ *n to explore h[ !y taun$1 & collaborat$ us+ ,brl,blocks4 ,families us$ ! sy/em to practice spell+ & to prompt critical ?9k+ "? guess+ games4 ,! 9t]active audio1 l ! animal noises & buzz] s.ds 9 ,hangman1 made *n lau< & want to 3t9ue play+ ) ! sy/em4 ,p>5ts comm5d$ ! visual fe$back f block track+ z a way to *eck _! *'s le>n+4 ,*n al us$ ! blocks to build /ructures dur+ imag9ative play & /orytell+4 ,m 9=ma;n on ! /udy & sy/em c 2 f.d 9 ,brl,blocks3 ,brl ,toys = ,cross-,abil;y ,collabora;n4 ,pl1se 3tact ,v9i?a ,gadiraju at v9i?a4gadiraju@acolorado4$u = "qs or 9=ma;n ab ? "w4 - ,v9i?a ,gadiraju1 #ba ,univ]s;y ( ,colorado1 ,b\ld] ,tactile s*ematics ,s*ematics1 or circuit diagrams1 >e a visual bluepr9t ( electronic devices4 ,!y %[ ! rela;n%ips 2t compon5ts & >e us$ to "u/& & build circuits4 ,sin]s use s*ematic images1 :ile bl & l[ vi.n le>n]s use circuit descrip;ns4 ,circuit descrip;ns >e complex audio descrip;ns ( h[ a circuit is 3figur$4 ,no tactile graphical repres5ta;n _h yet be5 able to compete ) circuit descrip;ns,-? pa9 po9t 2came ! 9spira;n = \r design rese>*4 ,we f.d t design+ 4c]nible tactile s*ematics 0 m di6icult ?an expect$ s9ce !y possess small ele;ts & complex rela;n%ips1 :ile ne$+ to foll[ 9du/ry /&>ds4 #bb ,we 3duct$ it]ative design activities ) non-visual design]s1 bl & l[ vi.n /ud5ts1 & physical comput+ 9/ructors to cr1te an improv$ set ( tactile s*ematic symbols & n9e guidel9es = novices to cr1te r1dable tactile s*ematics4 ,a "wfl[ & /yle guide ) templates1 = novices want+ to design _! [n tactile s*ematics1 z well z all #ej"6 tactile s*ematics >e available to ! public1 z a free d[nload1 at _1tactiles*ematics4com4 - ,laur5 ,race1 ,,nyu ,abil;y ,project ,brl te*nology ,orbit ,t1*] ,orbit ,rese>*1 ! mak]s ( ! ,orbit ,r1d] #bj refre%able brl 4play1 >e pl1s$ to %>e news ( a new app to #bc support brl use4 ,! ,orbit ,t1*] plat=m 5ables t1*]s 9 ma9/r1m classrooms to s1m.sly 9t]act ) bl /ud5ts "? an app on a sm>tph"o1 comput] or tablet4 ,! app 3nects ov] ,bluetoo? to ! /ud5t's ,orbit ,r1d] #bj brl 4play & provides a r1l-"t text transla;n ( ! brl 2+ r1d or writt5 by ! /ud5t on ! device4 ,! plat=m al provides a /ud5t ! abil;y to f/ le>n brl "e n brl us]s"> & !n to le>n o!r subjects us+ brl4 ,"? specializ$ 9t]faces on ,orbit's brl & tactile graphics products1 & s(tw>e t runs on comput]s & sm>tph"os or tablets1 ! plat=m provides ! br1k"? abil;y to develop & deliv] $uca;nal mat]ials 9 ! =m ( 9t]active lessons & tutorials t c 2 adm9i/]$ "u a t1*]'s "5t's"> #bd sup]vi.n1 or by ! /ud5ts !mvs1 9 a self-pac$ mode4 ,! plat=m al provides remote op]a;n capabilities all[+ a t1*] to easily provide 9/ruc;n to /ud5ts 9 remote loca;ns4 ,! plat=m 9cludes 3t5t au?or+ tools t all[ any"o to cr1te 9t]active lessons & tutorials1 ) m9imal tra9+4 ,exi/+ books & mat]ials c 2 easily port$ to ! ,orbit ,t1*] plat=m4 ,:ile design$ = bo? bl & d1f-bl us]s1 ! tutorials c al take advantage ( audio & spee* capabilities f ! sm>tph"o1 ,,pc or tablet to provide audio cues & fe$back to ! /ud5t :5 us$ 9 ! 9t]active self-le>n+ mode4 ,! plat=m is capable ( support+ ov] #dj languages & al (f]s ! abil;y to translate to & f 3tract$ brl1 9clud+ ,,ueb4 ,! basic v].n ( ! app1 : #be 9cludes ! r1l-"t t1*] 9t]ac;n f1tures1 is available = free d[nload at www4orbitrese>*4" com_/product_/orbit-t1*]4 - ,v5kate% ,*>i1 ,orbit ,rese>* ,p ,3gratula;ns1 ,dr ,rob]t ,5glebretson @.<,rob]t ,5glebretson hold+ a metal plaque ) pr9t & brl4@.> ,3gratula;ns >e ext5d$ to ,dr ,rob]t ,5glebretson1 :o 0 aw>d$ ! .7,d>le5 ,bog>t ,brl ,excell;e ,aw>d.' by ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica "<,,bana"> at ! rec5t ,gett+ ,9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy ,3f];e4 ,,bana cr1t$ xs .7,brl ,excell;e ,aw>d.' 9 hon\r ( ,l\is ,brl's #bjjth ,bir?"d4 ,? ye>1 ! aw>d 0 re"nd #bf ! .7,d>le5 ,bog>t ,brl ,excell;e ,aw>d.' 9 hon\r ( ! retire;t ( ,d>le5 ,bog>t1 :o 0 "o ( ,,bana's f.d+ memb]s & has al s]v$ z ,,iceb ,presid5t & ,,ueb ,project ,committee ,*air4 ,! aw>d recognises ,dr ,5glebretson's "w ) ,,iceb to develop ,,ipa ,brl4 ,! ,9t]na;nal ,phonetic ,alphabet "<,,ipa"> is a nota;n sy/em = repres5t+ spee* s.ds4 ,un=tunately1 x 0 n 9t]na;nal 9 brl1 ) two compet+ brl codes t did n cov] all ( ! pr9t symbols4 ,f #bjje to #bjaj1 ,dr ,5glebretson s]v$ z ! ,,usa repres5tative to ,,iceb's ,,ueb ,committee = ,=eign ,languages & ,l+ui/ics1 "u ! auspices ( : he develop$ ,,ipa ,brl4 ,? new code is up-to-date & complete1 5abl+ /&>dis$ a3ess to ! ,,ipa #bg = bl /ud5ts /udy+ l+ui/ics4 ,! ,,ipa is al commonly us$ 9 dic;n>ies & by s+]s4 ,dr ,5glebretson rec5tly spoke ab 8 "w on ,,ipa brl 9 an 9t]view ) ,texas ,public ,radio1 :5 he /at$ 8,we hope t x w emp[] m /ud5ts to pursue _! 9t]e/s & ! c>e]s !y wi% to pursue04 @.<,see ,^w v].n = ! l9k@.> ,y c f9d ! brl ,,ipa at http3_/" _/iceb4org_/icebipa4htm4 ,att5dees at ,,iceb's mo/ rec5t ,g5]al ,assembly w recall t ,dr ,5glebretson deliv]$ a fasc9at+ keynote address titles 8,brl & ! ,bra93 ,:at we ,"k & ,:y x ,matt]s04 ,dr4 ,5glebretson is ,*air ( ! ,l+ui/ics ,de"p;t at ,rice ,univ]s;y 9 ,h\/on1 ,texas4 ,he has develop$ & t1*es a c\rse t exam9es rese>* on brl r1d+ & writ+ f ! p]spective ( ! cognitive #bh sci;es4 ,he is curr5tly collaborat+ on a major rese>* project design$ to explore ! k1 skills1 & /rategies t1*]s ( /ud5ts ) visual impair;ts ne$ 9 ord] to e6ectively t1* brl r1d+ & writ+4 ,rec5t ev5ts ,africa ,=um ,! #bjai ,africa ,=um ,3f];e on ,visual ,impair;t1 !m$3 8,a*iev+ ! ,,sdg,'s "? ,9nova;n1 ,a3ess & ,lifel;g ,le>n+0 0 held 9 ,addis ,ababa1 ,e?iopia1 ! 8l& ( orig901 f #g ,octob] to #aa ,octob]1 #bjai4 ,! ,3f];e />t$ ) a special ga!r+ " : 0 ho/$ by ! ,african ,union1 at ! ,,au ,h1dqu>t]s 9 ,addis4 ,! m9i/] ( ,lab\r & ,social ,develop;t grac$ ! delegates ) h] pres5ta;n :1 am;g o!r #bi ?+s1 appreciat$ ! organis]s & ! ,african ,union ( ! ,bl = *oos+ ,e?iopia z _! tempor>y home = ! #bjai sev5? ,africa ,=um4 ,! subsequ5t "ds "<#h ,octob] to #aa ,octob]"> 7 fill$ ) v>i\s 9t]e/+ pres5ta;ns1 9clud+ key note addresses on ea* "d dur+ pl5>y4 ,pres5t]s p]vad$ _! pres5ta;ns al;g di6]5t subjects on visual impair;t1 9clud+ t1*+ & le>n+2 te*nologies ( ! visual impair$2 e>ly *ildhood develop;t2 pres]va;n ( brl2 & comple;t+ brl ) te*nology4 ,pap]s 7 pres5t$ on f\r languages1 "nly3 ,5gli% "2 ,amh>ic "2 ,fr5* & ,portuguese4 ,? 0 ! l>ge/ 3f];e ( ! bl "e held on ! ,african soil1 ) #df #cj ,african c.tries hav+ s5t #dej s\ls to fill up ! ,9t]cont95tal ,hotel4 ,?anks to ! ,p]k9s ,s*ool2 ,african ,union ( ! ,bl2 ,,cnib ,f.da;n2 ,e?iopian ,na;nal ,associa;n ( ! ,bl "<,,enab"> & ! ,e?iopian gov]n;t1 am;g/ o!r sponsors1 = hav+ c>ri$ ! load 9 ! organiza;n & br++ tgr all ! delegates "u ! same ro( ) s* su3ess4 ,x is important to al note t f ? 3f];e >e resolu;ns t sp1k to ,african c.tries4 ,african c.tries w]e1 z a mann] ( resolv+1 call$ on to 8ratify ! ,m>rake% ,tr1ty to facilitate a3ess to publi%$ "ws = p]sons :o >e bl1 visually impair$ or o!rwise pr9t 4abl$04 ,we h se5 s"eal c.tries ratify+ ! ,m>rake% ,tr1ty 9 ,africa1 b m ?an ^? :o _h ratifi$ >e "u ! s^w ( ? important #ca resolu;n4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ! ,africa ,=um1 visit3 https3_/_/www4" p]k9s4org_/get-9volv$_/ev5ts_/ africa-=um_/slides - ,nt%avh5i ,net%tituni1 ,s\? ,africa ,,cnib's ,3nect+ ! ,dots ,3f];e ,i 0 excit$ to att5d ! 8,3nect+ ! ,dots0 3f];e 9 ,toronto at ! 5d ( ,octob]4 ,? us$ to 2 call$ 8,! ,brl ,3f];e0 b ,,cnib has *ang$ ! "n & is hop+ to hold 3f];es 9 loca;ns acr ,canada 9 #bjbj4 ,s"eal memb]s ( ,brl ,lit]acy ,canada pres5t$ at ! 3f];e & %>$ 9=ma;n ab ;,,blc ) att5dees4 ,i especially 5joy$ li/5+ to ! w9n]s ( ! ,,cnib brl cr1tive writ+ 3te/ z !y r1d _! wond];l /ories & poems at a lun*"t ses.n = all #cb "picipants4 ,i love "k+ t ! next g5]a;n is pas.nate ab brl6 ,i co-pres5t$ a "w%op on ! ,canute #cfj4 ,! ses.n 0 well-att5d$ & "! is a lot ( 9t]e/ 9 ? unique brl 4play4 ,i al _h ! opportun;y to att5d 9t]e/+ "w%ops on employ;t1 z well z on bl;s & m5tal h1l?4 ,"! 7 ?ree ses.ns focus$ specifically on ! brl code4 ,"o ( ^! look$ at ! 8/&+ al"o0 rule & ano!r d1lt ) =matt+ ( te*nical mat]ial4 ,phyllis ,l&on1 ! ,,cmc ,*air1 al did a ses.n on ! rec5t updates relat$ to quotes & apo/rophes4 ,i alw love hav+ my "w%op numb]s brld on my "n tag & hav+ programs & pres5ta;n h&\ts available 9 brl4 ,i wi% all 3f];es (f]$ ^! s]vices6 - ,kim ,kilpatrick1 ,canadian ,c\ncil ( #cc ! ,bl ,na;nal ,brl ,associa;n ,3f];e "<,,usa"> ,ea* fall1 brl transcrib]s & t1*]s ( ! visually impair$ ga!r = ?ree "ds ( tra9+ on ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl1 ,textbook =matt+1 ,neme?1 & m* m4 ,! 3f];e provides an opportun;y = a3essible m$ia produc]s to le>n face-to-face f l1d+ exp]ts 9 brl on an >ray ( topics4 ,? ye>'s 3f];e 0 held 9 ,pho5ix1 ,>izona4 ,i p]sonally att5d$ ?ree fanta/ic "w%ops provid+ guid.e on c]ta9 aspects ( transcrib+ ,,ueb brl t c 2 a ll tricky1 s* z key+ leg5ds = tactiles & ! 9tegra;n ( ,neme? )9 ,,ueb 3texts4 ,? 3f];e 0 a grt opportun;y to net"w ) pr(es.nals 9 ! 9du/ry4 ,? ev5t 0 al v 9=mative & has help$ my pr(es.nal #cd develop;t4 - ,jessica ;,j4 ,bl\91 ;,t-,base ,communica;ns ,gett+ 9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy ,! #adth bi5nial ,gett+ 9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy 3f];e 0 held 9 ,s1ttle1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,usa1 ,novemb] #ac-#af1 #bjai4 ,? 2lov$ 3f];e f1tures pres5ta;ns t >e focus$ solely on lit]acy = *n & adults ) visual impair;ts4 ,z ! 3f];e plann]s /ate1 8,we 2lieve3 ,x is important to focus on all >1s ( lit]acy 9clud+ brl1 pr9t1 comb9a;n ( brl & pr9t1 use ( assi/ive te*nology & o!r lit]acy tools1 rese>*1 practice4 ,! 3f];e is n a 'brl lit]acy 3f];e' ?\< "s h tri$ to def9e x z s*--x is a 3f];e t 9cludes "uly+ respect = all =ms ( lit]acy4 ,x is ! 2lief ( 3f];e organiz]s t #ce 9dividuals ) visual impair;ts h a "r to respect = ! use ( all lit]acy tools40 ,? ye>'s 3f];e 0 well att5d$ ) alm #cej p f n9e di6]5t c.tries "picipat+4 ,! ag5da 9clud$ #gb di6]5t 3curr5t ses.ns on topics z v>i$ z e>ly brl 9/ruc;n1 use ( te*nology to support lit]acy1 v>i\s approa*es to lit]acy = /ud5ts ) complex support ne$s 9clud+ ,,cvi1 & cr1t+ use;l tactile graphics4 ,major ,%[case ,ses.ns f1tur$ topics s* z dyslexia1 problem-solv+ skills 9 r1d+1 & 2+ a ?"\;l practi;n] ( lit]acy4 ,9 addi;n1 #ad po/] ses.ns & a full set ( v5dor exhibits all[$ "picipants to m+le & talk ab hot topics & new devices4 ,?ree special pre-3f];e 9-dep? ses.ns 7 al held3 ,gwyne? ,mc,cormack's 8,develop+ ! ,ess5tial #cf ,e>ly ,life ,exp]i;es10 ,k>5 ,]ickson's 8,lit]acy & ,communica;n = ,/ud5ts ) ,complex ,multiple ,4abilities10 & ,,aph's 8,us+ ,code ,jump] to ,3/ruct ,n>ratives4 ,m>k yr cal5d>s = ! next ,gett+ 9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy 3f];e1 ,decemb] #a-#d1 #bjba 9 ,tampa-,st4,pete1 ,florida4 - ,fr.es ,m>y d',&rea1 ,,iceb ,rese>* ,committee ,*air ,cal5d> ( ,upcom+ ,ev5ts ,,spevi ,3f];e ,- ,adelaide1 ,au/ralia1 ,janu>y #bjbj ,! ,s\? ,pacific ,$ucators 9 ,vi.n ,impair;t "<,,spevi"> hold a ,bi5nial ,3f];e (f]+ ,au/ralian1 ,new ,z1l&1 ,pacific ,isl& & #cg 9t]na;nal l1d]s1 pr(es.nals & p>5ts_/c>]s ! opportun;y to %>e 9=ma;n & id1s ab curr5t & em]g+ s]vices1 programs1 te*nologies & res\rces = *n & adults :o >e bl1 h l[ vi.n1 d1f-bl;s1 or addi;nal 4abilities4 ,! next ,,spevi ,3f];e w 2 held 9 ,adelaide1 ,s\? ,au/ralia1 f #ab-#ae ,janu>y #bjbj4 ,regi/ra;ns >e op5 at https3_/_/syn]gyev5ts4" ev5tsair4com_/spevi-#bjbj_/4 ,,at,'i,a #bjbj ,- ,orl&o1 ,florida ,,usa1 ,janu>y-,febru>y #bjbj ,! ,assi/ive ,te*nology ,9du/ry ,associa;n holds an annual 3f];e at ! ,c>ibe ,royale ,hotel & ,3v5;n ,c5t] 9 ,orl&o1 ,florida4 ,! #bjbj ,3f];e w 2g9 ) pre-3f];e sem9>s f #bh-#bi #ch ,janu>y1 to 2 foll[$ by ! ,3f];e xf f #bi ,janu>y to #a ,febru>y4 ,onl9e regi/ra;ns >e op54 ,see https3_/_/www4atia4org_/ = m 9=ma;n4 ,we/ ,asia ,3f];e on ,visual ,impair;t & ,d1fbl;s ,- ,lalitpur1 ,nepal1 ,febru>y #bjbj ,jo9tly organis$ by ,,icevi ,we/ ,asia & ,s5se ,9t]na;nal ,9dia1 ! ,we/ ,asia ,3f];e on ,visual ,impair;t & ,d1fbl;s has ! !me 8,9clusive ,$uca;n3 ,l1v+ ,no ,"o ,2h04 ,! 3f];e w 2 held at ! ,nepal ,adm9i/rative ,/aff ,college1 ,lalitpur f #af to #ah ,febru>y #bjbj4 ,pl1se note t only #cjj regi/ra;n places >e available4 ,m 9=ma;n is available at http3_/_/iceviwe/asia4" #ci 9_/icevi-s5se-9dia-na;nal-" 3f];e_/4 ,9t]na;nal ,3f];e on ,9novative ,practices @& ,rese>* = ,$uca;n & ,rehabilita;n ( ,p]sons ) ,visual ,impair;t ,- ,luckn[1 ,9dia1 ,febru>y #bjbj ,! goal ( ? ,9t]na;nal ,3f];e is to deliv] an \t/&+ program = ex*ange ( id1s & au?oritative views by l1d+ em95t s*ol>s : cov]s ! 5tire spectrum ( rese>* 9 ! field ( visual impair;t1 _! $uca;nal @& rehabilita;n & %>e ! cross-cultural exp]i;es ( v>i\s 9t]v5;n proc$ures4 ,9 addi;n to pres5ta;ns & po/]s1 an exhibi;n ( assi/ive te*nology & a book fair w al 2 held dur+ ! 3f];e "ds4 ,! 3f];e w 2 held f #bf to #dj #bh ,febru>y1 #bjbj 9 ,luckn[1 ,9dia4 ,onl9e regi/ra;n is available "? ! ho/ organisa;n websites at dsmru4up4nic49 & www4nivh4gov494 ,,csun ,assi/ive ,te*nology ,3f];e ,- ,cali=nia1 ,,usa1 ,m>* #bjbj ,,csun is ! l>ge/ assi/ive te*nology 3f];e _wwide1 held annually4 ,! #bjbj 3f];e w take place 9 ,anaheim1 ,cali=nia f #i to #ac ,m>*4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 see csunconf];e4org or foll[ _?,,csunatc#bj on ,twitt] = ! late/ updates4 ,r.d ,table ,3f];e ,- ,melb\rne1 ,au/ralia1 ,may #bjbj ,! ,r.d ,table on ,9=ma;n ,a3ess = ,p ) ,pr9t ,4abilities is an #da umbrella organisa;n ) #ce memb]s f ! pr9t 4abil;y sector 9 ,au/ralia & ,new ,z1l&4 ,xs next annual 3f];e w 2 held 9 ,melb\rne1 ,au/ralia f ,satur"d #b ,may to ,tues"d #e ,may4 ,proce$+s 9clude ! annual meet+ ( ! ,au/ralian ,brl ,au?or;y "<,,aba"> & a brl "w%op ho/$ by ,,aba4 ,m 9=ma;n is available at pr9tdisabil;y4org_/conf];e_/4 ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly ,- ,london1 ,5gl&1 ,may #bjbj ,! next ,g5]al ,assembly w 2 held f #aa to #ae ,may #bjbj at ! ,google ,academy 9 c5tral ,london4 ,ea* memb] c.try ( ,,iceb is 9vit$ to s5d up to f\r delegates & obs]v]s >e w>mly welcom$4 ,"o "d ( ! ,assembly w 2 devot$ to pap] pres5ta;ns & an exhibi;n ( brl 9nova;ns1 te*nology & #db practice4 ,= m details1 ref] to ! />t ( ? newslr & iceb4org4 ,,wbu-,,icevi ,jo9t ,assembly ,- ,madrid1 ,spa91 ,june #bjbj ,! ,_w ,bl ,union "<,,wbu"> & ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil = ,$uca;n ( ,p ) ,vi.n ,impair;t "<,,icevi"> w hold _! ?ird jo9t ,g5]al ,assembly at ! ,hotel ,m>riott 9 ,madrid1 ,spa91 f #ai to #bd ,june #bjbj4 ,! proce$+s w 9clude two "ds ( pap] pres5ta;ns f #bc to #bd ,june1 ) ab/ract submis.ns due by #cj ,septemb] #bjai4 ,regi/ra;ns & a draft program >e n[ available at http3_/_/icevi4org_/wbu-" icevi-g5]al-assemblies-" #bjbj_/4 #dc ,,aer ,symposium ,"d ,- ,st ,l\is1 ,,usa1 ,july #bjbj ,! ,associa;n = ! ,$uca;n & ,rehabilita;n ( ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$ "<,,aer"> has ann\nc$ a ,call = ,proposals = ! ,,aer ,symposium " ,"d1 to 2 held on ,july #bc1 #bjbj z "p ( ! ,,aer ,9t]na;nal ,3f];e4 ,!y >e seek+ "w%ops t >e full "d "<#g h\rs"> or half "d "<#c4e h\rs">4 ,proposals = ! ,symposium >e due ,janu>y #ae1 #bjbj4 ,! ,3f];e w br+ tgr ov] #fjj ,,vrt,'s1 ,ori5ta;n & ,mobil;y ,speciali/s1 ,,tvi,'s1 ,,lvt,'s1 advocates1 s*ol>s1 policymak]s1 & o!r pr(es.nals4 ,! ,3f];e w take place #dd ,july #bb-#bf1 #bjbj at ! ,st ,l\is ,union ,/a;n ,hotel1 ,st ,l\is ,,mo1 ,,usa4 ,fur!r details c 2 f.d at https3_/_/" aerbvi4org_/pr(es.nal-" develop;t_/conf];es_/" aeric#bjah_/4 ,vi.n #bjbj ,- ,dubl91 ,irel&1 ,july #bjbj ,vi.n #bjbj is ! #acth ,9t]na;nal ,l[ ,vi.n ,3f];e by ! ,9t]na;nal ,society = ,l[ ,vi.n ,rese>* & ,rehabilita;n4 ,x w take place f ,sun"d #ab to ,w$nes"d #ae ,july #bjbj at ,! ,3v5;n ,c5tre ,dubl9 ,irel&4 ,regi/ra;ns & ! call = pap]s >e n[ op5 via vi.n#bjbj;dublin4com4 ,,ueb ,q@&,a ,9 answ] to \r e>li] "q1 _1#ab #cde %d 2 brld z3 #de _1#ab_'#"cde ,explana;n3 ,! t]m9ator = "ul9e al t]m9ates num]ic mode "<#f4c4a">1 s ! num]ic 9dicator is requir$ to reset num]ic mode4 ,! num]ic 9dicator prec$es ! num]ic space 2c dot #e only has ! m1n+ ( ! num]ic space 9 num]ic mode4 ,al1 ! num]ic space is alw foll[$ by a digit "<#f4b4a">4 ,,iceb ,3tact ,details ,website3 www4iceb4org ,email3 9fo@aiceb4org ,twitt]3 @a,,iceb,'braille ,facebook3 www4facebook4com_/" ,,iceb,'braille_/ ,,iceb-ann\nce li/3 ,s5d an email to iceb-ann\nce"6subscribe@a" gr\ps4io to rcv ann\nce;ts f ,,iceb1 9clud+ ? #df newslr & notifica;ns reg>d+ updates to ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl4 #dg