2012 General Assembly Papers
- Braille: a key to literacy, independence and employment by Pasha Alden (Word version)
- Braille: a key to literacy, independence and employment by Pasha Alden (formatted braille version)
- The impact of UEB (UBC) on African languages in South Africa by Ntshavheni Netshituni and Johannes Dube (Word version)
- The impact of UEB (UBC) on African languages in South Africa by Ntshavheni Netshituni and Johannes Dube (formatted braille version)
- Some challenges in teaching braille to adult beginners in multi-lingual South Africa by Hazel Marshall (Word version)
- Some challenges in teaching braille to adult beginners in multi-lingual South Africa by Hazel Marshall (formatted braille version)
- National certification in literary braille: standardizing professional competency in the braille code by Dr Edward Bell (Word version)
- National certification in literary braille: standardizing professional competency in the braille code by Dr Edward Bell (formatted braille version)
- Plan for an international certification in UEB proficiency, by Nancy Barker, Darleen Bogart, Jill Cooter and Phyllis Landon (word version)
- Plan for an international certification in UEB proficiency, by Nancy Barker, Darleen Bogart, Jill Cooter and Phyllis Landon (formatted braille version)
- The Trans-Tasman UEB proficiency certificate experience four years on by Josie Howse, Maria Stevens and Frances Gentle (Word version)
- The Trans-Tasman UEB proficiency certificate experience four years on by Josie Howse, Maria Stevens and Frances Gentle (formatted braille version)
- UEB in New Zealand four years on by Maria Stevens, Janet Reynolds, Steve Bellamy and Raeleen Smith (Word version)
- UEB in New Zealand four years on by Maria Stevens, Janet Reynolds, Steve Bellamy and Raeleen Smith (formatted braille version)
- Travelling the journey: implementing the Unified English Braille (UEB) code in the New South Wales education sector, putting it to bed and tucking it in by Josie Howse (Word version)
- The future of refreshable braille by Pete Osborne (Word version)
- The future of refreshable braille by Pete Osborne (formatted braille version)
- Braille implementation on iOS devices by Dr Judith M. Dixon (Powerpoint version)
- Braille implementation on iOS devices by Dr Judith M. Dixon (formatted braille version)
- Rapid braille, automated conversions from DAISY to Unified English Braille by Leona Holloway (Word version)
- Rapid braille, automated conversions from DAISY to Unified English Braille by Leona Holloway (formatted braille version)
- Selecting key words for I-M-ABLE - the individualized meaning-centered approach to braille literacy education by Dr Diane P. Wormsley (Word version)
- Selecting key words for I-M-ABLE - the individualized meaning-centered approach to braille literacy education by Dr Diane P. Wormsley (formatted braille version)