,sample #d

    ,new & ,*ang$ ,symbols

^1 bold ^w

.1 italic ^w

.0 p]c5t

_4 bullet

4 "<bef"> decimal po9t

^j degrees

    ,3trac;ns ,n ,all[$

6 "<#bce"> to

96 "<#ce1 #bce"> 9to

0 "<#cef"> by


  ,! rate ( cool+ v>ies ac to ! moi/ure

3t5t ( ! air4 ,:5 ! air has a relative

humid;y ( #ajj.01 ^13d5s,n 2g9s1 & ?

a6ects ! cool+ rate3

_4 ,:5 3d5s,n is .1n o3urr+1 an air mass

  loses #a4j;,c^j = e #ajj ;m x rises4

_4 ,:5 3d5s,n .1is o3urr+1 an air mass

  loses h1t at a rate ( only #j4f;,c^j =

  e #ajj ;m4

  ,let's explore :y ? di6];e o3urs4 ,:5

wat] vap\r 3d5ses 9to liquid wat]1 h1t

is giv5 (f4 ,?us1 :5 air is ris+ &

3d5s,n is o3urr+1 two oppos+ *anges >e

tak+ place4 ,! ris+ air is cool$ by

expan.n :ile x is h1t$ by 3d5s,n ( xs

wat] vap\r4 ,! result is a l[] rate (



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