,sample #e

    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

^7 2g9 bold passage

^ "<#de"> 5d bold passage 2f a space

"< op5 p>5!sis "<r.d bracket">

"> close p>5!sis "<r.d bracket">

,- "<#f1 #cf"> da%

@s doll> sign

" "<#e"> num]ic space

    ,3trac;ns ,n ,all[$

6 "<#bce"> to

0 "<#cef"> by

# ble


              ,tidal ,5]gy

^7,tidal p[]^ is an excell5t example (

us+ a local res\rce to meet local ne$s4

,a demon/r,n plant op5$ 9 #aihd ne>

,annapolis1 ,n4,s4 "<,fig4 #be-#g">4 ,xs

purpose 0 to %[ t ! v hi< tides ( ! ,bay

( ,fundy "<z hi< z #ag ;m ,- ! hi<e/ 9 !

_w"> cd 2 us$ to g5]ate electric;y4 ,?

small plant produces 5 electric;y to

meet ! ne$s ( ab #ajjj families4 ,two

l>g] plants fur!r up ! ,bay ( ,fundy1 ":

tides >e hi<]1 cd produce m electric;y

?an is curr5tly g5]at$ by all m1ns 9

,new ,brunswick1 ,nova ,scotia &

,p4,e4,i4 ,! co/ ( ^! plants1 if !y 7

built td1 wd 2 m ?an @s#cj"jjj"jjj"jjj4

,? makes !m uneconomical ) 5]gy co/s at

_! curr5t level1 b possible 9 ! future z

5]gy prices 9cr1se4


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