
           ,,uebc ,,sampl] #b

        ,prep>$ "u ! auspices (!

     ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica

              ,june #bjja

            ,volume #b ( #b

       ,pages p#a-p#b & #adg-cba     p#a


,sample                            ,page

#d4 ,t1*+ ,mat]ial """""""""""""""" #adg

  #d;a4 ,ma? ,"w%op """"""""""""""" #aeg

  #d;b4 ,*apt] #f ,review """"""""" #afg

  #d;c4 ,algebra ,i ,*apt] #g ,te/  #aga

  #d;d4 ,algebra ,,ii ,*apt] #c

      ,te/ """""""""""""""""""""""" #age

  #d;e4 ,a ,sample ,>ticle """""""" #agi

#e4 ,-put]3 s"eal pages f a manual  #ahc

#f4 ,*emi/ry3 s"eal pages f a

    textbook """""""""""""""""""""" #bec


              ,sample #d4

             ,t1*+ ,mat]ial

  ,? sample is transcrib$ us+ ..,!

,neme? ,brl ,code = ,ma!matics & ,sci;e

,not,n #aigb .,revi.n 7on left h& pages7

&! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code z ( ,june

#bjja 7on "r h& pages74


             ,t1*+ ,mat]ial

             9 ,neme? ,code


    ,neme? ,symbols

_ 7#def7 punctu,n 9dicator

= g5]al omis.n symbol

" 7#e7 2g9 modifi$ expres.n

< 2g9 modifi] abv

] 5d modifi$ expres.n

_ 7#def7 bold next lr

+ plus sign

- 7#cf7 m9us sign

@* "ts sign 7cross7

* "ts sign 7dot7

./ divid$ 0sign

o divid$ 0sign 7spatial7

+- plus or m9us sign

.k equal sign

/.k n equal sign

@:.k equal sign "u tilde

"k less ?an sign

.1 grt] ?an sign

"k: b> "u less ?an

.1: b> "u grt] ?an

        ,t1*+ ,mat]ial 9 ,,uebc


    ,,uebc ,symbols

.=; grade "o symbol

.=;; grade "o ^w

.=;;; 2g9 grade "o passage

.=; 72f a space7 5d grade "o passage

.="6 plus sign

.="- m9us sign

.="8 "ts sign 7cross7

.="4 "ts sign 7dot7

.="/ divid$ 0sign

.="> divid$ 0sign 7spatial7

.=_6 plus or m9us sign

.="7 equal sign

.=@< less ?an sign

.=@> grt] ?an sign

.=_@< less ?an or equal sign

.=_@> grt] ?an or equal sign

.="_9 tilde ov] equal sign

.=@9 tilde

.=.@< m* less ?an sign


    ,neme? ,symbols 73t47

? 2g9 frac;n

# 5d frac;n

/ horizontal frac;n l9e

_/ diagonal frac;n l9e

_? 2g9 frac;n por;n ( mix$ numb]

_# 5d frac;n por;n ( mix$ numb]

,? 2g9 -plex frac;n

,# 5d -plex frac;n

,/ horizontal -plex frac;n l9e

( op5+ p>5!sis

) clos+ p>5!sis

@( op5+ bracket

@) clos+ bracket

.( op5+ brace

.) clos+ brace

\ v]tical b>

@,( 5l>g$ op5+ bracket

@,) 5l>g$ clos+ bracket

. 7#df7 decimal po9t

@0 7#d1 #cef7 p]c5t sign

, 7#f7 ma!matical -ma

@s doll> sign

    ,,uebc ,symbols 73t47

.=/ num]ic frac;n l9e

.=( 2g9 frac;n

.=) 5d frac;n

.=./ frac;n l9e

.=_/ sla%

.="< op5+ p>5!sis

.="> clos+ p>5!sis

.=_\ v]tical l9e

.=_< op5+ brace

.=_> clos+ brace

.=.< op5+ bracket

.=.> clos+ bracket

.=,.< multi-l9e op5+ bracket

.=,.> multi-l9e clos+ bracket

.=< 2g9 -p.d item

.=> 5d -p.d item

.=4 decimal po9t

.=.0 p]c5t sign

.=@s doll> sign

.=6 factorial sign

.=@: l9e "? previ\s item


    ,neme? ,symbols 73t47

& factorial sign

> 2g9 radical

] 5d radical

< 9dex ( radical 9dicator

^ 7#de7 2g9 sup]script

; 7#ef7 2g9 subscript

[ -ma )9 subscript

" 7#e7 return 6basel9e af sup]script or


.# crosshat*

$[ angle sign

_< c>et

$a >c

$t triangle

$4 squ>e

$c circle

$[33o "r & left b>b$ >r[

$o "r >r[

: horizontal b>

$l p>allel sign

$p p]p5dicul> sign

    ,,uebc ,symbols 73t7

.=% 2g9 radical

.=%9 2g9 radical ) next item z 9dex (


.=+ 5d radical

.=9 sup]script next item

.=5 subscript next item

.=.9 next item directly abv previ\s item

.=": c>et ov] previ\s item

.=: b> ov] previ\s item

.=^: "r >r[ ov] previ\s item

.=_? crosshat*1 or 8numb]0

.=@$a transcrib]-def9$ %ape3 angle

.=@$r transcrib]-def9$ %ape3 >c

.=$#c triangle

.=$#d squ>e

.=$= circle

.=@$l transcrib]-def9$ %ape3 p>allel


.=@$p transcrib]-def9$ %ape3 p]p5dicul>


.=: 5d %ape


    ,neme? ,symbols 73t47

^.* degree sign

"1 7#e1 #b7 ratio sign

---- 7#cf1 #cf1 #cf1 #cf7 d\# da%

@: tilde

,= 9f9;y sign

"k@"k] two ne/$ less ?an signs

.,d ,greek capital delta

.g ,greek gamma

.,s ,greek capital sigma


    ,,uebc ,symbols 73t47

.=\o "r >r[

.=\wro left- & "r-po9t+ >r[

.=^j degree sign

.=3 7spac$7 ratio sign

.=---- blank 7,a ,,uebc symbol has

  n yet be5 assign$47

.=^1 bold ^w

.=^2 bold symbol

.=,,, 2g9 capitaliz$ passage

.=,' 5d capitals )9 a sequ;e

.=, 72f a space7 5d capitaliz$ passage

.=.7 2g9 italic passage

.=. 72f a space7 5d italic passage

.=#= 9f9;y sign

.=444 ellipsis

.=,.d capital ,greek delta

.=.g ,greek gamma

.=,.s capital ,greek sigma



             ,sample #4a_4

              ,ma? ,"w%op

            ;,a_4 ,>i?metic

#1_4 a4i;n & subtrac;n

    #4+5 .k =

    #15-8 .k =

#2_4 multiplic,n

    #29@*6 .k =

    #453*80 .k =

#3_4 divi.n

    #55./5 .k #11


#4_4 frac;ns

    ?1/2#*?1/4# .k =

    ?5/45#+?6/9#+?7/18# .k =

#5_4 mix$ numb]s

    #23_?1/4_#@*2 .k =

    #2_?1/2_#+1_?3/4_# .k =

#6_4 decimals

    #45.6+2.4 .k =

    #978.2./12 .k =

#7_4 ^w pro#ms (@0, @s)

    ,a suit t sold = @s120 is on

             ,sample #d;a4

              ,ma? ,"w%op

             ,a4 ,>i?metic

#a4 addi;n & subtrac;n

    #d "6 #e "7

    #ae "- #h "7

#b4 multiplica;n

    #bi "8 #f "7

    #dec "4 #hj "7

#c4 divi.n

    #ee "/ #e "7 #aa


#d4 frac;ns

    #a/b "4 #a/d "7

    #e/de "6 #f/i "6 #g/ah "7

#e4 mix$ numb]s

    #bc#a/d "8 #b "7

    #b#a/b "6 #a#c/d "7

#f4 decimals

    #de4f "6 #b4d "7

    #igh4b "/ #ab "7

#g4 ^w problems "<.01 @s">

    ,a suit t sold = @s#abj is on   #aeg

      sale = @s75_4 ,! p]c5t ( decr1se

      is #37.5@0_4

#8_4 -p>ison symbols "k, .1, .k

    #5 .k #8 is false

             ;,b_4 ,algebra

#1_4 factorial & absolute value

    #5& .k #5*4*3*2*1

    #5& .k #120


#2_4 negative numb]s

    -#4.5-16.3 .k =

    -#12.2+3.7 .k =

#3_4 v>ia#s1 l9e> equ,ns1 gr\p+ symbols

    y .k #3x+5

  ,simplify3 .(2x-4@(3x-5(2x+3)-4x@)+6.)

#4_4 -p>ison symbols "k:, .1:, /.k, &!

  plus or m9us sign +-

    y .1: #2x-3

#5_4 squ>e roots & radicals ) hi<]



      sale = @s#ge4 ,! p]c5t ( decr1se

      is #cg4e.04

#h4 comp>ison symbols @<1 @>1 "7

    #e "7 #h is false

             ;,b4 ,algebra

#a4 factorial & absolute value

    #e6 "7 #e "4 #d "4 #c "4 #b "4 #a

    #e6 "7 #abj


#b4 negative numb]s

    "-#d4e "- #af4c "7

    "-#ab4b "6 #c4g "7

#c4 v>iables1 l9e> equa;ns1 gr\p+


    ;y "7 #cx "6 #e


    _<#bx "- #d.<#cx "- #e"<#bx "6 #c">

      "- #dx.> "6 #f_>

#d4 comp>ison symbols _@<1 _@>1 "7@:1 &

  ! plus or m9us sign _6

    ;y _@> #bx "- #c

#e4 squ>e roots & radicals ) hi<] 9dices

    ;%#bcg+                         #aei


#6_4 monomials1 polynomials & quadratic




    (x+2)^2 .k =

    x .k ?-b+->b^2"-4ac]/2a#

  ,if #3x^2"+5x-2 .k #0, !n

    x .k ?-5+->(5)^2"-4(3)(-2)]/2(3)#

#7_4 r,nal expres.ns & -plex frac;ns


    ,??1/4#+?2/3#,/?1/2#,# .k =

#8_4 value ta# & matrix

    #2 #4  #6  #8  #10 #12 ;x

    #8 #16 #24 #32 #40 =   =


#f4 monomials1 polynomials & quadratic



    "<#cx9#b "6 #bx "- #a">

      "<x9#b "- #c">

    "<x "6 #b">9#b "7

    x "7 ("-b _6 %b9#b "- #d;ac+./#b;a);

  ,if #cx9#b "6 #ex "- #b "7 #j1 !n


      "7 ("-#e _6

      %"<#e">9#b "- #d"<#c">"<"-#b">+


#g4 ra;nal expres.ns & complex frac;ns

    ;;;(#dx "- x9#b./#bx "6 #c)

      "/ (#afx9#b "- #dx9#c./#hx "6 #ab)

    (#a/d "6 #b/c./#a/b) "7;

#h4 value table & matrix

    #b #d  #f  #h  #aj #ab ;x

    #h #af #bd #cb #dj ;8  ;8


    @,(#1 #4@,)@,(-#2 #3@,)

    @,(#2 #5@,)@,(#1  #4@,)

    @,(#3 #6@,)

      .k @,(#2 #19@,)

         @,(#1 #26@,)

         @,(#0 #33@,)

#9_4 ta#


,grad+ ,p]iod  .# ( ;,a_'s

"333333333333  "3333333333

#1 """"""""""  #5

#2 """"""""""  #10

#3 """"""""""  #11


            ;,c_4 ,geometry

#1_4 angle & >c

    $[ ,a,b,c

    ",e,f<_<] ",e,f<$a]

#2_4 %apes

    $t ,a,b,c

    $4 ,a,b,c,d

    ,.<#a #d,.>,.<"-#b #c,.>

    ,.<#b #e,.>,.<#a   #d,.>

    ,.<#c #f,.>

      "7,.<#b #ai,.>

        ,.<#a #bf,.>

        ,.<#j #cc,.>

#i4 table


,grad+ ,p]iod  _? ( ,a's

"333333333333  "33333333

#a """"""""""  #e

#b """"""""""  #aj

#c """"""""""  #aa


             ;,c4 ,geometry

#a4 angle & >c


    <,,ef>": <,,ef>.9@$r:;

#b4 %apes


    $#d:,,abcd                      #afc

    $c ,o

#3_4 l9e1 l9e seg;t & ray




#4_4 -p>ison symbols3 $l, $p, @:.k

    ",a,b<$[33o] $l ",c,d<$[33o]

    ",a,b<:] $p ",c,d<:]

    $[ ,a,b,c @:.k $[ ,c,d,e

#5_4 degrees



#c4 l9e1 l9e seg;t & ray




#d4 comp>ison symbols3 @$l:1 @$p:1 "_9

    ;;;<,,ab>.9\wro @$l <,,cd>.9\wro

    <,,ab>: @$p <,,cd>:

    @$a:,,abc "_9 @$a:,,cde;

#e4 degrees

    #ij^j "6 #ij^j


             ,sample #4b_4

           ,*apt] #6 ,review

    ,write ea* ratio 9 simple/ =m4

#1_4 ?,a,b/,c,d#

#2_4 ?m$[ ,b,a,c/m$[ ,d,a,c#

#3_4 ?,b,c/,a,c#

#4_4 ,det]m9e :e!r ! ratios ?3/5# &

  ?15/25# =m a propor;n4

    ,f9d ! value ( ;x 9 ea* propor;n4

#5_4 #14 "1 x .k #21 "1 #27

#6_4 ?5/2# .k ?15/x#

#7_4 ,-plete ! /ate;t 9 five di6]5t


    ,if ?2/3# .k ?8/12#, !n ----

#8_4 ,use ! propor;n ?7/8# .k ?x/y#

  6-plete ! /ate;t4

    ?x/7# .k ----

#9_4 ,write a two-column pro(4

  ,,giv53 ?,j,n/,n,m# .k ?,j,k/,k,l#


?,j,m/,n,m# .k ?,j,l/,k,l#

             ,sample #d;b4

           ,*apt] #f ,review

    ,write ea* ratio 9 simple/ =m4

#a4 ;;(,,ab./,,cd)

#b4 ;;(m@$a:,,bac./m@$a:,,dac)

#c4 ;;(,,bc./,,ac)

#d4 ,det]m9e :e!r ! ratios #c/e & #ae/be

  =m a propor;n4

    ,f9d ! value ( ;x 9 ea* propor;n4

#e4 #ad 3 ;x "7 #ba 3 #bg

#f4 #e/b "7 (#ae./x)

#g4 ,complete ! /ate;t 9 five di6]5t


    ,if #b/c "7 #h/ab1 !n ----

#h4 ,use ! propor;n #g/h "7 ;;(x./y) to

  complete ! /ate;t4

    ;;(x./#g) "7 ----

#i4 ,write a two-column pro(4

  ^1,giv53 ;;;(,,,jn./nm) "7 (jk./kl,');


;;;(,,,jm./nm) "7 (jk./kl,');


#10_4 ",r,s<:] $l ",u,v<:] ,f9d ;x &


#11_4 ,prove $t ,e,f,g @: $t ,e,g,h_4

#12_4 ,f9d ! value ( ;x = : ! triangles

  >e simil>4

#13_4 ,giv5 $t ,t,r,s & $t ,v,w,x )

  $[ ,r @:.k $[ ,w, /ate ! propor;n t m/

  2 true if $t ,t,r,s @: $t ,v,w,x by

  ,,sas ,simil>;y4

    ,giv5 $t ,c,a,b & a $l b $l c,

  -plete ea* /ate;t & /ate ! !orem


#14_4 ,if ,c,e .k #3, ,c,a .k #9, &

  ,c,b .k #12, !n ,c,g .k ----

#aj4 ;;<,,rs>:@$l:<,,uv>: ,f9d ;x & ;y4

#aa4 ,prove $#c:,,efg @9 $#c:,,egh4

#ab4 ,f9d ! value ( ;x = : ! triangles

  >e simil>4

#ac4 ,giv5 ;$#c:,,trs & ;$#c:,,vwx )

  @$a:,r "_9 @$a:,w1 /ate ! propor;n t

  m/ 2 true if ;$#c:,,trs @9 ;$#c:,,vwx

  by ,,sas ,simil>;y4

    ,giv5 ;$#c:,,cab & a @$l ;b @$l ;c1

  complete ea* /ate;t & /ate ! !orem


#ad4 ,if ,,ce "7 #c1 ,,ca "7 #i1 &

  ,,cb "7 #ab1 !n ,,cg "7 ----


             ,sample #4c_4

      ,algebra ;,i ,*apt] #7 ,te/

#1_4 ,mat* ! equ,n or 9equal;y )! graph

    x describes4

  ;a_4 \x\ .k #1

  ;b_4 \x\ "k: #1

  ;c_4 \x\ .1: #1

#2_4 ,: equ,n mat*es ! graph8

  (a) y .k \?1/2#x\-3

  (b) y .k \?1/2#x+1\

  (c) y .k \?1/2#x\+1

  (d) y .k \x\+1

#3_4 ,solve ! equ,n4

    \x-7\ .k #3

#4_4 ,evaluate4


#5_4 ,-plete ! ta#4 ,!n graph ! equ,n

  y .k >x]-4_4

             ,sample #d;c4

       ,algebra ,i ,*apt] #g ,te/

#a4 ,mat* ! equa;n or 9equal;y ) ! graph

    x describes4

  a4 _\x_\"7#a

  ;b4 _\x_\_@<#a

  ;c4 _\x_\_@>#a

#b4 ,: equa;n mat*es ! graph8

  "<a"> y"7_\#a/bx_\"-#c

  "<;b"> y"7_\#a/bx"6#a_\

  "<;c"> y"7_\#a/bx_\"6#a

  "<;d"> y"7_\x_\"6#a

#c4 ,solve ! equa;n4


#d4 ,evaluate4


#e4 ,complete ! table4 ,!n graph !

  equa;n ;;;y "7 %x+ "- #d4;


;x   >x]  >x]-4  (x, y)

"33  "33  "3333  "33333

#0   =    = """  =

#1   =    = """  =

#4   =    = """  =

#9   =    = """  =

#16  =    = """  =

#6_4 ,f9d ! taxi 4t.e 2t (-3, 1) &

  (2, -4)_4

#7_4 ,use ! ,4t.e ,=mula 6f9d ! 4t.e 2t

  (3, 5) & (-2, -3)_4

#8_4 ,use ! propor;n 6f9d ! value ( ;x_4

    ?x/63# .k ?5/28#

#9_4 ,! two triangles >e simil>4 ,f9d

  ;x, ;y, & ;z_4 (,h9t3 ,2g9 0us+ !

  ,py?agor1n ,!orem4)

#10_4 ,=! triangle %[n1 f9d sin ,k,

  cos ,k, & tan ,k_4 ,give exact answ]s4

#11_4 ,a #17-ft la4] makes an angle (

  #65^.* )! gr.d4 ,give ,a,c, ! 4t.e (!

  bottom (! la4] f ! wall4 ,r.d yr answ]

  6! ne>e/ t5? (a foot4

;;;x  %x+  %x+ "- #d  "<x1 y">;

"333  "33  "33333333  "33333333






#f4 ,f9d ! taxi 4t.e 2t "<"-#c1 #a"> &

  "<#b1 "-#d">4

#g4 ,use ! ,4t.e ,=mula to f9d ! 4t.e 2t

  "<#c1 #e"> & "<"-#b1 "-#c">4

#h4 ,use ! propor;n to f9d ! value ( ;x4

    ;;(x./#fc) "7 #e/bh

#i4 ,! two triangles >e simil>4 ,f9d ;x1

  ;y1 & ;z4 "<,h9t3 ,2g9 by us+ !

  ,py?agor1n ,!orem4">

#aj4 ,= ! triangle %[n1 f9d s9 ;,k1

  cos ;,k1 & tan ;,k4 ,give exact


#aa4 ,a #ag-ft ladd] makes an angle (

  #fe^j ) ! gr.d4 ,give ;,,ac1 ! 4t.e (

  ! bottom ( ! ladd] f ! wall4 ,r.d yr

  answ] to ! ne>e/ t5? ( a foot4


             ,sample #4d_4

      ,algebra ,,ii ,*apt] #3 ,te/

    ,solve ea* sy/em ( l9e> equ,ns if

  possi#4 ,/ate ! numb] ( solu;ns1 &

  tell :e!r ! sy/em is 3si/5t or


#1_4 #5x+2y .k -#4

     #5x-2y .k -#6

#2_4 y .k #2x+5

     y .k -#7+2x

#3_4 #2x+y .k #4

     #2y .k #8-4x

#4_4 ,a sy/em ( 3si/5t l9e> equ,ns 9 two

    v>ia#s has ---- solu;n(s)_4

  (a) #0 (b) #1 (c) #2 (d) at l1/ #1

#5_4 ,a sy/em ( 9consi/5t l9e> equ,ns 9

    two v>ia#s has ----

             ,sample #d;d4

      ,algebra ,,ii ,*apt] #c ,te/

    ,solve ea* sy/em ( l9e> equa;ns if

  possible4 ,/ate ! numb] ( solu;ns1 &

  tell :e!r ! sy/em is 3si/5t or


#a4 #ex "6 #by "7 "-#d

    #ex "- #by "7 "-#f

#b4 ;y "7 #bx  "6 #e

    ;y "7 "-#g "6 #bx

#c4 #bx "6 ;y "7 #d

    #by "7 #h "- #dx

#d4 ,a sy/em ( 3si/5t l9e> equa;ns 9 two

    v>iables has ---- solu;n"<s">4

  "<a"> #j

  "<;b"> #a

  "<;c"> #b

  "<;d"> at l1/ #a

#e4 ,a sy/em ( 9consi/5t l9e> equa;ns 9

    two v>iables has ----           #age


  (a) #0 (b) #1 (c) #2 (d) at l1/ #1

#6_4 ,graph ! sy/em ( l9e> 9equalities &

  9dicate ! solu;n 0an approv$ me?od4

    y .1: -#3x-1

    y "k ?1/2#x+3

#7_4 ,9 a l9e> programm+ pro#m1 an

    9equal;y t models a limit,n is call$


  (a) solu;n

  (b) objective func;n

  (c) 3/ra9t

  (d) f1si# region

#8_4 ,! ---- 3ta9s ! possi# solu;ns 6a

    l9e> programm+ pro#m4

  (a) optimal solu;n

  (b) f1si# region

  (c) 3/ra9t



  "<a"> #j

  "<;b"> #a

  "<;c"> #b

  "<;d"> at l1/ #a

#f4 ,graph ! sy/em ( l9e> 9equalities &

  9dicate ! solu;n by an approv$ me?od4



#g4 ,9 a l9e> programm+ problem1 an

    9equal;y t models a limita;n is

    call$ a"<n">

  "<a"> solu;n

  "<;b"> objective func;n

  "<;c"> 3/ra9t

  "<;d"> f1sible region

#h4 ,! ---- 3ta9s ! possible solu;ns to

    a l9e> programm+ problem4

  "<a"> optimal solu;n

  "<;b"> f1sible region

  "<;c"> 3/ra9t


             ,sample #4e_4

           ,a ,sample ,>ticle

  ,,ab/ract4 ,? >ticle illu/rates _m

f1tures (a ma!matics docu;t cr1t$ )

.,sci5tific .,notebook4

    ,ma!matics & ,text

  ,let ;,h 2 a ,hilb]t space1 ;,c 2 a

clos$ b.d$ 3vex subset ( ;,h, ;,t a

nonexpansive self map ( ;,c_4 ,suppose t

as n $o ,=, a;n[k $o #0 = ea* ;k, &


.k .,s;k ;.k #0^,="(a;n[k+1"-a;n[k")^+

$o #0_4 ,!n = ea* ;x 9 ;,c,

,a;n"x .k .,s;k ;.k #0^,="a;n[k",t^k"x

3v]ges w1kly 6a fix$ po9t ( ;,t_4

    ,in-l9e & ,4play$ ,ma!matics

  ,! equ,n

  #1 u;tt"-.,du+u^5"+u\u\^p-2 .k #0 9

    _;,r^3"@*@(0, ,=@(

is numb]$ & x al wd h ! label

             ,sample #d;e4

           ,a ,sample ,>ticle

  ^1,ab/ract4 ,? >ticle illu/rates _m

f1tures ( a ma!matics docu;t cr1t$ )

.7,sci5tific ,notebook4.

    ,ma!matics & ,text

  ,let ;,h 2 a ,hilb]t space1 ;,c 2 a

clos$ b.d$ 3vex subset ( ;,h1 ;,t a

nonexpansive self map ( ;,c4 ,suppose t

z ;;;n \o #=1 a5<n1k> \o #j; = ea* ;k1 &


"7 ,.s5<k"7#j>9#=

"<a5<n1k"6#a> "- a5<n1k>">9"6 \o #j4;

,!n = ea* ;x 9 ;,c1

;;;,a5nx "7 ,.s5<k"7#j>9#=a5<n1k>,t9kx;

3v]ges w1kly to a fix$ po9t ( ;,t4

    ,9-l9e & ,4play$ ,ma!matics

  ,! equa;n

  #a ;;;u5<tt>"-,.du"6u9#e


    "7 #j in ^2,r9#c"8.<#j1#=.<;

is numb]$ & x al wd h ! label       #agi

8wave04 ,y c use ? label 6jump 6? equ,n

us+ hyp]text l9ks4

    ,multi-,l9e ,4plays

  .,sci5tific .,notebook provides a

range ( align;t op;ns = multil9e

ma!matical 4plays4 ,"h is a s]ies (

multil9e 4plays4

  #2 x .k #17y


    y .1 a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k+l+m+n+o+p

  x "k@"k] y1+ ''' +y;n

    "k: z

  ,if f(x) .k x+1, !n we w h


    .k .(@(x+1@)_/@(x+2@).)+1

    .k (2x+3)_/(x+2)



    .k #190

       ,,5d ,,( ,,t1*+ ,,mat]ial

           ,,9 ,,neme? ,,code

8wave04 ,y c use ? label to jump to ?

equa;n us+ hyp]text l9ks4

    ,multi-,l9e ,4plays

  .7,sci5tific ,notebook. provides a

range ( align;t op;ns = multil9e

ma!matical 4plays4 ,"h is a s]ies (

multil9e 4plays4

  #b ;x "7 #agy

  #c ;y





  ,if f"<x"> "7 ;x "6 #a1 !n we w h


    "7 _<.<x"6#a.>_/.<x"6#b.>_>"6#a

    "7 "<#bx"6#c">_/"<x"6#b">




    "7 #aij

      ,,,5d ( t1*+ mat]ial 9 uebc,


              ,sample #e4


  ,? sample is transcrib$ us+ ..,code =

,-put] ,brl ,not,n .#aihg 7on left h&

pages7 &! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code z (

,june #bjja 7on "r h& pages74

  ,-;t l9es 9 programs 2g9 ) apo/rophes4

,^? : >e pr9t$ at ! 5d (a l9e ( code >e

brld on ! foll[+ l9e 9 cell #e4 ,^? : >e

pr9t$ at ! 2g9n+ (a l9e >e brld z pr9t$4

  ,a "r-po9t+ >r[ is us$ z a pr9t l9e-

3t9u,n 9dicator 6%[ t a l9e ( code

3t9ues f "o l9e 6! next4 ,? is omitt$ 9


  ,items 9 italic 9dicate placehold]s =

9=m,n suppli$ 0! r1d]4

  ,items 9side squ>e brackets >e op;nal4

  ,sans s]if font is us$ 9 pr9t =

pres5t+ sample code4


         ,-put] ,sample 9 ,,cbc


    ,,cbc ,symbols

_+ 2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code

_: 5d ,-put] ,brl ,code

_ 7#def7 %ift 9dicator

_> caps lock 9dicator

_< caps rel1se 9dicator

_* 2g9 emphasis

_/ 5d emphasis

_! transcrib]'s op;n symbol3 2g9 italic

  type )9 ! ,-put] ,brl ,code

_: t]m9,n 9dicator3 5d italic type )9 !

  ,-put] ,brl ,code

_& 3t9u,n 9dicator

_ 7#def7 isolat$ l[]-cell 9dicator

,' 7#f1 #c7 transcrib]'s note symbol

77 7#bcef1 #bcef7 brl ref];e 9dicator2

  us$ 6m>k a m>g9al note

. 7#df7 p]iod

... 7#df1 #df1 #df7 ellipsis

, 7#f7 -ma

        ,-put] ,sample ,9 ,,uebc


    ,,uebc ,symbols

.=^1 bold ^w

.=^7 2g9 bold passage

.=^ 72f a space7 5d bold passage

.=.1 italic ^w

.=.7 2g9 italic passage

.=.' 5d italic

.=. 72f a space7 5d italic passage

.=" 7at 5d ( l9e7 3t9u,n 9dicator

.="" 7at 5d ( l9e7 3t9u,n 9dicator )a


.=;;; 2g9 grade "o passage

.=; 72f a space7 5d grade "o passage

.=,,, 2g9 capitaliz$ passage

.=,' 5d capitals )9 a sequ;e

.=, 72f a space7 5d capitaliz$ passage

.=444 ellipsis

.="7 equal sign

.="6 plus sign

.=@> grt] ?an sign

.=@< less ?an sign


    ,,cbc ,symbols 73t47

" 7#e7 d\# quote

' 7#c7 s+le quote1 apo/rophe

= equal sign

> grt] ?an sign

< less ?an sign

+ plus sign

( op5+ p>5!sis

) clos+ p>5!sis

[ op5+ bracket

] clos+ bracket

__ 7#def1 #def7 "uscore

& amp]s&

! exclam,n po9t

; 7#ef7 semicolon

$ doll> sign

? "q m>k

: colon


    ,,uebc ,symbols 73t47

.="< op5+ p>5!sis

.="> clos+ p>5!sis

.=.< op5+ bracket

.=.> clos+ bracket

.=,7 nondirec;nal d\# quote

.=' nondirec;nal s+le quote1 apo/rophe

.=.- "uscore

.=@& amp]s&

.=@.r regi/]$ symbol 7circl$ ;,r7

.=_4 bullet

.=@s doll> sign

.=,- da%



    ,us+ ! _+_seek_: ,me?od        b#beg

      ,',in ? transcrip;n1 boldface type

    )9 ! ,-put] ,brl ,code is %[n )9 !

    emphasis 9dicators 7#def1 #af7 &

    7#def1 #cd74 ,italic type )9 !

    ,-put] ,brl ,code is %[n )9 !

    transcrib]'s op;n symbol

    7#def1 #bcdf7 &! t]m9,n 9dicator

    7#def1 #aef74,'

  ,y use ! _*_seek_/_: me?od 6locate a

record 9 a ta#-type _*_recordset_/_:4

,6locate a record 9 a dynaset or

snap%ot1 use "o (! _+_find_: me?ods

describ$ 9 ! prec$+ sec;n4 ,:5 y use

_*_seek_/_: 6locate a record1 ,a3ess

,basic uses ! ta#'s curr5t 9dex1 z def9$

0! _*_index_/_: prop]ty4

      77 ,= m 9=m,n ab sett+ ! curr5t

    9dex1 se>* _+_help_: = 8curr5t 9dex0

    or see 8,sort+ a ,recordset0 e>li] 9

    ? *apt]4

  ,! syntax =! _*_seek_/_: me?od is3

_!table_:._*_seek_/ _!comparison, _&

 key1, key2 ..._:

    ,us+ ! ,seek ,me?od            b#beg

  ,y use ! ^1,seek me?od to locate a

record 9 a table-type ^1,recordset4 ,to

locate a record 9 a dynaset or snap%ot1

use "o ( ! ,f9d me?ods describ$ 9 !

prec$+ sec;n4 ,:5 y use ^1,seek to

locate a record1 ,a3ess ,basic uses !

table's curr5t 9dex1 z def9$ by !

^1,index prop]ty4

      ,= m 9=ma;n ab sett+ ! curr5t

    9dex1 se>* ,help = 8curr5t 9dex0 or

    see 8,sort+ a ,recordset0 e>li] 9 ?


  ,! syntax = ! ^1,seek me?od is3

.1table.'^14,seek .7comp>ison1 key#a1""

 key#b. 444


  ,! .ta# >gu;t is a recordset      #beh

v>ia# t ref]s 6! ta# y >e se>*+ "?4 ,!

_*_seek_/_: me?od a3epts a numb] (

>gu;ts1 ! f/ ( : is .-p>ison1 a /r+ t

det]m9es ! k9d ( -p>ison t's p]=m$4 ,!

foll[+ ta# li/s ! -p>ison /r+s y c use )



/r+       ,descrip;n

"3333333  "33333333333333333333333333333

_+"="_:   ,equal 6! specifi$ key values

_+">="_:  ,grt] ?an or equal 6! specifi$

            key values

_+">"_:   ,grt] ?an ! specifi$ key


_+"<="_:  ,less ?an or equal 6! specifi$

            key values

_+"<"_:   ,less ?an ! specifi$ key


  ,! .keyn >gu;ts >e a s]ies ( "o or m

values t ,a3ess ,basic -p>es 6values 9 !

ta# records4 ,! foll[+ example op5s a

ta# "nd _+_products_:1 &

  ,! .1table >gu;t is a recordset   #beh

v>iable t ref]s to ! table y >e se>*+

"?4 ,! ^1,seek me?od a3epts a numb] (

>gu;ts1 ! f/ ( : is .1comp>ison1 a /r+ t

det]m9es ! k9d ( comp>ison t's p]=m$4 ,!

foll[+ table li/s ! comp>ison /r+s y c

use ) ^1,seek4

,comp>ison /r+  ,descrip;n

"3333333333333  "33333333333333333333333

8"70 """""""""  ,equal to ! specifi$ key


8@>"70 """""""  ,grt] ?an or equal to !

                  specifi$ key values

8@>0 """""""""  ,grt] ?an ! specifi$ key


8@<"70 """""""  ,less ?an or equal to !

                  specifi$ key values

8@<0 """""""""  ,less ?an ! specifi$ key


  ,! .1keyn >gu;ts >e a s]ies ( "o or m

values t ,a3ess ,basic comp>es to values

9 ! table records4 ,! foll[+ example

op5s a table "nd ,products1 &       #aia

uses ! _*_seek_/_: me?od 6locate   a#beh

! f/ record 3ta9+ a value ( #a 9 !

_+_supplier _>id_: field 7: is a

nonunique 9dex field74 ,x *anges #a 6#b

& saves ! *ange )! _*_update_/_: me?od4

,subsequ5t passes "? ! loop locate !

next record t satisfies ! 3di;n4

_dim _my_db _as _database, _my_table _&

 _as _recordset

_set _my_db = _>dbe_<ngine._&


_' _open _table.

_set _my_table = _my_db._open_&

 _recordset("_products", _&


_my_table._index = "_supplier _>id"

    _' _define current index.

_my_table._seek "=", _1

    _' _seek record.


_do _until _my_table._no_match

    _' _until no record is found.

uses ! ^1,seek me?od to locate !   a#beh

f/ record 3ta9+ a value ( #a 9 !

,suppli] ,,id field "<: is a nonunique

9dex field">4 ,x *anges #a to #b & saves

! *ange ) ! ^1,update me?od4 ,subsequ5t

passes "? ! loop locate ! next record t

satisfies ! 3di;n4

;;;,dim ,my,db ,as ,database1""

 ,my,table ,as ,recordset

,set ,my,db "7 ,d,b,engine4,workspaces"


' ,open ,table4

,set ,my,table "7 ,my,db4"



,my,table4,index "7 ,7,supplier ,,id,7

    ' ,define current index4

,my,table4,seek ,7"7,71 #a

    ' ,seek record4

,do ,until ,my,table4,no,match

    ' ,until no record is found4    #aic

  _my_table._edit                  b#beh

    _' _enable editing.

  _my_table("_supplier _>id") = _2

    _' _change _supplier _>id.


    _' _save changes.

  _my_table._seek "=", _1

    _' _seek next record.


    _' _end of loop.



    _' _close _table.


  ,my,table4,edit                  b#beh

    ' ,enable editing4

  ,my,table"<,7,supplier ,,id,7"> "7 #b

    ' ,change ,supplier ,,id4


    ' ,save changes4

  ,my,table4,seek ,7"7,71 #a

    ' ,seek next record4


    ' ,end of loop4


    ' ,close ,table4;


  ,if y use ! _*_seek_/_: me?od    c#beh

on a _*_recordset_/_: object ( type ta#

)\t f/ sett+ ! curr5t 9dex1 a run-"t

]ror o3urs4

  ,! next example illu/rates h[ y c

cr1te a func;n t uses ! _*_seek_/_:

me?od 6locate a record us+ a multiple-

field 9dex4

_function _get_first_price(_by_val _&

 _order_>id _as _long, _by_val _&

 _product_>id _as _long) _as _variant


_dim _my_db _as _database, _my_table _&

 _as _recordset

_set _my_db = _>dbe_<ngine._&


_set _my_table = _my_db._&

 _open_recordset("_order _details", _&


_my_table._index = "_primary_key"

_my_table._seek "=", _order_>id, _&


  ,if y use ! ^1,seek me?od on a   c#beh

^1,recordset object ( type table )\t f/

sett+ ! curr5t 9dex1 a run-"t ]ror


  ,! next example illu/rates h[ y c

cr1te a func;n t uses ! ^1,seek me?od to

locate a record us+ a multiple-field


;;;,function ,get,first,price"<,by,val""

 ,order,,id ,as ,long1 ,by,val ,product"

 ,,id ,as ,long"> ,as ,variant


,dim ,my,db ,as ,database1 ,my,table""

 ,as ,recordset

,set ,my,db "7 ,d,b,engine4"


,set ,my,table "7 ,my,db4"

 ,open,recordset"<,7,order ,details,71"


,my,table4,index "7 ,7,primary,key,7

,my,table4,seek ,7"7,71 ,order,,id1""

 ,product,,id                       #aig


_if _my_table._no_match _then

  _get_first_price = _null

  _msg_box "_couldn't find order _&

 detail record."


  _get_first_price = _my_table!_&

 [_unit _price]

_end _if



_end _function


,if ,my,table4,no,match ,then

  ,get,first,price "7 ,null

  ,msg,box ,7,couldn't find order""

 detail record4,7


  ,get,first,price "7 ,my,table6"

 .<,unit ,price.>

,end ,if



,end ,function;


  ,9 ? example1 ! ta#'s prim>y     b#bei

key 3si/s ( two fields1

_+_order _>id and _product _>id_:4 ,:5 y

call ! _+_get_first_price_: func;n )a

valid 7exi/+7 -b9,n (

_+_order _>id and _product _>id_: field

values1 ! func;n returns ! unit price f

! f.d record4 ,if ! desir$ -b9,n ( field

values c't 2 f.d 9 ! ta#1 ! func;n

returns _*_null_/_:4

  ,if ! curr5t 9dex is a multiple-field

9dex1 trail+ key value c 2 omitt$ & >e

tr1t$ z _*_null_/_:4 ,t is1 y c l1ve (f

any numb] ( key values f ! 5d (a

_*_seek_/_: me?od's .key >gu;t1 b n f !

2g9n+ or mi4le4

      77 ,= m 9=m,n ab us+ ! _*_seek_/_:

    me?od1 se>* _+_help_: = 8,seek04

    ,us+ ,bookm>ks ,9/1d ( ,record


  ,if y h us$ ano!r database or

programm+ 5viron;t1 y may 2 a3u/om$

6ref]r+ 6record numb]s4 ,= example1 y

may h writt5 code t op5s a text

  ,9 ? example1 ! table's prim>y   b#bei

key 3si/s ( two fields1 ,ord] ,,id &

,product ,,id4 ,:5 y call !

,get,fir/,price func;n ) a valid

"<exi/+"> comb9a;n ( ,ord] ,,id &

,product ,,id field values1 ! func;n

returns ! unit price f ! f.d record4 ,if

! desir$ comb9a;n ( field values c't 2

f.d 9 ! table1 ! func;n returns ^1,null4

  ,if ! curr5t 9dex is a multiple-field

9dex1 trail+ key value c 2 omitt$ & >e

tr1t$ z ^1,null4 ,t is1 y c l1ve (f any

numb] ( key values f ! 5d ( a ^1,seek

me?od's .1key >gu;t1 b n f ! 2g9n+ or


      ,= m 9=ma;n ab us+ ! ^1,seek

    me?od1 se>* ,help = 8,seek40

    ,us+ ,bookm>ks ,9/1d ( ,record


  ,if y h us$ ano!r database or

programm+ 5viron;t1 y may 2 a3u/om$ to

ref]r+ to record numb]s4 ,= example1 y

may h writt5 code t op5s a text


file & "!af ref]s 6specific        c#bei

records 0_! relative posi;n 9 ! file4 ,!

f/ record 9 ! file wd 2 record #a1 !

second wd 2 record #b1 & s on4

  ,9 ,micros(t ,a3ess1 yr view ( records

is usu,y a subset (! records 9 an 5tire

ta#4 ,2c ! actual numb] ( records c

*ange at any "t1 especi,y 9 a multius]

5viron;t1 "!'s no absolute record numb]

y c use 6ref] 6a "picul> record4 ,9/1d1

y c use bookm>ks 6id5tify & !n return 6a

"picul> record4

  ,a bookm>k is a sy/em-g5]at$1 r&omly

cr1t$ /r+ t uniquely id5tifies ea*

record4 ,6save a bookm>k1 y assign !

value (! _+_bookmark_: prop]ty 6a /r+

v>ia#4 ,6return  6! record1 y set !

_+_bookmark_: prop]ty 6! value (! v>ia#4


  ,! foll[+ example illu/rates h[ y c

use a bookm>k 6save ! curr5t record

posi;n & !n qkly return 6t record posi;n

if a f9d or seek op],n fails4 ,if !

op],n fails1 ! curr5t

file & "!af ref]s to specific      c#bei

records by _! relative posi;n 9 ! file4

,! f/ record 9 ! file wd 2 record #a1 !

second wd 2 record #b1 & s on4

  ,9 ,micros(t ,a3ess1 yr view ( records

is usually a subset ( ! records 9 an

5tire table4 ,2c ! actual numb] (

records c *ange at any "t1 especially 9

a multius] 5viron;t1 "!'s no absolute

record numb] y c use to ref] to a

"picul> record4 ,9/1d1 y c use bookm>ks

to id5tify & !n return to a "picul>


  ,a bookm>k is a sy/em-g5]at$1 r&omly

cr1t$ /r+ t uniquely id5tifies ea*

record4 ,to save a bookm>k1 y assign !

value ( ! ,bookm>k prop]ty to a /r+

v>iable4 ,to return to ! record1 y set !

,bookm>k prop]ty to ! value ( ! v>iable4


  ,! foll[+ example illu/rates h[ y c

use a bookm>k to save ! curr5t record

posi;n & !n qkly return to t record

posi;n if a f9d or seek op]a;n fails4

,if ! op]a;n fails1 ! curr5t        #bjc

record posi;n is undef9$4          a#bfj

_dim _my_db _as _database, _my_table _&

 _as _recordset, _my_bookmark _as _&


_set _my_db = _>dbe_<ngine._&


_set _my_table = _my_db._&

 _open_recordset("_customers", _&


_my_table._index = "_company _name"


_my_bookmark = _my_table._bookmark

_my_table._seek ">=", "_z"

_if _my_table._no_match _then

  _msg_box "_can't find a company _&

 name starting with '_z'."

  _my_table._bookmark = _my_bookmark

_end _if



record posi;n is undef9$4          a#bfj

;;;,dim ,my,db ,as ,database1""

 ,my,table ,as ,recordset1""

 ,my,bookmark ,as ,string

,set ,my,db "7 ,d,b,engine4"


,set ,my,table "7 ,my,db4"



,my,table4,index "7 ,7,company ,name,7


,my,bookmark "7 ,my,table4,bookmark

,my,table4,seek ,7@>"7,71 ,7,z,7

,if ,my,table4,no,match ,then

  ,msg,box ,7,can't find a company""

 name starting with ',z'4,7

  ,my,table4,bookmark "7 ,my,bookmark

,end ,if


,my,db4,close;                      #bje

  ,9 ? example1 sav+ !             b#bfj

_+_bookmark_: prop]ty1 & !n resett+ !

_+_bookmark_: prop]ty 6xs previ\s value

:5 ! _*_seek_/_: me?od fails1 causes !

previ\sly curr5t record 6be ! curr5t

record ag4

  ,y c al use ! _+_bookmark_: prop]ty =!

dynaset us$ 0a =m4 ,? lets yr code m>k :

record is 4play$ on ! =m1 & 6*ange !

record 2+ 4play$1 0sett+ ! =m's

_+_bookmark_: prop]ty4 ,= example1 y c

add 6a =m 3ta9+ employee 9=m,n a button

t a us] c click 6%[ ! record = an

employee's sup]visor4 ,! foll[+ example

illu/rates ! func;n y c call f !

button's _+_click_: ev5t4

_function _show_supervisor() _as _&


  _dim _my_form _as _form, _my_set _&

 _as _recordset, _my_bookmark _as _&


  _set _my_form = _screen._active_form

  ,9 ? example1 sav+ ! ,bookm>k    b#bfj

prop]ty1 & !n resett+ ! ,bookm>k prop]ty

to xs previ\s value :5 ! ^1,seek me?od

fails1 causes ! previ\sly curr5t record

to 2 ! curr5t record ag4

  ,y c al use ! ,bookm>k prop]ty = !

dynaset us$ by a =m4 ,? lets yr code m>k

: record is 4play$ on ! =m1 & to *ange !

record 2+ 4play$1 by sett+ ! =m's

,bookm>k prop]ty4 ,= example1 y c add to

a =m 3ta9+ employee 9=ma;n a button t a

us] c click to %[ ! record = an

employee's sup]visor4 ,! foll[+ example

illu/rates ! func;n y c call f !

button's ,click ev5t4

;;;,function ,show,supervisor"<"> ,as""


  ,dim ,my,form ,as ,form1 ,my,set ,as""

 ,recordset1 ,my,bookmark ,as ,string

  ,set ,my,form "7 ,screen4,active,form


  _set _my_set = _&                c#bfj


  _my_set._bookmark = _&


  _my_set._find_first "[_employee _&

 _>id] = _" & _my_set![_supervisor]

  _if _my_set._no_match _then

    _msg_box "_couldn't find _&

 employee's supervisor."

    _my_form._bookmark = _my_bookmark


    _my_form._bookmark = _&


  _end _if




_end _function

  ,set ,my,set "7""                c#bfj


  ,my,set4,bookmark "7""


  ,my,set4,find,first ,7.<,employee""

 ,,id.> "7 ,7 @& ,my,set6.<,supervisor.>

  ,if ,my,set4,no,match ,then

    ,msg,box ,7,couldn't find""

 employee's supervisor4,7

    ,my,form4,bookmark "7 ,my,bookmark


    ,my,form4,bookmark "7""


  ,end ,if




,end ,function;


  ,"s atta*$ ta#s1 = example1      a#bfa

,p>adox regi/]$ ta#s t h no prim>y key1

may n support bookm>ks4 ,"!=e1 y c nei

use bookm>ks on s* ta#s1 nor use

bookm>ks on _*_recordset_/_: objects or

qu]ies bas$ on ^? ta#s4 ,h["e1 all

snap%ots support bookm>ks1 reg>d.s ( _!

"uly+ ta#s4 ,y c det]m9e :e!r a ta#

supports bookm>ks 0*eck+ ! value (!

_+_bookmarkable_: prop]ty1 z 9 ! foll[+


_if _my_set._bookmarkable _then

  _msg_box "_the underlying table _&

 supports bookmarks."


  _msg_box "_the underlying table _&

 doesn't support bookmarks."

_end _if

  ,if y try 6use bookm>ks on a

_*_recordset_/_: t doesn't support

bookm>ks1 a run-"t ]ror o3urs4

  ,:5 y close a _*_recordset_/_:1 any

bookm>ks y sav$ 2come 9valid4 ,y

  ,"s atta*$ tables1 = example1    a#bfa

,p>adox@.r tables t h no prim>y key1 may

n support bookm>ks4 ,"!=e1 y c nei use

bookm>ks on s* tables1 nor use bookm>ks

on ^1,recordset objects or qu]ies bas$

on ^? tables4 ,h["e1 all snap%ots

support bookm>ks1 reg>d.s ( _! "uly+

tables4 ,y c det]m9e :e!r a table

supports bookm>ks by *eck+ ! value ( !

,bookm>kable prop]ty1 z 9 ! foll[+


;;;,if ,my,set4,bookmarkable ,then

  ,msg,box ,7,the underlying table""

 supports bookmarks4,7


  ,msg,box ,7,the underlying table""

 doesn't support bookmarks4,7

,end ,if;

  ,if y try to use bookm>ks on a

^1,recordset t doesn't support bookm>ks1

a run-"t ]ror o3urs4

  ,:5 y close a ^1,recordset1 any

bookm>ks y sav$ 2come 9valid4 ,y    #baa

c't use a bookm>k obta9$ f "o      b#bfa

_*_recordset_/_: 9 ano!r

_*_recordset_/_:1 ev5 if bo?

_*_recordset_/_: objects >e bas$ on !

same "uly+ ta# or qu]y4 ,a run-"t ]ror

o3urs if y try 6%>e bookm>ks 2t

_*_recordset_/_: objects4 ,h["e1 y c use

a bookm>k on ! duplicate 7cl"o7 (a

_*_recordset_/_: z ! foll[+ example %[s4

c't use a bookm>k obta9$ f "o      b#bfa

^1,recordset 9 ano!r ^1,recordset1 ev5

if bo? ^1,recordset objects >e bas$ on !

same "uly+ table or qu]y4 ,a run-"t ]ror

o3urs if y try to %>e bookm>ks 2t

^1,recordset objects4 ,h["e1 y c use a

bookm>k on ! duplicate "<cl"o"> ( a

^1,recordset z ! foll[+ example %[s4


_dim _my_db _as _database          c#bfa

_dim _orig_recordset _as _recordset, _&

 _dup_recordset _as _recordset

_dim _placeholder _as _string

_set _my_db = _>dbe_<ngine._&


_' _create first _recordset.

_set _orig_recordset = _&



_placeholder = _orig_recordset._bookmark

    _' _save current record position.

_set _dup_recordset = _&


    _' _create duplicate _recordset.

_dup_recordset._bookmark = _placeholder

    _' _go to same record.


;;;,dim ,my,db ,as ,database       c#bfa

,dim ,orig,recordset ,as ,recordset1""

 ,dup,recordset ,as ,recordset

,dim ,placeholder ,as ,string

,set ,my,db "7 ,d,b,engine4"


' ,create first ,recordset4

,set ,orig,recordset "7""



,placeholder "7""


    ' ,save current record position4

,set ,dup,recordset "7""


    ' ,create duplicate ,recordset4

,dup,recordset4,bookmark "7 ,placeholder

    ' ,go to same record4;


            ,*ang+ ,records        d#bfa


  ,once y've cr1t$ a recordset v>ia# (

ta# or dynaset type1 y c *ange1 delete1

or add new records4 ,y c't *ange1

delete1 or add records 6a snap%ot-type

_*_recordset_/_: object4 ,? sec;n

pres5ts ! me?ods & proc$ures = *ang+

data 9 ta#- & dynaset-type

_*_recordset_/_: objects4


    ,modify+ an ,exi/+ ,record

  ,*ang+ an exi/+ record 9 a recordset

v>ia# is a f\r-/ep process3

,f/1 g 6! desir$ record4

,second1 use ! _*_edit_/_: me?od 6prep>e

  ! curr5t record = $it+4

,?ird1 make ! nec *anges 6! record4

,f\r?1 use ! _*_update_/_: me?od 6save !

  *anges 6! curr5t record4

  ,! foll[+ example illu/rates h[ 6*ange

! job titles = all sales repres5tatives

9 a ta# "nd

            ,*ang+ ,records        d#bfa

  ,once y've cr1t$ a recordset v>iable (

table or dynaset type1 y c *ange1

delete1 or add new records4 ,y c't

*ange1 delete1 or add records to a

snap%ot-type ^1,recordset object4 ,?

sec;n pres5ts ! me?ods & proc$ures =

*ang+ data 9 table- & dynaset-type

^1,recordset objects4


    ,modify+ an ,exi/+ ,record

  ,*ang+ an exi/+ record 9 a recordset

v>iable is a f\r-/ep process3

_4 ,f/1 g to ! desir$ record4

_4 ,second1 use ! ^1,edit me?od to

  prep>e ! curr5t record = $it+4

_4 ,?ird1 make ! nec *anges to ! record4

_4 ,f\r?1 use ! ^1,update me?od to save

  ! *anges to ! curr5t record4

  ,! foll[+ example illu/rates h[ to

*ange ! job titles = all sales

repres5tatives 9 a table "nd        #bag

_+_employees_:4                    a#bfb

_set _my_db = _>dbe_<ngine._&


_set _my_set = _my_db._&



_do _until _my_set._>eof

  _if _my_set![_title] = _&

 "_sales _representative" _then


    _my_set![_title] = _&

 "_account _executive"


  _end _if





  ,if y don't use ! _*_edit_/_: me?od 2f

y try 6*ange a value 9 ! curr5t record1

a run-"t ]ror o3urs4

,employees4                        a#bfb

;;;,set ,my,db "7 ,d,b,engine4"


,set ,my,set "7 ,my,db4"



,do ,until ,my,set4,,eof

  ,if ,my,set6.<,title.> "7 ,7,sales""

 ,representative,7 ,then


    ,my,set6.<,title.> "7 ,7,account""



  ,end ,if





  ,if y don't use ! ^1,edit me?od 2f y

try to *ange a value 9 ! curr5t record1

a run-"t ]ror o3urs4                #bai

77777777777777777777777777777777   b#bfb

  .,important ,if y *ange ! curr5t

record1 & !n move 6ano!r record or close

! _*_recordset_/_: )\t f/ us+ !

_*_update_/_: me?od1 yr *anges >e lo/

)\t w>n+4 ,= example1 omitt+ !

_*_update_/_: me?od f ! prec$+ example

results 9 no *anges 2+ made 6!

_+_employees_: ta#4


  ,dynaset-type _*_recordset_/_: objects

c 2 bas$ on a multiple-ta# qu]y1 )! qu]y

(t5 imple;t+ a "o-to-_m rel,n%ip4 ,=

example1 suppose y want 6cr1te a

multiple-ta# qu]y t -b9es fields f !

_+_orders and _order _details_: ta#s4

,norm,y1 y >e prev5t$ f *ang+ values 9 !

_+_orders_: ta# 2c x's on ! 8"o0 side (!

rel,n%ip4 ,dep5d+ on yr applic,n1 h["e1

y may want 6all[ *anges 6! _+_orders_:

ta#4 ,6all[ *anges 6! 8"o0 side (a "o-

to-_m rel,n%ip1 y c use !

_*_open_recordset_/_: me?od's

_>db__inconsistent_: 3/ant 6cr1te an

77777777777777777777777777777777   b#bfb

  ^1,important ,if y *ange ! curr5t

record1 & !n move to ano!r record or

close ! ^1,recordset )\t f/ us+ !

^1,update me?od1 yr *anges >e lo/ )\t

w>n+4 ,= example1 omitt+ ! ^1,update

me?od f ! prec$+ example results 9 no

*anges 2+ made to ! ,employees table4


  ,dynaset-type ^1,recordset objects c 2

bas$ on a multiple-table qu]y1 ) ! qu]y

(t5 imple;t+ a "o-to-_m rela;n%ip4 ,=

example1 suppose y want to cr1te a

multiple-table qu]y t comb9es fields f !

,ord]s & ,ord] ,details tables4

,normally1 y >e prev5t$ f *ang+ values 9

! ,ord]s table 2c x's on ! 8"o0 side ( !

rela;n%ip4 ,dep5d+ on yr applica;n1

h["e1 y may want to all[ *anges to !

,ord]s table4 ,to all[ *anges to ! 8"o0

side ( a "o-to-_m rela;n%ip1 y c use !

^1,open,recordset me?od's

,,,db.-inconsistent, 3/ant to cr1te an


.9consi/5t dynaset4 ,? all[s y      #bfc

6freely *ange values on ! 8"o0 side (!


_set _my_set = _my_db._open_recordset_&

 ("_sales _totals", _>db__inconsistent)


  .,important ,:5 y update an 9consi/5t

dynaset1 y c easily de/roy ! rel,nal

9tegr;y (! data 9 ! dynaset4 ,y m/ take

c>e 6"u/& h[ ! data is relat$ acr ! "o-

to-_m rel,n%ip & update ! values on bo?

sides 9 a way t pres]ves data 9tegr;y4


  ,! _>db__inconsistent_: op;n is

availa# only = dynaset-type

_*_recordset_/_: objects4 ,x's ignor$ =

ta#- & snap%ot-types4

  ,ev5 ) an 9consi/5t _*_recordset_/_:1

"s fields may n 2 updata#4 ,= example1 y

c't *ange ! value (a _+_counter_: field1

&a _*_recordset_/_: bas$ on c]ta9 atta*$

.19consi/5t dynaset4 ,? all[s y     #bfc

to freely *ange values on ! 8"o0 side (

! rela;n%ip4

;;;,set ,my,set "7 ,my,db4"

 ,open,recordset"<,7,sales ,totals,71""



  ^1,important ,:5 y update an 9consi/5t

dynaset1 y c easily de/roy ! rela;nal

9tegr;y ( ! data 9 ! dynaset4 ,y m/ take

c>e to "u/& h[ ! data is relat$ acr !

"o-to-_m rela;n%ip & update ! values on

bo? sides 9 a way t pres]ves data



  ,! ,,,db.-inconsistent, op;n is

available only = dynaset-type

^1,recordset objects4 ,x's ignor$ =

table- & snap%ot-types4

  ,ev5 ) an 9consi/5t ^1,recordset1 "s

fields may n 2 updatable4 ,= example1 y

c't *ange ! value ( a ,c.t] field1 & a

^1,recordset bas$ on c]ta9 atta*$   #bbc

ta#s may n 2 updata#4              a#bfc

    ,delet+ an ,exi/+ ,record

  ,y c delete an exi/+ record 9 a ta#-

or dynaset-type _*_recordset_/_: us+ !

_*_delete_/_: me?od4 ,y c't delete

records f a snap%ot-type

_*_recordset_/_:4 ,! foll[+ example

deletes all ! records = tra9ees 9 a ta#

"nd _+_employees_:4

tables may n 2 updatable4          a#bfc

    ,delet+ an ,exi/+ ,record

  ,y c delete an exi/+ record 9 a table-

or dynaset-type ^1,recordset us+ !

^1,delete me?od4 ,y c't delete records f

a snap%ot-type ^1,recordset4 ,! foll[+

example deletes all ! records = tra9ees

9 a table "nd ,employees4


_dim _my_db _as _database, _&      b#bfc

 _my_set _as _recordset

_set _my_db = _>dbe_<ngine._&


_set _my_set = _&



_do _until _my_set._>eof

  _if _my_set![_title] = _&

 "_trainee" _then


  _end _if





  ,:5 y use ! _*_delete_/_: me?od1

,micros(t ,a3ess immly deletes ! curr5t

record1 )\t any w>n+ or prompt+4 ,delet+

a record doesn't automatic,y cause !

next record 62come ! curr5t

;;;,dim ,my,db ,as ,database1""    b#bfc

 ,my,set ,as ,recordset

,set ,my,db "7 ,d,b,engine4"


,set ,my,set "7 ,my,db4,open,recordset"



,do ,until ,my,set4,,eof

  ,if ,my,set6.<,title.> "7""

 ,7,trainee,7 ,then


  ,end ,if





  ,:5 y use ! ^1,delete me?od1 ,micros(t

,a3ess immly deletes ! curr5t record1

)\t any w>n+ or prompt+4 ,delet+ a

record doesn't automatically cause !

next record to 2come ! curr5t       #bbg

record2 6move 6! next record y     c#bfc

m/ use ! _*_move_next_/_: me?od4

      77 ,= m details on ! _*_delete_/_:

    me?od1 se>* _+_help_: = 8,delete40


    ,a4+ a ,new ,record

  ,a4+ a new record 6a dynaset- or ta#-

type _*_recordset_/_: is a ?ree-/ep


,f/1 use ! _*_add_new_/_: me?od 6prep>e

  a new record = $it+4

,second1 assign values 6ea* (! record's


,?ird1 use ! _*_update_/_: me?od 6save !

  new record4

  ,! foll[+ example a4s a new record 6a

ta# "nd _+_shippers_:4

record2 to move to ! next record   c#bfc

y m/ use ! ^1,move,next me?od4

      ,= m details on ! ^1,delete me?od1

    se>* ,help = 8,delete40


    ,add+ a ,new ,record

  ,add+ a new record to a dynaset- or

table-type ^1,recordset is a ?ree-/ep


_4 ,f/1 use ! ^1,add,new me?od to prep>e

  a new record = $it+4

_4 ,second1 assign values to ea* ( !

  record's fields4

_4 ,?ird1 use ! ^1,update me?od to save

  ! new record4

  ,! foll[+ example adds a new record to

a table "nd ,%ipp]s4


_dim _my_db _as _database, _&      a#bfd

 _my_set _as _recordset

_set _my_db = _>dbe_<ngine._&


_set _my_set = _my_db._open_recordset_&



_my_set![_company _name] = "_global _&

 _parcel _service"


    _' _set remaining fields.




  ,:5 y use ! _*_add_new_/_: me?od1

,micros(t ,a3ess prep>es a new1 blank

record & makes x ! curr5t record4 ,:5 y

use ! _*_update_/_: me?od 6save ! new

record1 ! record t 0 curr5t 2f y us$

_*_add_new_/_: 2comes ! curr5t record

ag4 ,! new record's posi;n 9 !

;;;,dim ,my,db ,as ,database1""    a#bfd

 ,my,set ,as ,recordset

,set ,my,db "7 ,d,b,engine4"


,set ,my,set "7 ,my,db4,open,recordset"



,my,set6.<,company ,name.> "7""

 ,7,global ,parcel ,service,7


    ' ,set remaining fields4




  ,:5 y use ! ^1,add,new me?od1

,micros(t ,a3ess prep>es a new1 blank

record & makes x ! curr5t record4 ,:5 y

use ! ^1,update me?od to save ! new

record1 ! record t 0 curr5t 2f y us$

^1,add,new 2comes ! curr5t record ag4 ,!

new record's posi;n 9 !             #bca

_*_recordset_/_: dep5ds on :e!r    b#bfd

y a4$ ! record 6a dynaset- or a ta#-type


  ,if y add a record 6a dynaset-type

_*_recordset_/_:1 ! new record appe>s at

! 5d (! _*_recordset_/_:1 no matt] h[ !

_*_recordset_/_: is sort$4 ,6=ce ! new

record 6appe> 9 xs prop]ly sort$ posi;n1

ei recr1te ! _*_recordset_/_: or cr1te a

second _*_recordset_/_: bas$ on !


  ,if y add a record 6a ta#-type

_*_recordset_/_:1 ! record appe>s

posi;n$ ac 6! curr5t 9dex1 or at ! 5d (!

ta# if "! is no prim>y key & no curr5t


^1,recordset dep5ds on :e!r y      b#bfd

add$ ! record to a dynaset- or a table-

type ^1,recordset4

  ,if y add a record to a dynaset-type

^1,recordset1 ! new record appe>s at !

5d ( ! ^1,recordset1 no matt] h[ !

^1,recordset is sort$4 ,to =ce ! new

record to appe> 9 xs prop]ly sort$

posi;n1 ei recr1te ! ^1,recordset or

cr1te a second ^1,recordset bas$ on !


  ,if y add a record to a table-type

^1,recordset1 ! record appe>s posi;n$ ac

to ! curr5t 9dex1 or at ! 5d ( ! table

if "! is no prim>y key & no curr5t 9dex4


77777777777777777777777777777777   c#bfd

  .,important ,if y use ! _*_add_new_/_:

me?od 6add a new record1 & !n move

6ano!r record or close !

_*_recordset_/_: )\t f/ us+ !

_*_update_/_: me?od1 yr *anges >e lo/

)\t w>n+4 ,= example1 omitt+ !

_*_update_/_: me?od f ! prec$+ example

results 9 no *anges 2+ made 6!

_+_shippers_: ta#4


      77 ,= a4i;nal 9=m,n on !

    _*_add_new_/_: me?od1 se>* _+_help_:

    = 8,add,new40


    ,mak+ ,bulk ,*anges

  ,_m (! *anges y mi<t o!rwise p]=m 9 a

loop c 2 d"o m e6ici5tly ) an update or

delete qu]y4 ,= example1 ! task ( *ang+

all ! job titles = sales repres5tatives1

illu/rat$ 9 s"eal previ\s examples

0loop+ "? ea* employee's record &

9spect+ ! exi/+ job title1 c 2 qkly

a3ompli%$ 0an update qu]y4

77777777777777777777777777777777   c#bfd

  ^1,important ,if y use ! ^1,add,new

me?od to add a new record1 & !n move to

ano!r record or close ! ^1,recordset )\t

f/ us+ ! ^1,update me?od1 yr *anges >e

lo/ )\t w>n+4 ,= example1 omitt+ !

^1,update me?od f ! prec$+ example

results 9 no *anges 2+ made to ! ,%ipp]s



      ,= addi;nal 9=ma;n on ! ^1,add,new

    me?od1 se>* ,help = 8,add,new40


    ,mak+ ,bulk ,*anges

  ,_m ( ! *anges y mi<t o!rwise p]=m 9 a

loop c 2 d"o m e6ici5tly ) an update or

delete qu]y4 ,= example1 ! task ( *ang+

all ! job titles = sales repres5tatives1

illu/rat$ 9 s"eal previ\s examples by

loop+ "? ea* employee's record & 9spect+

! exi/+ job title1 c 2 qkly a3ompli%$ by

an update qu]y4


_dim _my_db _as _database, _&      a#bfe

 _my_query _as _query_def

_set _my_db = _>dbe_<ngine._&


_set _my_query = _my_db._&


_my_query._name = "_change _job _titles"

    _' _create query.

_my_query._>sql = "_>update _&

 _>distinctrow _employees _>set _&

 _employees!_title = '_account _&

 _executive' _>where _employees!_&

 _title = '_sales _representative';"

    _' _set _>sql property.

_my_db._query_defs._append _my_query


    _' _invoke query.


    _' _close query.

_my_db._query_defs._delete _&


    _' _delete query.

;;;,dim ,my,db ,as ,database1""    a#bfe

 ,my,query ,as ,query,def

,set ,my,db "7 ,d,b,engine4"


,set ,my,query "7 ,my,db4"


,my,query4,name "7 ,7,change ,job""


    ' ,create query4

,my,query4,,sql "7 ,7,,,update""

 distinctrow, ,employees ,,set""

 ,employees6,title "7 ',account""

 ,executive' ,,where ,employees6,title""

 "7 ',sales ,representative'2,7

    ' ,set ,,sql property4

,my,db4,query,defs4,append ,my,query


    ' ,invoke query4


    ' ,close query4



    ' ,delete query4;               #bcg

  ,dep5d+ on yr task1 y may al     b#bfe

f9d a delete qu]y is m e6ici5t ?an code

t loops "? records look+ = records


    ,us+ ,transac;ns 6,3trol ,*anges

  ,(t51 65=ce data 9tegr;y1 a set (

op],ns m/ 2 3sid]$ z a s+le unit4 ,=

example1 ! transf] ( funds f "o bank

a3.t 6ano!r 3si/s ( two op],ns3 5t]+ a

debit 9 "o a3.t &a mat*+ cr$it 9 ! o!r

a3.t4 ,9 practice1 ei bo? op],ns m/

su3e$ or nei op],n %d 2 process$4

  ,9 ? situ,n1 ! debit & cr$it op],ns >e

a s+le unit1 or a .transac;n4 ,9

,micros(t ,a3ess1 a transac;n is a set (

op],ns t >e .-mitt$ 7sav$7 if & only if

all (! op],ns su3e$4 ,if any (! op],ns

fails1 all (! op],ns t su3e$$ >e .roll$

.back 7c.el$71 &! data is return$ 6!

/ate x 0 9 2f ! transac;n 2gan4

  ,a3ess ,basic supports ?ree transac;n

me?ods3 "o = />t+1 "o = -mitt+1

  ,dep5d+ on yr task1 y may al     b#bfe

f9d a delete qu]y is m e6ici5t ?an code

t loops "? records look+ = records to


   ,us+ ,transac;ns to ,3trol ,*anges

  ,(t51 to 5=ce data 9tegr;y1 a set (

op]a;ns m/ 2 3sid]$ z a s+le unit4 ,=

example1 ! transf] ( funds f "o bank

a3.t to ano!r 3si/s ( two op]a;ns3 5t]+

a debit 9 "o a3.t & a mat*+ cr$it 9 !

o!r a3.t4 ,9 practice1 ei bo? op]a;ns m/

su3e$ or nei op]a;n %d 2 process$4

  ,9 ? situa;n1 ! debit & cr$it op]a;ns

>e a s+le unit1 or a .1transac;n4 ,9

,micros(t ,a3ess1 a transac;n is a set (

op]a;ns t >e .1committ$ "<sav$"> if &

only if all ( ! op]a;ns su3e$4 ,if any (

! op]a;ns fails1 all ( ! op]a;ns t

su3e$$ >e .7roll$ back. "<c.el$">1 & !

data is return$ to ! /ate x 0 9 2f !

transac;n 2gan4

  ,a3ess ,basic supports ?ree transac;n

me?ods3 "o = />t+1 "o = committ+1   #bci

& "o = roll+ back a transac;n3     c#bfe

,! _*_begin_trans_/_: me?od 2g9s a new


,! _*_commit_trans_/_: me?od -mits all

  *anges made 6data s9ce ! mo/ rec5t

  _*_begin_trans_/_: me?od4


,! _*_rollback_/_: me?od rolls back1 or

  c.els1 all *anges made 6data s9ce !

  mo/ rec5t _*_begin_trans_/_: me?od4

  _*_begin_trans, _commit_trans_/, and

_*_rollback_/_: >e all me?ods (!

_*_workspace_/_: object4

  ,! foll[+ example *anges ! job title (

all sales repres5tatives 9 !

_+_employees_: ta# (! curr5t database4

,af ! _*_begin_trans_/_: me?od />ts a

transac;n t isolates all ! *anges made

6! _+_employees_: ta#1 !

_*_commit_trans_/_: me?od saves !

*anges4 ,notice t y c use !

_*_rollback_/_: me?od 6undo *anges t y

sav$ )! _*_update_/_: me?od4

& "o = roll+ back a transac;n3     c#bfe

_4 ,! ^1,begin,trans me?od 2g9s a new


_4 ,! ^1,commit,trans me?od commits all

  *anges made to data s9ce ! mo/ rec5t

  ^1,begin,trans me?od4


_4 ,! ^1,rollback me?od rolls back1 or

  c.els1 all *anges made to data s9ce !

  mo/ rec5t ^1,begin,trans me?od4

  ^7,begin,trans1 ,commit,trans1^ &

^1,rollback >e all me?ods ( !

^1,workspace object4

  ,! foll[+ example *anges ! job title (

all sales repres5tatives 9 ! ,employees

table ( ! curr5t database4 ,af !

^1,begin,trans me?od />ts a transac;n t

isolates all ! *anges made to !

,employees table1 ! ^1,commit,trans

me?od saves ! *anges4 ,notice t y c use

! ^1,rollback me?od to undo *anges t y

sav$ ) ! ^1,update me?od4


_function _change_title            a#bff

  _const _>mb__iconquestion = 32

  _const _>yes = _6

  _const _>yes__no = _4

  _dim _>crlf _as _string, _&

 _employee_name _as _string

  _dim _message _as _string, _prompt _&

 _as _string

  _dim _my_db _as _database, _&

 _my_work_space as _workspace, _&

 _my_table _as _recordset

  _>crlf = _chr$(13) & _chr$(10)

  _prompt = "_change title to _&

 _account _executive?"

  _' _get current database.

  _set _my_workspace = _>dbe_<ngine._&


  _set _my_db = _my_workspace._&


  _' _open table.

;;;,function ,change,title         a#bff

  ,const ,,,mb.-iconquestion, "7 #cb

  ,const ,,yes "7 #f

  ,const ,,,yes.-no, "7 #d

  ,dim ,,crlf ,as ,string1""

 ,employee,name ,as ,string

  ,dim ,message ,as ,string1 ,prompt""

 ,as ,string

  ,dim ,my,db ,as ,database1""

 ,my,work,space as ,workspace1""

 ,my,table ,as ,recordset

  ,,crlf "7 ,chr@s"<#ac"> @&""


  ,prompt "7 ,7,change title to""

 ,account ,executive8,7

  ' ,get current database4

  ,set ,my,workspace "7 ,d,b,engine4"


  ,set ,my,db "7 ,my,workspace4"


  ' ,open table4


  _set _my_table = _my_db._&       b#bff

 _open_recordset("_employees", _&



    _' _start of transaction scope.


  _do _until _my_table._>eof

    _if _my_table![_title] = _&

 "_sales _representative" _then

      _employee_name = _my_table!_&

 [_last _name] & ", _" & _my_table!_&

 [_first _name]

      _message = "_employee: _" & _&

 _employee_name & _>crlf & _>crlf

      _if _msg_box(_message & _&

 _prompt, _>mb__iconquestion & _&

 _>yes__no, "_change _job _title") = _&

 _>yes _then


    _' _enable editing.

        _my_table![_title] = _&

 "_account _executive"

  ,set ,my,table "7 ,my,db4"       b#bff




    ' ,start of transaction scope4

  ,do ,until ,my,table4,,eof

    ,if ,my,table6.<,title.> "7""

 ,7,sales ,representative,7 ,then

      ,employee,name "7 ,my,table6"

 .<,last ,name.> @& ,71 ,7 @&""

 ,my,table6.<,first ,name.>

      ,message "7 ,7,employee3 ,7 @&""

 ,employee,name @& ,,crlf @& ,,crlf

      ,if ,msg,box"<,message @&""

 ,prompt1 ,,,mb.-iconquestion @&""

 yes.-no1, ,7,change ,job ,title,7">""

 "7 ,,yes ,then


    ' ,enable editing4

        ,my,table6.<,title.> "7""

 ,7,account ,executive,7            #bde

    _' _change title.              c#bff


    _' _save changes.

      _end _if

    _end _if



    _' _move to next record.


  _if _msg_box("_save all changes?", _&

 _>mb__iconquestion + _>yes__no, _&

 "_save _changes") = _>yes _then


    _' _commit changes.



    _' _undo changes.

  _end _if


    _' _close table.


_end _function

    ' ,change title4               c#bff


    ' ,save changes4

      ,end ,if

    ,end ,if



    ' ,move to next record4


  ,if ,msg,box"<,7,save all""

 changes8,71 ,,,mb.-iconquestion "6""

 yes.-no1, ,7,save ,changes,7"> "7""

 ,,yes ,then


    ' ,commit changes4



    ' ,undo changes4

  ,end ,if


    ' ,close table4

,end ,function;                     #bdg

    ,transac;ns & ,p]=m.e          a#bfg

  ,9 a4i;n 65sur+ data 9tegr;y1

transac;ns >e important = improv+

database p]=m.e 9 _m situ,ns4

,transac;ns provide spe$ 9cr1ses 2c !y

tell ! ,jet database 5g9e :5 x c flu%

memory ca*es 6disk4 ,transac;ns bracket

relat$ op],ns s !y c 2 ca*$ 9 memory

until ei a _*_commit_trans_/ or

_*_rollback_/_: me?od o3urs4 ,/or+ a set

( op],ns 9 memory is m* fa/] ?an writ+ e

op],n 6disk1 z o3urs )\t transac;ns4

  ,transac;ns >e al a gd way 69cr1se

.3curr5cy--! numb] ( us]s t c a3ess a

database simultane\sly--in multius]

applic,ns4 ,= example1 ! foll[+ sequ;e

all[s m us]s 6get at data simultane\sly

)\t lock+ 3flicts3

    ,transac;ns & ,p]=m.e          a#bfg

  ,9 addi;n to 5sur+ data 9tegr;y1

transac;ns >e important = improv+

database p]=m.e 9 _m situa;ns4

,transac;ns provide spe$ 9cr1ses 2c !y

tell ! ,jet database 5g9e :5 x c flu%

memory ca*es to disk4 ,transac;ns

bracket relat$ op]a;ns s !y c 2 ca*$ 9

memory until ei a ^1,commit,trans or

^1,rollback me?od o3urs4 ,/or+ a set (

op]a;ns 9 memory is m* fa/] ?an writ+ e

op]a;n to disk1 z o3urs )\t transac;ns4

  ,transac;ns >e al a gd way to 9cr1se

.13curr5cy.',-! numb] ( us]s t c a3ess a

database simultane\sly,-9 multius]

applica;ns4 ,= example1 ! foll[+ sequ;e

all[s m us]s to get at data

simultane\sly )\t lock+ 3flicts3


_my_workspace._begin_trans         b#bfg

_my_rs = _my_db._open_recordset_&

 ("_long running query")


_debug._print _my_rs!_field1


      77 ,= m 9=m,n on writ+ applic,ns =

    use 9 a multius] 5viron;t1 see

    ,*apt] #ab1 8,develop+ ,multius]


       ,,5d ,,( ,,-put] ,,sample

               ,,9 ,,cbc

;;;,my,workspace4,begin,trans      b#bfg

,my,rs "7 ,my,db4,open,recordset"

 "<,7,long running query,7">


,debug4,print ,my,rs6,field#a


      ,= m 9=ma;n on writ+ applica;ns =

    use 9 a multius] 5viron;t1 see

    ,*apt] #ab1 8,develop+ ,multius]


      ,,,5d ( -put] sample 9 uebc,


              ,sample #f4


  ,? sample is transcrib$ us+ ..,brl

,code = ,*emical ,not,n .#aiig 7on left

h& pages7 &! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code z

( ,june #bjja 7on "r h& pages74

  ,9 ! ,,uebc sample1 *a9 & r+ diagrams

>e transcrib$ us+ grade "o mode4 ,runov]

locators 9 ^! diagrams >e prec$$ 0an ;r4


   ,*emi/ry ,sample 9 ,*emi/ry ,code


    ,neme? ,symbols

" 7#e7 basel9e 9dicator

. 7#df7 decimal po9t

@] g5]al ref];e 9dicator denot+ m>g9al


_ 7#def7 punctu,n 9dicator

( op5+ p>5!sis

) clos+ p>5!sis

; 7#ef7 2g9 subscript

" 7#e7 return 6basel9e af subscript

, 7#f7 ma!matical -ma

+ plus sign

$o "r >r[

,' 7#f1 #c7 transcrib]'s note symbol

@0 7#d1 #cef7 p]c5t sign

    ,*emi/ry ,code ,symbols

_3] s+le horizontal bond

_g] bold horizontal bond

_7] d\# horizontal bond

_ 7#def7 s+le v]tical bond

__ 7#def1 #def7 d\# v]tical bond

[o unlabel$ v]tex

       ,*emi/ry ,sample 9 ,,uebc


    ,,uebc ,symbols

.=,,, 2g9 capitaliz$ passage

.=, 72f a space7 5d capitaliz$ passage

.=.1 italic ^w

.=.7 2g9 italic passage

.=. 72f a space7 5d italic passage

.=; grade "o symbol

.=;; grade "o ^w

.=;;; 2g9 grade "o passage

.=;' 5d grade "o )9 a sequ;e

.=; 72f a space7 5d grade "o passage

.=,- da%

.=5 subscript next item

.="< op5+ p>5!sis

.="> clos+ p>5!sis

.=,- s+le horizontal bond

.=.,- d\# horizontal bond

.="6 plus sign

.="7 equal sign

.=\o "r >r[

.=,' transcrib]'s note symbol

.=.0 p]c5t sign                     #bee

    ,*emi/ry ,code ,symbols 73t47

_/ l[] left 6upp] "r oblique bond

_* upp] left 6l[] "r oblique bond

_// l[] left 6upp] "r1 d\#1 oblique bond

_v up-po9t+1 fill$ in1 oblique w$ge


    ,l9e ,symbols 9 ,,uebc

.=_ s+le v]tical l9e

.=__ d\# v]tical l9e

.="33 s+le horizontal l9e

.=> s+le "r-l1n+ diagonal l9e

.=< s+le left-l1n+ diagonal l9e

.=>> d\# "r-l1n+ diagonal l9e

.=w cross+ ) v]tical l9e

.=j "r corn] ) upw>d v]tical

  ,note3 ,,uebc does n yet provide =!

bold l9e or =! w$ge4



         ,b".3 ,,c>bohydrates3      #bbh

             ,,! ,,5]giz]s

      @] ,sug>s1 />*1 & cellulose >e all


  .,c>bohydrates >e -p.ds -pos$ ( only

?ree ele;ts--c>bon1 hydrog51 & oxyg54 ,=

example1 glucose1 ! key 5]gy-rel1s+

c>bohydrate 9 biological sy/ems1 has !

=mula ,c6,h12,o6_4 ,:5 s* =mulas 7 f/

4cov]$1 *emi/s 7 tempt$ 6write ! glucose

=mula z ,c6(,h2,o);6"--imply+ a *emical

-b9,n ( c>bon & wat]4 ,s1 !y 9v5t$ ! t]m

8c>bo-hydrate10 or wat]-3ta9+ c>bon

-p.d4 ,we n[ "k t wat] molecules >e n

actu,y pres5t 9 c>bohydrates1 b ! "n has


      @] ,e mo;t ( yr life1 c>bohydrates

    >e oxidiz$ 9 yr body 6produce 5]gy1

    ,c,o2, & ,h2,o_4

  ,c>bohydrates may 2 simple sug>s s* z

glucose or -pos$ ( two or m simple sug>

molecules -b9$ 9 v>i\s ways (,ta# #3)_4

,simple sug>s >e

         ,b4#c ,,,c>bohydrates3     #bbh

               ! 5]giz]s,

      ,sug>s1 />*1 & cellulose >e all


  .1,c>bohydrates >e comp.ds compos$ (

only ?ree ele;ts,-c>bon1 hydrog51 &

oxyg54 ,= example1 glucose1 ! key 5]gy-

rel1s+ c>bohydrate 9 biological sy/ems1

has ! =mula ;;,c5#f,h5#ab,o5#f4 ,:5 s*

=mulas 7 f/ 4cov]$1 *emi/s 7 tempt$ to

write ! glucose =mula z

;;,c5#f"<,h5#b,o">5#f;',-imply+ a

*emical comb9a;n ( c>bon & wat]4 ,s1 !y

9v5t$ ! t]m 8c>bo-hydrate10 or wat]-

3ta9+ c>bon comp.d4 ,we n[ "k t wat]

molecules >e n actually pres5t 9

c>bohydrates1 b ! "n has p]si/$4

      ,e mo;t ( yr life1 c>bohydrates >e

    oxidiz$ 9 yr body to produce 5]gy1

    ;;,c,o5#b1 & ;;,h5#b,o4

  ,c>bohydrates may 2 simple sug>s s* z

glucose or compos$ ( two or m simple

sug> molecules comb9$ 9 v>i\s ways

"<,table #c">4 ,simple sug>s >e     #bei

call$ .monosac*>ides4 ,! mo/       a#bbh

-mon monosac*>ide molecules 3ta9 five or

six c>bon atoms bond$ tgr4 ,z %[n 9

,figure #2, glucose (and mo/ o!r

monosac*>ides) c exi/ ei 9 a *a9 or a r+

=m4 ,d bo? =ms h ! same molecul> =mula8

(,*eck 0c.t+ ! atoms4)

      ,figure #2 ,/ructural =mulas =

    glucose4 ,! *a9 & r+ =ms >e

    9t]conv]ti#2 ! r+ =m predom9ates 9 !


  ,*a9 =m

       ,o,h  ,o,h  ,o,h  ,h    ,o,h  ,o

        _     _     _     _     _    __


        _     _     _     _     _

       ,h    ,h    ,h    ,o,h  ,h


               ,figure #2

call$ .1monosac*>ides4 ,! mo/      a#bbh

common monosac*>ide molecules 3ta9 five

or six c>bon atoms bond$ tgr4 ,z %[n 9

,figure #b1 glucose "<& mo/ o!r

monosac*>ides"> c exi/ ei 9 a *a9 or a

r+ =m4 ,d bo? =ms h ! same molecul>

=mula8 "<,*eck by c.t+ ! atoms4">

      ,figure #b ,/ructural =mulas =

    glucose4 ,! *a9 & r+ =ms >e

    9t]conv]tible2 ! r+ =m predom9ates 9

    ! body4

  ,*a9 =m

      ,o,h   ,o,h   ,o,h   ,h     ,o,h

       _      _      _      _      _


       _      _      _      _      _

      ,h     ,h     ,h    ,o,h    ,h




               ,figure #b           #bfa

  ,a r+ =m                         b#bbh





    ,h   _/  _#5     _*  ,h

     _  _/   _        _*  _

   #4_ _/   ,h         _* _#1

     [o                  [o

     _ _v              _v _

  ,h,o  _v ,o,h   ,h  _v ,o,h

       #3_v _      _ _v#2


           _        _

          ,h       ,o,h

            ,figure #2 (3t4)

  ,a r+ =m                         b#bbh



       #f _

         "33333 ,o

   ,h   > _ #e   <  ,h

    _  >  _       <  _

    _ >  ,h        < _

  #d >              < #a

    _ <  ,o,h ,h   > _

    _  <  _    _  >  _

   ,h,o < _    _ >  ,o,h


       #c _    _ #b

          _    _

         ,h   ,o,h

           ,figure #b "<3t4">       #bfc

      ,figure #3 ,=m,n (           c#bbh

    sucrose4 ,! two %ad$ _3],o,h gr\ps

    react )! elim9,n ( "o ,h2,o



  ,glucose+,fructose $o ,sucrose+,water


    $o ,c12,h22,o11+,h2,o





    ,h  _/ _      _* ,h

     _ _/ ,h       _* _

     [o              [o#a

     _ _v ,o,h ,h  _v _

  ,h,o  _v _    _ _v ,o,h


          _      _

         ,h     ,o,h

               ,figure #3

      ,figure #c ,=ma;n (          c#bbh

    sucrose4 ,! two %ad$ ,-,o,h gr\ps

    react ) ! elim9a;n ( "o ;;,h5#b,o


  ,glucose "6 ,fructose

    ;\o ,sucrose "6 ,wat]


    "6 ,c5#f,h5#ab,o5#f

    \o ,c5#ab,h5#bb,o5#aa "6 ,h5#b,o;



        "33333 ,o

  ,h   > _      <  ,h

   _  > ,h       <  _

   _ >            < _

   _ <  ,o,h ,h   > _ r#a

   _  <  _    _  >  _

  ,h,o < _    _ >  ,o,h


         _    _

        ,h   ,o,h

               ,figure #c           #bfe

                   ,o              d#bbh

      ,h,o,c,h2  _/  _*   

           _    _/    _*  

           _   _/      _*  ,h

           _  _/        _*  _

           _ _/          _* _

        #a+[o              [o#b

           _ _v  ,h ,h,o _v _

        ,h,o  _v  _  _  _v ,c,h2,o,h

               _v _  _ _v  


                _      _

               ,h,o   ,h  


            ,figure #3 (3t4)

                    ,o             d#bbh

                   >   <

      ,h,o,c,h5#b >     <

             _   >       <  ,h

             _  >         <  _

      r#a "6 _ >           < _ r#b

             _ <  ,h  ,h,o > _

             _  <  _   _  >  _

            ,h,o < _   _ >  ,c,h5#b,o,h


                   _   _

                  ,h,o ,h

           ,figure #c "<3t4">       #bfg

             ,c,h2,o,h             e#bbh



        ,h  _/ _      _*   ,h

         _ _/ ,h       _* _/

    #b$o [o              [o

         _ _v ,o,h ,h  _v _*

      ,h,o  _v _    _ _v   _* #c

              [o_gg][o      ,o

              _      _

             ,h     ,o,h

            ,figure #3 (3t4)

                ,c,h5#b,o,h        e#bbh


                "33333 ,o

          ,h   > _      <  ,h

           _  > ,h       <  >

    r#b \o _ >            <>

           _ <  ,o,h ,h   ><

           _  <  _    _  >  <  r#c

          ,h,o < _    _ >    ,o


                 _    _

                ,h   ,o,h

           ,figure #c "<3t4">       #bfi

                     ,o            f#bbh

                   _/  _*

      ,c,h2,o,h   _/    _*

       _*        _/      _*

        _*      _/        _*  

         _*    _/          _*    ,h

          _*  _/            _*  _/

            [o    ,h   ,h,o   [o#d

          _/  _v   _    _   _v  _*

         _/    _v  _    _  _v  ,c,h2,o,h

        _/      _v _    _ _v

       #c         [o_gg][o

                  _      _

                 ,o,h   ,h


            ,figure #3 (3t4)

      ,c,h5#b,o,h  ,o              f#bbh

         <        >   <

          <      >     <

           <    >       <  ,h

            <  >         <  >

             <>           <> r#d

             ><  ,h  ,h,o ><

            >  <  _   _  >  <

           r#c  < _   _ >    <

                  "333w   ,c,h5#b,o,h

                  _   _

                ,o,h ,h

      r#d "6 ,h5#b,o

           ,figure #c "<3t4">       #bga

  ,sug> molecules -pos$ ( two       #bbi

simple sug> units >e call$ .disac*>ides4

,sucrose (,c12,h22,o11--ord9>y ta# sug>)

is a disac*>ide 9 : ! r+ =ms ( glucose &

fructose >e jo9$ (see ,figure #3)_4 ,z !

molecul> /ructures su7e/1 monosac*>ides

& disac*>ides >e -pos$ ( pol> molecules4

,?us !y t5d 6be hi<ly solu# 9 wat]1 a

pol> solv5t4

      @] ,recall ! 8l 4solves l0 rule4

  ,polym]s -pos$ ( units ( simple sug>

molecules >e call$ .polysac*>ides

(,figure #4)_4 ,/>*1 a major -pon5t (

gra9s & _m vegeta#s1 is a polysac*>ide

-pos$ ( glucose units4 ,cellulose1 !

fibr\s or woody mat]ial ( plants &

trees1 is ano!r polysac*>ide =m$ f

glucose4 ,! types ( c>bohydrates >e

summ>iz$ 9 ,ta# #3_4

      @] ,rememb] ! 4cus.n ( polye?yl5e

    on page #201_4 ,a polym] is a l>ge

    molecule -pos$ ( _m small] molecul>

    units *emic,y bond$ tgr4

      ,figure #4 ,polysac*>ides4


  ,sug> molecules compos$ ( two     #bbi

simple sug> units >e call$

.1disac*>ides4 ,sucrose

"<;;,c5#ab,h5#bb,o5#aa;',-ord9>y table

sug>"> is a disac*>ide 9 : ! r+ =ms (

glucose & fructose >e jo9$ "<see ,figure

#c">4 ,z ! molecul> /ructures su7e/1

monosac*>ides & disac*>ides >e compos$ (

pol> molecules4 ,?us !y t5d to 2 hi<ly

soluble 9 wat]1 a pol> solv5t4

      ,recall ! 8l 4solves l0 rule4

  ,polym]s compos$ ( units ( simple sug>

molecules >e call$ .1polysac*>ides

"<,figure #d">4 ,/>*1 a major compon5t (

gra9s & _m vegetables1 is a polysac*>ide

compos$ ( glucose units4 ,cellulose1 !

fibr\s or woody mat]ial ( plants &

trees1 is ano!r polysac*>ide =m$ f

glucose4 ,! types ( c>bohydrates >e

summ>iz$ 9 ,table #c4

      ,rememb] ! 4cus.n ( polye?yl5e on

    page #bja4 ,a polym] is a l>ge

    molecule compos$ ( _m small]

    molecul> units *emically bond$ tgr4

      ,figure #d ,polysac*>ides4    #bgc

    ,/>* & cellulose >e bo?        a#bbi

    polym]s ( glucose4 ,!y di6] 9 !

    >range;ts (! bonds t jo9 ! glucose






    ,h    _/ _      _*    ,h

     _*  _/ ,h       _*  _/

       [o              [o

  _* _/  _v ,o,h ,h  _v  _* #a  

    ,o    _v _    _ _v    ,o


            _      _

           ,h     ,o,h

               ,figure #4

    ,/>* & cellulose >e bo?        a#bbi

    polym]s ( glucose4 ,!y di6] 9 !

    >range;ts ( ! bonds t jo9 ! glucose





        "333 ,o

  ,h   > _    <  ,h

   <  > ,h     <  >

    <>          <>

  < >< ,o,h ,h  >< r#a

  ,o  < _    _ > ,o


        _    _

       ,h   ,o,h

               ,figure #d           #bge

           ,c,h2,o,h               b#bbi



    ,h    _/ _      _*    ,h

     _*  _/ ,h       _*  _/

       [o              [o   

     _/  _v ,o,h ,h  _v  _* #b

    #a    _v _    _ _v    ,o


            _      _

           ,h     ,o,h




    ,h    _/ _      _*    ,h

     _*  _/ ,h       _*  _/

       [o              [o  

     _/  _v ,o,h ,h  _v  _* _/

    #b    _v _    _ _v     ,o


            _      _

           ,h     ,o,h

            ,figure #4 (3t4)

          ,c,h5#b,o,h              b#bbi


          "333 ,o

    ,h   > _    <  ,h

     <  > ,h     <  >

      <>          <>

      >< ,o,h ,h  >< r#b

     >  < _    _ > ,o

    r#a  "33333w

          _    _

         ,h   ,o,h



          "333 ,o

    ,h   > _    <  ,h

     <  > ,h     <  >

      <>          <>

      >< ,o,h ,h  >< >

     >  < _    _ > ,o

    r#b  "33333w

          _    _

         ,h   ,o,h

           ,figure #d "<3t4">       #bgg

  ,cellulose                       c#bbi



           [o_33],o        #a

   ,h    _/ _      _*    ,o

    _*  _/ ,h       _*  _/

      [o              [o

    _/  _v ,o,h ,h  _v  _*

   ,o    _v _    _ _v    ,h

  _/       [o_gg][o

           _      _

          ,h     ,o,h

            ,figure #4 (3t4)

  ,cellulose                       c#bbi



        "333 ,o

  ,h   > _    <   r#a

   <  > ,h     < ,o

    <>          <>

    >< ,o,h ,h  ><

  ,o  < _    _ > ,h

  >    "33333w

        _    _

       ,h   ,o,h

           ,figure #d "<3t4">       #bgi

           ,c,h2,o,h               d#bbi


            [o_33],o        #b   

    ,h    _/ _      _*    ,o

     _*  _/ ,h       _*  _/

       [o              [o   

     _/  _v ,o,h ,h  _v  _*

    #a    _v _    _ _v    ,h


            _      _

           ,h     ,o,h   


         ,h ,c,h2,o,h

          _* _

            [o_33],o       _/

    ,h    _/        _*    ,o

     _*  _/          _*  _/

       [o              [o    

     _/  _v ,o,h ,h  _v  _*

    #b    _v _    _ _v    ,h


            _      _

           ,h     ,o,h

            ,figure #4 (3t4)

          ,c,h5#b,o,h              d#bbi


          "333 ,o

    ,h   > _    <   r#b

     <  > ,h     < ,o

      <>          <>

      >< ,o,h ,h  ><

     >  < _    _ > ,h

    r#a  "33333w

          _    _

         ,h   ,o,h

       ,h ,c,h5#b,o,h

         < _

          "333 ,o

    ,h   >      <    >

     <  >        < ,o

      <>          <>

      >< ,o,h ,h  ><

     >  < _    _ > ,h

    r#b  "33333w

          _    _

         ,h   ,o,h

           ,figure #d "<3t4">       #bha

      @] ,c>bohydrates >e all      e#bbi

    sug>s or polym]s ( sug>s4

         ,ta# #3 ,,c>bohydrates

      ,',a s]ies ( ?ree dot #5s 9dicates

    a blank space 9 pr9t4 ,pr9t column

    =m *ang$ z foll[s3

    ,classific,n2 ,-posi;n or ,=mula

      ,examples2 ,-posi;n

        ,-mon ,"n or ,s\rce,'  


,monosac*>ides2 ,c6,h12,o6

  ,glucose2 --

    ,blood sug>

  ,fructose2 --

    ,fruit sug>

  ,galactose2 --


                ,ta# #3

      ,c>bohydrates >e all sug>s   e#bbi

    or polym]s ( sug>s4

        ,table #c ,,c>bohydrates

      ,',a s]ies ( ?ree dot #es 9dicates

    a blank space 9 pr9t4 ,pr9t column

    =m *ang$ z foll[s3

    ,classifica;n2 ,composi;n or ,=mula

      ,examples2 ,composi;n

        ,common ,"n or ,s\rce,'


,monosac*>ides2 ;;,c5#f,h5#ab,o5#f

  ,glucose2 ,-

    ,blood sug>

  ,fructose2 ,-

    ,fruit sug>

  ,galactose2 ,-


               ,table #c            #bhc

,disac*>ides2 ,c12,h22,o11         f#bbi

  ,sucrose2 ,fructose+glucose

    ,cane sug>

  ,lactose2 ,galactose+glucose

    ,milk sug>

  ,maltose2 ,glucose+glucose

    ,g]m9at+ se$s

,polysac*>ides2 ,glucose polym]s

  ,/>*2 """


  ,glycog52 """


  ,cellulose2 """



             ,ta# #3 (3t4)

,disac*>ides2                      f#bbi


  ,sucrose2 ,fructose "6 glucose

    ,cane sug>

  ,lactose2 ,galactose "6 glucose

    ,milk sug>

  ,maltose2 ,glucose "6 glucose

    ,g]m9at+ se$s

,polysac*>ides2 ,glucose polym]s

  ,/>*2 """


  ,glycog52 """


  ,cellulose2 """



           ,table #c "<3t4">        #bhe

  ,dur+ photosyn!sis1 gre5         g#bbi

plants produce glucose4 ,! ov]all reac;n

is z foll[s3

  #6,c,o2+6,h2,o+686 kcal

    $o ,c6,h12,o6+6,o2

  ,c>bon dioxide+,water+,solar energy

    $o ,glucose+,oxygen gas

,plants build ^! glucose molecules ei

96/>* = 5]gy /orage1 or 96cellulose1

2com+ "p (! plant's /ructure4


,sug>s & />* >e rapidly dige/$ 9 yr

body1 mak+ !m 3v5i5t s\rces ( 5]gy4

,cellulose is n dige/$4 ,! glucose units

9 cellulose >e bond$ tgr di6]5tly ?an !y

>e 9 />* (see ,figure #4)_4 ,! sli<t

di6];e 9 bond+ makes cellulose 9dige/i#

0mo/ animals4 ,h["e1 cellulose1 "s"ts

call$ fib]1 is ne$$ 9 ! diet 6keep !

dige/ive sy/em func;n+ prop]ly4

      @] ,"! >e excep;ns--c[s & t]mites1

    = example1 c dige/ cellulose4

  ,sug>s & />* >e ! major 5]gy-deliv]+

sub/.es 9 \r diets4 ,ev5 !

  ,dur+ photosyn!sis1 gre5         g#bbi

plants produce glucose4 ,! ov]all reac;n

is z foll[s3

  #f,c,o5#b "6 #f,h5#b,o "6 #fhf kcal

    ;\o ,c;5#f,h5#ab,o5#f "6 #f,o5#b

  ,c>bon dioxide "6 ,wat] "6 ,sol> 5]gy

    ;\o ,glucose "6 ,oxyg5 gas

,plants build ^! glucose molecules ei

9to />* = 5]gy /orage1 or 9to cellulose1

2com+ "p ( ! plant's /ructure4


,sug>s & />* >e rapidly dige/$ 9 yr

body1 mak+ !m 3v5i5t s\rces ( 5]gy4

,cellulose is n dige/$4 ,! glucose units

9 cellulose >e bond$ tgr di6]5tly ?an !y

>e 9 />* "<see ,figure #d">4 ,! sli<t

di6];e 9 bond+ makes cellulose

9dige/ible by mo/ animals4 ,h["e1

cellulose1 "s"ts call$ fib]1 is ne$$ 9 !

diet to keep ! dige/ive sy/em func;n+


      ,"! >e excep;ns,-c[s & t]mites1 =

    example1 c dige/ cellulose4

  ,sug>s & />* >e ! major 5]gy-deliv]+

sub/.es 9 \r diets4 ,ev5 !          #bhg

smalle/ muscle twit* or ?"\        a#bcj

requires 5]gy4 ,! body obta9s mo/ ( ?

5]gy 0burn+ ! glucose molecules 9 sug>s

& />*4 ,ea* gram ( c>bohydrate deliv]s

ab #4 ,calories ( 5]gy4

      @] #1 ;g carbohydrate

    .k #4 ,cal 5]gy

  ,nutri;ni/s recomm5d t ab #60@0 ( food

5]gy -e f c>bohydrates4 ,mo/ (! _w's

popul,n obta9s c>bohydrates 0eat+ gra9s4

,^! gra9s >e (t5 3sum$ z rice1 corn m1l1

:1t tortillas1 br1d1 & pa/a4 ,9 ! ,unit$

,/ates we t5d 6eat m :1t br1ds &

potatoes = c>bohydrates ?an p d else":4

,9 all c.tries1 fruits & vegeta#s al

provide c>bohydrates4 ,m1ts provide a

small am.t ( c>bohydrate 9 ! =m (

glycog51 : is h[ animals /ore glucose4

,on av]age1 ea* ,u4,s4 citiz5 3sumes m

?an #90 lb (40 kg) ( ta# sug> ea* ye> 9

b"eages1 br1ds1 & cakes & z a sweet5]4

,a #12-\nce non-diet cola dr9k 3ta9s n9e

t1spoons ( sug>4

smalle/ muscle twit* or ?"\        a#bcj

requires 5]gy4 ,! body obta9s mo/ ( ?

5]gy by burn+ ! glucose molecules 9

sug>s & />*4 ,ea* gram ( c>bohydrate

deliv]s ab #d ,calories ( 5]gy4

      #a ;g c>bohydrate "7 #d ,cal 5]gy

  ,nutri;ni/s recomm5d t ab #fj.0 ( food

5]gy come f c>bohydrates4 ,mo/ ( ! _w's

popula;n obta9s c>bohydrates by eat+

gra9s4 ,^! gra9s >e (t5 3sum$ z rice1

corn m1l1 :1t tortillas1 br1d1 & pa/a4

,9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates we t5d to eat m :1t

br1ds & potatoes = c>bohydrates ?an p d

else":4 ,9 all c.tries1 fruits &

vegetables al provide c>bohydrates4

,m1ts provide a small am.t ( c>bohydrate

9 ! =m ( glycog51 : is h[ animals /ore

glucose4 ,on av]age1 ea* ,u4,s4 citiz5

3sumes m ?an #ij lb "<#dj kg"> ( table

sug> ea* ye> 9 b"eages1 br1ds1 & cakes &

z a sweet5]4 ,a #ab-ounce non-diet cola

dr9k 3ta9s n9e t1spoons ( sug>4


             ,b".4 ,,fats3         b#bcj

    ,,/or$ ,,5]gy ,,) ,a ,,bad ,,"n

  ,unlike c>bohydrate & prote91 ! ^w

8fat0 has acquir$ xs [n g5]al (and "s:at

negative) m1n+4 ,6mo/ p1 8,y're too fat0

m1ns t ! p]son looks ov]wei<t4 ,h["e1 f

a *emi/'s po9t ( view1 .fats >e a major

category ( biomolecules : h _! [n

special "*i/ics & func;ns1 j z

c>bohydrates & prote9s d4

  ,fats >e a significant "p ( \r diet4

,!y're pres5t 9 m1t1 fi%1 & p\ltry2

salad dress+s & oils2 dairy products2 &

gra9s4 ,:5 \r bodies take 9 m food ?an

is ne$$ = 5]gy1 m* (! excess is 3v]t$

6fat molecules & /or$ 9 ! body4 ,if food

9take is n l>ge 5 6supply ! body's 5]gy

ne$s1 ! body 2g9s 6burn /or$ fat4

  ,l c>bohydrates1 fats >e -pos$ (

c>bon1 hydrog51 & oxyg54 ,h["e1 fats

3ta9 less oxyg5 ?an c>bohydrates & 3ta9

m /or$ 5]gy4 ,gram-=-gram1 fat 3ta9s ov]

twice ! 5]gy f.d 9 c>bohydrates4

             ,b4#d ,,,fats3        b#bcj

         /or$ 5]gy ) a bad "n,

  ,unlike c>bohydrate & prote91 ! ^w

8fat0 has acquir$ xs [n g5]al "<& "s:at

negative"> m1n+4 ,to mo/ p1 8,y're too

fat0 m1ns t ! p]son looks ov]wei<t4

,h["e1 f a *emi/'s po9t ( view1 .1fats

>e a major category ( biomolecules : h

_! [n special "*i/ics & func;ns1 j z

c>bohydrates & prote9s d4

  ,fats >e a significant "p ( \r diet4

,!y're pres5t 9 m1t1 fi%1 & p\ltry2

salad dress+s & oils2 dairy products2 &

gra9s4 ,:5 \r bodies take 9 m food ?an

is ne$$ = 5]gy1 m* ( ! excess is 3v]t$

to fat molecules & /or$ 9 ! body4 ,if

food 9take is n l>ge 5 to supply !

body's 5]gy ne$s1 ! body 2g9s to burn

/or$ fat4

  ,l c>bohydrates1 fats >e compos$ (

c>bon1 hydrog51 & oxyg54 ,h["e1 fats

3ta9 less oxyg5 ?an c>bohydrates & 3ta9

m /or$ 5]gy4 ,gram-=-gram1 fat 3ta9s ov]

twice ! 5]gy f.d 9 c>bohydrates4    #bia

,fats >e g5],y nonpol> 9 nature    c#bcj

& >e only sp>+ly solu# 9 wat]4 ,2c ( _!

solubil;y & 5]gy-/or+ prop]ties1 fat

molecules >e m l hydroc>bons ?an


  ,fats >e memb]s (! class (

biomolecules call$ .lipids4 ,"s lipids

>e build] molecules t =m cell membranes4

,o!rs 2come horm"os--*emical mess5g]s t

regulate processes 9 ! body4

  ,a typical fat molecule is a -b9,n (a

simple ?ree-c>bon alcohol call$ .glyc]ol

) ?ree fatty acid molecules4 (,the =m,n

(a typical fat is %[n 9 ,figure #5_4)

.,fatty .acids >e a class ( -p.ds made

up (a l;g hydroc>bon *a9 )a c>boxyl gr\p

(_3],c,o,o,h) at "o 5d4 ,! reac;n

produc+ a fat molecule is simil> 6"o y

alr -plet$ 9 ! laboratory (page #204)--!

produc;n ( an e/]1 me?yl


salicylate4 ,h["e1 "h a molecule 3ta9+

.?ree _3],o,h gr\ps reacts ) .?ree

molecules ( acid4 ,?ree molecules

,fats >e g5]ally nonpol> 9         c#bcj

nature & >e only sp>+ly soluble 9 wat]4

,2c ( _! solubil;y & 5]gy-/or+

prop]ties1 fat molecules >e m l

hydroc>bons ?an c>bohydrates4

  ,fats >e memb]s ( ! class (

biomolecules call$ .1lipids4 ,"s lipids

>e build] molecules t =m cell membranes4

,o!rs 2come horm"os,-*emical mess5g]s t

regulate processes 9 ! body4

  ,a typical fat molecule is a comb9a;n

( a simple ?ree-c>bon alcohol call$

.1glyc]ol ) ?ree fatty acid molecules4

"<,! =ma;n ( a typical fat is %[n 9

,figure #e4"> .7,fatty acids. >e a class

( comp.ds made up ( a l;g hydroc>bon *a9

) a c>boxyl gr\p "<,-,c,o,o,h"> at "o

5d4 ,! reac;n produc+ a fat molecule is

simil> to "o y alr complet$ 9 !

laboratory "<page #bjd">,-! produc;n (

an e/]1 me?yl


salicylate4 ,h["e1 "h a molecule 3ta9+

.1?ree ,-,o,h gr\ps reacts ) .1?ree

molecules ( acid4 ,?ree molecules   #bic

( wat] >e elim9at$1 produc+ a      a#bca

molecule 3ta9+ ?ree e/] gr\ps 9/1d ( "o4

,s* a fat is "kn z a .triglyc]ide4

      ,figure #5 ,=m,n (a typical fat1 a

    triglyc]ide4 ,glyc]ol & ?ree

    molecules ( fatty acid -b9e 9 a

    3d5s,n reac;n 6=m a trie/] &

    elim9ate ?ree wat] molecules4

      ,',in pr9t1 a label is %[n 2n ea*

    seg;t4 ,9 brl1 ! labels >e 9 =mula

    ord] & plac$ abv ! *emical =mula4,'


  ,glycerol+,palmitic acid

    $o ,glyceryltripalmitate (a typical


               ,figure #5

( wat] >e elim9at$1 produc+ a      a#bca

molecule 3ta9+ ?ree e/] gr\ps 9/1d ( "o4

,s* a fat is "kn  z a .1triglyc]ide4

      ,figure #e ,=ma;n ( a typical fat1

    a triglyc]ide4 ,glyc]ol & ?ree

    molecules ( fatty acid comb9e 9

    3d5sa;n reac;n to =m a trie/] &

    elim9ate ?ree wat] molecules4

      ,',in pr9t1 a label is %[n 2n ea*

    seg;t4 ,9 brl1 ! labels >e 9 =mula

    ord] & plac$ abv ! *emical =mula4,'

  ,glyc]ol "6 ,palmitic acid

    ;\o ,glyc]yltripalmitate "<a typical

    fat"> "6 ,wat]

               ,figure #e           #bie

       ,h                          b#bca












            ,figure #5 (3t4)

      ,h                           b#bca











      "6 #c ,h,o,-,c,-"<,c,h5#b">5#ad


           ,figure #e "<3t4">       #big

            ,h                     c#bca




    $o ,h_3],c_3],o#b
















            ,figure #5 (3t4)

           ,h                      c#bca


       ,h,-,c,-,o r#a


    \o ,h,-,c,-,o r#b


       ,h,-,c,-,o r#c





      r#a ,-,c,-"<,c,h5#b">5#ad,-,c,h5#c



      r#b ,-,c,-"<,c,h5#b">5#ad,-,c,h5#c



      r#c ,-,c,-"<,c,h5#b">5#ad,-,c,h5#c

      "6 #c ,h5#b,o

           ,figure #e "<3t4">       #bii

      ,figure #6 ,typical fatty    d#bca


  (a) ,palmitic acid1 a saturat$ fatty


       ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h

        _    _    _    _    _    _    _


        _    _    _    _    _    _    _

       ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h

       ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h

        _    _    _    _    _    _    _


        _    _    _    _    _    _    _

       ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h

       ,h      ,o

        _    _//


        _    _*

       ,h     ,o,h

               ,figure #6

      ,figure #f ,typical fatty    d#bca


  "<a"> ,palmitic acid1 a saturat$ fatty


      ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h

       _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _


       _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _

      ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h

      ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h     ,o

       _   _   _   _   _   _    >>


       _   _   _   _   _   _    <

      ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h    ,o,h

               ,figure #f           #cja

  (b) ,l9ol5ic acid1 a             e#bca

    polyunsaturat$ fatty acid

       ,h   ,h             ,h

        _    _              _


        _    _    _    _    _    _    _

       ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h

       ,h             ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h

        _              _    _    _    _


        _    _    _    _    _    _    _

       ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h   ,h


       ,h   ,h   ,h      ,o        

        _    _    _    _//


        _    _    _    _*

       ,h   ,h   ,h     ,o,h

            ,figure #6 (3t4)

  "<;b"> ,l9ol5ic acid1 a          e#bca

    polyunsaturat$ fatty acid

      ,h  ,h           ,h           ,h

       _   _            _            _


       _   _   _    _   _   _    _   _

      ,h  ,h  ,h   ,h  ,h  ,h   ,h  ,h

               ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h

                _   _   _   _   _   _


       _    _   _   _   _   _   _   _

      ,h   ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h  ,h

      ,h     ,o

       _    >>


       _    <

      ,h    ,o,h

           ,figure #f "<3t4">       #cjc

  ,recall t hydroc>bons may 2      f#bca

saturat$ (:5 3ta9+ only s+le c>bon-c>bon

bonds) or unsaturat$ (:5 3ta9+ d\# or

triple c>bon-c>bon bonds)_4 ,likewise1

hydroc>bon *a9s 9 fatty acids >e ei

saturat$ (,figure #6a) or unsaturat$

(,figure #6b)_4 ,fats 3ta9+ saturat$

fatty acids >e call$ .saturat$ .fats2

fats 3ta9+ unsaturat$ fatty acids >e

call$ .unsaturat$ .fats4 ,2c ( di6];es 9

_! bonds1 saturat$ & unsaturat$ fats

"picipate di6]5tly 9 body *emi/ry4

              ,,yr ,,turn

    ,func;nal ,gr\ps 9 ,biomolecules

  ,z y 4cov]$ 9 ! ,petroleum unit1

func;nal gr\ps /r;gly 9flu;e ! prop]ties

( organic -p.ds4

  ,"s classes ( organic -p.ds 9 :

"picul> func;nal gr\ps appe> >e li/$ 2l1

) =mulas writt5 9 _! 3d5s$ =ms (ea* ;,r

repres5ts a hydroc>bon seg;t)_4

  ,recall t hydroc>bons may 2      f#bca

saturat$ "<:5 3ta9+ only s+le c>bon-

c>bon bonds"> or unsaturat$ "<:5 3ta9+

d\# or triple c>bon-c>bon bonds">4

,likewise1 hydroc>bon *a9s 9 fatty acids

>e ei saturat$ "<,figure #f;a"> or

unsaturat$ "<,figure #f;b">4 ,fats 3ta9+

saturat$ fatty acids >e call$ .7saturat$

fats2. fats 3ta9+ unsaturat$ fatty acids

>e call$ .7unsaturat$ fats4. ,2c (

di6];es 9 _! bonds1 saturat$ &

unsaturat$ fats "picipate di6]5tly 9

body *emi/ry4

              ,,,yr turn,

    ,func;nal ,gr\ps 9 ,biomolecules

  ,z y 4cov]$ 9 ! ,petroleum unit1

func;nal gr\ps /r;gly 9flu;e ! prop]ties

( organic comp.ds4

  ,"s classes ( organic comp.ds 9 :

"picul> func;nal gr\ps appe> >e li/$ 2l1

) =mulas writt5 9 _! 3d5s$ =ms "<ea* ;,r

repres5ts a hydroc>bon seg;t">4     #cje

  ,alcohol                         g#bca












  ,c>boxylic acid




  ,alcohol                         g#bca












  ,c>boxylic acid





  ,e/]                             h#bca





  ,a molecule may 3ta9 m ?an "o func;nal

gr\p4 ,= example1 look at ! /ructure (

cortisol (a lipid) 2l4 ,cortisol is a

horm"o :1 :5 rel1s$ dur+ />v,n1 makes x

possi# 6use 5]gy f prote94 ,note t

cortisol 3ta9s s"eal func;nal gr\ps3

?ree _3],o,h gr\ps1 two ,c_7],o gr\ps1 &

"o ,c_7],c d\# bond4

  ,e/]                             h#bca





  ,a molecule may 3ta9 m ?an "o func;nal

gr\p4 ,= example1 look at ! /ructure (

cortisol "<a lipid"> 2l4 ,cortisol is a

horm"o :1 :5 rel1s$ dur+ />va;n1 makes x

possible to use 5]gy f prote94 ,note t

cortisol 3ta9s s"eal func;nal gr\ps3

?ree ,-,o,h gr\ps1 two ,c.,-,o gr\ps1 &

"o ,c.,-,c d\ble bond4


  ,cortisol                        a#bcb





               ,h,o   [o   _  [o_3],o,h

                _*  _/  _* __/  _*

                  [o      [o      [o

                  _       _        _

          [o   _  [o      [o_3333][o

        _/  _* __/  _*  _/

      [o      [o      [o

      _        _       _

      [o      [o      [o

   _//  _* _//  _*  _/

  ,o      [o      [o

#1_4 ,ref] 6! two =ms ( glucose %[n 9

    ,figure #2_4

  ;a_4 ,draw bo? *a9 & r+ /ructures =


  ;b_4 ,circle & id5tify ! func;nal

    gr\p(s) f.d 9 ! *a9 /ructure4

  ;c_4 ,exam9e ! numb]+ (! c>bon

  ,cortisol                        a#bcb





         ,h,o    >  _  > ,-,o,h

            <   > < _ > <

             < >   < >   <

              _     _    _

        >  _  >     _    _

       > < _ > <   > "333j

      >   < >   < >

     _     _     _

    >><   >><    >

   >>  < >>  <  >

  ,o    <>    <>

#a4 ,ref] to ! two =ms ( glucose %[n 9

    ,figure #b4

  a4 ,draw bo? *a9 & r+ /ructures =


  ;b4 ,circle & id5tify ! func;nal

    gr\p"<s"> f.d 9 ! *a9 /ructure4

  ;c4 ,exam9e ! numb]+ ( ! c>bon    #caa

    atoms &! func;nal gr\ps        b#bcb

    atta*$ 6ea* c>bon atom4

  (1) ,: func;nal gr\ps app>5tly react

    6=m ! r+ /ructure8

  (2) ,on : c>bon atoms d ^! func;nal

    gr\ps appe>8

#2_4 ,-p>e ! /rai<t-*a9 /ructures (

    fructose & glucose (,see 2l4)

    ,describe ! di6];es 9 ! /ructures (

    ^! two monosac*>ides4

    atoms & ! func;nal gr\ps       b#bcb

    atta*$ to ea* c>bon atom4

  "<#a"> ,: func;nal gr\ps app>5tly

    react to =m ! r+ /ructure8

  "<#b"> ,on : c>bon atoms d ^! func;nal

    gr\ps appe>8

#b4 ,comp>e ! /rai<t-*a9 /ructures (

  fructose & glucose "<,see 2l4">

  ,describe ! di6];es 9 ! /ructures ( ^!

  two monosac*>ides4


  ,fructose                        c#bcb
















  ,fructose                        c#bcb

















  ,glucose                         d#bcb
















#3_4 ,9 g5]al1 alcohols react ) organic

  (c>boxylic) acids 6=m e/]s4 ,us+ !

  equ,n %[n 9 ,figure #5 z a guide1

  write an equ,n (9clud+ /ructures) =!

  reac;n ( /e>ic acid (a fatty acid) )

  glyc]ol 6=m glyc]yl tri/e>ate (a

  fat)_4 ,/e>ic acid has ?

  ,glucose                         d#bcb
















#c4 ,9 g5]al1 alcohols react ) organic

  "<c>boxylic"> acids to =m e/]s4 ,us+ !

  equa;n %[n 9 ,figure #e z a guide1

  write an equa;n "<9clud+ /ructures"> =

  ! reac;n ( /e>ic acid "<a fatty acid">

  ) glyc]ol to =m glyc]yl tri/e>ate "<a

  fat">4 ,/e>ic acid has ?          #cag

  /ructural =mula3                 e#bcb




#4_4 ,copy ! foll[+ molecul> /ructure on

    yr [n pap]3

             ,o                ,h   ,h

             __                 _    _




  ;a_4 ,circle & id5tify ! func;nal


  ;b_4 ,is ? molecule a c>bohydrate or a

    fatty acid8 ,:y8

  ;c_4 ,is x saturat$ or unsaturat$8


  ;d_4 ,rewrite ! molecul> /ructure 6%[

    ! c>bon atoms 9 a 3t9u\s *a94


      @] ,saturat$ fats appe> 63tribute

  /ructural =mula3                 e#bcb




#d4 ,copy ! foll[+ molecul> /ructure on

    yr [n pap]3

            ,o                  ,h   ,h

            __                   _    _



  a4 ,circle & id5tify ! func;nal


  ;b4 ,is ? molecule a c>bohydrate or a

    fatty acid8 ,:y8

  ;c4 ,is x saturat$ or unsaturat$8 ,:y8

  ;d4 ,rewrite ! molecul> /ructure to %[

    ! c>bon atoms 9 a 3t9u\s *a94

      ,saturat$ fats appe> to 3tribute


    6coron>y he>t 41se4            f#bcb

  ,! t]m .polyunsaturat$1 (t5 us$ 9 food

adv]tis+1 m1ns t ! food 3ta9s fats ) two

or m c>bon-c>bon d\# bonds 9 ea* fatty

acid molecule4 ,! t]m has 2come famili>

2c 9cr1s+ evid;e su7e/s t saturat$ fats

may 3tribute 6h1l? pro#ms1 :ile "s

unsaturat$ fats may n4 ,saturat$ fats >e

associat$ ) =m,n ( plaque (fat-l or

fibr\s matt]), : c block >t]ies4 ,!

result is a 3di;n "kn z 8h>d5+ (!

>t]ies10 or a!roscl]osis1 a "picul> ?r1t

6coron>y (he>t) >t]ies & >t]ies l1d+ 6!

bra94 ,if coron>y >t]ies >e block$1 a

he>t attack c result1 damag+ ! he>t


      ,,5d ,,( ,,*emi/ry ,,sample

          ,,9 ,,*emi/ry ,,code

    to coron>y he>t 41se4          f#bcb

  ,! t]m .1polyunsaturat$1 (t5 us$ 9

food adv]tis+1 m1ns t ! food 3ta9s fats

) two or m c>bon-c>bon d\ble bonds 9 ea*

fatty acid molecule4 ,! t]m has 2come

famili> 2c 9cr1s+ evid;e su7e/s t

saturat$ fats may 3tribute to h1l?

problems1 :ile "s unsaturat$ fats may n4

,saturat$ fats >e associat$ ) =ma;n (

plaque "<fat-l or fibr\s matt]">1 : c

block >t]ies4 ,! result is a 3di;n "kn z

8h>d5+ ( ! >t]ies10 or a!roscl]osis1 a

"picul> ?r1t to coron>y "<he>t"> >t]ies

& >t]ies l1d+ to ! bra94 ,if coron>y

>t]ies >e block$1 a he>t attack c

result1 damag+ ! he>t muscle4

     ,,,5d ( *emi/ry sample 9 uebc,

                ,,! ,,5d


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