
          ,,uebc ,,sampl] #a

       ,prep>$ "u ! auspices (!

    ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica

             ,april #bjja



,sample                          ,page

,9troduc;n """""""""""""""""""""""" #a

#a4 ,recipe3 8,twice z ,nice

  ,coconut ,rice0 """""""""""""""" #aa

#b4 ,>ticle on ! record+ 9du/ry "" #ac

#c4 ,exc]pt f novel """""""""""""" #ae

#d4 ,>ticle3 8,tidal ,5]gy0 """""" #ag

#e4 ,>ticle3 8,! ,electronic

  ,m$ia3 ,televi.n0 """""""""""""" #ai

#f4 ,>ticle on 3d5s,n """""""""""" #ba

#g4 ,magaz9e adv]tise;t3 ,hilton

  ,h1d ,h1l? """"""""""""""""""""" #bc

#h4 ,magaz9e adv]tise;t3 ,audubon  #be

#i4 ,speci,y -pos$ /ory3 8,a ,"d

  9 a ,life0 """"""""""""""""""""" #bg

#aj4 ,,uebc ,-p>$ ) ,o!r ,brl

  ,codes """"""""""""""""""""""""" #cc

#aa;,a4 ,algebra 9 ,,uebc """""""" #cg

#aa;,b4 ,algebra 9 ,neme? ,code "" #da

,"qnaire """"""""""""""""""""""""" #de



  ,,bana is ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor?

,am]ica4 ,xs purpose is 6promote &

facilitate ! use1 t1*+ & produc;n (

brl4 ,x publi%es codes & 9t]prets &

r5d]s op9ions p]ta9+ 6brl 9 all exi/+

& future codes4 ,xs mis.n is 6assure

lit]acy = tactile r1d]s "? ! /&>diz,n

( brl & tactile graphics4 ,at pres5t

,,bana is made up ( #ad organiz,ns3

,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl

,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl

,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se =! ,bl

,associat$ ,s]vices =! ,bl

,associ,n = ,$uc,n & ,rehabilit,n (!

  ,bl & ,visu,y ,impair$

,brl ,9/itute ( ,am]ica

,cali=nia ,transcrib]s & ,$ucators (!

  ,visu,y ,h&icapp$

,! ,canadian ,n,nal ,9/itute =! ,bl

,! ,clov]nook ,c5t] =! ,bl

,n,nal ,brl ,associ,n

,n,nal ,brl ,press                  #a

,n,nal ,f$],n (! ,bl

,n,nal ,libr>y ,s]vice =! ,bl &

  ,physic,y ,h&icapp$1 ,libr>y (


,royal ,new ,z1l& ,f.d,n =! ,bl

  7associate memb]7

  ,,uebc is ! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl

,code ,rese>* ,project1 ! purpose ( :

is 6make "o brl code : wd 2 us$ = all

r1d+1 e4g4 cookbooks1 novels1 -put]

manuals1 magaz9es1 & ma!matics1 except

music : is an 9t]n,nal code4 ,,uebc is

bas$ on lit]>y brl ) a4i;nal symbols =

te*nical mat]ials4 ,,bana 9itiat$ !

project 9 #aiia4 ,9 #aiic ! ,9t]n,nal

,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl 7,,iceb7 a3ept$

,,bana's proposal 69t]n,nalize !

rese>* project "u ,,iceb4 ,? m1nt t !

goal (! project *ang$ f develop+ "o

code = ,nor? ,am]ica 6develop+ "o code

=! ,5gli%-sp1k+ _w4 ,! "w+ -mitees f

,canada &! ,unit$ ,/ates 7 9cr1s$

69clude brl exp]ts f ,au/ralia1 ,new

,z1l&1 ,nig]ia1 ,s\? ,africa1 &!

,unit$ ,k+dom4 ,_! tasks 7 to3 ext5d !

base 7lit]>y7 code 69clude te*nical

symbols & write ! r1d+ rules2 3sid] !

impact on 3trac;ns2 5sure 9t]face )

=eign language codes2 /&>dize =mat 7!

set-up (! brl page7 ": practical2 &

write transcrib+ rules4

    ,:at br"\ ! ,5gli% sp1k+ brl

    au?orities tgr 9 ? excit+ rese>*


  ,! lit]>y brl code us$ 9 ,nor?

,am]ica & ,new ,z1l& di6]s only

sli<tly f xs c.t]"p 9 ! ,unit$ ,k+dom

&! re/ (! ,5gli%-sp1k+ _w4 ,,uebc is v

simil> 6^! codes--a prime goal (!

project4 ,? 5sures ! va/ hold+ (

,5gli% lit]>y brl 9 ! libr>ies >.d !

_w w rema9 availa# 6brl r1d]s :o wi%

6r1d ^! titles4

  ,b = te*nical mat]ial "! >e _m

di6]5t codes4 ,9 ,nor? ,am]ica1 a brl

us] m/ le>n ?ree di6]5t codes 6r1d

ma?1 -put] not,n & *emi/ry4 ,& ^!

codes >e -pletely di6]5t f !        #c

te*nical brl codes us$ 9 ! ,unit$

,k+dom2 a p]son f ,nor? ,am]ica _c r1d

any (! ,,uk te*nical mat]ial )\t le>n+

_! codes4

  ,,uebc provides "o code : 9cludes !

symbols = all te*nical mat]ials4 ,? w

make le>n+ brl m* easi] = "ey"o4 ,&

mat]ial 9 ,,uebc cd 2 %>$ 0all ,5gli%-

sp1k+ c.tries4

  ,brl mat]ials 9 develop+ c.tries >e

v sc>ce & >e (t5 donat$ f o!r c.tries

9 _! [n codes4 ,,uebc w 5a# brl r1d]s

6take full advantage ( donat$ mat]ials

reg>d.s ( _! orig94

  ,ea* ,,uebc symbol is unambigu\s--a

pr9t symbol is repres5t$ 0! same brl

symbol reg>d.s (! subject4 ,? design

f1ture w make x easi] =a brl r1d] 6"w

9dep5d5tly us+ -put] transl,n & 2

assur$ (! a3uracy ( bo? pr9t & brl4

  ,ea* c.try "picipat+ 9 ! ,,uebc

project 3duct$ a l5g?y evalu,n (!

basic code 9 #aiig-ih4 ,9 ,nor?

,am]ica evalu,n packages 7 s5t 6"ey"o

:o volunte]$ 6"picipate 7ov] #ejj 9 !

,unit$ ,/ates74 ,"! 0 g5]al agree;t on

! 3cept (a unifi$ brl code b n on all

! su7e/$ *anges4 ,modific,ns 7 made 6!

code z a result (! evalu,ns4

    ,purpose (! ,sampl]

  ,! "w+ -mittees %d 2 f9i%$ _! "w 9

#bjja4 ,_! reports w g 6! ,,uebc

,project ,-mittee4 ,ea* (! "picipat+

c.tries has "o vote4 ,9 ,janu>y #bjjb1

! ,,iceb ,executive ,bo>d w meet &

decide if ! code %d 2 pres5t$ 6!

,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly 2+ held 9

,canada 9 #bjjc4 ,if ,,uebc ga9s

approval at ea* ( ^! /eps1 ea*

"picipat+ c.try's brl au?or;y w 3sid]

xs adop;n4

  ,! purpose (! sampl] is 6put mat]ial

9 ! h&s ( r1d]s1 $ucators & brl

produc]s t %[s h[ x appe>s 9 ,,uebc4

,,bana wants y 6h an opportun;y

6assess = yrf ! *anges ,,uebc proposes

9 ! way brl looks & feels4

  ,ei<t 3trac;ns f.d 9 ,5gli% ,brl

,am]ican ,edi;n 7,,ebae71 !         #e

lit]>y code1 >e n us$ 9 ,,uebc4 ,six

>e brld lr-=-lr3 ble1 com1 dd1 ally1

to1 by2 & two >e brld )a 3trac;n3 9to

& a;n4 ,all o!r #aha 3trac;ns1 ^wsigns

& %ort=ms >e un*ang$4

  ,pr9t =mat has be5 foll[$ 9 prep>+

^! samples1 z ,,uebc has n f9aliz$ brl

=mats4 ,^! samples h n be5 *os5

6illu/rate =mat4

  ,! algebra sample foll[s ! exi/+

=mat (! ,neme? ,code1 ! ,,bana code =

ma!matics & sci;e4

  ,,uebc recognizes pr9t spac+4

,ma!matical signs ( op],n >e spac$ or

unspac$ ac 6pr9t4

    ,! ,sampl]s

  ,! ,,uebc examples >e pres5t$ 9 two

,sampl]s3 ,sampl] #a = lit]>y mat]ials

& ,sampl] #b = te*nical mat]ials4 ,ea*

is availa# 9 emboss$ & simulat$ brl4

  ,sampl] #a 7lit]>y mat]ials7 9cludes

exc]pts tak5 f publi%$ mat]ials f a

numb] ( c.tries 7: results 9 "s spell+

v>i,ns74 ,a speci,y -pos$ /ory1 8,a

,"d 9 ! ,life10 illu/rates z _m ,,uebc

*anges z possi#4

  ,a li/ ( basic ma!matics -p>es ! way

ea* example wd 2 brld 9 ,,uebc1

,,ebae1 ,neme? ,code & ,,bauk 7z brld

us+ ! code (! ,brl ,au?or;y (! ,unit$

,k+dom74 ,"! is al a sample ( algebra4

  ,at ! 2g9n+ ( ea* sample "! is a li/

(! ,,uebc new or *ang$ symbols y w

5c.t]4 ,ea* (! symbols is prec$$ 0!

dot locator .= 7dots #df1 #abcdef74

  ,if y wd l 6h a copy (! orig9al pr9t

on : ,sampl] #a is bas$1 pl1se 3tact3

,! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl

,n,nal ,lit]acy ,c5t]

,3tact3 ,fr.es ,m>y ,d',&rea

#djd-ebe-bcjc or ,,afb's ,9=m,n ,c5t]


;,e-mail3 _+literacy@afb.net_:

,^? :o wi% a simulat$ brl copy (

,sampl] #a 7: 9cludes ! pr9t7 %d

reque/ x f ,! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl

al4                                 #g

  ,sampl] #b 7te*nical mat]ial 9 two

brl volumes7 9cludes publi%$ "ws (

ele;t>y >i?metic1 algebra1 calculus1

*emi/ry & -put] not,n4 ,ea* sample is

pres5t$ 9 ,,uebc & ei ,neme? ,code1

,-put] ,code or ,*emi/ry ,code z x wd

2 brld 9 ,nor? ,am]ica td4

  ,6help ^? :o >e n famili> ) ^! codes

"! is a li/ ( symbols requir$ 6r1d !

mat]ial : prec$es ea* sample4

  ,6rcv a copy (! ,,bana ,,uebc

,sampl] #b pl1se 3tact3

,eile5 ,curran1 ,,bana ,*air

,n,nal ,brl ,press

#hh ,/4 ,/eph5 ,/reet

,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae

#hhh-ife-hife ,no4#ag or #fag-bff-fafj


fax3 #fag-dcg-jdef


    ,! ,"qnaire

  ,,bana wants yr -;ts & has prep>$ a

%ort li/ ( "qs z a guide 76get y

/>t$74 ,x is at ! 5d ( ? ,sampl]4 ,y w

f9d ! 3tact p]son's "n & a4ress "!4 ,y

may respond 9 brl1 pr9t1 on audio tape

or 0;e-mail4

  ,?ank y = r1d+ ! ,sampl] &= s5d+ yr

-;ts 6,,bana4 ,y w 2 a# 6get up-to-

date 9=m,n on ,,uebc 0visit+ ! ,,bana

web site at



              ,sample #a


    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

      ,note3 ,a brl dot locator .=

    7dots #df1 #abcdef7 is us$ 2f ea*

    symbol 9 ! li/4

.=.1 italic ^w

.=_4 bullet


    ,twice z ,nice ,coconut ,rice

,? fragrant rice ta/es grt "u /ir-fri$


,if y're tir$ ( s]v+ pla91 ol' :ite

rice ) a m1l1 b don't h "t to prep>e

any?+ too fancy1 ? d\bly delici\s

recipe w .1rice to ! o3a.n4

#a tsp canola or vegetable oil

#b tsp grat$ g+]root

#a clove g>lic1 m9c$

#a-#a/b cups uncook$1 l;g-gra9 :ite

  rice                             #aa

#c/d cup li<t coconut milk

#a tsp ea* h"oy & grat$ lemon ze/

#a/b tsp salt

_4 ,h1t oil 9 a m$ium1 non-/ick

  saucepan ov] m$ium h1t4 ,add g+]root

  & g>lic4 ,cook & /ir = #a m9ute4

  ,add rice & cook = #a m m9ute4

_4 ,/ir 9 coconut milk1 #b-#a/d cups

  wat]1 h"oy1 lemon ze/1 & salt4 ,br+

  to a boil4 ,reduce h1t to m$ium-l[4

  ,cov] & simm] = #bj m9utes1 or until

  liquid is absorb$ & rice is t5d]4

_4 ,fluff rice ) a =k & s]ve immly4

,makes #f s]v+s

              ,sample #b


    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

.=.1 italic ^w

.=,' 5d capitaliz,n )9 a ^w

.=.0 p]c5t sign


  8,"! >e ov] #ajj record+ companies 9

,canada4 ,( ^!1 ! #ab =eign-[n$

companies d #ij.0 ( ! total busi;s4

,at ! o!r extreme1 ! #dg smalle/

companies d less ?an #a.0 ( ! total

busi;s4 ,^! companies >e all


  8,canadian 9dep5d5t companies _c

compete ag/ ! multi-na;nals = s"eal

r1sons4 ,,mnc,'s c %>e _m co/s (

produc;n ) _! ,am]ican p>5t companies4

,! 9dep5d5t companies h to pay .1all !

co/s ( produc;n4 ,! ,,mnc,'s use ma9ly

=eign tal5t2 less ?an #aj.0 ( _!

rel1ses h ,canadian 3t5t4 ,! 9dep5d5ts

4cov] & develop ,canadian tal5t2 _!

rel1ses h alm #fj.0 ,canadian      #ac

3t5t4 ,s9ce !y use un"kn tal5t1

,canadian record+ companies t5d to 2

hi<-risk busi;ses4 ,less ?an "o 9 t5

albums makes m"oy4 ,fig4 #bg-#aa

illu/rates ! problem4

              ,sample #c


    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

.=.1 italic ^w

.=.7 2g9 italic passage

.=. 72f a space7 5d italic passage

.=,,, 2g9 capitaliz$ passage

.=, 72f a space7 5d capitaliz$ passage

.=,- da%

.=444 ellipsis


  ,9 ,$e's imag9+ ( !m1 all factories

7 fi]y furnaces 9to : ! poor & !

despair+ 7 driv51 only to em]ge )

tor;t$ _ss & brok5 bodies4 ,%e

subscrib$ to ,blake's image ( .7d>k1

satanic mills1. ": human 2+s 7 bond$

to diabolical ma*9es,-ma*9es t 7

capable ( kill+ !m4 ,! a3.ts ,$e _h

r1d 9 ! pap]s ( 9du/rial a3id5ts _h

left h] t]rifi$ & naus1t$4 ,,,girl's

>ms torn (f by g9-:eel6 "w] decapitat$

9 piano factory6 man cru%$ by /eel

press6, ,:y wd "o g will+ly to     #ae

s* a place to 2 %[n xs .1wond]s8

  ,2s h]1 ,lily 0 alr sleep+4 ,l1n+

d[n1 ,$e pull$ "s /r&s ( hair f ! *'s

m\? & kiss$ h] on ! *eek4

  ,"! _h be5 no seizures n[ = a

=tni<t4 ,two weeks ( freedom,-two

weeks ( p1ce4 ,& tm 444

  ,$e roll$ away & wat*$ ! sn[ fall+

"? ! li<t ( ! /reet lamps 2y ! w9d[s4

  ,! be/ ?+ ab tm,-! mo/ reassur+ ?+,-

0 ! prospect ( ,lizzie's pres;e4 ,$e

_h ask$ t he 2 "! = ,lily's sake4

.7,*n give o!r *n 3fid;e1. %e _h told

,fr$]ick4 .7,& ,lizzie is s* a g5tle


  .7,he's n a * any m1 ,$i?4

  .7,h[ old is he1 !n8


              ,sample #d


    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

.=^7 2g9 bold passage

.=^ 72f a space7 5d bold passage

.="< op5+ p>5!sis

.="> clos+ p>5!sis

.=,- da%

.=@s doll> sign

.=" num]ic space


             ,tidal ,5]gy

^7,tidal p[]^ is an excell5t example (

us+ a local res\rce to meet local

ne$s4 ,a demon/ra;n plant op5$ 9 #aihd

ne> ,annapolis1 ,n4,s4 "<,fig4

#be-#g">4 ,xs purpose 0 to %[ t ! v

hi< tides ( ! ,bay ( ,fundy "<z hi< z

#ag ;m ,- ! hi<e/ 9 ! _w"> cd 2 us$ to

g5]ate electric;y4 ,? small plant

produces 5 electric;y to meet ! ne$s (

ab #ajjj families4 ,two l>g] plants

fur!r up ! ,bay ( ,fundy1 ":       #ag

tides >e hi<]1 cd produce m electric;y

?an is curr5tly g5]at$ by all m1ns 9

,new ,brunswick1 ,nova ,scotia &

,p4,e4,i4 ,! co/ ( ^! plants1 if !y 7

built td1 wd 2 m ?an

@s#cj"jjj"jjj"jjj4 ,? makes !m

uneconomical ) 5]gy co/s at _! curr5t

level1 b possible 9 ! future z 5]gy

prices 9cr1se4

              ,sample #e


    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

.=.1 italic ^w

.=^1 bold ^w

.=^7 2g9 bold passage

.=^ 72f a space7 5d bold passage

.=,,, 2g9 capitaliz$ passage

.=, 72f a space7 5d capitaliz$ passage

.="< op5+ p>5!sis

.="> clos+ p>5!sis


   ,! ,electronic ,m$ia3 ,televi.n

,televi.n is "p ( ne>ly "ey"o's life4

,alm all ,canadian h\seholds h a

televi.n & ov] half h m ?an "o4 ,dur+

an av]age "d1 #hj p]c5t ( ,canadians

wat* "o or m ( ! ov] #ajj ,canadian

televi.n /a;ns at l1/ once4 ,canadians

al h a3ess to _m ,am]ican /a;ns4

,ac to ! rese>* firm ( ,a4 ;,c4

,niels5 ,company ( ,canada         #ai

,ltd41 ,canadians 2t ! ages ( #ab &

#ag wat* #b h\rs & #ae m9utes (

televi.n p] "d4 ,^? ov] #ah wat* m6

  ,televi.n /a;ns >e ei "p ( a .1net"w

"<,,,cbc1 ctv1, or ,global"> or >e

9dep5d5t1 s* z ,,mitv 9 ! ,m>i"ts4

  ,adv]tis+ on net"w televi.n is

>rang$ c5trally s t a na;nal adv]tis]

runs an ad ov] ! net"w 9 ! same "t

slot1 usually on ! same "d1 "ey": 9 !

c.try4 ,? takes a grt d1l ( plann+4

,adv]tis+ s*$ules = ! na;nal televi.n

net"ws >e book$ ov] "o ye> 9 adv.e1 on

nonc.ellable 3tracts4

,! broadca/+ "d is divid$ 9to "t slots

call$ ^1"d"ps4 ,! "d"p ) ! l>ge/

audi;e is call$ ^7prime "t4^ ,prime "t

la/s f #g p4m4 to #aa p4m4 ,x is

dom9at$ by ^? %[s ) ! hi<e/ ^1rat+s4

,rat+s >e ! way ! televi.n 9du/ry

m1sures ! su3ess ( a program4 ,! mo/

popul> %[s h ! grte/ numb] ( p wat*+


              ,sample #f


    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

.=^1 bold ^w

.=.1 italic ^w

.=.0 p]c5t sign

.=_4 bullet

.=4 decimal po9t

.=^j degrees sign


  ,! rate ( cool+ v>ies ac to !

moi/ure 3t5t ( ! air4 ,:5 ! air has a

relative humid;y ( #ajj.01 ^13d5sa;n

2g9s1 & ? a6ects ! cool+ rate3

_4 ,:5 3d5sa;n is .1n o3urr+1 an air

  mass loses #a4j,c^j = e #ajj ;m x


_4 ,:5 3d5sa;n .1is o3urr+1 an air

  mass loses h1t at a rate ( only

  #j4f,c^j = e #ajj ;m4

  ,let's explore :y ? di6];e o3urs4

,:5 wat] vap\r 3d5ses 9to liquid   #ba

wat]1 h1t is giv5 (f4 ,?us1 :5 air is

ris+ & 3d5sa;n is o3urr+1 two oppos+

*anges >e tak+ place4 ,! ris+ air is

cool$ by expan.n :ile x is h1t$ by

3d5sa;n ( xs wat] vap\r4 ,! result is

a l[] rate ( cool+4

              ,sample #g


    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

.=,,, 2g9 capitaliz$ passage

.=, 72f a space7 5d capitaliz$ passage

.=.1 italic ^w

.=.7 2g9 italic passage

.=. 72f a space7 5d italic passage

.=4 decimal po9t

.=;; grade "o ^w

.=@a at sign


      ,,,diets emp[] food1 n p,

,a diet is r1lly j ano!r way to obsess

ab food4 .7,eat ?1 don't eat t4 ,avoid

any?+ :ite4 ,3c5trate on

c>bohydrates4. ,"! >e a million di6]5t

ways to deprive yrf1 ) "o ?+ 9 common4

,n"o ( !m c help y lose wei<t & keep x


,! ,,answ] to yr wei<t problem lies

)94 .7,x's ab /ress reduc;n &      #bc

re-$uca;n & g5u9e support f p :o "u/&

exactly :at y're go+ "?4. ,"! r1lly is

a bett] way to get l1n] .1& h1l?i] ?an

y "e imag9$ possible4 ,& to rediscov]

! simple joys ea* "d c (f]4

,,,call u1 & le>n h[ to *ange yr

life4, #a4hjj4bib4bddj4

,hilton ,h1d ,h1l? ,,9/itute

#ad ,val5cia ,road

,hilton ,h1d ,isl&1 ,,sc




,fax3 #hdc4fhf4efei

;,e-mail3 ;;hhhealth@aaol4com

,,,visit \r web site at


              ,sample #h


    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

.=^/ acute a35t on foll[+ lr

.=;; grade "o ^w

.=@a at sign



          ,audubon & ! ,>t (

           ,natural ,hi/ory

,specializ+ 9 ! ,f9e/ ,orig9al

,natural ,hi/ory ,>t f ! #agth to

#aith ,c5turies4 ,f1tur+ "ws by

,audubon1 ,r$\t^/e1 ,g\ld1 ,besl] & _m


,k5yon ,opp5heim]

,wrigley ,build+1 #daj ,nor? ,mi*igan


,*icago1 ,,il #fjfaa


,fax #cab-#fdd-#ijdb


;,e-mail ;;joppen@aaudubonart4com

,call = \r bro*ure     ,e/abli%$ #aifi

              ,sample #i


    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

.=,,, 2g9 capitaliz$ passage

.=, 72f a space7 5d capitaliz$ passage

.=,' 5d capitaliz,n )9 a ^w

.=.1 italic ^w

.=.7 2g9 italic passage

.=. 72f a space7 5d italic passage

.="< op5+ p>5!sis

.="> clos+ p>5!sis

.="9 a/]isk

.=_/ sla%

.=4 decimal po9t

.=.0 p]c5t sign

.=" num]ic space

.=;; grade "o ^w

.="8 "ts sign

.="/ divi.n sign

.="7 equal sign

.=,7 9* sign

.=^/ acute a35t on foll[+ lr

.=,- da%

.=@s doll> sign

gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg   #bg

          ,,,a "d 9 a life,

  ,i 0 up 2f "ey"o else 9 ! h\se ?

morn+ s ,i phon$ ! newspap] r1d+

s]vice to see :at 0 9 .7,! ,/>.

ye/]"d4 ,i made a brl note ab a new

,9t]net retail] call$ ,,cool,'eh4com4

,i alr use mo/ ( ! l1d+ web s]vices

"<,yahoo61 ,,cnn4com1 ,amazon4com1


  ,af br1kfa/1 ,i walk$ d[n to ! corn]

plaza4 ,! #ast /op 0 ! hairdress]4

,f]n&o has be5 cutt+ my hair = #bj

;yrs4 & he alw gives me ! f/ appo9t;t4

  #b;d /op 0 ! bank4 ,i l to g ,w$4

a4m4 2c my favorite tell]1 ,$1 "ws !n4

,he f.d ! #ah@c ]ror 9 my *eck book3

,m> #ac_/#ja


  ,popul> ,sci;e



,m> #ac_/#ja


  ,natl ,lib ,s]v



  ,i al w5t to ! #g-#aa 3v5i;e /ore to

pick up a few ?+s3

#h oz *ocolate

#ce.0 cr1m


travel size %av+ cr1m "<j #c#a/b oz4">

  = my husb&1 ;,al

  ;,al is (f to ! ,wimbl$on t5nis

t\rna;t ? week5d4 ,he w put "o ( 8

busi;s c>ds 9 ea* piece ( lu7age4 ,!y

provide ! foll[+ 9=ma;n3 ,a4 ;,s4

,frly1 ;,v4 ;,p4 ,sales1 ,,,cre#h;ive

*n's gds1, ,unit #ag-a1 #abda ,d5ison

,st1 ,m>kham ,,on ,l#c,r #d,b#d4

,ph"o3 #ije"eee-#gdgc4

  ,= lun* ,i made myf & ! kids tuna

fi% s&wi*es4 ,i cdn't face p1nut   #bi

butt] .1ag4 ,i gave !m banana mu69s =

a tr1t4 ,afws1 ,i prep>$ a m\sse =

tn's pot-luck4

  ,2f ,i knew x1 ! kids 7 home f s*ool

want+ help ) _! home"w4 ,! "ye/ *1

,b"ely1 is le>n+ to r1d ,,big numb]s

s* z #aj1jjj1jjj & _h to c.t ! #js s

,i cd help h] figure x \4 ,h] only

problem ) spell+ 0 8"?03

;;t-h-r-o-u-g-h4 ,!n ! middle "o1

,le&]1 review$ "s divi.n facts4 ,he c

n"e rememb] ! sev5s1 "picul>ly3

#ef "/ #g "7 #h4

  ,k5n$y1 my c>-addict$ #ah-year-old1

rcvd p]mis.n to use ! c> & to ext5d 8

curfew to #a3#jj o'c4 ,9 ex*ange1 he

agre$ to drive me to ! *ur* = ! pot-

luck & to pick up a #i,7"8#i,7 pan (

vegetable cass]ole f ! caf^/e = !

family's supp]4

  ,my fr1 ,sally ,l.er1 met me at !

*ur*4 ,we only _h a ll ( ? & a ll ( t

b we _h to admit t 5's 5 & t we _h

ov]eat5,-z alw6

  ,*>l5e ,com=t drove me home 9 h]

'#hi ,*evy4 ,%e sd %e mi<t 2 =c$ to

give x up1 especially if gas 3t9ues to

2 pric$ at @s#a4ci_/gal4 ,b1 z a

p5.n]1 %e'll h tr\ble f9d+ @s#e1jjj =

a gd us$ c>4

  ,by ! "t ,i got home1 ;,al _h

return$ f walk+ \r dog1 ,puddles4 ,he

want$ to get to sleep "r away 2c ( an

e>ly meet+ tm4 ,i promis$ to /ay awake

r1d+ until ,k5n$y came in4 ;,al t1s$

gd-natur$ly t ! noise ( my f+]s on !

brl 0 keep+ hm awake4 ,i sd ) a gr91

8,h[ c t 2 :5 yr snor+ is mak+ x s h>d

= me to 3c5trate40


             ,sample #aj

   ,,uebc ,-p>$ ) ,o!r ,brl ,codes


,,ebae is ,5gli% ,brl ,am]ican ,edi;n1

  ! curr5t lit]>y brl code4

,,uebc is ! propos$ ,unifi$ ,5gli%

  ,brl ,code4

,neme? is ! ,neme? ,brl ,code =

  ,ma!matics & ,sci;e1 us$ 9 ,nor?


,,cbc is ! ,-put] ,brl ,code1 us$ 9

  ,nor? ,am]ica4

,,bauk ref]s 6! codes us$ 0! ,brl

  ,au?or;y (! ,unit$ ,k+dom4


,,ebae3 #a/1 #bnd1 #crd1 & #d?

,,uebc3 #ast1 #bnd1 #crd1 & #dth

,neme?3 #1st, #2nd, #3rd, & #4th

,,bauk3 #a/1 #bnd1 #crd1 & #d?

,,ebae3 "ps ;i1 ;iii1 & ;v

,,uebc3 "ps i1 iii1 & ;v

,neme?3 "ps ;i, ;iii, & ;v

,,bauk3 "ps ;i1 ;iii1 & ;v         #cc

,,ebae3 s'#ae1 pp4 #dh-ea

,,uebc3 ^s#ae1 pp4 #dh-#ea

,neme?3 @,s#15, pp4 #48-51

,,bauk3 s'#ae1 pp4#dh-ea

,,ebae3 #'hj's & #'ij's

,,uebc3 '#hjs & '#ijs

,neme?3 '#80s & '#90s

,,bauk3 #'hj's & #'ij's

,,ebae3 ,m#d;,g #c;,e#h

,,uebc3 ,m#d,g #c,e#h

,neme?3 ,m"4,g #3,e"8

,,bauk3 ;m#d;g #c;e#h

,,ebae3 #djbjf-jjhe

,,uebc3 #djbjf-#jjhe

,neme?3 #40206-0085

,,bauk3 #djbjf-jjhe

,,ebae3 #a3cj p4m41 #ab-aj-hd

,,uebc3 #a3#cj p4m41 #ab_/#aj_/#hd

,neme?3 #1_3#30 p4m41 #12_/10_/84

,,bauk3 #a#cj p4m41 #ab#aj#hd

,,ebae3 7#daf7 #dhj-gecj

,,uebc3 "<#daf"> #dhj-#gecj

,neme?3 (416) #480-7530

,,bauk3 7#daf7#dhj#gecj

,,ebae3 #hj;dg;,f

,,uebc3 #hj^j,f

,neme?3 #80^.* ;,f

,,bauk3 #hj0,f

,,ebae3 #cg.e@3p

,,uebc3 #cg4e.0

,neme?3 #37.5@0

,,bauk3 #cg1e 3p

,,ebae3 4#j.hi1 or #hi@c

,,uebc3 @s#j4hi1 or #hi@c

,neme?3 @s0.89, or #89@c

,,bauk3 4#j1hi1 or #hi;c

,,ebae3 #a/d cup

,,uebc3 #a/d cup

,neme?3 ?1_/4# cup

,,bauk3 #a4 cup


,,ebae3 #e;ft #aj@9

,,uebc3 #e7#aj77

,neme?3 #5'10''

,,bauk3 #e@9#aj@99

,,ebae3 #ajj km/h

,,uebc3 #ajj km_/h

,neme?3 #100 km_/;h

,,bauk3 #ajj km/h

,,uebc3 ;;hhhealth@aaol4com

,,cbc3  _+hhhealth@aol.com_:

,,bauk3 ,+;hhhealth!aol4com,+

,,uebc3 ,,,;;www4hhhealth4com,

,,cbc3  _>www.hhhealth.com_:

,,bauk3 ,+www4hhhealth4com,+

,,uebc3 ;;www4audubonart4com

,,cbc3  _+www.audubonart.com_:

,,bauk3 ,+;www4audubonart4com,+

,,uebc3 ;;joppen@aaudubonart4com

,,cbc3  _+joppen@audubonart.com_:

,,bauk3 ,+;joppen!audubonart4com,+

            ,sample #aa;,a

          ,algebra 9 ,,uebc


    ,,uebc ,symbols

.=,,, 2g9 capitaliz$ passage

.=, 72f a space7 5d capitaliz$ passage

.=^1 bold ^w

.=^7 2g9 bold passage

.=^ 72f a space7 5d bold passage

.=.1 italic ^w

.=.7 2g9 italic passage

.=. 72f a space7 5d italic passage

.=;;; 2g9 grade "o passage 99

      99 ,! grade "o passage 9dicators

    delimit sec;ns ( brl 3ta9+ grade

    "o symbols t wd o!rwise repres5t

    lit]>y 3trac;ns 7in ? case1 !

    sup]script & frac;n 9dicators74

.=; 72f a space7 5d grade "o passage

.=( 2g9 frac;n 7grade "o7

.=) 5d frac;n 7grade "o7

.=./ horizontal frac;n l9e

.=9 sup]script next item 7grade "o7

.="6 plus sign

.="- m9us sign                     #cg

.=_= equival5t sign 7#c horizontal


.="7@: not equal sign

.="< op5+ p>5!sis

.="> clos+ p>5!sis


      #c-#g ,,,addi;n ( frac;ns,

,! algebraic sum ( two or m frac;ns

hav+ ! same denom9ator is a frac;n ) !

common denom9ator & a num]ator : is !

algebraic sum ( ! num]ators ( !

frac;ns 3sid]$4 ,? 0 prov$ 9 ,problem

#ac1 ,>ticle #b-#d4


  ;;;(#bx9#b./x"-#d) "- (#cx./x"-#d)

    "6 (#e./x"-#d)

    _= (#bx9#b"-#cx"6#e./x"-#d)4;

  ,to f9d ! algebraic sum ( two or m

frac;ns ) di6]5t denom9ators1 we m/

replace ! frac;ns ) equival5t frac;ns

hav+ ! same denom9ators4 ,x is

pref]able to use ! .7l1/ common

denom9ator. "<,,lcd">4 ,! ,,lcd ( two

or m frac;ns 3si/s ( ! product ( all !

unique prime factors 9 ! denom9ators1

ea* ) an expon5t equal to ! l>ge/

expon5t ) : ! factor appe>s1 & is

r1lly a result ( ! foll[+ important


  ^7,!orem #c-#e4^

  ;;;(a./b) "6 (c./d) _= (ad"6bc./bd)

    "<b1 d "7@: #j">4;

  .1,pro(4 ,we h

  ;;;(a./b) "6 (c./d)

    _= (ad./bd) "6 (bc./bd)1;

by ,!orem #b-#h4 ,if we n[ use

,problem #ac1 ,>ticle #b-#d1 we h

  ;;;(ad./bd) "6 (bc./bd)

    _= (ad"6bc./bd)1;

: is \r requir$ result4

  ^7,example #a4^ ,f9d ! ,,lcd ( !






  .1,solu;n4 ,factor+ ea* denom9ator1

we h

  ;;;x9#b "- #dx "6 #d

    _= "<x "- #b">9#b1

  #c"<x9#b "- #d">

    _= #c"<x "6 #b">"<x "- #b">1

  #bx9#b "- x "- #f

    _= "<#bx "6 #c">"<x "- #b">4;

,! ,,lcd is #c"<x "6 #b">

"<;x "- #b">9#b"<#bx "6 #c">4

            ,sample #aa;,b

       ,algebra 9 ,neme? ,code


,neme? numb]s >e brld 9 ! l[] "p (!

cell4 ,! numb] 9dicator is omitt$ :5 a

numb] foll[s o!r symbols4 ,a punctu,n

9dicator is us$ :5 punctu,n foll[s a


    ,neme? ,symbols

_ 7#def7 punctu,n 9dicator

, 7#f7 ma!matical -ma

? 2g9 frac;n

/ horizontal frac;n l9e

# 5d frac;n

^ 7#de7 2g9 sup]script

" 7#e7 return 6basel9e af sup]script

+ plus sign

- 7#cf7 m9us sign

_l equival5t sign 7#c horizontal b>s7

/.k n equal sign

( op5+ p>5!sis

) clos+ p>5!sis



      #3-7 ,,a4i;n ,,( ,,frac;ns

  ,! algebraic sum ( two or m frac;ns

hav+ ! same denom9ator is a frac;n )!

-mon denom9ator &a num]ator : is !

algebraic sum (! num]ators (! frac;ns

3sid]$4 ,? 0 prov$ 9 ,pro#m #13,

,>ticle #2-4_4



    _l ?2x^2"-3x+5/x-4#_4

  ,6f9d ! algebraic sum ( two or m

frac;ns ) di6]5t denom9ators1 we m/

replace ! frac;ns ) equival5t frac;ns

hav+ ! same denom9ators4 ,x is pref]a#

6use ! .l1/ .-mon .denom9ator

(,,lcd)_4 ,! ,,lcd ( two or m frac;ns

3si/s (! product ( all ! unique prime

factors 9 ! denom9ators1 ea* ) an

expon5t equal 6! l>ge/ expon5t ) : !

factor appe>s1 & is re,y a result (!

foll[+ important !orem4

  ,,!orem #3-5_4

  ?a/b#+?c/d# _l ?ad+bc/bd#

    (;b, d /.k #0)_4

  .,pro(4 ,we h

  ?a/b#+?c/d# _l ?ad/bd#+?bc/bd#,

0,!orem #2-8_4 ,if we n[ use ,pro#m

#13, ,>ticle #2-4, we h

  ?ad/bd#+?bc/bd# _l ?ad+bc/bd#,

: is \r requir$ result4

  ,,example #1_4 ,f9d ! ,,lcd (!


  ?3x/x^2"-4x+4#, ?5x^2"/3(x^2"-4)#,


  .,solu;n4 ,factor+ ea* denom9ator1

we h

  x^2"-4x+4 _l (x-2)^2,

  #3(x^2"-4) _l #3(x+2)(x-2),

  #2x^2"-x-6 _l (2x+3)(x-2)_4

,! ,,lcd is #3(x+2)(x-2)^2"(2x+3)_4



  ,direc;ns3 ,pl1se -plete ! foll[+

"qnaire af r1d+ "? ! ,unifi$ ,5gli%

,brl ,code 7,,uebc7 ,sampl]4 ,write yr

answ]s 2l1 on a sep>ate %eet ( pap]1

or 9 an ;e-mail message4 ,s5d yr

-plet$ survey to3

,w>r5 ,figueir$o

,l\isiana ,9/ruc;nal ,mat]ials ,c5t] =

  ! ,bl

#abcj ,gov]n;t ,/reet

,baton ,r\ge1 ,,la #gjhjb

;,e-mail responses3


,yr 9put w 2 use;l 6! ,,bana ,bo>d 9

/udy+ ! ,,uebc4 ,?ank y6

    ,"qs ab ,,uebc & ,o!r ,issues

#a4 ,2f y r1d ? sampl]1 :at 7 yr

  feel+s t[>d unify+ ! brl codes8


#b4 ,hav+ r1d "? ? sampl]1 h[ h yr

  id1s/feel+s *ang$ t[>d a unifi$ brl


#c4 ,:at d y re,y l ab ! ,unifi$

  ,5gli% ,brl ,code 7,,uebc78

#d4 ,:at d y re,y 4like ab ! ,,uebc8

#e4 ,:at issues d y feel ! ,,bana

  ,bo>d %d 3sid] 9 mak+ a deci.n on

  adop;n (! ,,uebc8

    ,op;nal ,backgr.d ,9=m,n

#f4 ,:at k9d ( mat]ials d y typic,y

    r1d 9 brl8 ,*eck all t apply4

  a4 magaz9es

  b4 fic;n

  c4 nonfic;n

  d4 textbooks

  e4 o!r 7li/73

#g4 ,:at ma? or te*nical mat]ials d y

    r1d8 ,*eck all t apply4

  a4 textbooks

  b4 te*nical mat]ials = my job

  c4 -put] brl

  d4 *emi/ry or o!r sci5tific not,n

  e4 o!r 7li/73

#h4 ,:at ma? code did y le>n 9 s*ool8

  a4 upp] numb]s 7,taylor ,code7

  b4 l[] numb]s 7,neme?7

  c4 upp] numb]s 7,,bauk--,brl

      ,au?or;y (! ,unit$ ,k+dom7

  d4 no ma? code us$

#i4 ,:5 did y le>n brl8

  a4 2f age #ah

  b4 #ah-ee ye>s ( age

  c4 #ef & abv

    ,op;nal ,p]sonal ,9=m,n





,pref]r$ ,lit]acy ,m$ium3

;,e-mail a4ress3




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